// Part of BNC, a utility for retrieving decoding and // converting GNSS data streams from NTRIP broadcasters. // // Copyright (C) 2007 // German Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG) // http://www.bkg.bund.de // Czech Technical University Prague, Department of Geodesy // http://www.fsv.cvut.cz // // Email: euref-ip@bkg.bund.de // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * BKG NTRIP Client * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Class: t_rnxObsFile * * Purpose: Reads RINEX Observation File * * Author: L. Mervart * * Created: 24-Jan-2012 * * Changes: * * -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include #include #include #include "rnxobsfile.h" #include "bncutils.h" #include "bnccore.h" using namespace std; const QString t_rnxObsHeader::defaultSystems = "GRES"; // Constructor //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// t_rnxObsHeader::t_rnxObsHeader() { _antNEU.ReSize(3); _antNEU = 0.0; _antXYZ.ReSize(3); _antXYZ = 0.0; _antBSG.ReSize(3); _antBSG = 0.0; _xyz.ReSize(3); _xyz = 0.0; _version = 0.0; _interval = 0.0; for (unsigned iPrn = 1; iPrn <= t_prn::MAXPRN_GPS; iPrn++) { _wlFactorsL1[iPrn] = 1; _wlFactorsL2[iPrn] = 1; } } // Destructor //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// t_rnxObsHeader::~t_rnxObsHeader() { } // Read Header //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// t_irc t_rnxObsHeader::read(QTextStream* stream, int maxLines) { _comments.clear(); int numLines = 0; while ( stream->status() == QTextStream::Ok && !stream->atEnd() ) { QString line = stream->readLine(); ++ numLines; if (line.isEmpty()) { continue; } if (line.indexOf("END OF FILE") != -1) { break; } QString value = line.mid(0,60).trimmed(); QString key = line.mid(60).trimmed(); if (key == "END OF HEADER") { break; } else if (key == "RINEX VERSION / TYPE") { QTextStream in(value.toAscii(), QIODevice::ReadOnly); in >> _version; } else if (key == "MARKER NAME") { _markerName = value; } else if (key == "MARKER NUMBER") { _markerNumber = line.mid(0,20).trimmed(); } else if (key == "ANT # / TYPE") { _antennaNumber = line.mid( 0,20).trimmed(); _antennaName = line.mid(20,20).trimmed(); } else if (key == "OBSERVER / AGENCY") { _observer = line.mid( 0,20).trimmed(); _agency = line.mid(20,40).trimmed(); } else if (key == "REC # / TYPE / VERS") { _receiverNumber = line.mid( 0,20).trimmed(); _receiverType = line.mid(20,20).trimmed(); _receiverVersion = line.mid(40,20).trimmed(); } else if (key == "INTERVAL") { QTextStream in(value.toAscii(), QIODevice::ReadOnly); in >> _interval; } else if (key == "COMMENT") { _comments << line.mid(0,60).trimmed(); } else if (key == "WAVELENGTH FACT L1/2") { QTextStream in(value.toAscii(), QIODevice::ReadOnly); int wlFactL1 = 0; int wlFactL2 = 0; int numSat = 0; in >> wlFactL1 >> wlFactL2 >> numSat; if (numSat == 0) { for (unsigned iPrn = 1; iPrn <= t_prn::MAXPRN_GPS; iPrn++) { _wlFactorsL1[iPrn] = wlFactL1; _wlFactorsL2[iPrn] = wlFactL2; } } else { for (int ii = 0; ii < numSat; ii++) { QString prn; in >> prn; if (prn[0] == 'G') { int iPrn; readInt(prn, 1, 2, iPrn); _wlFactorsL1[iPrn] = wlFactL1; _wlFactorsL2[iPrn] = wlFactL2; } } } } else if (key == "APPROX POSITION XYZ") { QTextStream in(value.toAscii(), QIODevice::ReadOnly); in >> _xyz[0] >> _xyz[1] >> _xyz[2]; } else if (key == "ANTENNA: DELTA H/E/N") { QTextStream in(value.toAscii(), QIODevice::ReadOnly); in >> _antNEU[2] >> _antNEU[1] >> _antNEU[0]; } else if (key == "ANTENNA: DELTA X/Y/Z") { QTextStream in(value.toAscii(), QIODevice::ReadOnly); in >> _antXYZ[0] >> _antXYZ[1] >> _antXYZ[2]; } else if (key == "ANTENNA: B.SIGHT XYZ") { QTextStream in(value.toAscii(), QIODevice::ReadOnly); in >> _antBSG[0] >> _antBSG[1] >> _antBSG[2]; } else if (key == "# / TYPES OF OBSERV") { QTextStream* in = new QTextStream(value.toAscii(), QIODevice::ReadOnly); int nTypes; *in >> nTypes; char sys0 = defaultSystems[0].toAscii(); _obsTypes[sys0].clear(); for (int ii = 0; ii < nTypes; ii++) { if (ii > 0 && ii % 9 == 0) { line = stream->readLine(); ++numLines; delete in; in = new QTextStream(line.left(60).toAscii(), QIODevice::ReadOnly); } QString hlp; *in >> hlp; _obsTypes[sys0].append(hlp); } for (int ii = 1; ii < defaultSystems.length(); ii++) { char sysI = defaultSystems[ii].toAscii(); _obsTypes[sysI] = _obsTypes[sys0]; } } else if (key == "SYS / # / OBS TYPES") { QTextStream* in = new QTextStream(value.toAscii(), QIODevice::ReadOnly); char sys; int nTypes; *in >> sys >> nTypes; _obsTypes[sys].clear(); for (int ii = 0; ii < nTypes; ii++) { if (ii > 0 && ii % 13 == 0) { line = stream->readLine(); ++numLines; delete in; in = new QTextStream(line.toAscii(), QIODevice::ReadOnly); } QString hlp; *in >> hlp; _obsTypes[sys].push_back(hlp); } delete in; } else if (key == "TIME OF FIRST OBS") { QTextStream in(value.toAscii(), QIODevice::ReadOnly); int year, month, day, hour, min; double sec; in >> year >> month >> day >> hour >> min >> sec; _startTime.set(year, month, day, hour, min, sec); } if (maxLines > 0 && numLines == maxLines) { break; } } return success; } // Write Header //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void t_rnxObsHeader::write(QTextStream* stream, const QMap* txtMap) const { QStringList newComments; QString runBy = BNC_CORE->userName(); if (txtMap) { QMapIterator it(*txtMap); while (it.hasNext()) { it.next(); if (it.key() == "RUN BY") { runBy = it.value(); } else if (it.key() == "COMMENT") { newComments = it.value().split("\\n", QString::SkipEmptyParts); } } } *stream << QString("%1 Observation data Mixed") .arg(_version, 9, 'f', 2) .leftJustified(60) << "RINEX VERSION / TYPE\n"; const QString fmtDate = (_version < 3.0) ? "dd-MMM-yy hh:mm" : "yyyyMMdd hhmmss UTC"; *stream << QString("%1%2%3") .arg(BNC_CORE->pgmName(), -20) .arg(runBy.trimmed().left(20), -20) .arg(QDateTime::currentDateTime().toUTC().toString(fmtDate), -20) .leftJustified(60) << "PGM / RUN BY / DATE\n"; QStringListIterator itCmnt(_comments + newComments); while (itCmnt.hasNext()) { *stream << itCmnt.next().trimmed().left(60).leftJustified(60) << "COMMENT\n"; } *stream << QString("%1") .arg(_markerName, -60) .leftJustified(60) << "MARKER NAME\n"; if (!_markerNumber.isEmpty()) { *stream << QString("%1") .arg(_markerNumber, -20) .leftJustified(60) << "MARKER NUMBER\n"; } *stream << QString("%1%2") .arg(_observer, -20) .arg(_agency, -40) .leftJustified(60) << "OBSERVER / AGENCY\n"; *stream << QString("%1%2%3") .arg(_receiverNumber, -20) .arg(_receiverType, -20) .arg(_receiverVersion, -20) .leftJustified(60) << "REC # / TYPE / VERS\n"; *stream << QString("%1%2") .arg(_antennaNumber, -20) .arg(_antennaName, -20) .leftJustified(60) << "ANT # / TYPE\n"; *stream << QString("%1%2%3") .arg(_xyz(1), 14, 'f', 4) .arg(_xyz(2), 14, 'f', 4) .arg(_xyz(3), 14, 'f', 4) .leftJustified(60) << "APPROX POSITION XYZ\n"; *stream << QString("%1%2%3") .arg(_antNEU(3), 14, 'f', 4) .arg(_antNEU(2), 14, 'f', 4) .arg(_antNEU(1), 14, 'f', 4) .leftJustified(60) << "ANTENNA: DELTA H/E/N\n"; if (_version < 3.0) { int defaultWlFact1 = _wlFactorsL1[1]; int defaultWlFact2 = _wlFactorsL2[1]; // TODO check all prns *stream << QString("%1%2") .arg(defaultWlFact1, 6) .arg(defaultWlFact2, 6) .leftJustified(60) << "WAVELENGTH FACT L1/2\n"; } *stream << obsTypesStrings().join(""); if (_interval > 0) { *stream << QString("%1") .arg(_interval, 10, 'f', 3) .leftJustified(60) << "INTERVAL\n"; } unsigned year, month, day, hour, min; double sec; _startTime.civil_date(year, month, day); _startTime.civil_time(hour, min, sec); *stream << QString("%1%2%3%4%5%6%7") .arg(year, 6) .arg(month, 6) .arg(day, 6) .arg(hour, 6) .arg(min, 6) .arg(sec, 13, 'f', 7) .arg("GPS", 8) .leftJustified(60) << "TIME OF FIRST OBS\n"; *stream << QString() .leftJustified(60) << "END OF HEADER\n"; } // Number of Different Systems //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int t_rnxObsHeader::numSys() const { return _obsTypes.size(); } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// char t_rnxObsHeader::system(int iSys) const { int iSysLocal = -1; QMapIterator > it(_obsTypes); while (it.hasNext()) { ++iSysLocal; it.next(); if (iSysLocal == iSys) { return it.key(); } } return ' '; } // Number of Observation Types (satellite-system specific) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int t_rnxObsHeader::nTypes(char sys) const { if (_obsTypes.contains(sys)) { return _obsTypes[sys].size(); } else { return 0; } } // Observation Type (satellite-system specific) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// QString t_rnxObsHeader::obsType(char sys, int index, double version) const { if (version == 0.0) { version = _version; } if (_obsTypes.contains(sys)) { QString origType = _obsTypes[sys].at(index); if (int(version) == int(_version)) { return origType; } else if (int(version) == 2) { return t_rnxObsFile::type3to2(origType); } else if (int(version) == 3) { return t_rnxObsFile::type2to3(origType); } } return ""; } // Write Observation Types //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// QStringList t_rnxObsHeader::obsTypesStrings() const { QStringList strList; if (_version < 3.0) { char sys0 = defaultSystems[0].toAscii(); QString hlp; QTextStream(&hlp) << QString("%1").arg(_obsTypes[sys0].size(), 6); for (int ii = 0; ii < _obsTypes[sys0].size(); ii++) { QTextStream(&hlp) << QString("%1").arg(_obsTypes[sys0][ii], 6); if ((ii+1) % 9 == 0 || ii == _obsTypes[sys0].size()-1) { strList.append(hlp.leftJustified(60) + "# / TYPES OF OBSERV\n"); hlp = QString().leftJustified(6); } } } else { QMapIterator > it(_obsTypes); while (it.hasNext()) { it.next(); char sys = it.key(); const QVector& types = it.value(); QString hlp; QTextStream(&hlp) << QString("%1 %2").arg(sys).arg(types.size(), 3); for (int ii = 0; ii < types.size(); ii++) { QTextStream(&hlp) << QString(" %1").arg(types[ii], -3); if ((ii+1) % 13 == 0 || ii == types.size()-1) { strList.append(hlp.leftJustified(60) + "SYS / # / OBS TYPES\n"); hlp = QString().leftJustified(6); } } } } return strList; } // Constructor //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// t_rnxObsFile::t_rnxObsFile(const QString& fileName, e_inpOut inpOut) { _inpOut = inpOut; _stream = 0; _flgPowerFail = false; if (_inpOut == input) { openRead(fileName); } else { openWrite(fileName); } } // Open for input //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void t_rnxObsFile::openRead(const QString& fileName) { _fileName = fileName; expandEnvVar(_fileName); _file = new QFile(_fileName); _file->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text); _stream = new QTextStream(); _stream->setDevice(_file); _header.read(_stream); // Guess Observation Interval // -------------------------- if (_header._interval == 0.0) { bncTime ttPrev; for (int iEpo = 0; iEpo < 10; iEpo++) { const t_rnxEpo* rnxEpo = nextEpoch(); if (!rnxEpo) { throw QString("t_rnxObsFile: not enough epochs"); } if (iEpo > 0) { double dt = rnxEpo->tt - ttPrev; if (_header._interval == 0.0 || dt < _header._interval) { _header._interval = dt; } } ttPrev = rnxEpo->tt; } _stream->seek(0); _header.read(_stream); } // Time of first observation // ------------------------- if (!_header._startTime.valid()) { const t_rnxEpo* rnxEpo = nextEpoch(); if (!rnxEpo) { throw QString("t_rnxObsFile: not enough epochs"); } _header._startTime = rnxEpo->tt; _stream->seek(0); _header.read(_stream); } } // Open for output //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void t_rnxObsFile::openWrite(const QString& fileName) { _fileName = fileName; expandEnvVar(_fileName); _file = new QFile(_fileName); _file->open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text); _stream = new QTextStream(); _stream->setDevice(_file); } // Destructor //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// t_rnxObsFile::~t_rnxObsFile() { close(); } // Close //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void t_rnxObsFile::close() { delete _stream; _stream = 0; delete _file; _file = 0; } // Handle Special Epoch Flag //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void t_rnxObsFile::handleEpochFlag(int flag, const QString& line, bool& headerReRead) { headerReRead = false; // Power Failure // ------------- if (flag == 1) { _flgPowerFail = true; } // Start moving antenna // -------------------- else if (flag == 2) { // no action } // Re-Read Header // -------------- else if (flag == 3 || flag == 4 || flag == 5) { int numLines = 0; if (version() < 3.0) { readInt(line, 29, 3, numLines); } else { readInt(line, 32, 3, numLines); } if (flag == 3 || flag == 4) { _header.read(_stream, numLines); headerReRead = true; } else { for (int ii = 0; ii < numLines; ii++) { _stream->readLine(); } } } // Unhandled Flag // -------------- else { throw QString("t_rnxObsFile: unhandled flag\n" + line); } } // Retrieve single Epoch //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// t_rnxObsFile::t_rnxEpo* t_rnxObsFile::nextEpoch() { _currEpo.clear(); if (version() < 3.0) { return nextEpochV2(); } else { return nextEpochV3(); } } // Retrieve single Epoch (RINEX Version 3) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// t_rnxObsFile::t_rnxEpo* t_rnxObsFile::nextEpochV3() { while ( _stream->status() == QTextStream::Ok && !_stream->atEnd() ) { QString line = _stream->readLine(); if (line.isEmpty()) { continue; } int flag = 0; readInt(line, 31, 1, flag); if (flag > 0) { bool headerReRead = false; handleEpochFlag(flag, line, headerReRead); if (headerReRead) { continue; } } QTextStream in(line.mid(1).toAscii(), QIODevice::ReadOnly); // Epoch Time // ---------- int year, month, day, hour, min; double sec; in >> year >> month >> day >> hour >> min >> sec; _currEpo.tt.set(year, month, day, hour, min, sec); // Number of Satellites // -------------------- int numSat; readInt(line, 32, 3, numSat); _currEpo.rnxSat.resize(numSat); _currEpo.version = _header._version; // Observations // ------------ for (int iSat = 0; iSat < numSat; iSat++) { line = _stream->readLine(); t_prn prn; prn.set(line.left(3).toAscii().data()); _currEpo.rnxSat[iSat].prn = prn; char sys = prn.system(); for (int iType = 0; iType < _header.nTypes(sys); iType++) { int pos = 3 + 16*iType; double obsValue = 0.0; int lli = 0; int snr = 0; readDbl(line, pos, 14, obsValue); readInt(line, pos + 14, 1, lli); readInt(line, pos + 15, 1, snr); if (_flgPowerFail) { lli |= 1; } QString type = obsType(sys, iType); _currEpo.rnxSat[iSat].obs[type].value = obsValue; _currEpo.rnxSat[iSat].obs[type].lli = lli; _currEpo.rnxSat[iSat].obs[type].snr = snr; } } _flgPowerFail = false; return &_currEpo; } return 0; } // Retrieve single Epoch (RINEX Version 2) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// t_rnxObsFile::t_rnxEpo* t_rnxObsFile::nextEpochV2() { while ( _stream->status() == QTextStream::Ok && !_stream->atEnd() ) { QString line = _stream->readLine(); if (line.isEmpty()) { continue; } int flag = 0; readInt(line, 28, 1, flag); if (flag > 0) { bool headerReRead = false; handleEpochFlag(flag, line, headerReRead); if (headerReRead) { continue; } } QTextStream in(line.toAscii(), QIODevice::ReadOnly); // Epoch Time // ---------- int year, month, day, hour, min; double sec; in >> year >> month >> day >> hour >> min >> sec; if (year < 80) { year += 2000; } else if (year < 100) { year += 1900; } _currEpo.tt.set(year, month, day, hour, min, sec); // Number of Satellites // -------------------- int numSat; readInt(line, 29, 3, numSat); _currEpo.rnxSat.resize(numSat); _currEpo.version = _header._version; // Read Satellite Numbers // ---------------------- int pos = 32; for (int iSat = 0; iSat < numSat; iSat++) { if (iSat > 0 && iSat % 12 == 0) { line = _stream->readLine(); pos = 32; } char sys = line.toAscii()[pos]; int satNum; readInt(line, pos + 1, 2, satNum); _currEpo.rnxSat[iSat].prn.set(sys, satNum); pos += 3; } // Read Observation Records // ------------------------ for (int iSat = 0; iSat < numSat; iSat++) { char sys = _currEpo.rnxSat[iSat].prn.system(); line = _stream->readLine(); pos = 0; for (int iType = 0; iType < _header.nTypes(sys); iType++) { if (iType > 0 && iType % 5 == 0) { line = _stream->readLine(); pos = 0; } double obsValue = 0.0; int lli = 0; int snr = 0; readDbl(line, pos, 14, obsValue); readInt(line, pos + 14, 1, lli); readInt(line, pos + 15, 1, snr); if (_flgPowerFail) { lli |= 1; } QString type = obsType(sys, iType); _currEpo.rnxSat[iSat].obs[type].value = obsValue; _currEpo.rnxSat[iSat].obs[type].lli = lli; _currEpo.rnxSat[iSat].obs[type].snr = snr; pos += 16; } } _flgPowerFail = false; return &_currEpo; } return 0; } // Set Header Information //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void t_rnxObsFile::setHeader(const t_rnxObsHeader& header, double version, const QStringList& useObsTypes) { if (version < 3.0) { _header._version = t_rnxObsHeader::defaultRnxObsVersion2; } else { _header._version = t_rnxObsHeader::defaultRnxObsVersion3; } _header._interval = header._interval; _header._antennaNumber = header._antennaNumber; _header._antennaName = header._antennaName; _header._markerName = header._markerName; _header._markerNumber = header._markerNumber; _header._antNEU = header._antNEU; _header._antXYZ = header._antXYZ; _header._antBSG = header._antBSG; _header._xyz = header._xyz; _header._observer = header._observer; _header._agency = header._agency; _header._receiverNumber = header._receiverNumber; _header._receiverType = header._receiverType; _header._receiverVersion = header._receiverVersion; _header._startTime = header._startTime; for (unsigned iPrn = 1; iPrn <= t_prn::MAXPRN_GPS; iPrn++) { _header._wlFactorsL1[iPrn] = header._wlFactorsL1[iPrn]; _header._wlFactorsL2[iPrn] = header._wlFactorsL2[iPrn]; } // Set observation types // --------------------- _header._obsTypes.clear(); if (useObsTypes.size() == 0) { _header._obsTypes = header._obsTypes; } else { if (_header._version < 3.0) { char sys0 = t_rnxObsHeader::defaultSystems[0].toAscii(); for (int ii = 0; ii < useObsTypes.size(); ii++) { _header._obsTypes[sys0].push_back(useObsTypes[ii]); } for (int ii = 1; ii < t_rnxObsHeader::defaultSystems.length(); ii++) { char sysI = t_rnxObsHeader::defaultSystems[ii].toAscii(); _header._obsTypes[sysI] = _header._obsTypes[sys0]; } } else { for (int ii = 0; ii < useObsTypes.size(); ii++) { if (useObsTypes[ii].indexOf(":") != -1) { QStringList hlp = useObsTypes[ii].split(":", QString::SkipEmptyParts); if (hlp.size() == 2 && hlp[0].length() == 1) { char sys = hlp[0][0].toAscii(); QString type = hlp[1]; _header._obsTypes[sys].push_back(type); } } else { QString type = useObsTypes[ii]; for (int ii = 0; ii < t_rnxObsHeader::defaultSystems.length(); ii++) { char sys = t_rnxObsHeader::defaultSystems[ii].toAscii(); _header._obsTypes[sys].push_back(type); } } } } } } // Write Data Epoch //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void t_rnxObsFile::writeEpoch(const t_rnxEpo* epo) { if (version() < 3.0) { return writeEpochV2(epo); } else { return writeEpochV3(epo); } } // Write Data Epoch (RINEX Version 2) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void t_rnxObsFile::writeEpochV2(const t_rnxEpo* epo) { unsigned year, month, day, hour, min; double sec; epo->tt.civil_date(year, month, day); epo->tt.civil_time(hour, min, sec); QString dateStr; QTextStream(&dateStr) << QString(" %1 %2 %3 %4 %5%6") .arg(int(fmod(year, 100)), 2, 10, QChar('0')) .arg(month, 2, 10, QChar('0')) .arg(day, 2, 10, QChar('0')) .arg(hour, 2, 10, QChar('0')) .arg(min, 2, 10, QChar('0')) .arg(sec, 11, 'f', 7); int flag = 0; *_stream << dateStr << QString("%1%2").arg(flag, 3).arg(epo->rnxSat.size(), 3); for (unsigned iSat = 0; iSat < epo->rnxSat.size(); iSat++) { const t_rnxSat& rnxSat = epo->rnxSat[iSat]; if (iSat > 0 && iSat % 12 == 0) { *_stream << endl << QString().leftJustified(32); } *_stream << rnxSat.prn.toString().c_str(); } *_stream << endl; for (unsigned iSat = 0; iSat < epo->rnxSat.size(); iSat++) { const t_rnxSat& rnxSat = epo->rnxSat[iSat]; char sys = rnxSat.prn.system(); for (int iType = 0; iType < nTypes(sys); iType++) { if (iType > 0 && iType % 5 == 0) { *_stream << endl; } QString type = obsType(sys, iType, epo->version); if (!rnxSat.obs.contains(type)) { *_stream << QString().leftJustified(16); } else { const t_rnxObs& rnxObs = rnxSat.obs[type]; if (rnxObs.value == 0.0) { *_stream << QString().leftJustified(16); } else { *_stream << QString("%1").arg(rnxObs.value, 14, 'f', 3); if (rnxObs.lli != 0.0) { *_stream << QString("%1").arg(rnxObs.lli,1); } else { *_stream << ' '; } if (rnxObs.snr != 0.0) { *_stream << QString("%1").arg(rnxObs.snr,1); } else { *_stream << ' '; } } } } *_stream << endl; } } // Write Data Epoch (RINEX Version 3) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void t_rnxObsFile::writeEpochV3(const t_rnxEpo* epo) { unsigned year, month, day, hour, min; double sec; epo->tt.civil_date(year, month, day); epo->tt.civil_time(hour, min, sec); QString dateStr; QTextStream(&dateStr) << QString("> %1 %2 %3 %4 %5%6") .arg(year, 4) .arg(month, 2, 10, QChar('0')) .arg(day, 2, 10, QChar('0')) .arg(hour, 2, 10, QChar('0')) .arg(min, 2, 10, QChar('0')) .arg(sec, 11, 'f', 7); int flag = 0; *_stream << dateStr << QString("%1%2\n").arg(flag, 3).arg(epo->rnxSat.size(), 3); for (unsigned iSat = 0; iSat < epo->rnxSat.size(); iSat++) { const t_rnxSat& rnxSat = epo->rnxSat[iSat]; char sys = rnxSat.prn.system(); *_stream << rnxSat.prn.toString().c_str(); for (int iType = 0; iType < nTypes(sys); iType++) { QString type = obsType(sys, iType, epo->version); if (!rnxSat.obs.contains(type)) { *_stream << QString().leftJustified(16); } else { const t_rnxObs& rnxObs = rnxSat.obs[type]; if (rnxObs.value == 0.0) { *_stream << QString().leftJustified(16); } else { *_stream << QString("%1").arg(rnxObs.value, 14, 'f', 3); if (rnxObs.lli != 0.0) { *_stream << QString("%1").arg(rnxObs.lli,1); } else { *_stream << ' '; } if (rnxObs.snr != 0.0) { *_stream << QString("%1").arg(rnxObs.snr,1); } else { *_stream << ' '; } } } } *_stream << endl; } } // Translate Observation Type v2 --> v3 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// QString t_rnxObsFile::type2to3(const QString& typeV2) { if (typeV2 == "P1") { return "C1P"; } else if (typeV2 == "P2") { return "C2P"; } return typeV2; } // Translate Observation Type v3 --> v2 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// QString t_rnxObsFile::type3to2(const QString& typeV3) { if (typeV3 == "C1P") { return "P1"; } else if (typeV3 == "C2P") { return "P2"; } return typeV3.left(2); } // Set Observations from RINEX File //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void t_rnxObsFile::setObsFromRnx(const t_rnxObsFile* rnxObsFile, const t_rnxObsFile::t_rnxEpo* epo, const t_rnxObsFile::t_rnxSat& rnxSat, t_satObs& obs) { obs._staID = rnxObsFile->markerName().toAscii().constData(); obs._prn = rnxSat.prn; obs._time = epo->tt; char sys = rnxSat.prn.system(); for (int iType = 0; iType < rnxObsFile->nTypes(sys); iType++) { QString type = rnxObsFile->obsType(sys, iType); if (rnxSat.obs.contains(type)) { const t_rnxObs& rnxObs = rnxSat.obs[type]; if (rnxObs.value != 0.0) { string type2ch(type.mid(1).toAscii().data()); t_frqObs* frqObs = 0; for (unsigned iFrq = 0; iFrq < obs._obs.size(); iFrq++) { if (obs._obs[iFrq]->_rnxType2ch == type2ch) { frqObs = obs._obs[iFrq]; break; } } if (frqObs == 0) { frqObs = new t_frqObs; frqObs->_rnxType2ch = type2ch; obs._obs.push_back(frqObs); } switch( type.toAscii().data()[0] ) { case 'C': frqObs->_codeValid = true; frqObs->_code = rnxObs.value; break; case 'L': frqObs->_phaseValid = true; frqObs->_phase = rnxObs.value; frqObs->_slip = (rnxObs.lli & 1); break; case 'D': frqObs->_dopplerValid = true; frqObs->_doppler = rnxObs.value; break; case 'S': frqObs->_snrValid = true; frqObs->_snr = rnxObs.value; break; } } } } }