// Part of BNC, a utility for retrieving decoding and // converting GNSS data streams from NTRIP broadcasters. // // Copyright (C) 2007 // German Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG) // http://www.bkg.bund.de // Czech Technical University Prague, Department of Geodesy // http://www.fsv.cvut.cz // // Email: euref-ip@bkg.bund.de // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * BKG NTRIP Client * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Class: t_reqcEdit * * Purpose: Edit/Concatenate RINEX Files * * Author: L. Mervart * * Created: 11-Apr-2012 * * Changes: * * -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include <iostream> #include "reqcedit.h" #include "bnccore.h" #include "bncsettings.h" #include "bncutils.h" #include "rnxobsfile.h" #include "rnxnavfile.h" using namespace std; // Constructor //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// t_reqcEdit::t_reqcEdit(QObject* parent) : QThread(parent) { bncSettings settings; _logFileName = settings.value("reqcOutLogFile").toString(); expandEnvVar(_logFileName); _logFile = 0; _log = 0; _obsFileNames = settings.value("reqcObsFile").toString().split(",", QString::SkipEmptyParts); _outObsFileName = settings.value("reqcOutObsFile").toString(); _navFileNames = settings.value("reqcNavFile").toString().split(",", QString::SkipEmptyParts); _outNavFileName = settings.value("reqcOutNavFile").toString(); int version = settings.value("reqcRnxVersion").toInt(); if (version < 3) { _rnxVersion = t_rnxObsHeader::defaultRnxObsVersion2; } else { _rnxVersion = t_rnxObsHeader::defaultRnxObsVersion3; } _samplingRate = settings.value("reqcSampling").toInt(); _begTime = bncTime(settings.value("reqcStartDateTime").toString().toAscii().data()); _endTime = bncTime(settings.value("reqcEndDateTime").toString().toAscii().data()); } // Destructor //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// t_reqcEdit::~t_reqcEdit() { for (int ii = 0; ii < _rnxObsFiles.size(); ii++) { delete _rnxObsFiles[ii]; } for (int ii = 0; ii < _ephs.size(); ii++) { delete _ephs[ii]; } delete _log; _log = 0; delete _logFile; _logFile = 0; } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void t_reqcEdit::run() { // Open Log File // ------------- _logFile = new QFile(_logFileName); if (_logFile->open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { _log = new QTextStream(); _log->setDevice(_logFile); } // Log File Header // --------------- if (_log) { *_log << QByteArray(78, '-') << endl; *_log << "Concatenation of RINEX Observation and/or Navigation Files\n"; *_log << QByteArray(78, '-') << endl; *_log << QByteArray("Program").leftJustified(15) << ": " << BNC_CORE->pgmName() << endl; *_log << QByteArray("Run by").leftJustified(15) << ": " << BNC_CORE->userName() << endl; *_log << QByteArray("Date").leftJustified(15) << ": " << QDateTime::currentDateTime().toUTC().toString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss") << endl; *_log << QByteArray("RINEX Version").leftJustified(15) << ": " << _rnxVersion << endl; *_log << QByteArray("Sampling").leftJustified(15) << ": " << _samplingRate << endl; *_log << QByteArray("Start time").leftJustified(15) << ": " << _begTime.datestr().c_str() << ' ' << _begTime.timestr(0).c_str() << endl; *_log << QByteArray("End time").leftJustified(15) << ": " << _endTime.datestr().c_str() << ' ' << _endTime.timestr(0).c_str() << endl; *_log << QByteArray("Input Obs Files").leftJustified(15) << ": " << _obsFileNames.join(",") << endl; *_log << QByteArray("Input Nav Files").leftJustified(15) << ": " << _navFileNames.join(",") << endl; *_log << QByteArray("Output Obs File").leftJustified(15) << ": " << _outObsFileName << endl; *_log << QByteArray("Output Nav File").leftJustified(15) << ": " << _outNavFileName << endl; *_log << QByteArray(78, '-') << endl; _log->flush(); } // Handle Observation Files // ------------------------ editObservations(); // Handle Navigations Files // ------------------------ editEphemerides(); // Exit (thread) // ------------- if (BNC_CORE->mode() != t_bncCore::interactive) { qApp->exit(0); } else { emit finished(); deleteLater(); } } // Initialize input observation files, sort them according to start time //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void t_reqcEdit::initRnxObsFiles(const QStringList& obsFileNames, QVector<t_rnxObsFile*>& rnxObsFiles, QTextStream* log) { QStringListIterator it(obsFileNames); while (it.hasNext()) { QString fileName = it.next(); if (fileName.indexOf('*') != -1 || fileName.indexOf('?') != -1) { QFileInfo fileInfo(fileName); QDir dir = fileInfo.dir(); QStringList filters; filters << fileInfo.fileName(); QListIterator<QFileInfo> it(dir.entryInfoList(filters)); while (it.hasNext()) { QString filePath = it.next().filePath(); t_rnxObsFile* rnxObsFile = 0; try { rnxObsFile = new t_rnxObsFile(filePath, t_rnxObsFile::input); rnxObsFiles.append(rnxObsFile); } catch (...) { delete rnxObsFile; if (log) { *log << "Error in rnxObsFile " << filePath.toAscii().data() << endl; } } } } else { t_rnxObsFile* rnxObsFile = 0; try { rnxObsFile = new t_rnxObsFile(fileName, t_rnxObsFile::input); rnxObsFiles.append(rnxObsFile); } catch (...) { if (log) { *log << "Error in rnxObsFile " << fileName.toAscii().data() << endl; } } } } qStableSort(rnxObsFiles.begin(), rnxObsFiles.end(), t_rnxObsFile::earlierStartTime); } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void t_reqcEdit::editObservations() { // Easy Exit // --------- if (_obsFileNames.isEmpty() || _outObsFileName.isEmpty()) { return; } t_reqcEdit::initRnxObsFiles(_obsFileNames, _rnxObsFiles, _log); // Initialize output observation file // ---------------------------------- t_rnxObsFile outObsFile(_outObsFileName, t_rnxObsFile::output); // Select observation types // ------------------------ bncSettings settings; QStringList useObsTypes = settings.value("reqcUseObsTypes").toString().split(" ", QString::SkipEmptyParts); // Put together all observation types // ---------------------------------- if (_rnxObsFiles.size() > 1 && useObsTypes.size() == 0) { for (int ii = 0; ii < _rnxObsFiles.size(); ii++) { t_rnxObsFile* obsFile = _rnxObsFiles[ii]; for (int iSys = 0; iSys < obsFile->numSys(); iSys++) { char sys = obsFile->system(iSys); if (sys != ' ') { for (int iType = 0; iType < obsFile->nTypes(sys); iType++) { QString type = obsFile->obsType(sys, iType); if (_rnxVersion < 3.0) { useObsTypes << type; } else { useObsTypes << QString(sys) + ":" + type; } } } } } useObsTypes.removeDuplicates(); } // Loop over all input observation files // ------------------------------------- for (int ii = 0; ii < _rnxObsFiles.size(); ii++) { t_rnxObsFile* obsFile = _rnxObsFiles[ii]; if (_log) { *_log << "Processing File: " << obsFile->fileName() << " start: " << obsFile->startTime().datestr().c_str() << ' ' << obsFile->startTime().timestr(0).c_str() << endl; } if (ii == 0) { outObsFile.setHeader(obsFile->header(), _rnxVersion, useObsTypes); if (_begTime.valid() && _begTime > outObsFile.startTime()) { outObsFile.setStartTime(_begTime); } if (_samplingRate > outObsFile.interval()) { outObsFile.setInterval(_samplingRate); } editRnxObsHeader(outObsFile); bncSettings settings; QMap<QString, QString> txtMap; QString runBy = settings.value("reqcRunBy").toString(); if (!runBy.isEmpty()) { txtMap["RUN BY"] = runBy; } QString comment = settings.value("reqcComment").toString(); if (!comment.isEmpty()) { txtMap["COMMENT"] = comment; } outObsFile.header().write(outObsFile.stream(), &txtMap); } t_rnxObsFile::t_rnxEpo* epo = 0; try { while ( (epo = obsFile->nextEpoch()) != 0) { if (_begTime.valid() && epo->tt < _begTime) { continue; } if (_endTime.valid() && epo->tt > _endTime) { break; } if (_samplingRate == 0 || fmod(round(epo->tt.gpssec()), _samplingRate) == 0) { applyLLI(obsFile, epo); outObsFile.writeEpoch(epo); } else { rememberLLI(obsFile, epo); } } } catch (QString str) { if (_log) { *_log << "Exception " << str << endl; } else { qDebug() << str; } return; } catch (...) { if (_log) { *_log << "Exception unknown" << endl; } else { qDebug() << "Exception unknown"; } return; } } } // Change RINEX Header Content //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void t_reqcEdit::editRnxObsHeader(t_rnxObsFile& obsFile) { bncSettings settings; QString oldMarkerName = settings.value("reqcOldMarkerName").toString(); QString newMarkerName = settings.value("reqcNewMarkerName").toString(); if (!newMarkerName.isEmpty()) { if (oldMarkerName.isEmpty() || QRegExp(oldMarkerName).exactMatch(obsFile.markerName())) { obsFile.setMarkerName(newMarkerName); } } QString oldAntennaName = settings.value("reqcOldAntennaName").toString(); QString newAntennaName = settings.value("reqcNewAntennaName").toString(); if (!newAntennaName.isEmpty()) { if (oldAntennaName.isEmpty() || QRegExp(oldAntennaName).exactMatch(obsFile.antennaName())) { obsFile.setAntennaName(newAntennaName); } } QString oldReceiverType = settings.value("reqcOldReceiverName").toString(); QString newReceiverType = settings.value("reqcNewReceiverName").toString(); if (!newReceiverType.isEmpty()) { if (oldReceiverType.isEmpty() || QRegExp(oldReceiverType).exactMatch(obsFile.receiverType())) { obsFile.setReceiverType(newReceiverType); } } } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void t_reqcEdit::rememberLLI(const t_rnxObsFile* obsFile, const t_rnxObsFile::t_rnxEpo* epo) { if (_samplingRate == 0) { return; } for (unsigned iSat = 0; iSat < epo->rnxSat.size(); iSat++) { const t_rnxObsFile::t_rnxSat& rnxSat = epo->rnxSat[iSat]; char sys = rnxSat.prn.system(); QString prn(rnxSat.prn.toString().c_str()); for (int iType = 0; iType < obsFile->nTypes(sys); iType++) { QString type = obsFile->obsType(sys, iType); if (!_lli[prn].contains(iType)) { _lli[prn][iType] = 0; } if (rnxSat.obs.contains(type) && rnxSat.obs[type].lli & 1) { _lli[prn][iType] |= 1; } } } } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void t_reqcEdit::applyLLI(const t_rnxObsFile* obsFile, t_rnxObsFile::t_rnxEpo* epo) { if (_samplingRate == 0) { return; } for (unsigned iSat = 0; iSat < epo->rnxSat.size(); iSat++) { t_rnxObsFile::t_rnxSat& rnxSat = epo->rnxSat[iSat]; char sys = rnxSat.prn.system(); QString prn(rnxSat.prn.toString().c_str()); for (int iType = 0; iType < obsFile->nTypes(sys); iType++) { QString type = obsFile->obsType(sys, iType); if (_lli[prn].contains(iType) && _lli[prn][iType] & 1) { if (rnxSat.obs.contains(type)) { rnxSat.obs[type].lli |= 1; } } } } _lli.clear(); } /// Read All Ephemerides //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void t_reqcEdit::readEphemerides(const QStringList& navFileNames, QVector<t_eph*>& ephs) { QStringListIterator it(navFileNames); while (it.hasNext()) { QString fileName = it.next(); if (fileName.indexOf('*') != -1 || fileName.indexOf('?') != -1) { QFileInfo fileInfo(fileName); QDir dir = fileInfo.dir(); QStringList filters; filters << fileInfo.fileName(); QListIterator<QFileInfo> it(dir.entryInfoList(filters)); while (it.hasNext()) { QString filePath = it.next().filePath(); appendEphemerides(filePath, ephs); } } else { appendEphemerides(fileName, ephs); } } qStableSort(ephs.begin(), ephs.end(), t_eph::earlierTime); } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void t_reqcEdit::editEphemerides() { // Easy Exit // --------- if (_navFileNames.isEmpty() || _outNavFileName.isEmpty()) { return; } // Read Ephemerides // ---------------- t_reqcEdit::readEphemerides(_navFileNames, _ephs); // Check Satellite Systems // ----------------------- bool haveGPS = false; bool haveGlonass = false; for (int ii = 0; ii < _ephs.size(); ii++) { const t_eph* eph = _ephs[ii]; if (eph->type() == t_eph::GPS) { haveGPS = true; } else if (eph->type() == t_eph::GLONASS) { haveGlonass = true; } } // Initialize output navigation file // --------------------------------- t_rnxNavFile outNavFile(_outNavFileName, t_rnxNavFile::output); outNavFile.setGlonass(haveGlonass); if ( (haveGPS && haveGlonass) || _rnxVersion >= 3.0) { outNavFile.setVersion(t_rnxNavFile::defaultRnxNavVersion3); } else { outNavFile.setVersion(t_rnxNavFile::defaultRnxNavVersion2); } bncSettings settings; QMap<QString, QString> txtMap; QString runBy = settings.value("reqcRunBy").toString(); if (!runBy.isEmpty()) { txtMap["RUN BY"] = runBy; } QString comment = settings.value("reqcComment").toString(); if (!comment.isEmpty()) { txtMap["COMMENT"] = comment; } outNavFile.writeHeader(&txtMap); // Loop over all ephemerides // ------------------------- for (int ii = 0; ii < _ephs.size(); ii++) { const t_eph* eph = _ephs[ii]; outNavFile.writeEph(eph); } } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void t_reqcEdit::appendEphemerides(const QString& fileName, QVector<t_eph*>& ephs) { t_rnxNavFile rnxNavFile(fileName, t_rnxNavFile::input); for (unsigned ii = 0; ii < rnxNavFile.ephs().size(); ii++) { t_eph* eph = rnxNavFile.ephs()[ii]; bool isNew = true; for (int iOld = 0; iOld < ephs.size(); iOld++) { const t_eph* ephOld = ephs[iOld]; if (ephOld->prn() == eph->prn() && ephOld->TOC() == eph->TOC()) { isNew = false; break; } } if (isNew) { if (eph->type() == t_eph::GPS) { ephs.append(new t_ephGPS(*dynamic_cast<t_ephGPS*>(eph))); } else if (eph->type() == t_eph::GLONASS) { ephs.append(new t_ephGlo(*dynamic_cast<t_ephGlo*>(eph))); } else if (eph->type() == t_eph::Galileo) { ephs.append(new t_ephGal(*dynamic_cast<t_ephGal*>(eph))); } } } }