// Part of BNC, a utility for retrieving decoding and
// converting GNSS data streams from NTRIP broadcasters.
// Copyright (C) 2007
// German Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG)
// http://www.bkg.bund.de
// Czech Technical University Prague, Department of Geodesy
// http://www.fsv.cvut.cz
// Email: euref-ip@bkg.bund.de
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* BKG NTRIP Client
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Class: t_pppWidgets
* Purpose: This class stores widgets for PPP options
* Author: L. Mervart
* Created: 29-Jul-2014
* Changes:
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "pppWidgets.h"
#include "qtfilechooser.h"
#include "bncsettings.h"
#include "bnccore.h"
using namespace std;
// Constructor
t_pppWidgets::t_pppWidgets() {
_dataSource = new QComboBox(); _dataSource ->setObjectName("PPP/dataSource"); _widgets << _dataSource;
_rinexObs = new qtFileChooser(); _rinexObs ->setObjectName("PPP/rinexObs"); _widgets << _rinexObs;
_rinexNav = new qtFileChooser(); _rinexNav ->setObjectName("PPP/rinexNav"); _widgets << _rinexNav;
_corrMount = new QLineEdit(); _corrMount ->setObjectName("PPP/corrMount"); _widgets << _corrMount;
_corrFile = new qtFileChooser(); _corrFile ->setObjectName("PPP/corrFile"); _widgets << _corrFile;
_crdFile = new qtFileChooser(); _crdFile ->setObjectName("PPP/crdFile"); _widgets << _crdFile;
_antexFile = new qtFileChooser(); _antexFile ->setObjectName("PPP/antexFile"); _widgets << _antexFile;
_logPath = new QLineEdit(); _logPath ->setObjectName("PPP/logPath"); _widgets << _logPath;
_nmeaPath = new QLineEdit(); _nmeaPath ->setObjectName("PPP/nmeaPath"); _widgets << _nmeaPath;
_snxtroPath = new QLineEdit(); _snxtroPath ->setObjectName("PPP/snxtroPath"); _widgets << _snxtroPath;
_snxtroSampl = new QSpinBox(); _snxtroSampl ->setObjectName("PPP/snxtroSampl"); _widgets << _snxtroSampl;
_snxtroIntr = new QComboBox(); _snxtroIntr ->setObjectName("PPP/snxtroIntr"); _widgets << _snxtroIntr;
_v3filenames = new QCheckBox(); _v3filenames ->setObjectName("PPP/v3filenames"); _widgets << _v3filenames;
_staTable = new QTableWidget(); _staTable ->setObjectName("PPP/staTable"); _widgets << _staTable;
_lcGPS = new QComboBox(); _lcGPS ->setObjectName("PPP/lcGPS"); _widgets << _lcGPS;
_lcGLONASS = new QComboBox(); _lcGLONASS ->setObjectName("PPP/lcGLONASS"); _widgets << _lcGLONASS;
_lcGalileo = new QComboBox(); _lcGalileo ->setObjectName("PPP/lcGalileo"); _widgets << _lcGalileo;
_lcBDS = new QComboBox(); _lcBDS ->setObjectName("PPP/lcBDS"); _widgets << _lcBDS;
_sigmaC1 = new QLineEdit(); _sigmaC1 ->setObjectName("PPP/sigmaC1"); _widgets << _sigmaC1;
_sigmaL1 = new QLineEdit(); _sigmaL1 ->setObjectName("PPP/sigmaL1"); _widgets << _sigmaL1;
_maxResC1 = new QLineEdit(); _maxResC1 ->setObjectName("PPP/maxResC1"); _widgets << _maxResC1;
_maxResL1 = new QLineEdit(); _maxResL1 ->setObjectName("PPP/maxResL1"); _widgets << _maxResL1;
_minObs = new QSpinBox(); _minObs ->setObjectName("PPP/minObs"); _widgets << _minObs;
_minEle = new QSpinBox(); _minEle ->setObjectName("PPP/minEle"); _widgets << _minEle;
_eleWgtCode = new QCheckBox(); _eleWgtCode ->setObjectName("PPP/eleWgtCode"); _widgets << _eleWgtCode;
_eleWgtPhase = new QCheckBox(); _eleWgtPhase ->setObjectName("PPP/eleWgtPhase"); _widgets << _eleWgtPhase;
_seedingTime = new QLineEdit(); _seedingTime ->setObjectName("PPP/seedingTime"); _widgets << _seedingTime;
_corrWaitTime = new QSpinBox(); _corrWaitTime->setObjectName("PPP/corrWaitTime"); _widgets << _corrWaitTime;
_addStaButton = new QPushButton("Add Station"); _widgets << _addStaButton;
_delStaButton = new QPushButton("Delete Station"); _widgets << _delStaButton;
_addStaButton->setWhatsThis(tr("Hit the 'Add Station' button to add a new line to the Station table.
_delStaButton->setWhatsThis(tr("Hit the 'Delete Station' button to delete a highlighted row from the Station table.
_plotCoordinates = new QLineEdit; _plotCoordinates ->setObjectName("PPP/plotCoordinates"); _widgets << _plotCoordinates;
_mapWinButton = new QPushButton; _mapWinButton ->setObjectName("PPP/mapWinButton"); _widgets << _mapWinButton;
_useGoogleMap = new QRadioButton; _useGoogleMap ->setObjectName("PPP/useGoogleMap"); _widgets << _useGoogleMap;
_useOpenStreetMap = new QRadioButton; _useOpenStreetMap->setObjectName("PPP/useOpenStreetMap"); _widgets << _useOpenStreetMap;
_audioResponse = new QLineEdit; _audioResponse ->setObjectName("PPP/audioResponse"); _widgets << _audioResponse;
_mapWinDotSize = new QLineEdit; _mapWinDotSize ->setObjectName("PPP/mapWinDotSize"); _widgets << _mapWinDotSize;
_mapWinDotColor = new QComboBox; _mapWinDotColor ->setObjectName("PPP/mapWinDotColor"); _widgets << _mapWinDotColor;
_mapSpeedSlider = new QSlider; _mapSpeedSlider ->setObjectName("PPP/mapSpeedSlider"); _widgets << _mapSpeedSlider;
_dataSource->addItems(QString(",Real-Time Streams,RINEX Files").split(","));
connect(_dataSource, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(const QString&)), this, SLOT(slotEnableWidgets()));
connect(_snxtroPath, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString &)),
this, SLOT(slotPPPTextChanged()));
#ifdef USE_PPP_SSR_I
#ifdef USE_PPP_SSR_I
#ifdef USE_PPP_SSR_I
#ifdef USE_PPP_SSR_I
_snxtroSampl->setSuffix(" sec");
_snxtroIntr->addItems(QString("1 min,2 min,5 min,10 min,15 min,30 min,1 hour,1 day").split(","));
_minEle->setSuffix(" deg");
_corrWaitTime->setSuffix(" sec");
QString("Station,Sigma N,Sigma E,Sigma H,Noise N,Noise E,Noise H,Tropo Sigma,Tropo Noise, NMEA Port").split(","));
connect(_addStaButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotAddStation()));
connect(_delStaButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotDelStation()));
_mapWinButton->setText("Open Map");
_mapSpeedSlider->setRange(1, 100);
connect(_mapSpeedSlider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), BNC_CORE, SIGNAL(mapSpeedSliderChanged(int)));
_staTable->setWhatsThis(tr("Specify values for Sigma and white Noise of the Station's North, East and Height coordinates in meters. Specify also a Sigma in meters for a-priory model based Tropospheric delays and for the delay's Noise in meters per second.
Specifying one record per station is mandatory. BNC will only process data for stations wich are listed here.
'Sigma' is meant to describe the uncertainty of a single coordinate or tropospheric delay estimated for one epoch. 'Noise' is meant to describe the variation of estimates from epoch to epoch.
- A Sigma of 100.0 meters may be an appropriate choice e.g. for the initial N/E/H coordinates. However, this value may be significantly smaller (i.e. 0.01) for stations with well known a-priory coordinates.
- A Noise of 100.0 meters for the estimated N/E/H coordinates may also be appropriate considering the potential movement of a rover position.
- A value of 0.1 meters may be an appropriate Sigma for the a-priory model based Tropospheric delay estimation.
- Specify a Noise to describe the expected variation of the tropospheric effect over time. Supposing 1Hz observation data, specifying a value of 3e-6 would mean that the tropospheric effect may vary for 3600 * 3e-6 = 0.01 meters per hour.
_seedingTime->setWhatsThis(tr("Enter the lenght of a startup period in seconds for which you want to fix the PPP solutions to known a-priory coordinates as introduced through option 'Coordinates'. Adjust 'Sigma N/E/H' in the PPP Stations table according to the coordinates precision. Fixing a-priory coordinates is done in BNC through setting 'Sigma N/E/H' temporarily to zero.
This option allows the PPP solution to rapidly converge. It requires that the antenna remains unmoved on the a-priory known position throughout the startup period.
A value of 60 is likely to be an appropriate choice.
Default is an empty option field, meaning that you don't want BNC to fix the PPP solutions during startup to known a-priory coordinates.
_corrWaitTime->setWhatsThis(tr("Specifying 'no' means that BNC will not wait for clock corrections and process each epoch of observation data immediately after arrival using the satellite clock corrections available at that time.
Specifying a non-zero value (i.e. 5 sec) means that data will be buffered and the processing of each buffered epoch is postponed till satellite clock corrections not older than '5 sec' (example) become available.
_plotCoordinates->setWhatsThis(tr("BNC allows to produce a time series plot of coordinate displacements for one of your PPP stations in the 'PPP Plot' tab below. Specify a 'Mountpoint' (when in 'Real-Time Streams' mode) or the 4-character station ID (when in 'RINEX Files' mode) to define the station whose coordinate displacements you would like to see plotted.
Note that this option makes only sense for a stationary receiver with known a-priori marker coordinates as specified through PPP option 'Coordinates'.
Default is an empty option field, meaning that BNC shall not produce a time series plot of PPP coordinate displacements.
_mapWinButton->setWhatsThis(tr("You make like to track your rover position using Google Maps or Open Street Map as a background map. Track maps can be produced with BNC in 'Realtime-PPP', 'Realtime-SPP' and 'Post-Processing' mode.
The 'Open Map' button opens a windows showing a map according to specified options.
Even in 'Post-Processing' mode you should not forget to specify a proxy under the 'Network' tab if that is operated in front of BNC because the programm needs to download the map data.
_useGoogleMap->setWhatsThis(tr("Specify Google Maps as the background for your rover positions.
_useOpenStreetMap->setWhatsThis(tr("Specify Open Street Map as the background for your rover positions.
_audioResponse->setWhatsThis(tr("Specify an 'Audio response' threshold in meters. A beep is produced by BNC whenever a horizontal PPP coordinate component differs by more than the threshold value from the a-priory marker coordinate.
Default is an empty option field, meaning that you don't want BNC to produce alarm signals.
_mapWinDotSize->setWhatsThis(tr("Specify the size of dots showing the rover positions on the track map.
A dot size of '3' may be appropriate. The maximum possible dot size is '10'. An empty option field or a size of '0' would mean that you don't want BNC to show the rover's track on the map.
_mapWinDotColor->setWhatsThis(tr("Specify the color of dots showing the rover track on the map.
_mapSpeedSlider->setWhatsThis(tr("With BNC in PPP post-processing mode you can specify the speed of computations as appropriate for 'Track map' visualization. Note that you can adjust 'speed' on-the-fly while BNC is already processing your observations.
t_pppWidgets::~t_pppWidgets() {
delete _dataSource;
delete _rinexObs;
delete _rinexNav;
delete _corrMount;
delete _corrFile;
delete _crdFile;
delete _antexFile;
delete _logPath;
delete _nmeaPath;
delete _snxtroPath;
delete _snxtroSampl;
delete _snxtroIntr;
delete _v3filenames;
for (int iRow = _staTable->rowCount()-1; iRow >=0; iRow--) {
delete _staTable;
delete _lcGPS;
delete _lcGLONASS;
delete _lcGalileo;
delete _lcBDS;
delete _sigmaC1;
delete _sigmaL1;
delete _maxResC1;
delete _maxResL1;
delete _minObs;
delete _minEle;
delete _eleWgtCode;
delete _eleWgtPhase;
delete _seedingTime;
delete _corrWaitTime;
delete _addStaButton;
delete _delStaButton;
delete _plotCoordinates;
delete _mapWinButton;
delete _useGoogleMap;
delete _useOpenStreetMap;
delete _audioResponse;
delete _mapWinDotSize;
delete _mapWinDotColor;
delete _mapSpeedSlider;
void t_pppWidgets::readOptions() {
bncSettings settings;
// ComboBoxes
// ----------
int ii = _dataSource->findText(settings.value(_dataSource->objectName()).toString());
if (ii != -1) {
ii = _lcGPS->findText(settings.value(_lcGPS->objectName()).toString());
if (ii != -1) {
ii = _lcGLONASS->findText(settings.value(_lcGLONASS->objectName()).toString());
if (ii != -1) {
ii = _lcGalileo->findText(settings.value(_lcGalileo->objectName()).toString());
if (ii != -1) {
ii = _lcBDS->findText(settings.value(_lcBDS->objectName()).toString());
if (ii != -1) {
ii = _snxtroIntr->findText(settings.value(_snxtroIntr->objectName()).toString());
if (ii != -1) {
// FileChoosers
// ------------
_rinexObs ->setFileName(settings.value(_rinexObs ->objectName()).toString());
_rinexNav ->setFileName(settings.value(_rinexNav ->objectName()).toString());
_corrFile ->setFileName(settings.value(_corrFile ->objectName()).toString());
_crdFile ->setFileName(settings.value(_crdFile ->objectName()).toString());
// LineEdits
// ---------
_corrMount ->setText(settings.value(_corrMount ->objectName()).toString());
_logPath ->setText(settings.value(_logPath ->objectName()).toString());
_nmeaPath ->setText(settings.value(_nmeaPath ->objectName()).toString());
_snxtroPath ->setText(settings.value(_snxtroPath ->objectName()).toString());
if (!settings.value(_sigmaC1->objectName()).toString().isEmpty()) {
else {
if (!settings.value(_sigmaL1->objectName()).toString().isEmpty()) {
else {
if (!settings.value(_maxResC1->objectName()).toString().isEmpty()) {
else {
if (!settings.value(_maxResL1->objectName()).toString().isEmpty()) {
else {
if (!settings.value(_seedingTime->objectName()).toString().isEmpty()) {
else {
// CheckBoxes
// ----------
_eleWgtCode ->setCheckState(Qt::CheckState(settings.value(_eleWgtCode ->objectName()).toInt()));
// SpinBoxex
// ---------
// Table with stations
// -------------------
for (int iRow = _staTable->rowCount()-1; iRow >=0; iRow--) {
int iRow = -1;
QListIterator it(settings.value(_staTable->objectName()).toStringList());
while (it.hasNext()) {
QStringList hlp = it.next().split(",");
for (int iCol = 0; iCol < hlp.size(); iCol++) {
_staTable->setItem(iRow, iCol, new QTableWidgetItem(hlp[iCol]));
// Plots and Maps
// --------------
_plotCoordinates ->setText(settings.value(_plotCoordinates->objectName()).toString());
_audioResponse ->setText(settings.value(_audioResponse->objectName()).toString());
_useGoogleMap ->setChecked(settings.value(_useGoogleMap->objectName()).toBool());
_mapWinDotSize ->setText(settings.value(_mapWinDotSize->objectName()).toString());
ii = _mapWinDotColor->findText(settings.value(_mapWinDotColor->objectName()).toString());
if (ii != -1) {
int speed = settings.value(_mapSpeedSlider->objectName()).toInt();
if (speed == 0) speed = _mapSpeedSlider->maximum();
void t_pppWidgets::saveOptions() {
bncSettings settings;
settings.setValue(_dataSource ->objectName(), _dataSource ->currentText());
settings.setValue(_rinexObs ->objectName(), _rinexObs ->fileName());
settings.setValue(_rinexNav ->objectName(), _rinexNav ->fileName());
settings.setValue(_corrMount ->objectName(), _corrMount ->text());
settings.setValue(_corrFile ->objectName(), _corrFile ->fileName());
settings.setValue(_crdFile ->objectName(), _crdFile ->fileName());
settings.setValue(_antexFile ->objectName(), _antexFile ->fileName());
settings.setValue(_logPath ->objectName(), _logPath ->text());
settings.setValue(_nmeaPath ->objectName(), _nmeaPath ->text());
settings.setValue(_snxtroPath ->objectName(), _snxtroPath ->text());
settings.setValue(_snxtroSampl ->objectName(), _snxtroSampl ->value());
settings.setValue(_v3filenames ->objectName(), _v3filenames ->checkState());
settings.setValue(_snxtroIntr ->objectName(), _snxtroIntr ->currentText());
settings.setValue(_lcGPS ->objectName(), _lcGPS ->currentText());
settings.setValue(_lcGLONASS ->objectName(), _lcGLONASS ->currentText());
settings.setValue(_lcGalileo ->objectName(), _lcGalileo ->currentText());
settings.setValue(_lcBDS ->objectName(), _lcBDS ->currentText());
settings.setValue(_sigmaC1 ->objectName(), _sigmaC1 ->text());
settings.setValue(_sigmaL1 ->objectName(), _sigmaL1 ->text());
settings.setValue(_corrWaitTime->objectName(), _corrWaitTime->value());
settings.setValue(_maxResC1 ->objectName(), _maxResC1 ->text());
settings.setValue(_maxResL1 ->objectName(), _maxResL1 ->text());
settings.setValue(_seedingTime ->objectName(), _seedingTime ->text());
settings.setValue(_minObs ->objectName(), _minObs ->value());
settings.setValue(_minEle ->objectName(), _minEle ->value());
settings.setValue(_eleWgtCode ->objectName(), _eleWgtCode ->checkState());
settings.setValue(_eleWgtPhase ->objectName(), _eleWgtPhase ->checkState());
QStringList staList;
for (int iRow = 0; iRow < _staTable->rowCount(); iRow++) {
QString hlp;
for (int iCol = 0; iCol < _staTable->columnCount(); iCol++) {
if (_staTable->item(iRow, iCol)) {
hlp += _staTable->item(iRow, iCol)->text() + ",";
if (!hlp.isEmpty()) {
staList << hlp;
settings.setValue(_staTable->objectName(), staList);
settings.setValue(_plotCoordinates ->objectName(), _plotCoordinates ->text());
settings.setValue(_audioResponse ->objectName(), _audioResponse ->text());
settings.setValue(_useGoogleMap ->objectName(), _useGoogleMap ->isChecked());
settings.setValue(_useOpenStreetMap->objectName(), _useOpenStreetMap->isChecked());
settings.setValue(_mapWinDotSize ->objectName(), _mapWinDotSize ->text());
settings.setValue(_mapWinDotColor ->objectName(), _mapWinDotColor ->currentText());
settings.setValue(_mapSpeedSlider ->objectName(), _mapSpeedSlider ->value());
void t_pppWidgets::slotEnableWidgets() {
const static QPalette paletteWhite(QColor(255, 255, 255));
const static QPalette paletteGray(QColor(230, 230, 230));
bool allDisabled = _dataSource->currentText() == "";
bool realTime = _dataSource->currentText() == "Real-Time Streams";
bool rinexFiles = _dataSource->currentText() == "RINEX Files";
QListIterator it(_widgets);
while (it.hasNext()) {
QWidget* widget = it.next();
if (realTime) {
else if (rinexFiles) {
// _plotCoordinates->setEnabled(false);
// _audioResponse->setEnabled(false);
if ( _snxtroPath->text() != "" && !allDisabled) {
_snxtroIntr ->setEnabled(true);
else {
_snxtroIntr ->setEnabled(false);
while (it.hasNext()) {
QWidget* widget = it.next();
if (widget->isEnabled()) {
else {
void t_pppWidgets::slotAddStation() {
int iRow = _staTable->rowCount();
for (int iCol = 0; iCol < _staTable->columnCount(); iCol++) {
if (iCol == 0) _staTable->setItem(iRow, iCol, new QTableWidgetItem(""));
if (iCol == 1) _staTable->setItem(iRow, iCol, new QTableWidgetItem("100.0"));
if (iCol == 2) _staTable->setItem(iRow, iCol, new QTableWidgetItem("100.0"));
if (iCol == 3) _staTable->setItem(iRow, iCol, new QTableWidgetItem("100.0"));
if (iCol == 4) _staTable->setItem(iRow, iCol, new QTableWidgetItem("100.0"));
if (iCol == 5) _staTable->setItem(iRow, iCol, new QTableWidgetItem("100.0"));
if (iCol == 6) _staTable->setItem(iRow, iCol, new QTableWidgetItem("100.0"));
if (iCol == 7) _staTable->setItem(iRow, iCol, new QTableWidgetItem("0.1"));
if (iCol == 8) _staTable->setItem(iRow, iCol, new QTableWidgetItem("3e-6"));
if (iCol == 9) _staTable->setItem(iRow, iCol, new QTableWidgetItem("0"));
void t_pppWidgets::slotDelStation() {
int nRows = _staTable->rowCount();
bool flg[nRows];
for (int iRow = 0; iRow < nRows; iRow++) {
if (_staTable->isItemSelected(_staTable->item(iRow,1))) {
flg[iRow] = true;
else {
flg[iRow] = false;
for (int iRow = nRows-1; iRow >= 0; iRow--) {
if (flg[iRow]) {
// PPP Text
void t_pppWidgets::slotPPPTextChanged(){
const static QPalette paletteWhite(QColor(255, 255, 255));
const static QPalette paletteGray(QColor(230, 230, 230));
// SNX TRO file sampling
// ---------------------
if (sender() == 0 || sender() == _snxtroPath) {
if ( _snxtroPath->text() != "" ) {
else {