// Part of BNC, a utility for retrieving decoding and
// converting GNSS data streams from NTRIP broadcasters.
// Copyright (C) 2007
// German Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG)
// http://www.bkg.bund.de
// Czech Technical University Prague, Department of Geodesy
// http://www.fsv.cvut.cz
// Email: euref-ip@bkg.bund.de
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * BKG NTRIP Client
 * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Class:      t_pppWidgets
 * Purpose:    This class stores widgets for PPP options
 * Author:     L. Mervart
 * Created:    29-Jul-2014
 * Changes:    
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/

#include <iostream>

#include "pppWidgets.h"
#include "qtfilechooser.h"
#include "bncsettings.h"
#include "bnccore.h"

using namespace std;

// Constructor
t_pppWidgets::t_pppWidgets() {

  _dataSource   = new QComboBox();     _dataSource  ->setObjectName("PPP/dataSource");   _widgets << _dataSource;  
  _rinexObs     = new qtFileChooser(); _rinexObs    ->setObjectName("PPP/rinexObs");     _widgets << _rinexObs;    
  _rinexNav     = new qtFileChooser(); _rinexNav    ->setObjectName("PPP/rinexNav");     _widgets << _rinexNav;    
  _corrMount    = new QLineEdit();     _corrMount   ->setObjectName("PPP/corrMount");    _widgets << _corrMount;
  _corrFile     = new qtFileChooser(); _corrFile    ->setObjectName("PPP/corrFile");     _widgets << _corrFile;    
  _crdFile      = new qtFileChooser(); _crdFile     ->setObjectName("PPP/crdFile");      _widgets << _crdFile;     
  _antexFile    = new qtFileChooser(); _antexFile   ->setObjectName("PPP/antexFile");    _widgets << _antexFile;   
  _logFile      = new QLineEdit();     _logFile     ->setObjectName("PPP/logFile");      _widgets << _logFile;     
  _nmeaFile     = new QLineEdit();     _nmeaFile    ->setObjectName("PPP/nmeaFile");     _widgets << _nmeaFile;    
  _nmeaPort     = new QLineEdit();     _nmeaPort    ->setObjectName("PPP/nmeaPort");     _widgets << _nmeaPort;    
  _staTable     = new QTableWidget();  _staTable    ->setObjectName("PPP/staTable");     _widgets << _staTable;    
  _lcGPS        = new QComboBox();     _lcGPS       ->setObjectName("PPP/lcGPS");        _widgets << _lcGPS;       
  _lcGLONASS    = new QComboBox();     _lcGLONASS   ->setObjectName("PPP/lcGLONASS");    _widgets << _lcGLONASS;   
  _lcGalileo    = new QComboBox();     _lcGalileo   ->setObjectName("PPP/lcGalileo");    _widgets << _lcGalileo;   
  _sigmaC1      = new QLineEdit();     _sigmaC1     ->setObjectName("PPP/sigmaC1");      _widgets << _sigmaC1;     
  _sigmaL1      = new QLineEdit();     _sigmaL1     ->setObjectName("PPP/sigmaL1");      _widgets << _sigmaL1;     
  _maxResC1     = new QLineEdit();     _maxResC1    ->setObjectName("PPP/maxResC1");     _widgets << _maxResC1;     
  _maxResL1     = new QLineEdit();     _maxResL1    ->setObjectName("PPP/maxResL1");     _widgets << _maxResL1;     
  _minObs       = new QSpinBox();      _minObs      ->setObjectName("PPP/minObs");       _widgets << _minObs;
  _minEle       = new QSpinBox();      _minEle      ->setObjectName("PPP/minEle");       _widgets << _minEle;
  _eleWgtCode   = new QCheckBox();     _eleWgtCode  ->setObjectName("PPP/eleWgtCode");   _widgets << _eleWgtCode;
  _eleWgtPhase  = new QCheckBox();     _eleWgtPhase ->setObjectName("PPP/eleWgtPhase");  _widgets << _eleWgtPhase;
  _seedingTime  = new QLineEdit();     _seedingTime ->setObjectName("PPP/seedingTime");  _widgets << _seedingTime;
  _corrWaitTime = new QSpinBox();      _corrWaitTime->setObjectName("PPP/corrWaitTime"); _widgets << _corrWaitTime;

  _addStaButton = new QPushButton("Add Station");    _widgets << _addStaButton;
  _delStaButton = new QPushButton("Delete Station"); _widgets << _delStaButton;

  _plotCoordinates  = new QLineEdit;    _plotCoordinates ->setObjectName("PPP/plotCoordinates");  _widgets << _plotCoordinates;
  _mapWinButton     = new QPushButton;  _mapWinButton    ->setObjectName("PPP/mapWinButton");     _widgets << _mapWinButton;
  _useGoogleMap     = new QRadioButton; _useGoogleMap    ->setObjectName("PPP/useGoogleMap");     _widgets << _useGoogleMap;
  _useOpenStreetMap = new QRadioButton; _useOpenStreetMap->setObjectName("PPP/useOpenStreetMap"); _widgets << _useOpenStreetMap;
  _mapWinDotSize    = new QLineEdit;    _mapWinDotSize   ->setObjectName("PPP/mapWinDotSize");    _widgets << _mapWinDotSize;
  _mapWinDotColor   = new QComboBox;    _mapWinDotColor  ->setObjectName("PPP/mapWinDotColor");   _widgets << _mapWinDotColor;
  _mapSpeedSlider   = new QSlider;      _mapSpeedSlider  ->setObjectName("PPP/mapSpeedSlider");   _widgets << _mapSpeedSlider;

  _dataSource->addItems(QString("no,Real-Time Streams,RINEX Files").split(","));
  connect(_dataSource, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(const QString&)), this, SLOT(slotEnableWidgets()));





  _minEle->setSuffix(" deg");

  _corrWaitTime->setSuffix(" sec");

     QString("Station,Sigma N,Sigma E,Sigma H,Noise N,Noise E,Noise H,Tropo Sigma,Tropo Noise").split(","));
  connect(_addStaButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotAddStation()));
  connect(_delStaButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotDelStation()));

  _mapWinButton->setText("Open Map");


  _mapSpeedSlider->setRange(1, 100);
  connect(_mapSpeedSlider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), BNC_CORE, SIGNAL(mapSpeedSliderChanged(int)));

  _mapWinButton->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>You make like to track your rover position using Google Maps or Open Street Map as a background map. Track plots can be produced with BNC in 'Realtime-PPP', 'Realtime-SPP' and 'Post-Processing' mode.</p><p>The 'Open Map' button opens a windows showing a map according to specified options.</p><p>When in 'Post-Processing' mode you should not forget to specify a proxy under the 'Network' tab if that is operated in front of BNC."));
  _useGoogleMap->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify Google Maps as the background for your rover positions."));
  _useOpenStreetMap->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify Open Street Map as the background for your rover positions."));
  _mapWinDotSize->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify the size of dots showing the rover positions.</p><p>A dot size of '3' may be appropriate. The maximum possible dot size is '10'. An empty option field or a size of '0' would mean that you don't want BNC to show the rover's track on the map.</p>"));
  _mapWinDotColor->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify the color of dots showing the rover track.</p>"));
  _mapSpeedSlider->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>With BNC in PPP post-processing mode you can specify the speed of computations as appropriate for visualization. Note that you can adjust 'Speed' on-the-fly while BNC is already processing your observations."));


void t_pppWidgets::readOptions() {

  bncSettings settings;

  // ComboBoxes
  // ----------
  int ii = _dataSource->findText(settings.value(_dataSource->objectName()).toString());
  if (ii != -1) {
  ii = _lcGPS->findText(settings.value(_lcGPS->objectName()).toString());
  if (ii != -1) {
  ii = _lcGLONASS->findText(settings.value(_lcGLONASS->objectName()).toString());
  if (ii != -1) {
  ii = _lcGalileo->findText(settings.value(_lcGalileo->objectName()).toString());
  if (ii != -1) {

  // FileChoosers
  // ------------
  _rinexObs ->setFileName(settings.value(_rinexObs ->objectName()).toString());
  _rinexNav ->setFileName(settings.value(_rinexNav ->objectName()).toString());
  _corrFile ->setFileName(settings.value(_corrFile ->objectName()).toString());
  _crdFile  ->setFileName(settings.value(_crdFile  ->objectName()).toString());

  // LineEdits
  // ---------
  _corrMount  ->setText(settings.value(_corrMount  ->objectName()).toString());
  _logFile    ->setText(settings.value(_logFile    ->objectName()).toString());
  _nmeaFile   ->setText(settings.value(_nmeaFile   ->objectName()).toString());
  _nmeaPort   ->setText(settings.value(_nmeaPort   ->objectName()).toString());
  _sigmaC1    ->setText(settings.value(_sigmaC1    ->objectName()).toString());
  _sigmaL1    ->setText(settings.value(_sigmaL1    ->objectName()).toString());
  _maxResC1   ->setText(settings.value(_maxResC1   ->objectName()).toString());
  _maxResL1   ->setText(settings.value(_maxResL1   ->objectName()).toString());

  // CheckBoxes
  // ----------
  _eleWgtCode ->setCheckState(Qt::CheckState(settings.value(_eleWgtCode ->objectName()).toInt()));

  // SpinBoxex
  // ---------

  // Table with stations
  // -------------------
  for (int iRow = _staTable->rowCount()-1; iRow >=0; iRow--) {
  int iRow = -1;
  QListIterator<QString> it(settings.value(_staTable->objectName()).toStringList());
  while (it.hasNext()) {
    QStringList hlp = it.next().split(",");
    for (int iCol = 0; iCol < hlp.size(); iCol++) {
      _staTable->setItem(iRow, iCol, new QTableWidgetItem(hlp[iCol]));

  // Plots and Maps
  // --------------
  _plotCoordinates ->setText(settings.value(_plotCoordinates->objectName()).toString());
  _useGoogleMap    ->setChecked(settings.value(_useGoogleMap->objectName()).toBool());
  _mapWinDotSize   ->setText(settings.value(_mapWinDotSize->objectName()).toString());

  ii = _mapWinDotColor->findText(settings.value(_mapWinDotColor->objectName()).toString());
  if (ii != -1) {

  int speed = settings.value(_mapSpeedSlider->objectName()).toInt();
  if (speed == 0) speed = _mapSpeedSlider->maximum();

void t_pppWidgets::saveOptions() {

  bncSettings settings;

  settings.setValue(_dataSource  ->objectName(), _dataSource  ->currentText());
  settings.setValue(_rinexObs    ->objectName(), _rinexObs    ->fileName());
  settings.setValue(_rinexNav    ->objectName(), _rinexNav    ->fileName());
  settings.setValue(_corrMount   ->objectName(), _corrMount   ->text());
  settings.setValue(_corrFile    ->objectName(), _corrFile    ->fileName());
  settings.setValue(_crdFile     ->objectName(), _crdFile     ->fileName());
  settings.setValue(_antexFile   ->objectName(), _antexFile   ->fileName());
  settings.setValue(_logFile     ->objectName(), _logFile     ->text());
  settings.setValue(_nmeaFile    ->objectName(), _nmeaFile    ->text());
  settings.setValue(_nmeaPort    ->objectName(), _nmeaPort    ->text());
  settings.setValue(_lcGPS       ->objectName(), _lcGPS       ->currentText());
  settings.setValue(_lcGLONASS   ->objectName(), _lcGLONASS   ->currentText());
  settings.setValue(_lcGalileo   ->objectName(), _lcGalileo   ->currentText());
  settings.setValue(_sigmaC1     ->objectName(), _sigmaC1     ->text());
  settings.setValue(_sigmaL1     ->objectName(), _sigmaL1     ->text());
  settings.setValue(_corrWaitTime->objectName(), _corrWaitTime->value());
  settings.setValue(_maxResC1    ->objectName(), _maxResC1    ->text());
  settings.setValue(_maxResL1    ->objectName(), _maxResL1    ->text());
  settings.setValue(_seedingTime ->objectName(), _seedingTime ->text());
  settings.setValue(_minObs      ->objectName(), _minObs      ->value());
  settings.setValue(_minEle      ->objectName(), _minEle      ->value());
  settings.setValue(_eleWgtCode  ->objectName(), _eleWgtCode  ->checkState());
  settings.setValue(_eleWgtPhase ->objectName(), _eleWgtPhase ->checkState());

  QStringList staList;
  for (int iRow = 0; iRow < _staTable->rowCount(); iRow++) {
    QString hlp;
    for (int iCol = 0; iCol < _staTable->columnCount(); iCol++) {
      if (_staTable->item(iRow, iCol)) {
        hlp += _staTable->item(iRow, iCol)->text() + ",";
    if (!hlp.isEmpty()) {
      staList << hlp;
  settings.setValue(_staTable->objectName(), staList);

  settings.setValue(_plotCoordinates ->objectName(), _plotCoordinates ->text());
  settings.setValue(_useGoogleMap    ->objectName(), _useGoogleMap    ->isChecked());
  settings.setValue(_useOpenStreetMap->objectName(), _useOpenStreetMap->isChecked());
  settings.setValue(_mapWinDotSize   ->objectName(), _mapWinDotSize   ->text());
  settings.setValue(_mapWinDotColor  ->objectName(), _mapWinDotColor  ->currentText());
  settings.setValue(_mapSpeedSlider  ->objectName(), _mapSpeedSlider  ->value());

void t_pppWidgets::slotEnableWidgets() {

  const static QPalette paletteWhite(QColor(255, 255, 255));
  const static QPalette paletteGray(QColor(230, 230, 230));

  bool allDisabled = _dataSource->currentText() == "no";
  bool realTime    = _dataSource->currentText() == "Real-Time Streams";
  bool rinexFiles  = _dataSource->currentText() == "RINEX Files";

  QListIterator<QWidget*> it(_widgets);
  while (it.hasNext()) {
    QWidget* widget = it.next();

  if      (realTime) {
  else if (rinexFiles) {


  while (it.hasNext()) {
    QWidget* widget = it.next();
    if (widget->isEnabled()) {
    else {

void t_pppWidgets::slotAddStation() {
  int iRow = _staTable->rowCount();
  for (int iCol = 0; iCol < _staTable->columnCount(); iCol++) {
    _staTable->setItem(iRow, iCol, new QTableWidgetItem(""));

void t_pppWidgets::slotDelStation() {
  int nRows = _staTable->rowCount();
  bool flg[nRows];
  for (int iRow = 0; iRow < nRows; iRow++) {
    if (_staTable->isItemSelected(_staTable->item(iRow,1))) {
      flg[iRow] = true;
    else {
      flg[iRow] = false;
  for (int iRow = nRows-1; iRow >= 0; iRow--) {
    if (flg[iRow]) {