1 | #ifndef OPTIONS_H
2 | #define OPTIONS_H
3 |
4 | #include <string>
5 | #include <vector>
6 | #include <newmat.h>
7 | #include "pppInclude.h"
8 |
9 | namespace BNC_PPP {
10 |
11 | class t_pppOptions {
12 | public:
13 | enum e_type {IF, UncombPPP, PPPRTK, DCMcodeBias, DCMphaseBias};
14 | t_pppOptions();
15 | ~t_pppOptions();
16 |
17 | std::vector<char> systems() const;
18 | const std::vector<t_lc::type>& LCs(char system) const;
19 | std::vector<t_lc::type> ambLCs(char system) const;
20 | std::vector<t_lc::type> codeLCs(char system) const;
21 | std::vector<t_lc::type> ionoLCs(char system) const;
22 | bool useSystem(char system) const {return LCs(system).size() > 0;}
23 | bool useOrbClkCorr() const;
24 | bool estTrp() const {return _aprSigTrp > 0.0 || _noiseTrp > 0.0;}
25 | bool xyzAprRoverSet() const {
26 | return (_xyzAprRover[0] != 0.0 || _xyzAprRover[1] != 0.0 || _xyzAprRover[2] != 0.0);
27 | }
28 |
29 | e_type _obsModelType;
30 | QStringList _obsmodelTypeStr = QStringList()
31 | << "IF PPP"
32 | << "Uncombined PPP"
33 | << "DCM with Code Biases"
34 | << "DCM with Phase Biases";
35 | bool _realTime;
36 | std::string _crdFile;
37 | std::string _corrMount;
38 | std::string _ionoMount;
39 | bool _isAPC;
40 | std::string _rinexObs;
41 | std::string _rinexNav;
42 | std::string _corrFile;
43 | std::string _ionoFile;
44 | double _corrWaitTime;
45 | std::string _roverName;
46 | ColumnVector _xyzAprRover;
47 | ColumnVector _neuEccRover;
48 | std::string _recNameRover;
49 | std::string _antNameRover;
50 | std::string _antexFileName;
51 | std::string _blqFileName;
52 | double _sigmaC1;
53 | double _sigmaL1;
54 | double _sigmaGIM;
55 | double _maxResC1;
56 | double _maxResL1;
57 | double _maxResGIM;
58 | bool _eleWgtCode;
59 | bool _eleWgtPhase;
60 | double _minEle;
61 | int _minObs;
62 | ColumnVector _aprSigCrd;
63 | double _aprSigClk;
64 | double _aprSigTrp;
65 | double _aprSigIon;
66 | double _aprSigAmb;
67 | double _aprSigCodeBias;
68 | double _aprSigPhaseBias;
69 | ColumnVector _noiseCrd;
70 | double _noiseTrp;
71 | double _noiseIon;
72 | double _noiseCodeBias;
73 | double _noisePhaseBias;
74 | int _nmeaPort;
75 | double _seedingTime;
76 | std::vector<t_lc::type> _LCsGPS;
77 | std::vector<t_lc::type> _LCsGLONASS;
78 | std::vector<t_lc::type> _LCsGalileo;
79 | std::vector<t_lc::type> _LCsBDS;
80 | bool _pseudoObsIono;
81 | bool _refSatRequired;
82 | };
83 |
84 | }
85 |
86 | #endif