#ifndef OPTIONS_H #define OPTIONS_H #include <string> #include <vector> #include <newmat.h> #include "pppInclude.h" namespace BNC_PPP { class t_pppOptions { public: enum e_type {IF, UncombPPP, PPPRTK, DCMcodeBias, DCMphaseBias}; t_pppOptions(); ~t_pppOptions(); std::vector<char> systems() const; const std::vector<t_lc::type>& LCs(char system) const; std::vector<t_lc::type> ambLCs(char system) const; std::vector<t_lc::type> codeLCs(char system) const; std::vector<t_lc::type> ionoLCs(char system) const; bool useSystem(char system) const {return LCs(system).size() > 0;} bool useOrbClkCorr() const; bool estTrp() const {return _aprSigTrp > 0.0 || _noiseTrp > 0.0;} bool xyzAprRoverSet() const { return (_xyzAprRover[0] != 0.0 || _xyzAprRover[1] != 0.0 || _xyzAprRover[2] != 0.0); } e_type _obsModelType; QStringList _obsmodelTypeStr = QStringList() << "IF PPP" << "Uncombined PPP" << "DCM with Code Biases" << "DCM with Phase Biases"; bool _realTime; std::string _crdFile; std::string _corrMount; std::string _ionoMount; bool _isAPC; std::string _rinexObs; std::string _rinexNav; std::string _corrFile; std::string _ionoFile; double _corrWaitTime; std::string _roverName; ColumnVector _xyzAprRover; ColumnVector _neuEccRover; std::string _recNameRover; std::string _antNameRover; std::string _antexFileName; std::string _blqFileName; double _sigmaC1; double _sigmaL1; double _sigmaGIM; double _maxResC1; double _maxResL1; double _maxResGIM; bool _eleWgtCode; bool _eleWgtPhase; double _minEle; int _minObs; ColumnVector _aprSigCrd; double _aprSigClk; double _aprSigTrp; double _aprSigIon; double _aprSigAmb; double _aprSigCodeBias; double _aprSigPhaseBias; ColumnVector _noiseCrd; double _noiseTrp; double _noiseIon; double _noiseCodeBias; double _noisePhaseBias; int _nmeaPort; std::string _signalPriorities; double _seedingTime; std::vector<t_lc::type> _LCsGPS; std::vector<t_lc::type> _LCsGLONASS; std::vector<t_lc::type> _LCsGalileo; std::vector<t_lc::type> _LCsBDS; bool _pseudoObsIono; bool _refSatRequired; }; } #endif