1 | // Part of BNC, a utility for retrieving decoding and
2 | // converting GNSS data streams from NTRIP broadcasters.
3 | //
4 | // Copyright (C) 2007
5 | // German Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG)
6 | // http://www.bkg.bund.de
7 | // Czech Technical University Prague, Department of Geodesy
8 | // http://www.fsv.cvut.cz
9 | //
10 | // Email: euref-ip@bkg.bund.de
11 | //
12 | // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
13 | // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
14 | // as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
15 | //
16 | // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
17 | // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19 | // GNU General Public License for more details.
20 | //
21 | // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22 | // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
23 | // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
24 |
25 | #ifndef BNCWINDOW_H
26 | #define BNCWINDOW_H
27 |
28 | #include <QtGui>
29 | #include <QWhatsThis>
30 |
31 | #include "bncgetthread.h"
32 | #include "bnccaster.h"
33 | #include "pppWidgets.h"
34 |
35 | class bncAboutDlg : public QDialog {
37 | public:
38 | bncAboutDlg(QWidget* parent);
39 | ~bncAboutDlg();
40 | };
41 |
42 | class bncFlowchartDlg : public QDialog {
44 |
45 | public:
46 | bncFlowchartDlg(QWidget* parent);
47 | ~bncFlowchartDlg();
48 | };
49 |
50 | class bncFigure;
51 | class bncFigureLate;
52 | class bncFigurePPP;
53 | class bncBytesCounter;
54 | class bncEphUploadCaster;
55 | class qtFileChooser;
56 | class bncMapWin;
57 |
58 | class bncWindow : public QMainWindow {
60 |
61 | public:
62 | bncWindow();
63 | ~bncWindow();
64 | void CreateMenu();
65 | void AddToolbar();
66 |
67 | public slots:
68 | void slotMountPointsRead(QList<bncGetThread*>);
69 | void slotBncTextChanged();
70 |
71 | private slots:
72 | void slotWindowMessage(const QByteArray msg, bool showOnScreen);
73 | void slotHelp();
74 | void slotAbout();
75 | void slotFlowchart();
76 | void slotFontSel();
77 | void slotSaveOptions();
78 | void slotAddMountPoints();
79 | void slotMapMountPoints();
80 | void slotMapPPP();
81 | void slotMapPPPClosed();
82 | void slotStart();
83 | void slotStop();
84 | void slotNewMountPoints(QStringList* mountPoints);
85 | void slotDeleteMountPoints();
86 | void slotGetThreadsFinished();
87 | void slotSelectionChanged();
88 | void slotWhatsThis();
89 | void slotAddCmbRow();
90 | void slotDelCmbRow();
91 | void slotAddUploadRow();
92 | void slotDelUploadRow();
93 | void slotSetUploadTrafo();
94 | void slotReqcEditOption();
95 | void slotPostProcessingFinished();
96 | void slotPostProcessingProgress(int);
97 |
98 | protected:
99 | virtual void closeEvent(QCloseEvent *);
100 |
101 | private:
102 | void saveOptions();
103 | void populateMountPointsTable();
104 | void populateCmbTable();
105 | void populateUploadTable();
106 | void enableWidget(bool enable, QWidget* widget);
107 | void startRealTime();
108 | void enableStartStop();
109 |
110 | QMenu* _menuHlp;
111 | QMenu* _menuFile;
112 |
113 | QAction* _actHelp;
114 | QAction* _actAbout;
115 | QAction* _actFlowchart;
116 | QAction* _actFontSel;
117 | QAction* _actSaveOpt;
118 | QAction* _actQuit;
119 | QAction* _actMapMountPoints;
120 | QAction* _actStart;
121 | QAction* _actStop;
122 | QAction* _actAddMountPoints;
123 | QAction* _actDeleteMountPoints;
124 | QAction* _actwhatsthis;
125 | QAction* _actwhatsthismenu;
126 |
127 | QLineEdit* _proxyHostLineEdit;
128 | QLineEdit* _proxyPortLineEdit;
129 | QLineEdit* _sslCaCertPathLineEdit;
130 | QCheckBox* _ignoreSslErrorsCheckBox;
131 | QLineEdit* _outFileLineEdit;
132 | QLineEdit* _outPortLineEdit;
133 | QLineEdit* _outUPortLineEdit;
134 | QLineEdit* _outEphPortLineEdit;
135 | QLineEdit* _corrPortLineEdit;
136 | QLineEdit* _rnxPathLineEdit;
137 | QLineEdit* _ephPathLineEdit;
138 | QLineEdit* _corrPathLineEdit;
139 | QLineEdit* _miscMountLineEdit;
140 | QLineEdit* _miscPortLineEdit;
141 |
142 | QComboBox* _reqcActionComboBox;
143 | QPushButton* _reqcEditOptionButton;
144 | qtFileChooser* _reqcObsFileChooser;
145 | qtFileChooser* _reqcNavFileChooser;
146 | QLineEdit* _reqcOutObsLineEdit;
147 | QLineEdit* _reqcOutNavLineEdit;
148 | QLineEdit* _reqcOutLogLineEdit;
149 | QLineEdit* _reqcPlotDirLineEdit;
150 | QComboBox* _reqcSkyPlotSystems;
151 | QCheckBox* _reqcLogSummaryOnly;
152 |
153 | QCheckBox* _rnxV3CheckBox;
154 | QLineEdit* _rnxV2Priority;
155 | QCheckBox* _ephV3CheckBox;
156 | QLineEdit* _rnxSkelLineEdit;
157 | QLineEdit* _rnxScrpLineEdit;
158 | QLineEdit* _logFileLineEdit;
159 | QLineEdit* _rawOutFileLineEdit;
160 | QComboBox* _rnxIntrComboBox;
161 | QComboBox* _ephIntrComboBox;
162 | QComboBox* _corrIntrComboBox;
163 | QSpinBox* _rnxSamplSpinBox;
164 | QSpinBox* _binSamplSpinBox;
165 | QCheckBox* _rnxAppendCheckBox;
166 | QCheckBox* _autoStartCheckBox;
167 | QCheckBox* _scanRTCMCheckBox;
168 | QSpinBox* _waitTimeSpinBox;
169 | QComboBox* _obsRateComboBox;
170 | QSpinBox* _adviseFailSpinBox;
171 | QSpinBox* _adviseRecoSpinBox;
172 | QLineEdit* _adviseScriptLineEdit;
173 | QComboBox* _perfIntrComboBox;
174 | QTableWidget* _mountPointsTable;
175 |
176 | QLineEdit* _serialPortNameLineEdit;
177 | QLineEdit* _serialMountPointLineEdit;
178 | QComboBox* _serialBaudRateComboBox;
179 | QComboBox* _serialParityComboBox;
180 | QComboBox* _serialDataBitsComboBox;
181 | QComboBox* _serialStopBitsComboBox;
182 | QComboBox* _serialFlowControlComboBox;
183 | QLineEdit* _serialHeightNMEALineEdit;
184 | QLineEdit* _serialFileNMEALineEdit;
185 | QComboBox* _serialAutoNMEAComboBox;
186 |
187 | QLineEdit* _LatLineEdit;
188 | QLineEdit* _LonLineEdit;
189 |
190 | QComboBox* _onTheFlyComboBox;
191 |
192 | QTextEdit* _log;
193 |
194 | QWidget* _canvas;
195 | QTabWidget* _aogroup;
196 |
197 | QTabWidget* _loggroup;
198 | bncFigure* _bncFigure;
199 | bncFigureLate* _bncFigureLate;
200 | bncFigurePPP* _bncFigurePPP;
201 |
202 | QTableWidget* _cmbTable;
203 | QLineEdit* _cmbMaxresLineEdit;
204 | QComboBox* _cmbMethodComboBox;
205 | QSpinBox* _cmbSamplSpinBox;
206 | qtFileChooser* _cmbAntexFile;
207 | QCheckBox* _cmbUseGlonass;
208 |
209 | QTableWidget* _uploadTable;
210 | QComboBox* _uploadIntrComboBox;
211 | QSpinBox* _uploadSamplRtcmEphCorrSpinBox;
212 | QSpinBox* _uploadSamplSp3SpinBox;
213 | QSpinBox* _uploadSamplClkRnxSpinBox;
214 |
215 | QLineEdit* _uploadEphHostLineEdit;
216 | QLineEdit* _uploadEphPortLineEdit;
217 | QLineEdit* _uploadEphPasswordLineEdit;
218 | QLineEdit* _uploadEphMountpointLineEdit;
219 | QSpinBox* _uploadEphSampleSpinBox;
220 | bncBytesCounter* _uploadEphBytesCounter;
221 |
222 | bncCaster* _caster;
223 | bncEphUploadCaster* _casterEph;
224 |
225 | bool _runningRealTime;
226 | bool _runningPPP;
227 | bool _runningEdit;
228 | bool _runningQC;
229 |
230 | bool running() {return _runningRealTime || _runningPPP || _runningEdit || _runningQC;}
231 |
232 | bncMapWin* _mapWin;
233 |
234 | QList<bncGetThread*> _threads;
235 |
236 | t_pppWidgets _pppWidgets;
237 | };
238 |
240 | #include "plugininterface.h"
241 | class t_bncFactory : public QObject, public GnssCenter::t_pluginFactoryInterface {
242 | Q_OBJECT
243 | Q_INTERFACES(GnssCenter::t_pluginFactoryInterface)
244 | public:
245 | virtual QWidget* create() {return new bncWindow();}
246 | virtual QString getName() const {return QString("BNC");}
247 | };
248 | #endif
249 |
250 | #endif