1 | /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 | * BKG NTRIP Client
3 | * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 | *
5 | * Class: bncSettings
6 | *
7 | * Purpose: Subclasses the QSettings
8 | *
9 | * Author: L. Mervart
10 | *
11 | * Created: 25-Jan-2009
12 | *
13 | * Changes:
14 | *
15 | * -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
16 |
17 | #include <QSettings>
18 |
19 | #include "bncsettings.h"
20 | #include "bnccore.h"
21 |
22 | QMutex bncSettings::_mutex; // static mutex
23 |
24 | // Constructor
25 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
26 | bncSettings::bncSettings() {
27 | QMutexLocker locker(&_mutex);
28 |
29 | // First fill the options
30 | // ----------------------
31 | if (BNC_CORE->_settings.size() == 0) {
32 | reRead();
33 | }
34 | }
35 |
36 | // Destructor
37 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
38 | bncSettings::~bncSettings() {
39 | }
40 |
41 | // (Re-)read the Options from File or Set the Defaults
42 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
43 | void bncSettings::reRead() {
44 |
45 | BNC_CORE->_settings.clear();
46 |
47 | QSettings settings(BNC_CORE->confFileName(), QSettings::IniFormat);
48 |
50 | settings.beginGroup("BNC");
51 | #endif
52 |
53 | // Read from File
54 | // --------------
55 | if (settings.allKeys().size() > 0) {
56 | QStringListIterator it(settings.allKeys());
57 | while (it.hasNext()) {
58 | QString key = it.next();
59 | BNC_CORE->_settings[key] = settings.value(key);
60 | }
61 | }
62 |
63 | // Set Defaults
64 | // ------------
65 | else {
66 | setValue_p("startTab", "0");
67 | setValue_p("statusTab", "0");
68 | setValue_p("casterUrlList", (QStringList()
69 | << "http://user:pass@www.euref-ip.net:2101"
70 | << "http://user:pass@www.igs-ip.net:2101"
71 | << "http://user:pass@products.igs-ip.net:2101"
72 | << "http://user:pass@mgex.igs-ip.net:2101"));
73 | setValue_p("mountPoints", "");
74 | setValue_p("ntripVersion", "1");
75 | // Network
76 | setValue_p("proxyHost", "");
77 | setValue_p("proxyPort", "");
78 | setValue_p("sslCaCertPath", "");
79 | setValue_p("ignoreSslErrors", "0");
80 | // General
81 | setValue_p("logFile", "");
82 | setValue_p("rnxAppend", "0");
83 | setValue_p("onTheFlyInterval", "1 day");
84 | setValue_p("autoStart", "0");
85 | setValue_p("rawOutFile", "");
86 | // RINEX Observations
87 | setValue_p("rnxPath", "");
88 | setValue_p("rnxIntr", "1 day");
89 | setValue_p("rnxSampl", "0");
90 | setValue_p("rnxSkel", "SKL");
91 | setValue_p("rnxScript", "");
92 | setValue_p("rnxV3", "0");
93 | // RINEX Ephemeris
94 | setValue_p("ephPath", "");
95 | setValue_p("ephIntr", "1 day");
96 | setValue_p("outEphPort", "");
97 | setValue_p("ephV3", "0");
98 | // Braodcast Corrections
99 | setValue_p("corrPath", "");
100 | setValue_p("corrIntr", "1 day");
101 | setValue_p("corrPort", "");
102 | // Feed Engine
103 | setValue_p("outPort", "");
104 | setValue_p("waitTime", "5");
105 | setValue_p("binSampl", "0");
106 | setValue_p("outFile", "");
107 | setValue_p("outUPort", "");
108 | // Serial Output
109 | setValue_p("serialMountPoint", "");
110 | setValue_p("serialPortName", "");
111 | setValue_p("serialBaudRate", "9600");
112 | setValue_p("serialFlowControl", "OFF");
113 | setValue_p("serialDataBits", "8");
114 | setValue_p("serialParity", "NONE");
115 | setValue_p("serialStopBits", "1");
116 | setValue_p("serialAutoNMEA", "Auto");
117 | setValue_p("serialFileNMEA", "");
118 | setValue_p("serialHeightNMEA", "");
119 | setValue_p("serialManualNMEASampling","");
120 | // Outages
121 | setValue_p("obsRate", "");
122 | setValue_p("adviseFail", "15");
123 | setValue_p("adviseReco", "5");
124 | setValue_p("adviseScript", "");
125 | // Miscellaneous
126 | setValue_p("miscMount", "");
127 | setValue_p("perfIntr", "");
128 | setValue_p("scanRTCM", "0");
129 | setValue_p("miscPort", "");
130 | // Reqc
131 | setValue_p("reqcAction", "");
132 | setValue_p("reqcObsFile", "");
133 | setValue_p("reqcNavFile", "");
134 | setValue_p("reqcOutObsFile", "");
135 | setValue_p("reqcOutNavFile", "");
136 | setValue_p("reqcOutLogFile", "");
137 | setValue_p("reqcSkyPlotSignals", "C:1&7 E:1&5 G:1&2 J:1&2 R:1&2 S:1&5");
138 | setValue_p("reqcPlotDir", "");
139 | setValue_p("reqcRnxVersion", "");
140 | setValue_p("reqcSampling", "");
141 | setValue_p("reqcStartDateTime", "");
142 | setValue_p("reqcEndDateTime", "");
143 | setValue_p("reqcRunBy", "");
144 | setValue_p("reqcComment", "");
145 | setValue_p("reqcOldMarkerName", "");
146 | setValue_p("reqcNewMarkerName", "");
147 | setValue_p("reqcOldAntennaName", "");
148 | setValue_p("reqcNewAntennaName", "");
149 | setValue_p("reqcOldReceiverName", "");
150 | setValue_p("reqcNewReceiverName", "");
151 | // Combination
152 | setValue_p("combineStreams", "");
153 | setValue_p("cmbMethod", "");
154 | setValue_p("cmbMaxres", "");
155 | setValue_p("cmbSampl", "10");
156 | // Upload (clk)
157 | setValue_p("uploadMountpointsOut","");
158 | setValue_p("uploadIntr", "1 day");
159 | setValue_p("uploadSamplRtcmEphCorr", "0");
160 | setValue_p("uploadSamplSp3", "1");
161 | setValue_p("uploadSamplClkRnx", "10");
162 | setValue_p("trafo_dx", "");
163 | setValue_p("trafo_dy", "");
164 | setValue_p("trafo_dz", "");
165 | setValue_p("trafo_dxr", "");
166 | setValue_p("trafo_dyr", "");
167 | setValue_p("trafo_dzr", "");
168 | setValue_p("trafo_ox", "");
169 | setValue_p("trafo_oy", "");
170 | setValue_p("trafo_oz", "");
171 | setValue_p("trafo_oxr", "");
172 | setValue_p("trafo_oyr", "");
173 | setValue_p("trafo_ozr", "");
174 | setValue_p("trafo_sc", "");
175 | setValue_p("trafo_scr", "");
176 | setValue_p("trafo_t0", "");
177 | // Upload (eph)
178 | setValue_p("uploadEphHost", "");
179 | setValue_p("uploadEphPort", "");
180 | setValue_p("uploadEphMountpoint", "");
181 | setValue_p("uploadEphPassword", "");
182 | setValue_p("uploadEphSample", "5");
183 | }
185 | settings.endGroup();
186 | #endif
187 | }
188 |
189 | //
190 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
191 | QVariant bncSettings::value(const QString& key,
192 | const QVariant& defaultValue) const {
193 | QMutexLocker locker(&_mutex);
194 |
195 | if (BNC_CORE->_settings.contains(key)) {
196 | return BNC_CORE->_settings[key];
197 | }
198 | else {
199 | return defaultValue;
200 | }
201 | }
202 |
203 | //
204 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
205 | void bncSettings::setValue(const QString &key, const QVariant& value) {
206 | QMutexLocker locker(&_mutex);
207 | setValue_p(key, value);
208 | }
209 |
210 | //
211 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
212 | void bncSettings::setValue_p(const QString &key, const QVariant& value) {
213 | BNC_CORE->_settings[key] = value;
214 | }
215 |
216 | //
217 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
218 | void bncSettings::remove(const QString& key ) {
219 | QMutexLocker locker(&_mutex);
220 | BNC_CORE->_settings.remove(key);
221 | }
222 |
223 | //
224 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
225 | bool bncSettings::contains(const QString& key) const {
226 | QMutexLocker locker(&_mutex);
227 | return BNC_CORE->_settings.contains(key);
228 | }
229 |
230 | //
231 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
232 | void bncSettings::sync() {
233 | QMutexLocker locker(&_mutex);
234 | QSettings settings(BNC_CORE->confFileName(), QSettings::IniFormat);
235 | settings.clear();
236 | QMapIterator<QString, QVariant> it(BNC_CORE->_settings);
238 | settings.beginGroup("BNC");
239 | #endif
240 | while (it.hasNext()) {
241 | it.next();
242 | settings.setValue(it.key(), it.value());
243 | }
245 | settings.endGroup();
246 | #endif
247 | settings.sync();
248 | }