// Part of BNC, a utility for retrieving decoding and // converting GNSS data streams from NTRIP broadcasters. // // Copyright (C) 2007 // German Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG) // http://www.bkg.bund.de // Czech Technical University Prague, Department of Geodesy // http://www.fsv.cvut.cz // // Email: euref-ip@bkg.bund.de // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * BKG NTRIP Client * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Class: bncGetThread * * Purpose: Thread that retrieves data from NTRIP caster * * Author: L. Mervart * * Created: 24-Dec-2005 * * Changes: * * -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "bncgetthread.h" #include "bnctabledlg.h" #include "bnccore.h" #include "bncutils.h" #include "bnczerodecoder.h" #include "bncnetqueryv0.h" #include "bncnetqueryv1.h" #include "bncnetqueryv2.h" #include "bncnetqueryrtp.h" #include "bncnetqueryudp.h" #include "bncnetqueryudp0.h" #include "bncnetquerys.h" #include "bncsettings.h" #include "latencychecker.h" #include "upload/bncrtnetdecoder.h" #include "RTCM/RTCM2Decoder.h" #include "RTCM3/RTCM3Decoder.h" #include "serial/qextserialport.h" using namespace std; // Constructor 1 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bncGetThread::bncGetThread(bncRawFile* rawFile) { _rawFile = rawFile; _format = rawFile->format(); _staID = rawFile->staID(); _rawOutput = false; _ntripVersion = "N"; initialize(); } // Constructor 2 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bncGetThread::bncGetThread(const QUrl& mountPoint, const QByteArray& format, const QByteArray& latitude, const QByteArray& longitude, const QByteArray& nmea, const QByteArray& ntripVersion) { _rawFile = 0; _mountPoint = mountPoint; _staID = mountPoint.path().mid(1).toAscii(); _format = format; _latitude = latitude; _longitude = longitude; _nmea = nmea; _ntripVersion = ntripVersion; bncSettings settings; if (!settings.value("rawOutFile").toString().isEmpty()) { _rawOutput = true; } else { _rawOutput = false; } initialize(); initDecoder(); } // Initialization (common part of the constructor) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void bncGetThread::initialize() { bncSettings settings; setTerminationEnabled(true); connect(this, SIGNAL(newMessage(QByteArray,bool)), BNC_CORE, SLOT(slotMessage(const QByteArray,bool))); _isToBeDeleted = false; _query = 0; _nextSleep = 0; _miscMount = settings.value("miscMount").toString(); _decoder = 0; // Serial Port // ----------- _serialNMEA = NO_NMEA; _serialOutFile = 0; _serialPort = 0; if (!_staID.isEmpty() && settings.value("serialMountPoint").toString() == _staID) { _serialPort = new QextSerialPort(settings.value("serialPortName").toString() ); _serialPort->setTimeout(0,100); // Baud Rate // --------- QString hlp = settings.value("serialBaudRate").toString(); if (hlp == "110") { _serialPort->setBaudRate(BAUD110); } else if (hlp == "300") { _serialPort->setBaudRate(BAUD300); } else if (hlp == "600") { _serialPort->setBaudRate(BAUD600); } else if (hlp == "1200") { _serialPort->setBaudRate(BAUD1200); } else if (hlp == "2400") { _serialPort->setBaudRate(BAUD2400); } else if (hlp == "4800") { _serialPort->setBaudRate(BAUD4800); } else if (hlp == "9600") { _serialPort->setBaudRate(BAUD9600); } else if (hlp == "19200") { _serialPort->setBaudRate(BAUD19200); } else if (hlp == "38400") { _serialPort->setBaudRate(BAUD38400); } else if (hlp == "57600") { _serialPort->setBaudRate(BAUD57600); } else if (hlp == "115200") { _serialPort->setBaudRate(BAUD115200); } // Parity // ------ hlp = settings.value("serialParity").toString(); if (hlp == "NONE") { _serialPort->setParity(PAR_NONE); } else if (hlp == "ODD") { _serialPort->setParity(PAR_ODD); } else if (hlp == "EVEN") { _serialPort->setParity(PAR_EVEN); } else if (hlp == "SPACE") { _serialPort->setParity(PAR_SPACE); } // Data Bits // --------- hlp = settings.value("serialDataBits").toString(); if (hlp == "5") { _serialPort->setDataBits(DATA_5); } else if (hlp == "6") { _serialPort->setDataBits(DATA_6); } else if (hlp == "7") { _serialPort->setDataBits(DATA_7); } else if (hlp == "8") { _serialPort->setDataBits(DATA_8); } hlp = settings.value("serialStopBits").toString(); if (hlp == "1") { _serialPort->setStopBits(STOP_1); } else if (hlp == "2") { _serialPort->setStopBits(STOP_2); } // Flow Control // ------------ hlp = settings.value("serialFlowControl").toString(); if (hlp == "XONXOFF") { _serialPort->setFlowControl(FLOW_XONXOFF); } else if (hlp == "HARDWARE") { _serialPort->setFlowControl(FLOW_HARDWARE); } else { _serialPort->setFlowControl(FLOW_OFF); } // Open Serial Port // ---------------- _serialPort->open(QIODevice::ReadWrite|QIODevice::Unbuffered); if (!_serialPort->isOpen()) { delete _serialPort; _serialPort = 0; emit(newMessage((_staID + ": Cannot open serial port\n"), true)); } connect(_serialPort, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(slotSerialReadyRead())); // Automatic NMEA // -------------- if (settings.value("serialAutoNMEA").toString() == "Auto") { _serialNMEA = AUTO_NMEA; QString fName = settings.value("serialFileNMEA").toString(); if (!fName.isEmpty()) { _serialOutFile = new QFile(fName); if ( Qt::CheckState(settings.value("rnxAppend").toInt()) == Qt::Checked) { _serialOutFile->open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Append); } else { _serialOutFile->open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); } } } // Manual NMEA // ----------- else { _serialNMEA = MANUAL_NMEA; } } if (!_staID.isEmpty()) { _latencyChecker = new latencyChecker(_staID); } else { _latencyChecker = 0; } } // Instantiate the decoder ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// t_irc bncGetThread::initDecoder() { _decoder = 0; if (_format.indexOf("RTCM_2") != -1 || _format.indexOf("RTCM2") != -1 || _format.indexOf("RTCM 2") != -1 ) { emit(newMessage(_staID + ": Get data in RTCM 2.x format", true)); _decoder = new RTCM2Decoder(_staID.data()); } else if (_format.indexOf("RTCM_3") != -1 || _format.indexOf("RTCM3") != -1 || _format.indexOf("RTCM 3") != -1 ) { emit(newMessage(_staID + ": Get data in RTCM 3.x format", true)); RTCM3Decoder* newDecoder = new RTCM3Decoder(_staID, _rawFile); _decoder = newDecoder; connect((RTCM3Decoder*) newDecoder, SIGNAL(newMessage(QByteArray,bool)), this, SIGNAL(newMessage(QByteArray,bool))); } else if (_format.indexOf("ZERO") != -1) { emit(newMessage(_staID + ": Get data in original format", true)); _decoder = new bncZeroDecoder(_staID); } else if (_format.indexOf("RTNET") != -1) { emit(newMessage(_staID + ": Get data in RTNet format", true)); _decoder = new bncRtnetDecoder(); } else { emit(newMessage(_staID + ": Unknown data format " + _format, true)); _isToBeDeleted = true; return failure; } msleep(100); //sleep 0.1 sec _decoder->initRinex(_staID, _mountPoint, _latitude, _longitude, _nmea, _ntripVersion); if (_rawFile) { _decodersRaw[_staID] = _decoder; } return success; } // Current decoder in use //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// GPSDecoder* bncGetThread::decoder() { if (!_rawFile) { return _decoder; } else { if (_decodersRaw.contains(_staID) || initDecoder() == success) { return _decodersRaw[_staID]; } } return 0; } // Destructor //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bncGetThread::~bncGetThread() { if (isRunning()) { wait(); } if (_query) { _query->stop(); _query->deleteLater(); } if (_rawFile) { QMapIterator it(_decodersRaw); while (it.hasNext()) { it.next(); delete it.value(); } } else { delete _decoder; } delete _rawFile; delete _serialOutFile; delete _serialPort; delete _latencyChecker; emit getThreadFinished(_staID); } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void bncGetThread::terminate() { _isToBeDeleted = true; if (!isRunning()) { delete this; } } // Run //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void bncGetThread::run() { while (true) { try { if (_isToBeDeleted) { QThread::exit(0); this->deleteLater(); return; } if (tryReconnect() != success) { if (_latencyChecker) { _latencyChecker->checkReconnect(); } continue; } // Delete old observations // ----------------------- if (_rawFile) { QMapIterator itDec(_decodersRaw); while (itDec.hasNext()) { itDec.next(); GPSDecoder* decoder = itDec.value(); decoder->_obsList.clear(); } } else { _decoder->_obsList.clear(); } // Read Data // --------- QByteArray data; if (_query) { _query->waitForReadyRead(data); } else if (_rawFile) { data = _rawFile->readChunk(); _format = _rawFile->format(); _staID = _rawFile->staID(); QCoreApplication::processEvents(); if (data.isEmpty()) { cout << "no more data" << endl; BNC_CORE->stopCombination(); BNC_CORE->stopPPP(); ::exit(0); } } qint64 nBytes = data.size(); // Timeout, reconnect // ------------------ if (nBytes == 0) { if (_latencyChecker) { _latencyChecker->checkReconnect(); } emit(newMessage(_staID + ": Data timeout, reconnecting", true)); msleep(10000); //sleep 10 sec, G. Weber continue; } else { emit newBytes(_staID, nBytes); emit newRawData(_staID, data); } // Output Data // ----------- if (_rawOutput) { BNC_CORE->writeRawData(data, _staID, _format); } if (_serialPort) { slotSerialReadyRead(); _serialPort->write(data); } // Decode Data // ----------- vector errmsg; if (!decoder()) { _isToBeDeleted = true; continue; } decoder()->_obsList.clear(); t_irc irc = decoder()->Decode(data.data(), data.size(), errmsg); // Perform various scans and checks // -------------------------------- if (_latencyChecker) { _latencyChecker->checkOutage(irc == success); _latencyChecker->checkObsLatency(decoder()->_obsList); _latencyChecker->checkCorrLatency(decoder()->corrGPSEpochTime()); emit newLatency(_staID, _latencyChecker->currentLatency()); } scanRTCM(); // Loop over all observations (observations output) // ------------------------------------------------ QListIterator it(decoder()->_obsList); QList obsListHlp; while (it.hasNext()) { const t_satObs& obs = it.next(); QString prn(obs._prn.toString().c_str()); long iSec = long(floor(obs._time.gpssec()+0.5)); long obsTime = obs._time.gpsw()*7*24*3600 + iSec; // Check observation epoch // ----------------------- if (!_rawFile) { int week; double sec; currentGPSWeeks(week, sec); long currTime = week * 7*24*3600 + long(sec); const double maxDt = 600.0; if (fabs(currTime - obsTime) > maxDt) { emit( newMessage(_staID + ": Wrong observation epoch(s)", false) ); continue; } } // Check observations coming twice (e.g. KOUR0 Problem) // ---------------------------------------------------- if (!_rawFile) { QMap::const_iterator it = _prnLastEpo.find(prn); if (it != _prnLastEpo.end()) { long oldTime = it.value(); if (obsTime < oldTime) { emit( newMessage(_staID + ": old observation " + prn.toAscii(), false)); continue; } else if (obsTime == oldTime) { emit( newMessage(_staID + ": observation coming more than once " + prn.toAscii(), false)); continue; } } _prnLastEpo[prn] = obsTime; } decoder()->dumpRinexEpoch(obs, _format); // Save observations // ----------------- obsListHlp.append(obs); } // Emit signal // ----------- if (!_isToBeDeleted && obsListHlp.size() > 0) { emit newObs(_staID, obsListHlp); } decoder()->_obsList.clear(); } catch (Exception& exc) { emit(newMessage(_staID + " " + exc.what(), true)); _isToBeDeleted = true; } catch (...) { emit(newMessage(_staID + " bncGetThread exception", true)); _isToBeDeleted = true; } } } // Try Re-Connect //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// t_irc bncGetThread::tryReconnect() { // Easy Return // ----------- if (_query && _query->status() == bncNetQuery::running) { _nextSleep = 0; if (_rawFile) { QMapIterator itDec(_decodersRaw); while (itDec.hasNext()) { itDec.next(); GPSDecoder* decoder = itDec.value(); decoder->setRinexReconnectFlag(false); } } else { _decoder->setRinexReconnectFlag(false); } return success; } // Start a new query // ----------------- if (!_rawFile) { sleep(_nextSleep); if (_nextSleep == 0) { _nextSleep = 1; } else { _nextSleep = 2 * _nextSleep; if (_nextSleep > 256) { _nextSleep = 256; } #ifdef MLS_SOFTWARE if (_nextSleep > 4) { _nextSleep = 4; } #endif } delete _query; if (_ntripVersion == "U") { _query = new bncNetQueryUdp(); } else if (_ntripVersion == "R") { _query = new bncNetQueryRtp(); } else if (_ntripVersion == "S") { _query = new bncNetQueryS(); } else if (_ntripVersion == "N") { _query = new bncNetQueryV0(); } else if (_ntripVersion == "UN") { _query = new bncNetQueryUdp0(); } else if (_ntripVersion == "2") { _query = new bncNetQueryV2(false); } else if (_ntripVersion == "2s") { _query = new bncNetQueryV2(true); } else { _query = new bncNetQueryV1(); } if (_nmea == "yes" && _serialNMEA != AUTO_NMEA) { QByteArray gga = ggaString(_latitude, _longitude, "100.0"); _query->startRequest(_mountPoint, gga); } else { _query->startRequest(_mountPoint, ""); } if (_query->status() != bncNetQuery::running) { return failure; } } if (_rawFile) { QMapIterator itDec(_decodersRaw); while (itDec.hasNext()) { itDec.next(); GPSDecoder* decoder = itDec.value(); decoder->setRinexReconnectFlag(false); } } else { _decoder->setRinexReconnectFlag(false); } return success; } // RTCM scan output ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void bncGetThread::scanRTCM() { if ( !decoder() ) { return; } bncSettings settings; if ( Qt::CheckState(settings.value("scanRTCM").toInt()) == Qt::Checked ) { if ( _miscMount == _staID || _miscMount == "ALL" ) { // RTCM message types // ------------------ for (int ii = 0; ii < decoder()->_typeList.size(); ii++) { QString type = QString("%1 ").arg(decoder()->_typeList[ii]); emit(newMessage(_staID + ": Received message type " + type.toAscii(), true)); } // Check Observation Types // ----------------------- for (int ii = 0; ii < decoder()->_obsList.size(); ii++) { t_satObs& obs = decoder()->_obsList[ii]; QVector& rnxTypes = _rnxTypes[obs._prn.system()]; bool allFound = true; for (unsigned iFrq = 0; iFrq < obs._obs.size(); iFrq++) { if (obs._obs[iFrq]->_codeValid) { QString rnxStr('C'); rnxStr.append(obs._obs[iFrq]->_rnxType2ch.c_str()); if (_format.indexOf("RTCM_2") != -1 || _format.indexOf("RTCM2") != -1 || _format.indexOf("RTCM 2") != -1 ) { rnxStr = t_rnxObsFile::type3to2(obs._prn.system(), rnxStr); } if (rnxTypes.indexOf(rnxStr) == -1) { rnxTypes.push_back(rnxStr); allFound = false; } } if (obs._obs[iFrq]->_phaseValid) { QString rnxStr('L'); rnxStr.append(obs._obs[iFrq]->_rnxType2ch.c_str()); if (_format.indexOf("RTCM_2") != -1 || _format.indexOf("RTCM2") != -1 || _format.indexOf("RTCM 2") != -1 ) { rnxStr = t_rnxObsFile::type3to2(obs._prn.system(), rnxStr); } if (rnxTypes.indexOf(rnxStr) == -1) { rnxTypes.push_back(rnxStr); allFound = false; } } if (obs._obs[iFrq]->_dopplerValid){ QString rnxStr('D'); rnxStr.append(obs._obs[iFrq]->_rnxType2ch.c_str()); if (_format.indexOf("RTCM_2") != -1 || _format.indexOf("RTCM2") != -1 || _format.indexOf("RTCM 2") != -1 ) { rnxStr = t_rnxObsFile::type3to2(obs._prn.system(), rnxStr); } if (rnxTypes.indexOf(rnxStr) == -1) { rnxTypes.push_back(rnxStr); allFound = false; } } if (obs._obs[iFrq]->_snrValid){ QString rnxStr('S'); rnxStr.append(obs._obs[iFrq]->_rnxType2ch.c_str()); if (_format.indexOf("RTCM_2") != -1 || _format.indexOf("RTCM2") != -1 || _format.indexOf("RTCM 2") != -1 ) { rnxStr = t_rnxObsFile::type3to2(obs._prn.system(), rnxStr); } if (rnxTypes.indexOf(rnxStr) == -1) { rnxTypes.push_back(rnxStr); allFound = false; } } } if (!allFound) { QString msg; QTextStream str(&msg); QString s; str << obs._prn.system() << " " << s.sprintf("%2d", rnxTypes.size()) << " "; for (int iType = 0; iType < rnxTypes.size(); iType++) { str << " " << rnxTypes[iType]; } emit(newMessage(_staID + ": Observation Types: " + msg.toAscii(), true)); } } // RTCMv3 antenna descriptor // ------------------------- for (int ii = 0; ii < decoder()->_antType.size(); ii++) { QString ant1 = QString("%1 ").arg(decoder()->_antType[ii]); emit(newMessage(_staID + ": Antenna descriptor " + ant1.toAscii(), true)); } // RTCM Antenna Coordinates // ------------------------ for (int ii=0; ii < decoder()->_antList.size(); ii++) { QByteArray antT; if (decoder()->_antList[ii].type == GPSDecoder::t_antInfo::ARP) { antT = "ARP"; } else if (decoder()->_antList[ii].type == GPSDecoder::t_antInfo::APC) { antT = "APC"; } QByteArray ant1, ant2, ant3; ant1 = QString("%1 ").arg(decoder()->_antList[ii].xx,0,'f',4).toAscii(); ant2 = QString("%1 ").arg(decoder()->_antList[ii].yy,0,'f',4).toAscii(); ant3 = QString("%1 ").arg(decoder()->_antList[ii].zz,0,'f',4).toAscii(); emit(newMessage(_staID + ": " + antT + " (ITRF) X " + ant1 + "m", true)); emit(newMessage(_staID + ": " + antT + " (ITRF) Y " + ant2 + "m", true)); emit(newMessage(_staID + ": " + antT + " (ITRF) Z " + ant3 + "m", true)); double hh = 0.0; if (decoder()->_antList[ii].height_f) { hh = decoder()->_antList[ii].height; QByteArray ant4 = QString("%1 ").arg(hh,0,'f',4).toAscii(); emit(newMessage(_staID + ": Antenna height above marker " + ant4 + "m", true)); } emit(newAntCrd(_staID, decoder()->_antList[ii].xx, decoder()->_antList[ii].yy, decoder()->_antList[ii].zz, hh, antT)); } } } #ifdef MLS_SOFTWARE for (int ii=0; ii _antList.size(); ii++) { QByteArray antT; if (decoder()->_antList[ii].type == GPSDecoder::t_antInfo::ARP) { antT = "ARP"; } else if (decoder()->_antList[ii].type == GPSDecoder::t_antInfo::APC) { antT = "APC"; } double hh = 0.0; if (decoder()->_antList[ii].height_f) { hh = decoder()->_antList[ii].height; } emit(newAntCrd(_staID, decoder()->_antList[ii].xx, decoder()->_antList[ii].yy, decoder()->_antList[ii].zz, hh, antT)); } for (int ii = 0; ii _typeList.size(); ii++) { emit(newRTCMMessage(_staID, decoder()->_typeList[ii])); } #endif decoder()->_typeList.clear(); decoder()->_antType.clear(); decoder()->_antList.clear(); } // Handle Data from Serial Port //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void bncGetThread::slotSerialReadyRead() { if (_serialPort) { int nb = _serialPort->bytesAvailable(); if (nb > 0) { QByteArray data = _serialPort->read(nb); if (_serialNMEA == AUTO_NMEA) { int i1 = data.indexOf("$GPGGA"); if (i1 == -1) { i1 = data.indexOf("$GNGGA"); } if (i1 != -1) { int i2 = data.indexOf("*", i1); if (i2 != -1 && data.size() > i2 + 1) { QByteArray gga = data.mid(i1,i2-i1+3); _query->sendNMEA(gga); } } } if (_serialOutFile) { _serialOutFile->write(data); _serialOutFile->flush(); } } } }