// Part of BNC, a utility for retrieving decoding and // converting GNSS data streams from NTRIP broadcasters. // // Copyright (C) 2007 // German Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG) // http://www.bkg.bund.de // Czech Technical University Prague, Department of Geodesy // http://www.fsv.cvut.cz // // Email: euref-ip@bkg.bund.de // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * BKG NTRIP Client * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Class: bncApp * * Purpose: This class implements the main application * * Author: L. Mervart * * Created: 29-Aug-2006 * * Changes: * * -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include #include #include #include "bncapp.h" #include "bncutils.h" #include "bncrinex.h" #include "bncsettings.h" #include "bncversion.h" #include "RTCM3/ephemeris.h" #ifdef USE_COMBINATION #include "combination/bnccomb.h" #endif using namespace std; // Constructor //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bncApp::bncApp(int& argc, char* argv[], bool GUIenabled) : QApplication(argc, argv, GUIenabled) { _logFileFlag = 0; _logFile = 0; _logStream = 0; _caster = 0; _rawFile = 0; #ifdef USE_COMBINATION _bncComb = 0; #endif // Lists of Ephemeris // ------------------ for (int ii = PRN_GPS_START; ii <= PRN_GPS_END; ii++) { _gpsEph[ii-PRN_GPS_START] = 0; } for (int ii = PRN_GLONASS_START; ii <= PRN_GLONASS_END; ii++) { _glonassEph[ii-PRN_GLONASS_START] = 0; } for (int ii = PRN_GALILEO_START; ii <= PRN_GALILEO_END; ii++) { _galileoEph[ii-PRN_GALILEO_START] = 0; } // Eph file(s) // ----------- _rinexVers = 0; _ephFileGPS = 0; _ephStreamGPS = 0; _ephFileGlonass = 0; _ephStreamGlonass = 0; _ephFileGalileo = 0; _ephStreamGalileo = 0; _port = 0; _server = 0; _sockets = 0; _portCorr = 0; _serverCorr = 0; _socketsCorr = 0; _pgmName = QString(BNCPGMNAME).leftJustified(20, ' ', true); #ifdef WIN32 _userName = QString("${USERNAME}"); #else _userName = QString("${USER}"); #endif expandEnvVar(_userName); _userName = _userName.leftJustified(20, ' ', true); _lastDumpCoSec = 0; _corrs = new QMultiMap; _currentDateAndTimeGPS = 0; for (int ii = 0; ii < PRN_GLONASS_NUM; ++ii) { _GLOFreq[ii] = 0; } _bncPPPclient = 0; _mainWindow = 0; } // Destructor //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bncApp::~bncApp() { delete _logStream; delete _logFile; delete _ephStreamGPS; delete _ephFileGPS; delete _server; delete _sockets; delete _serverCorr; delete _socketsCorr; if (_rinexVers == 2) { delete _ephStreamGlonass; delete _ephFileGlonass; } for (int ii = PRN_GPS_START; ii <= PRN_GPS_END; ii++) { delete _gpsEph[ii-PRN_GPS_START]; } for (int ii = PRN_GLONASS_START; ii <= PRN_GLONASS_END; ii++) { delete _glonassEph[ii-PRN_GLONASS_START]; } for (int ii = PRN_GALILEO_START; ii <= PRN_GALILEO_END; ii++) { delete _galileoEph[ii-PRN_GALILEO_START]; } delete _corrs; delete _currentDateAndTimeGPS; delete _rawFile; #ifdef USE_COMBINATION delete _bncComb; #endif } // Write a Program Message //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void bncApp::slotMessage(QByteArray msg, bool showOnScreen) { QMutexLocker locker(&_mutexMessage); messagePrivate(msg); emit newMessage(msg, showOnScreen); } // Write a Program Message (private, no lock) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void bncApp::messagePrivate(const QByteArray& msg) { // First time resolve the log file name // ------------------------------------ QDate currDate = currentDateAndTimeGPS().date(); if (_logFileFlag == 0 || _fileDate != currDate) { delete _logStream; _logStream = 0; delete _logFile; _logFile = 0; _logFileFlag = 1; bncSettings settings; QString logFileName = settings.value("logFile").toString(); if ( !logFileName.isEmpty() ) { expandEnvVar(logFileName); _logFile = new QFile(logFileName + "_" + currDate.toString("yyMMdd").toAscii().data()); _fileDate = currDate; if ( Qt::CheckState(settings.value("rnxAppend").toInt()) == Qt::Checked) { _logFile->open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Append); } else { _logFile->open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); } _logStream = new QTextStream(); _logStream->setDevice(_logFile); } } if (_logStream) { QByteArray msgLocal = msg; if (msg.indexOf('\n') == 0) { *_logStream << endl; msgLocal = msg.mid(1); } *_logStream << currentDateAndTimeGPS().toString("yy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss ").toAscii().data(); *_logStream << msgLocal.data() << endl; _logStream->flush(); _logFile->flush(); } } // New GPS Ephemeris //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void bncApp::slotNewGPSEph(gpsephemeris* gpseph) { QMutexLocker locker(&_mutex); gpsephemeris copy_gpseph = *gpseph; emit newEphGPS(copy_gpseph); printEphHeader(); gpsephemeris** ee = &_gpsEph[gpseph->satellite-1]; if ( *ee != 0 && gpseph->GPSweek == (*ee)->GPSweek && gpseph->TOC == (*ee)->TOC ) { checkEphemeris(*ee, gpseph); } if ( *ee == 0 || gpseph->GPSweek > (*ee)->GPSweek || (gpseph->GPSweek == (*ee)->GPSweek && gpseph->TOC > (*ee)->TOC) ) { delete *ee; *ee = gpseph; printGPSEph(gpseph, true); } else { printGPSEph(gpseph, false); delete gpseph; } } // New Glonass Ephemeris //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void bncApp::slotNewGlonassEph(glonassephemeris* glonasseph) { QMutexLocker locker(&_mutex); glonassephemeris copy_glonasseph = *glonasseph; emit newEphGlonass(copy_glonasseph); printEphHeader(); glonassephemeris** ee = &_glonassEph[glonasseph->almanac_number-1]; int wwOld, towOld, wwNew, towNew; if (*ee != 0) { wwOld = (*ee)->GPSWeek; towOld = (*ee)->GPSTOW; updatetime(&wwOld, &towOld, (*ee)->tb*1000, 0); // Moscow -> GPS wwNew = glonasseph->GPSWeek; towNew = glonasseph->GPSTOW; updatetime(&wwNew, &towNew, glonasseph->tb*1000, 0); // Moscow -> GPS } if ( *ee == 0 || wwNew > wwOld || (wwNew == wwOld && towNew > towOld) ) { delete *ee; *ee = glonasseph; printGlonassEph(glonasseph, true); } else { printGlonassEph(glonasseph, false); delete glonasseph; } } // New Galileo Ephemeris //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void bncApp::slotNewGalileoEph(galileoephemeris* galileoeph) { QMutexLocker locker(&_mutex); galileoephemeris copy_galileoeph = *galileoeph; emit newEphGalileo(copy_galileoeph); printEphHeader(); int galIndex = galileoeph->satellite; /* GIOVE */ if(galIndex == 51) galIndex = 1; else if(galIndex == 52) galIndex = 16; if (galIndex < 0 || galIndex > PRN_GALILEO_END - PRN_GALILEO_START) { emit( newMessage("Wrong Galileo Satellite Number", true) ); exit(1); } galileoephemeris** ee = &_galileoEph[galIndex]; if ( *ee == 0 || galileoeph->Week > (*ee)->Week || (galileoeph->Week == (*ee)->Week && galileoeph->TOC > (*ee)->TOC) ) { delete *ee; *ee = galileoeph; printGalileoEph(galileoeph, true); } else { printGalileoEph(galileoeph, false); delete galileoeph; } } // Print Header of the output File(s) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void bncApp::printEphHeader() { bncSettings settings; // Initialization // -------------- if (_rinexVers == 0) { if ( Qt::CheckState(settings.value("ephV3").toInt()) == Qt::Checked) { _rinexVers = 3; } else { _rinexVers = 2; } _ephPath = settings.value("ephPath").toString(); if ( !_ephPath.isEmpty() ) { if ( _ephPath[_ephPath.length()-1] != QDir::separator() ) { _ephPath += QDir::separator(); } expandEnvVar(_ephPath); } } // (Re-)Open output File(s) // ------------------------ if (!_ephPath.isEmpty()) { QDateTime datTim = currentDateAndTimeGPS(); QString ephFileNameGPS = _ephPath + "BRDC" + QString("%1").arg(datTim.date().dayOfYear(), 3, 10, QChar('0')); QString hlpStr = bncRinex::nextEpochStr(datTim, settings.value("ephIntr").toString()); if (_rinexVers == 3) { ephFileNameGPS += hlpStr + datTim.toString(".yyP"); } else { ephFileNameGPS += hlpStr + datTim.toString(".yyN"); } if (_ephFileNameGPS == ephFileNameGPS) { return; } else { _ephFileNameGPS = ephFileNameGPS; } for (int ii = PRN_GPS_START; ii <= PRN_GPS_END; ii++) { delete _gpsEph[ii-PRN_GPS_START]; _gpsEph[ii-PRN_GPS_START] = 0; } for (int ii = PRN_GLONASS_START; ii <= PRN_GLONASS_END; ii++) { delete _glonassEph[ii-PRN_GLONASS_START]; _glonassEph[ii-PRN_GLONASS_START] = 0; } for (int ii = PRN_GALILEO_START; ii <= PRN_GALILEO_END; ii++) { delete _galileoEph[ii-PRN_GALILEO_START]; _galileoEph[ii-PRN_GALILEO_START] = 0; } delete _ephStreamGPS; delete _ephFileGPS; QFlags appendFlagGPS; QFlags appendFlagGlonass; QFlags appendFlagGalileo; if ( Qt::CheckState(settings.value("rnxAppend").toInt()) == Qt::Checked && QFile::exists(ephFileNameGPS) ) { appendFlagGPS = QIODevice::Append; } _ephFileGPS = new QFile(ephFileNameGPS); _ephFileGPS->open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | appendFlagGPS); _ephStreamGPS = new QTextStream(); _ephStreamGPS->setDevice(_ephFileGPS); if (_rinexVers == 3) { _ephFileGlonass = _ephFileGPS; _ephStreamGlonass = _ephStreamGPS; _ephFileGalileo = _ephFileGPS; _ephStreamGalileo = _ephStreamGPS; } else if (_rinexVers == 2) { QString ephFileNameGlonass = _ephPath + "BRDC" + QString("%1").arg(datTim.date().dayOfYear(), 3, 10, QChar('0')) + hlpStr + datTim.toString(".yyG"); delete _ephStreamGlonass; delete _ephFileGlonass; if ( Qt::CheckState(settings.value("rnxAppend").toInt()) == Qt::Checked && QFile::exists(ephFileNameGlonass) ) { appendFlagGlonass = QIODevice::Append; } _ephFileGlonass = new QFile(ephFileNameGlonass); _ephFileGlonass->open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | appendFlagGlonass); _ephStreamGlonass = new QTextStream(); _ephStreamGlonass->setDevice(_ephFileGlonass); } // Header - RINEX Version 3 // ------------------------ if (_rinexVers == 3) { if ( ! (appendFlagGPS & QIODevice::Append)) { QString line; line.sprintf( "%9.2f%11sN: GNSS NAV DATA M: Mixed%12sRINEX VERSION / TYPE\n", 3.0, "", ""); *_ephStreamGPS << line; QString hlp = currentDateAndTimeGPS().toString("yyyyMMdd hhmmss UTC").leftJustified(20, ' ', true); *_ephStreamGPS << _pgmName.toAscii().data() << _userName.toAscii().data() << hlp.toAscii().data() << "PGM / RUN BY / DATE" << endl; line.sprintf("%60sEND OF HEADER\n", ""); *_ephStreamGPS << line; _ephStreamGPS->flush(); } } // Headers - RINEX Version 2 // ------------------------- else if (_rinexVers == 2) { if (! (appendFlagGPS & QIODevice::Append)) { QString line; line.sprintf( "%9.2f%11sN: GPS NAV DATA%25sRINEX VERSION / TYPE\n", 2.10, "", ""); *_ephStreamGPS << line; QString hlp = currentDateAndTimeGPS().date().toString("dd-MMM-yyyy").leftJustified(20, ' ', true); *_ephStreamGPS << _pgmName.toAscii().data() << _userName.toAscii().data() << hlp.toAscii().data() << "PGM / RUN BY / DATE" << endl; line.sprintf("%60sEND OF HEADER\n", ""); *_ephStreamGPS << line; _ephStreamGPS->flush(); } if (! (appendFlagGlonass & QIODevice::Append)) { QString line; line.sprintf( "%9.2f%11sG: GLONASS NAV DATA%21sRINEX VERSION / TYPE\n",2.10,"",""); *_ephStreamGlonass << line; QString hlp = currentDateAndTimeGPS().date().toString("dd-MMM-yyyy").leftJustified(20, ' ', true); *_ephStreamGlonass << _pgmName.toAscii().data() << _userName.toAscii().data() << hlp.toAscii().data() << "PGM / RUN BY / DATE" << endl; line.sprintf("%60sEND OF HEADER\n", ""); *_ephStreamGlonass << line; _ephStreamGlonass->flush(); } } } } // Print One GPS Ephemeris //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void bncApp::printGPSEph(gpsephemeris* ep, bool printFile) { t_ephGPS eph; eph.set(ep); QString strV2 = eph.toString(2.11); QString strV3 = eph.toString(3.01); printOutput(printFile, _ephStreamGPS, strV2, strV3); } // Print One Glonass Ephemeris //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void bncApp::printGlonassEph(glonassephemeris* ep, bool printFile) { t_ephGlo eph; eph.set(ep); QString strV2 = eph.toString(2.11); QString strV3 = eph.toString(3.01); printOutput(printFile, _ephStreamGlonass, strV2, strV3); } // Print One Galileo Ephemeris //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void bncApp::printGalileoEph(galileoephemeris* ep, bool printFile) { t_ephGal eph; eph.set(ep); QString strV2 = eph.toString(2.11); QString strV3 = eph.toString(3.01); printOutput(printFile, _ephStreamGalileo, strV2, strV3); } // Output //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void bncApp::printOutput(bool printFile, QTextStream* stream, const QString& strV2, const QString& strV3) { // Output into file // ---------------- if (printFile && stream) { if (_rinexVers == 2) { *stream << strV2.toAscii(); } else { *stream << strV3.toAscii(); } stream->flush(); } // Output into the socket // ---------------------- if (_sockets) { QMutableListIterator is(*_sockets); while (is.hasNext()) { QTcpSocket* sock = is.next(); if (sock->state() == QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState) { if (sock->write(strV3.toAscii()) == -1) { delete sock; is.remove(); } } else if (sock->state() != QAbstractSocket::ConnectingState) { delete sock; is.remove(); } } } } // Set Port Number //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void bncApp::setPort(int port) { _port = port; if (_port != 0) { delete _server; _server = new QTcpServer; if ( !_server->listen(QHostAddress::Any, _port) ) { slotMessage("bncApp: Cannot listen on ephemeris port", true); } connect(_server, SIGNAL(newConnection()), this, SLOT(slotNewConnection())); delete _sockets; _sockets = new QList; } } // Set Port Number //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void bncApp::setPortCorr(int port) { _portCorr = port; if (_portCorr != 0) { delete _serverCorr; _serverCorr = new QTcpServer; if ( !_serverCorr->listen(QHostAddress::Any, _portCorr) ) { slotMessage("bncApp: Cannot listen on correction port", true); } connect(_serverCorr, SIGNAL(newConnection()), this, SLOT(slotNewConnectionCorr())); delete _socketsCorr; _socketsCorr = new QList; } } // New Connection //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void bncApp::slotNewConnection() { _sockets->push_back( _server->nextPendingConnection() ); } // New Connection //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void bncApp::slotNewConnectionCorr() { _socketsCorr->push_back( _serverCorr->nextPendingConnection() ); } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void bncApp::slotQuit() { cout << "bncApp::slotQuit" << endl; delete _caster; quit(); } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void bncApp::slotNewCorrLine(QString line, QString staID, long coTime) { QMutexLocker locker(&_mutex); // Combination of Corrections // -------------------------- #ifdef USE_COMBINATION if (_bncComb) { _bncComb->processCorrLine(staID, line); } #endif bncSettings settings; _waitCoTime = settings.value("corrTime").toInt(); if (_waitCoTime < 0) { _waitCoTime = 0; } // First time, set the _lastDumpSec immediately // -------------------------------------------- if (_lastDumpCoSec == 0) { _lastDumpCoSec = coTime - 1; } // An old correction - throw it away // --------------------------------- if (_waitCoTime > 0 && coTime <= _lastDumpCoSec) { if (!_bncComb) { QString line = staID + ": Correction for one sat neglected because overaged by " + QString().sprintf(" %ld sec", _lastDumpCoSec - coTime + _waitCoTime); messagePrivate(line.toAscii()); emit( newMessage(line.toAscii(), true) ); } return; } _corrs->insert(coTime, QString(line + " " + staID)); // Dump Corrections // ---------------- if (_waitCoTime == 0) { dumpCorrs(); } else if (coTime - _waitCoTime > _lastDumpCoSec) { dumpCorrs(_lastDumpCoSec + 1, coTime - _waitCoTime); _lastDumpCoSec = coTime - _waitCoTime; } } // Dump Complete Correction Epochs //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void bncApp::dumpCorrs(long minTime, long maxTime) { for (long sec = minTime; sec <= maxTime; sec++) { QList allCorrs = _corrs->values(sec); dumpCorrs(allCorrs); _corrs->remove(sec); } } // Dump all corrections //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void bncApp::dumpCorrs() { QList allCorrs; QMutableMapIterator it(*_corrs); while (it.hasNext()) { allCorrs << it.next().value(); it.remove(); } dumpCorrs(allCorrs); } // Dump List of Corrections //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void bncApp::dumpCorrs(const QList& allCorrs) { emit newCorrections(allCorrs); if (_socketsCorr) { QListIterator it(allCorrs); while (it.hasNext()) { QString corrLine = it.next() + "\n"; QMutableListIterator is(*_socketsCorr); while (is.hasNext()) { QTcpSocket* sock = is.next(); if (sock->state() == QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState) { if (sock->write(corrLine.toAscii()) == -1) { delete sock; is.remove(); } } else if (sock->state() != QAbstractSocket::ConnectingState) { delete sock; is.remove(); } } } } } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void bncApp::setConfFileName(const QString& confFileName) { if (confFileName.isEmpty()) { _confFileName = QDir::homePath() + QDir::separator() + ".config" + QDir::separator() + organizationName() + QDir::separator() + applicationName() + ".bnc"; } else { _confFileName = confFileName; } } // Raw Output //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void bncApp::writeRawData(const QByteArray& data, const QByteArray& staID, const QByteArray& format) { QMutexLocker locker(&_mutex); if (!_rawFile) { bncSettings settings; QByteArray fileName = settings.value("rawOutFile").toByteArray(); if (!fileName.isEmpty()) { _rawFile = new bncRawFile(fileName, staID, bncRawFile::output); } } if (_rawFile) { _rawFile->writeRawData(data, staID, format); } } // Get Glonass Slot Numbers from Global Array //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void bncApp::getGlonassSlotNums(int GLOFreq[]) { QMutexLocker locker(&_mutex); for (int ii = 0; ii < PRN_GLONASS_NUM; ++ii) { if (_GLOFreq[ii] != 0) { GLOFreq[ii] = _GLOFreq[ii]; } } } // Store Glonass Slot Numbers to Global Array //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void bncApp::storeGlonassSlotNums(const int GLOFreq[]) { QMutexLocker locker(&_mutex); for (int ii = 0; ii < PRN_GLONASS_NUM; ++ii) { if (GLOFreq[ii] != 0) { _GLOFreq[ii] = GLOFreq[ii]; } } } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void bncApp::initCombination() { #ifdef USE_COMBINATION _bncComb = new bncComb(); if (_bncComb->nStreams() < 1) { delete _bncComb; _bncComb = 0; } #endif } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void bncApp::stopCombination() { #ifdef USE_COMBINATION delete _bncComb; _bncComb = 0; #endif } // Handling Events (virtual) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool bncApp::event(QEvent* ev) { if (ev->type() == QEvent::FileOpen) { // currently happens on Mac only QString fileName = static_cast(ev)->file(); setConfFileName(fileName); return true; } return QApplication::event(ev); } // Check Ephemeris Consistency //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void bncApp::checkEphemeris(gpsephemeris* oldEph, gpsephemeris* newEph) { if (oldEph->clock_bias != newEph->clock_bias || oldEph->clock_drift != newEph->clock_drift || oldEph->clock_driftrate != newEph->clock_driftrate) { QString msg = currentDateAndTimeGPS().toString(Qt::ISODate) + QString(" %1 EPH DIFFERS\n").arg(oldEph->satellite); messagePrivate(msg.toAscii()); } }