// Part of BNC, a utility for retrieving decoding and // converting GNSS data streams from NTRIP broadcasters. // // Copyright (C) 2007 // German Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG) // http://www.bkg.bund.de // Czech Technical University Prague, Department of Geodesy // http://www.fsv.cvut.cz // // Email: euref-ip@bkg.bund.de // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * BKG NTRIP Client * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Class: RTCM3coDecoder * * Purpose: RTCM3 Clock Orbit Decoder * * Author: L. Mervart * * Created: 05-May-2008 * * Changes: * * -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include #include #include "RTCM3coDecoder.h" #include "bncutils.h" #include "bncrinex.h" #include "bnccore.h" #include "bncsettings.h" #include "rtcm3torinex.h" #include "bnctime.h" using namespace std; // Constructor //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// RTCM3coDecoder::RTCM3coDecoder(const QString& staID) { _staID = staID; // File Output // ----------- bncSettings settings; QString path = settings.value("corrPath").toString(); if (!path.isEmpty()) { expandEnvVar(path); if ( path.length() > 0 && path[path.length()-1] != QDir::separator() ) { path += QDir::separator(); } _fileNameSkl = path + staID; } _out = 0; qRegisterMetaType("bncTime"); qRegisterMetaType< QList >("QList"); qRegisterMetaType< QList >("QList"); connect(this, SIGNAL(newOrbCorrections(QList)), BNC_CORE, SLOT(slotNewOrbCorrections(QList))); connect(this, SIGNAL(newClkCorrections(QList)), BNC_CORE, SLOT(slotNewClkCorrections(QList))); connect(this, SIGNAL(providerIDChanged(QString)), BNC_CORE, SIGNAL(providerIDChanged(QString))); connect(this, SIGNAL(newMessage(QByteArray,bool)), BNC_CORE, SLOT(slotMessage(const QByteArray,bool))); memset(&_co, 0, sizeof(_co)); memset(&_bias, 0, sizeof(_bias)); _providerID[0] = -1; _providerID[1] = -1; _providerID[2] = -1; } // Destructor //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// RTCM3coDecoder::~RTCM3coDecoder() { delete _out; } // Reopen Output File //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void RTCM3coDecoder::reopen() { if (!_fileNameSkl.isEmpty()) { bncSettings settings; QDateTime datTim = currentDateAndTimeGPS(); QString hlpStr = bncRinex::nextEpochStr(datTim, settings.value("corrIntr").toString()); QString fileNameHlp = _fileNameSkl + QString("%1").arg(datTim.date().dayOfYear(), 3, 10, QChar('0')) + hlpStr + datTim.toString(".yyC"); if (_fileName == fileNameHlp) { return; } else { _fileName = fileNameHlp; } delete _out; if ( Qt::CheckState(settings.value("rnxAppend").toInt()) == Qt::Checked) { _out = new ofstream( _fileName.toAscii().data(), ios_base::out | ios_base::app ); } else { _out = new ofstream( _fileName.toAscii().data() ); } } } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// t_irc RTCM3coDecoder::Decode(char* buffer, int bufLen, vector& errmsg) { errmsg.clear(); _buffer.append(QByteArray(buffer,bufLen)); t_irc retCode = failure; while(_buffer.size()) { int bytesused = 0; struct ClockOrbit co_sav; memcpy(&co_sav, &_co, sizeof(co_sav)); // save state GCOB_RETURN irc = GetSSR(&_co, &_bias, 0, 0, _buffer.data(), _buffer.size(), &bytesused); if (irc <= -30) { // not enough data - restore state and exit loop memcpy(&_co, &co_sav, sizeof(co_sav)); break; } else if (irc < 0) { // error - skip 1 byte and retry memset(&_co, 0, sizeof(_co)); memset(&_bias, 0, sizeof(_bias)); _buffer = _buffer.mid(bytesused ? bytesused : 1); } else { // OK or MESSAGEFOLLOWS _buffer = _buffer.mid(bytesused); if ( (irc == GCOBR_OK || irc == GCOBR_MESSAGEFOLLOWS ) && (_co.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATGPS] > 0 || _co.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATGLONASS] > 0 || _bias.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATGPS] > 0 || _bias.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATGLONASS] > 0) ) { reopen(); // Guess GPS week and sec using system time // ---------------------------------------- int GPSweek; double GPSweeksHlp; currentGPSWeeks(GPSweek, GPSweeksHlp); // Correction Epoch from GPSEpochTime // ---------------------------------- if (_co.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATGPS] > 0 || _bias.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATGPS] > 0) { int GPSEpochTime = (_co.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATGPS] > 0) ? _co.EpochTime[CLOCKORBIT_SATGPS] : _bias.EpochTime[CLOCKORBIT_SATGPS]; if (GPSweeksHlp > GPSEpochTime + 86400.0) { GPSweek += 1; } else if (GPSweeksHlp < GPSEpochTime - 86400.0) { GPSweek -= 1; } _lastTime.set(GPSweek, double(GPSEpochTime)); } // Correction Epoch from Glonass Epoch // ----------------------------------- else if (_co.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATGLONASS] > 0 || _bias.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATGLONASS] > 0){ int GLONASSEpochTime = (_co.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATGLONASS] > 0) ? _co.EpochTime[CLOCKORBIT_SATGLONASS] : _bias.EpochTime[CLOCKORBIT_SATGLONASS]; // Second of day (GPS time) from Glonass Epoch // ------------------------------------------- QDate date = dateAndTimeFromGPSweek(GPSweek, GPSweeksHlp).date(); int leapSecond = gnumleap(date.year(), date.month(), date.day()); int GPSDaySec = GLONASSEpochTime - 3 * 3600 + leapSecond; int weekDay = int(GPSweeksHlp/86400.0); int GPSDaySecHlp = int(GPSweeksHlp) - weekDay * 86400; // Handle the difference between system clock and correction epoch // --------------------------------------------------------------- if (GPSDaySec < GPSDaySecHlp - 3600) { weekDay += 1; if (weekDay > 6) { weekDay = 0; GPSweek += 1; } } else if (GPSDaySec > GPSDaySecHlp + 3600) { weekDay -= 1; if (weekDay < 0) { weekDay = 6; GPSweek -= 1; } } _lastTime.set(GPSweek, weekDay * 86400.0 + GPSDaySec); } checkProviderID(); sendResults(); retCode = success; memset(&_co, 0, sizeof(_co)); memset(&_bias, 0, sizeof(_bias)); } } } return retCode; } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void RTCM3coDecoder::sendResults() { QList orbCorrections; QList clkCorrections; // Loop over all satellites (GPS and Glonass) // ------------------------------------------ for (unsigned ii = 0; ii < CLOCKORBIT_NUMGPS + _co.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATGLONASS]; ii++) { char sysCh = ' '; if (ii < _co.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATGPS]) { sysCh = 'G'; } else if (ii >= CLOCKORBIT_NUMGPS) { sysCh = 'R'; } else { continue; } // Orbit correction // ---------------- if ( _co.messageType == COTYPE_GPSCOMBINED || _co.messageType == COTYPE_GLONASSCOMBINED || _co.messageType == COTYPE_GPSORBIT || _co.messageType == COTYPE_GLONASSORBIT ) { t_orbCorr orbCorr; orbCorr._prn.set(sysCh, _co.Sat[ii].ID); orbCorr._staID = _staID.toAscii().data(); orbCorr._iod = _co.Sat[ii].IOD; orbCorr._time = _lastTime; orbCorr._system = 'R'; orbCorr._xr[0] = _co.Sat[ii].Orbit.DeltaRadial; orbCorr._xr[1] = _co.Sat[ii].Orbit.DeltaAlongTrack; orbCorr._xr[2] = _co.Sat[ii].Orbit.DeltaCrossTrack; orbCorr._dotXr[0] = _co.Sat[ii].Orbit.DotDeltaRadial; orbCorr._dotXr[1] = _co.Sat[ii].Orbit.DotDeltaAlongTrack; orbCorr._dotXr[2] = _co.Sat[ii].Orbit.DotDeltaCrossTrack; orbCorrections.push_back(orbCorr); _IODs[orbCorr._prn.toString()] = _co.Sat[ii].IOD; } if ( _co.messageType == COTYPE_GPSCOMBINED || _co.messageType == COTYPE_GLONASSCOMBINED || _co.messageType == COTYPE_GPSCLOCK || _co.messageType == COTYPE_GLONASSCLOCK ) { t_clkCorr clkCorr; clkCorr._prn.set(sysCh, _co.Sat[ii].ID); clkCorr._staID = _staID.toAscii().data(); clkCorr._time = _lastTime; clkCorr._dClk = _co.Sat[ii].Clock.DeltaA0 / t_CST::c; clkCorr._dotDClk = _co.Sat[ii].Clock.DeltaA1 / t_CST::c; clkCorr._dotDotDClk = _co.Sat[ii].Clock.DeltaA2 / t_CST::c; clkCorr._clkPartial = 0.0; if (_IODs.contains(clkCorr._prn.toString())) { clkCorr._iod = _IODs[clkCorr._prn.toString()]; clkCorrections.push_back(clkCorr); } } // High-Resolution Clocks // ---------------------- if ( _co.messageType == COTYPE_GPSHR || _co.messageType == COTYPE_GLONASSHR ) { } } // Loop over all satellites (GPS and Glonass) // ------------------------------------------ QList satBiases; for (unsigned ii = 0; ii < CLOCKORBIT_NUMGPS + _bias.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATGLONASS]; ii++) { char sysCh = ' '; if (ii < _bias.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATGPS]) { sysCh = 'G'; } else if (ii >= CLOCKORBIT_NUMGPS) { sysCh = 'R'; } else { continue; } t_satBias satBias; satBias._prn.set(sysCh, _bias.Sat[ii].ID); satBias._time = _lastTime; satBias._nx = 0; satBias._jumpCount = 0; for (unsigned jj = 0; jj < _bias.Sat[ii].NumberOfCodeBiases; jj++) { } } if (orbCorrections.size() > 0) { emit newOrbCorrections(orbCorrections); } if (clkCorrections.size() > 0) { emit newClkCorrections(clkCorrections); } if (_out) { QListIterator itOrb(orbCorrections); while (itOrb.hasNext()) { const t_orbCorr& orbCorr = itOrb.next(); *_out << orbCorr.toLine(); } QListIterator itClk(clkCorrections); while (itClk.hasNext()) { const t_clkCorr& clkCorr = itClk.next(); *_out << clkCorr.toLine(); } _out->flush(); } } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void RTCM3coDecoder::checkProviderID() { if (_co.SSRProviderID == 0 && _co.SSRSolutionID == 0 && _co.SSRIOD == 0) { return; } int newProviderID[3]; newProviderID[0] = _co.SSRProviderID; newProviderID[1] = _co.SSRSolutionID; newProviderID[2] = _co.SSRIOD; bool alreadySet = false; bool different = false; for (unsigned ii = 0; ii < 3; ii++) { if (_providerID[ii] != -1) { alreadySet = true; } if (_providerID[ii] != newProviderID[ii]) { different = true; } _providerID[ii] = newProviderID[ii]; } if (alreadySet && different) { emit newMessage("RTCM3coDecoder: Provider Changed " + _staID.toAscii() + "\n", true); emit providerIDChanged(_staID); } }