// Part of BNC, a utility for retrieving decoding and // converting GNSS data streams from NTRIP broadcasters. // // Copyright (C) 2007 // German Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG) // http://www.bkg.bund.de // Czech Technical University Prague, Department of Geodesy // http://www.fsv.cvut.cz // // Email: euref-ip@bkg.bund.de // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * BKG NTRIP Client * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Class: RTCM3Decoder * * Purpose: RTCM3 Decoder * * Author: L. Mervart * * Created: 24-Aug-2006 * * Changes: * * -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include #include #include #include #include #include "RTCM3Decoder.h" #include "../RTCM/rtcm_utils.h" #include "bncconst.h" #include "bnccore.h" #include "bncutils.h" #include "bncsettings.h" using namespace std; #ifndef isinf # define isinf(x) 0 #endif // Error Handling //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void RTCM3Error(const char*, ...) { } // Constructor //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// RTCM3Decoder::RTCM3Decoder(const QString& staID, bncRawFile* rawFile) : GPSDecoder() { _staID = staID; _rawFile = rawFile; bncSettings settings; _checkMountPoint = settings.value("miscMount").toString(); connect(this, SIGNAL(newGPSEph(gpsephemeris*)), BNC_CORE, SLOT(slotNewGPSEph(gpsephemeris*))); connect(this, SIGNAL(newGlonassEph(glonassephemeris*)), BNC_CORE, SLOT(slotNewGlonassEph(glonassephemeris*))); connect(this, SIGNAL(newGalileoEph(galileoephemeris*)), BNC_CORE, SLOT(slotNewGalileoEph(galileoephemeris*))); // Mode can be either observations or corrections // ---------------------------------------------- _mode = unknown; // Antenna position (used for decoding of message 1003) // ---------------------------------------------------- _antXYZ[0] = _antXYZ[1] = _antXYZ[2] = 0; } // Destructor //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// RTCM3Decoder::~RTCM3Decoder() { QMapIterator it(_coDecoders); while (it.hasNext()) { it.next(); delete it.value(); } } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// t_irc RTCM3Decoder::Decode(char* buffer, int bufLen, vector& errmsg) { errmsg.clear(); bool decoded = false; // If read from file, mode is always uknown // ---------------------------------------- if (_rawFile) { _mode = unknown; _staID = _rawFile->staID(); } // Try to decode Clock and Orbit Corrections // ----------------------------------------- if (_mode == unknown || _mode == corrections) { // Find the corresponding coDecoder // -------------------------------- if (!_coDecoders.contains(_staID.toAscii())) { _coDecoders[_staID.toAscii()] = new RTCM3coDecoder(_staID); } RTCM3coDecoder* coDecoder = _coDecoders[_staID.toAscii()]; if ( coDecoder->Decode(buffer, bufLen, errmsg) == success ) { decoded = true; if (!_rawFile && _mode == unknown) { _mode = corrections; } } } // Find the corresponding parser, initialize a new parser if necessary // ------------------------------------------------------------------- bool newParser = !_parsers.contains(_staID.toAscii()); RTCM3ParserData& parser = _parsers[_staID.toAscii()]; if (newParser) { memset(&parser, 0, sizeof(parser)); parser.rinex3 = 0; double secGPS; currentGPSWeeks(parser.GPSWeek, secGPS); parser.GPSTOW = int(secGPS); } // Get Glonass Slot Numbers from Global Array // ------------------------------------------ BNC_CORE->getGlonassSlotNums(parser.GLOFreq); // Remaining part decodes the Observations // --------------------------------------- if (_mode == unknown || _mode == observations || _checkMountPoint == _staID || _checkMountPoint == "ALL") { for (int iByte = 0; iByte < bufLen; iByte++) { parser.Message[parser.MessageSize++] = buffer[iByte]; if (parser.MessageSize >= parser.NeedBytes) { while (int rr = RTCM3Parser(&parser)) { // RTCMv3 message types // -------------------- _typeList.push_back(parser.blocktype); // RTCMv3 antenna descriptor // ------------------------- if (rr == 1007 || rr == 1008 || rr == 1033) { _antType.push_back(parser.antenna); } // RTCMv3 antenna XYZ // ------------------ else if (rr == 1005) { _antList.push_back(t_antInfo()); _antList.back().type = t_antInfo::ARP; _antList.back().xx = parser.antX * 1e-4; _antList.back().yy = parser.antY * 1e-4; _antList.back().zz = parser.antZ * 1e-4; _antList.back().message = rr; // Remember station position for 1003 message decoding _antXYZ[0] = parser.antX * 1e-4; _antXYZ[1] = parser.antY * 1e-4; _antXYZ[2] = parser.antZ * 1e-4; } // RTCMv3 antenna XYZ-H // -------------------- else if(rr == 1006) { _antList.push_back(t_antInfo()); _antList.back().type = t_antInfo::ARP; _antList.back().xx = parser.antX * 1e-4; _antList.back().yy = parser.antY * 1e-4; _antList.back().zz = parser.antZ * 1e-4; _antList.back().height = parser.antH * 1e-4; _antList.back().height_f = true; _antList.back().message = rr; // Remember station position for 1003 message decoding _antXYZ[0] = parser.antX * 1e-4; _antXYZ[1] = parser.antY * 1e-4; _antXYZ[2] = parser.antZ * 1e-4; } // GNSS Observations // ----------------- else if (rr == 1 || rr == 2) { decoded = true; if (!parser.init) { HandleHeader(&parser); parser.init = 1; } if (rr == 2) { emit(newMessage( (_staID + ": No valid RINEX! All values are modulo 299792.458!").toAscii(), true)); } gnssdata& gnssData = parser.Data; for (int iSat = 0; iSat < gnssData.numsats; iSat++) { t_obs obs; int satID = gnssData.satellites[iSat]; // GPS // --- if (satID >= PRN_GPS_START && satID <= PRN_GPS_END) { obs.satSys = 'G'; obs.satNum = satID; } // Glonass // ------- else if (satID >= PRN_GLONASS_START && satID <= PRN_GLONASS_END) { obs.satSys = 'R'; obs.satNum = satID - PRN_GLONASS_START + 1; if (obs.satNum <= PRN_GLONASS_NUM && parser.GLOFreq[obs.satNum-1] != 0) { obs.slotNum = parser.GLOFreq[obs.satNum-1] - 100; } else { continue; } } // Galileo // ------- else if (satID >= PRN_GALILEO_START && satID <= PRN_GALILEO_END) { obs.satSys = 'E'; obs.satNum = satID - PRN_GALILEO_START + 1; } // SBAS // ---- else if (satID >= PRN_SBAS_START && satID <= PRN_SBAS_END) { obs.satSys = 'S'; obs.satNum = satID - PRN_SBAS_START + 20; } // Giove A and B // ------------- else if (satID >= PRN_GIOVE_START && satID <= PRN_GIOVE_END) { obs.satSys = 'E'; obs.satNum = satID - PRN_GIOVE_START + PRN_GIOVE_OFFSET; } // QZSS // ------------- else if (satID >= PRN_QZSS_START && satID <= PRN_QZSS_END) { obs.satSys = 'J'; obs.satNum = satID - PRN_QZSS_START + 1; } // COMPASS // ------------- else if (satID >= PRN_COMPASS_START && satID <= PRN_COMPASS_END) { obs.satSys = 'C'; obs.satNum = satID - PRN_COMPASS_START + 1; } // Unknown System // -------------- else { continue; } obs.GPSWeek = gnssData.week; obs.GPSWeeks = gnssData.timeofweek / 1000.0; QString prn = QString("%1%2").arg(obs.satSys) .arg(obs.satNum, 2, 10, QChar('0')); // Handle loss-of-lock flags // ------------------------- const int maxSlipCnt = 100; if (!_slip_cnt_L1.contains(prn)) { _slip_cnt_L1[prn] = 0; _slip_cnt_L2[prn] = 0; _slip_cnt_L5[prn] = 0; } if (GNSSDF2_LOCKLOSSL1 & gnssData.dataflags2[iSat]) { if (_slip_cnt_L1[prn] < maxSlipCnt) { ++_slip_cnt_L1[prn]; } else { _slip_cnt_L1[prn] = 1; } obs.slip_cnt_L1 = _slip_cnt_L1[prn]; } if (GNSSDF2_LOCKLOSSL2 & gnssData.dataflags2[iSat]) { if (_slip_cnt_L2[prn] < maxSlipCnt) { ++_slip_cnt_L2[prn]; } else { _slip_cnt_L2[prn] = 1; } obs.slip_cnt_L2 = _slip_cnt_L2[prn]; } if (GNSSDF2_LOCKLOSSL5 & gnssData.dataflags2[iSat]) { if (_slip_cnt_L5[prn] < maxSlipCnt) { ++_slip_cnt_L5[prn]; } else { _slip_cnt_L5[prn] = 1; } obs.slip_cnt_L5 = _slip_cnt_L5[prn]; } obs._dataflags = gnssData.dataflags[iSat]; obs._dataflags2 = gnssData.dataflags2[iSat]; // Loop over all data types // ------------------------ for (int iEntry = 0; iEntry < GNSSENTRY_NUMBER; ++iEntry) { obs._measdata[iEntry] = gnssData.measdata[iSat][iEntry]; obs._codetype[iEntry] = gnssData.codetype[iSat][iEntry]; } _obsList.push_back(obs); } } // GPS Ephemeris // ------------- else if (rr == 1019) { decoded = true; emit newGPSEph(new gpsephemeris(parser.ephemerisGPS)); } // GLONASS Ephemeris // ----------------- else if (rr == 1020) { decoded = true; emit newGlonassEph(new glonassephemeris(parser.ephemerisGLONASS)); } // Galileo Ephemeris // ----------------- else if (rr == 1045) { decoded = true; emit newGalileoEph(new galileoephemeris(parser.ephemerisGALILEO)); } } } } if (!_rawFile && _mode == unknown && decoded) { _mode = observations; } } if (decoded) { BNC_CORE->storeGlonassSlotNums(parser.GLOFreq); return success; } else { return failure; } } // Time of Corrections ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int RTCM3Decoder::corrGPSEpochTime() const { if (_mode == corrections && _coDecoders.size() > 0) { return _coDecoders.begin().value()->corrGPSEpochTime(); } else { return -1; } }