// Part of BNC, a utility for retrieving decoding and // converting GNSS data streams from NTRIP broadcasters. // // Copyright (C) 2007 // German Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG) // http://www.bkg.bund.de // Czech Technical University Prague, Department of Geodesy // http://www.fsv.cvut.cz // // Email: euref-ip@bkg.bund.de // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * BKG NTRIP Client * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Class: RTCM3Decoder * * Purpose: RTCM3 Decoder * * Author: L. Mervart * * Created: 24-Aug-2006 * * Changes: * * -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include #include #include #include #include #include "bits.h" #include "gnss.h" #include "RTCM3Decoder.h" #include "rtcm_utils.h" #include "bncconst.h" #include "bnccore.h" #include "bncutils.h" #include "bncsettings.h" #include "bnctime.h" #include "crs.h" using namespace std; // Error Handling //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void RTCM3Error(const char*, ...) { } // Constructor //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// RTCM3Decoder::RTCM3Decoder(const QString& staID, bncRawFile* rawFile) : GPSDecoder() { _staID = staID; _rawFile = rawFile; connect(this, SIGNAL(newGPSEph(t_ephGPS)), BNC_CORE, SLOT(slotNewGPSEph(t_ephGPS))); connect(this, SIGNAL(newGlonassEph(t_ephGlo)), BNC_CORE, SLOT(slotNewGlonassEph(t_ephGlo))); connect(this, SIGNAL(newGalileoEph(t_ephGal)), BNC_CORE, SLOT(slotNewGalileoEph(t_ephGal))); connect(this, SIGNAL(newSBASEph(t_ephSBAS)), BNC_CORE, SLOT(slotNewSBASEph(t_ephSBAS))); connect(this, SIGNAL(newBDSEph(t_ephBDS)), BNC_CORE, SLOT(slotNewBDSEph(t_ephBDS))); _MessageSize = _SkipBytes = _BlockSize = _NeedBytes = 0; } // Destructor //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// RTCM3Decoder::~RTCM3Decoder() { QMapIterator it(_coDecoders); while (it.hasNext()) { it.next(); delete it.value(); } _coDecoders.clear(); } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool RTCM3Decoder::DecodeRTCM3GPS(unsigned char* data, int size) { bool decoded = false; bncTime CurrentObsTime; int i, numsats, syncf, type; uint64_t numbits = 0, bitfield = 0; data += 3; /* header */ size -= 6; /* header + crc */ GETBITS(type, 12) SKIPBITS(12) /* id */ GETBITS(i, 30) CurrentObsTime.set(i); if (_CurrentTime.valid() && CurrentObsTime != _CurrentTime) { decoded = true; _obsList.append(_CurrentObsList); _CurrentObsList.clear(); } _CurrentTime = CurrentObsTime; GETBITS(syncf, 1) /* sync */ GETBITS(numsats, 5) SKIPBITS(4) /* smind, smint */ while (numsats--) { int sv, code, l1range, amb = 0; t_satObs CurrentObs; CurrentObs._time = CurrentObsTime; CurrentObs._type = type; GETBITS(sv, 6) char sys; int num, flag; if (sv < 40) { sys = 'G'; num = sv; } else { sys = 'S'; num = sv - 20; } flag = t_corrSSR::getSsrNavTypeFlag(sys, num); CurrentObs._prn.set(sys, num, flag); t_frqObs *frqObs = new t_frqObs; /* L1 */ GETBITS(code, 1); (code) ? frqObs->_rnxType2ch.assign("1W") : frqObs->_rnxType2ch.assign("1C"); GETBITS(l1range, 24); GETBITSSIGN(i, 20); if ((i & ((1 << 20) - 1)) != 0x80000) { frqObs->_code = l1range * 0.02; frqObs->_phase = (l1range * 0.02 + i * 0.0005) / GPS_WAVELENGTH_L1; frqObs->_codeValid = frqObs->_phaseValid = true; } GETBITS(frqObs->_lockTimeIndicator, 7); frqObs->_lockTime = lti2sec(type, frqObs->_lockTimeIndicator); frqObs->_lockTimeValid = (frqObs->_lockTime >= 0.0 && frqObs->_phaseValid); if (type == 1002 || type == 1004) { GETBITS(amb, 8); if (amb) { frqObs->_code += amb * 299792.458; frqObs->_phase += (amb * 299792.458) / GPS_WAVELENGTH_L1; } GETBITS(i, 8); if (i) { frqObs->_snr = i * 0.25; frqObs->_snrValid = true; } } CurrentObs._obs.push_back(frqObs); if (type == 1003 || type == 1004) { frqObs = new t_frqObs; /* L2 */ GETBITS(code, 2); switch (code) { case 3: frqObs->_rnxType2ch.assign("2W"); /* or "2Y"? */ break; case 2: frqObs->_rnxType2ch.assign("2W"); break; case 1: frqObs->_rnxType2ch.assign("2P"); break; case 0: frqObs->_rnxType2ch.assign("2X"); /* or "2S" or "2L"? */ break; } GETBITSSIGN(i, 14); if ((i & ((1 << 14) - 1)) != 0x2000) { frqObs->_code = l1range * 0.02 + i * 0.02 + amb * 299792.458; frqObs->_codeValid = true; } GETBITSSIGN(i, 20); if ((i & ((1 << 20) - 1)) != 0x80000) { frqObs->_phase = (l1range * 0.02 + i * 0.0005 + amb * 299792.458) / GPS_WAVELENGTH_L2; frqObs->_phaseValid = true; } GETBITS(frqObs->_lockTimeIndicator, 7); frqObs->_lockTime = lti2sec(type, frqObs->_lockTimeIndicator); frqObs->_lockTimeValid = (frqObs->_lockTime >= 0.0 && frqObs->_phaseValid); if (type == 1004) { GETBITS(i, 8); if (i) { frqObs->_snr = i * 0.25; frqObs->_snrValid = true; } } CurrentObs._obs.push_back(frqObs); } _CurrentObsList.push_back(CurrentObs); } if (!syncf) { decoded = true; _obsList.append(_CurrentObsList); _CurrentTime.reset(); _CurrentObsList.clear(); } return decoded; } #define RTCM3_MSM_NUMSIG 32 #define RTCM3_MSM_NUMSAT 64 #define RTCM3_MSM_NUMCELLS 96 /* arbitrary limit */ /** * Frequency numbers of GLONASS with an offset of 100 to detect unset values. * Gets filled by ephemeris and data blocks and shared between different streams. */ static int GLOFreq[RTCM3_MSM_NUMSAT]; /* * Storage structure to store frequency and RINEX ID assignment for MSM * message */ struct CodeData { double wl; const char *code; /* currently unused */ }; /** MSM signal types for GPS and SBAS */ static struct CodeData gps[RTCM3_MSM_NUMSIG] = { {0.0, 0}, {GPS_WAVELENGTH_L1, "1C"}, {GPS_WAVELENGTH_L1, "1P"}, {GPS_WAVELENGTH_L1, "1W"}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {GPS_WAVELENGTH_L2, "2C"}, {GPS_WAVELENGTH_L2, "2P"}, {GPS_WAVELENGTH_L2, "2W"}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {GPS_WAVELENGTH_L2, "2S"}, {GPS_WAVELENGTH_L2, "2L"}, {GPS_WAVELENGTH_L2, "2X"}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {GPS_WAVELENGTH_L5, "5I"}, {GPS_WAVELENGTH_L5, "5Q"}, {GPS_WAVELENGTH_L5, "5X"}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {GPS_WAVELENGTH_L1, "1S"}, {GPS_WAVELENGTH_L1, "1L"}, {GPS_WAVELENGTH_L1, "1X"} }; /** * MSM signal types for GLONASS * * NOTE: Uses 0.0, 1.0 for wavelength as sat index dependence is done later! */ static struct CodeData glo[RTCM3_MSM_NUMSIG] = { {0.0, 0}, {0.0, "1C"}, {0.0, "1P"}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {1.0, "2C"}, {1.0, "2P"}, {GLO_WAVELENGTH_L1a, "4A"}, {GLO_WAVELENGTH_L1a, "4B"}, {GLO_WAVELENGTH_L1a, "4X"}, {GLO_WAVELENGTH_L2a, "6A"}, {GLO_WAVELENGTH_L2a, "6B"}, {GLO_WAVELENGTH_L2a, "6X"}, {GLO_WAVELENGTH_L3, "3I"}, {GLO_WAVELENGTH_L3, "3Q"}, {GLO_WAVELENGTH_L3, "3X"}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0} }; /** MSM signal types for Galileo */ static struct CodeData gal[RTCM3_MSM_NUMSIG] = { {0.0, 0}, {GAL_WAVELENGTH_E1, "1C"}, {GAL_WAVELENGTH_E1, "1A"}, {GAL_WAVELENGTH_E1, "1B"}, {GAL_WAVELENGTH_E1, "1X"}, {GAL_WAVELENGTH_E1, "1Z"}, {0.0, 0}, {GAL_WAVELENGTH_E6, "6C"}, {GAL_WAVELENGTH_E6, "6A"}, {GAL_WAVELENGTH_E6, "6B"}, {GAL_WAVELENGTH_E6, "6X"}, {GAL_WAVELENGTH_E6, "6Z"}, {0.0, 0}, {GAL_WAVELENGTH_E5B, "7I"}, {GAL_WAVELENGTH_E5B, "7Q"}, {GAL_WAVELENGTH_E5B, "7X"}, {0.0, 0}, {GAL_WAVELENGTH_E5AB,"8I"}, {GAL_WAVELENGTH_E5AB,"8Q"}, {GAL_WAVELENGTH_E5AB,"8X"}, {0.0, 0}, {GAL_WAVELENGTH_E5A, "5I"}, {GAL_WAVELENGTH_E5A, "5Q"}, {GAL_WAVELENGTH_E5A, "5X"}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0} }; /** MSM signal types for QZSS */ static struct CodeData qzss[RTCM3_MSM_NUMSIG] = { {0.0, 0}, {GPS_WAVELENGTH_L1, "1C"}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {QZSS_WAVELENGTH_L6, "6S"}, {QZSS_WAVELENGTH_L6, "6L"}, {QZSS_WAVELENGTH_L6, "6X"}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {GPS_WAVELENGTH_L2, "2S"}, {GPS_WAVELENGTH_L2, "2L"}, {GPS_WAVELENGTH_L2, "2X"}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {GPS_WAVELENGTH_L5, "5I"}, {GPS_WAVELENGTH_L5, "5Q"}, {GPS_WAVELENGTH_L5, "5X"}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {GPS_WAVELENGTH_L1, "1S"}, {GPS_WAVELENGTH_L1, "1L"}, {GPS_WAVELENGTH_L1, "1X"} }; /** MSM signal types for Beidou/BDS */ static struct CodeData bds[RTCM3_MSM_NUMSIG] = { {0.0, 0}, {BDS_WAVELENGTH_B1, "2I"}, {BDS_WAVELENGTH_B1, "2Q"}, {BDS_WAVELENGTH_B1, "2X"}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {BDS_WAVELENGTH_B3, "6I"}, {BDS_WAVELENGTH_B3, "6Q"}, {BDS_WAVELENGTH_B3, "6X"}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {BDS_WAVELENGTH_B2, "7I"}, {BDS_WAVELENGTH_B2, "7Q"}, {BDS_WAVELENGTH_B2, "7X"}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {BDS_WAVELENGTH_B2a, "5D"}, {BDS_WAVELENGTH_B2a, "5P"}, {BDS_WAVELENGTH_B2a, "5X"}, {BDS_WAVELENGTH_B2b, "7D"}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {BDS_WAVELENGTH_B1C, "1D"}, {BDS_WAVELENGTH_B1C, "1P"}, {BDS_WAVELENGTH_B1C, "1X"} }; /** MSM signal types for NavIC */ static struct CodeData irn[RTCM3_MSM_NUMSIG] = { {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {NavIC_WAVELENGTH_S, "9A"}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {NavIC_WAVELENGTH_L5, "5A"}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0}, {0.0, 0} }; #define UINT64(c) c ## ULL // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool RTCM3Decoder::DecodeRTCM3MSM(unsigned char* data, int size) { bool decoded = false; int type, syncf, i; uint64_t numbits = 0, bitfield = 0; data += 3; /* header */ size -= 6; /* header + crc */ GETBITS(type, 12) SKIPBITS(12) /* id */ char sys; if (type >= 1131 && type <= 1137) { sys = 'I'; } else if (type >= 1121 && type <= 1127) { sys = 'C'; } else if (type >= 1111 && type <= 1117) { sys = 'J'; } else if (type >= 1101 && type <= 1107) { sys = 'S'; } else if (type >= 1091 && type <= 1097) { sys = 'E'; } else if (type >= 1081 && type <= 1087) { sys = 'R'; } else if (type >= 1071 && type <= 1077) { sys = 'G'; } else { return decoded; // false } bncTime CurrentObsTime; if (sys == 'C') /* BDS */ { GETBITS(i, 30) CurrentObsTime.setBDS(i); } else if (sys == 'R') /* GLONASS */ { SKIPBITS(3) GETBITS(i, 27) /* tk */ CurrentObsTime.setTk(i); } else /* GPS style date */ { GETBITS(i, 30) CurrentObsTime.set(i); } if (_CurrentTime.valid() && CurrentObsTime != _CurrentTime) { decoded = true; _obsList.append(_CurrentObsList); _CurrentObsList.clear(); } _CurrentTime = CurrentObsTime; GETBITS(syncf, 1) /** * Ignore unknown types except for sync flag * * We actually support types 1-3 in following code, but as they are missing * the full cycles and can't be used later we skip interpretation here already. */ if (type <= 1137 && (type % 10) >= 4 && (type % 10) <= 7) { int sigmask, numsat = 0, numsig = 0; uint64_t satmask, cellmask, ui; // satellite data double rrmod[RTCM3_MSM_NUMSAT]; // GNSS sat rough ranges modulo 1 millisecond int rrint[RTCM3_MSM_NUMSAT]; // number of integer msecs in GNSS sat rough ranges int rdop[RTCM3_MSM_NUMSAT]; // GNSS sat rough phase range rates int extsat[RTCM3_MSM_NUMSAT];// extended sat info // signal data int ll[RTCM3_MSM_NUMCELLS]; // lock time indicator /*int hc[RTCM3_MSM_NUMCELLS];*/ // half cycle ambiguity indicator double cnr[RTCM3_MSM_NUMCELLS]; // signal cnr double cp[RTCM3_MSM_NUMCELLS]; // fine phase range data double psr[RTCM3_MSM_NUMCELLS]; // fine psr double dop[RTCM3_MSM_NUMCELLS]; // fine phase range rates SKIPBITS(3 + 7 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 3) GETBITS64(satmask, RTCM3_MSM_NUMSAT) /* http://gurmeetsingh.wordpress.com/2008/08/05/fast-bit-counting-routines/ */ for (ui = satmask; ui; ui &= (ui - 1) /* remove rightmost bit */) ++numsat; GETBITS(sigmask, RTCM3_MSM_NUMSIG) for (i = sigmask; i; i &= (i - 1) /* remove rightmost bit */) ++numsig; for (i = 0; i < RTCM3_MSM_NUMSAT; ++i) extsat[i] = 15; i = numsat * numsig; GETBITS64(cellmask, (unsigned )i) // satellite data switch (type % 10) { case 1: case 2: case 3: /* partial data, already skipped above, but implemented for future expansion ! */ for (int j = numsat; j--;) GETFLOAT(rrmod[j], 10, 1.0 / 1024.0) break; case 4: case 6: for (int j = numsat; j--;) GETBITS(rrint[j], 8) for (int j = numsat; j--;) GETFLOAT(rrmod[j], 10, 1.0 / 1024.0) break; case 5: case 7: for (int j = numsat; j--;) GETBITS(rrint[j], 8) for (int j = numsat; j--;) GETBITS(extsat[j], 4) for (int j = numsat; j--;) GETFLOAT(rrmod[j], 10, 1.0 / 1024.0) for (int j = numsat; j--;) GETBITSSIGN(rdop[j], 14) break; } // signal data int numcells = numsat * numsig; /** Drop anything which exceeds our cell limit. Increase limit definition * when that happens. */ if (numcells <= RTCM3_MSM_NUMCELLS) { switch (type % 10) { case 1: for (int count = numcells; count--;) if (cellmask & (UINT64(1) << count)) GETFLOATSIGN(psr[count], 15, 1.0 / (1 << 24)) break; case 2: for (int count = numcells; count--;) if (cellmask & (UINT64(1) << count)) GETFLOATSIGN(cp[count], 22, 1.0 / (1 << 29)) for (int count = numcells; count--;) if (cellmask & (UINT64(1) << count)) GETBITS(ll[count], 4) for (int count = numcells; count--;) if (cellmask & (UINT64(1) << count)) SKIPBITS(1)/*GETBITS(hc[count], 1)*/ break; case 3: for (int count = numcells; count--;) if (cellmask & (UINT64(1) << count)) GETFLOATSIGN(psr[count], 15, 1.0 / (1 << 24)) for (int count = numcells; count--;) if (cellmask & (UINT64(1) << count)) GETFLOATSIGN(cp[count], 22, 1.0 / (1 << 29)) for (int count = numcells; count--;) if (cellmask & (UINT64(1) << count)) GETBITS(ll[count], 4) for (int count = numcells; count--;) if (cellmask & (UINT64(1) << count)) SKIPBITS(1)/*GETBITS(hc[count], 1)*/ break; case 4: for (int count = numcells; count--;) if (cellmask & (UINT64(1) << count)) GETFLOATSIGN(psr[count], 15, 1.0 / (1 << 24)) for (int count = numcells; count--;) if (cellmask & (UINT64(1) << count)) GETFLOATSIGN(cp[count], 22, 1.0 / (1 << 29)) for (int count = numcells; count--;) if (cellmask & (UINT64(1) << count)) GETBITS(ll[count], 4) for (int count = numcells; count--;) if (cellmask & (UINT64(1) << count)) SKIPBITS(1)/*GETBITS(hc[count], 1)*/ for (int count = numcells; count--;) if (cellmask & (UINT64(1) << count)) GETBITS(cnr[count], 6) break; case 5: for (int count = numcells; count--;) if (cellmask & (UINT64(1) << count)) GETFLOATSIGN(psr[count], 15, 1.0 / (1 << 24)) for (int count = numcells; count--;) if (cellmask & (UINT64(1) << count)) GETFLOATSIGN(cp[count], 22, 1.0 / (1 << 29)) for (int count = numcells; count--;) if (cellmask & (UINT64(1) << count)) GETBITS(ll[count], 4) for (int count = numcells; count--;) if (cellmask & (UINT64(1) << count)) SKIPBITS(1)/*GETBITS(hc[count], 1)*/ for (int count = numcells; count--;) if (cellmask & (UINT64(1) << count)) GETFLOAT(cnr[count], 6, 1.0) for (int count = numcells; count--;) if (cellmask & (UINT64(1) << count)) GETFLOATSIGN(dop[count], 15, 0.0001) break; case 6: for (int count = numcells; count--;) if (cellmask & (UINT64(1) << count)) GETFLOATSIGN(psr[count], 20, 1.0 / (1 << 29)) for (int count = numcells; count--;) if (cellmask & (UINT64(1) << count)) GETFLOATSIGN(cp[count], 24, 1.0 / (1U << 31)) for (int count = numcells; count--;) if (cellmask & (UINT64(1) << count)) GETBITS(ll[count], 10) for (int count = numcells; count--;) if (cellmask & (UINT64(1) << count)) SKIPBITS(1)/*GETBITS(hc[count], 1)*/ for (int count = numcells; count--;) if (cellmask & (UINT64(1) << count)) GETFLOAT(cnr[count], 10, 1.0 / (1 << 4)) break; case 7: for (int count = numcells; count--;) if (cellmask & (UINT64(1) << count)) GETFLOATSIGN(psr[count], 20, 1.0 / (1 << 29)) for (int count = numcells; count--;) if (cellmask & (UINT64(1) << count)) GETFLOATSIGN(cp[count], 24, 1.0 / (1U << 31)) for (int count = numcells; count--;) if (cellmask & (UINT64(1) << count)) GETBITS(ll[count], 10) for (int count = numcells; count--;) if (cellmask & (UINT64(1) << count)) SKIPBITS(1)/*GETBITS(hc[count], 1)*/ for (int count = numcells; count--;) if (cellmask & (UINT64(1) << count)) GETFLOAT(cnr[count], 10, 1.0 / (1 << 4)) for (int count = numcells; count--;) if (cellmask & (UINT64(1) << count)) GETFLOATSIGN(dop[count], 15, 0.0001) break; } i = RTCM3_MSM_NUMSAT; int j = -1; t_satObs CurrentObs; for (int count = numcells; count--;) { while (j >= 0 && !(sigmask & (1 << --j))) ; if (j < 0) { while (!(satmask & (UINT64(1) << (--i)))) /* next satellite */ ; if (CurrentObs._obs.size() > 0) { char sys = CurrentObs._prn.system(); int num = CurrentObs._prn.number(); int flag = t_corrSSR::getSsrNavTypeFlag(sys, num); CurrentObs._prn.setFlag(flag); _CurrentObsList.push_back(CurrentObs); } CurrentObs.clear(); CurrentObs._time = CurrentObsTime; CurrentObs._type = type; if (sys == 'S') CurrentObs._prn.set(sys, 20 - 1 + RTCM3_MSM_NUMSAT - i); else CurrentObs._prn.set(sys, RTCM3_MSM_NUMSAT - i); j = RTCM3_MSM_NUMSIG; while (!(sigmask & (1 << --j))) ; --numsat; } if (cellmask & (UINT64(1) << count)) { struct CodeData cd = {0.0, 0}; switch (sys) { case 'J': cd = qzss[RTCM3_MSM_NUMSIG - j - 1]; break; case 'C': cd = bds[RTCM3_MSM_NUMSIG - j - 1]; break; case 'G': case 'S': cd = gps[RTCM3_MSM_NUMSIG - j - 1]; break; case 'R': cd = glo[RTCM3_MSM_NUMSIG - j - 1]; { int k = GLOFreq[RTCM3_MSM_NUMSAT - i - 1]; if (extsat[numsat] < 14) { // channel number is available as extended info for MSM5/7 k = GLOFreq[RTCM3_MSM_NUMSAT - i - 1] = 100 + extsat[numsat] - 7; } if (k) { if (cd.wl == 0.0) { cd.wl = GLO_WAVELENGTH_L1(k - 100); } else if (cd.wl == 1.0) { cd.wl = GLO_WAVELENGTH_L2(k - 100); } } else if (!k && cd.wl <= 1) { cd.code = 0; } } break; case 'E': cd = gal[RTCM3_MSM_NUMSIG - j - 1]; break; case 'I': cd = irn[RTCM3_MSM_NUMSIG - j - 1]; break; } if (cd.code) { t_frqObs *frqObs = new t_frqObs; frqObs->_rnxType2ch.assign(cd.code); switch (type % 10) { case 1: if (psr[count] > -1.0 / (1 << 10)) { frqObs->_code = psr[count] * LIGHTSPEED / 1000.0 + (rrmod[numsat]) * LIGHTSPEED / 1000.0; frqObs->_codeValid = true; } break; case 2: if (cp[count] > -1.0 / (1 << 8)) { frqObs->_phase = cp[count] * LIGHTSPEED / 1000.0 / cd.wl + (rrmod[numsat]) * LIGHTSPEED / 1000.0 / cd.wl; frqObs->_phaseValid = true; frqObs->_lockTime = lti2sec(type,ll[count]); frqObs->_lockTimeValid = (frqObs->_lockTime >= 0.0); frqObs->_lockTimeIndicator = ll[count]; } break; case 3: if (psr[count] > -1.0 / (1 << 10)) { frqObs->_code = psr[count] * LIGHTSPEED / 1000.0 + (rrmod[numsat]) * LIGHTSPEED / 1000.0; frqObs->_codeValid = true; } if (cp[count] > -1.0 / (1 << 8)) { frqObs->_phase = cp[count] * LIGHTSPEED / 1000.0 / cd.wl + rrmod[numsat] * LIGHTSPEED / 1000.0 / cd.wl; frqObs->_phaseValid = true; frqObs->_lockTime = lti2sec(type,ll[count]); frqObs->_lockTimeValid = (frqObs->_lockTime >= 0.0); frqObs->_lockTimeIndicator = ll[count]; } break; case 4: if (psr[count] > -1.0 / (1 << 10)) { frqObs->_code = psr[count] * LIGHTSPEED / 1000.0 + (rrmod[numsat] + rrint[numsat]) * LIGHTSPEED / 1000.0; frqObs->_codeValid = true; } if (cp[count] > -1.0 / (1 << 8)) { frqObs->_phase = cp[count] * LIGHTSPEED / 1000.0 / cd.wl + (rrmod[numsat] + rrint[numsat]) * LIGHTSPEED / 1000.0 / cd.wl; frqObs->_phaseValid = true; frqObs->_lockTime = lti2sec(type,ll[count]); frqObs->_lockTimeValid = (frqObs->_lockTime >= 0.0); frqObs->_lockTimeIndicator = ll[count]; } frqObs->_snr = cnr[count]; frqObs->_snrValid = true; break; case 5: if (psr[count] > -1.0 / (1 << 10)) { frqObs->_code = psr[count] * LIGHTSPEED / 1000.0 + (rrmod[numsat] + rrint[numsat]) * LIGHTSPEED / 1000.0; frqObs->_codeValid = true; } if (cp[count] > -1.0 / (1 << 8)) { frqObs->_phase = cp[count] * LIGHTSPEED / 1000.0 / cd.wl + (rrmod[numsat] + rrint[numsat]) * LIGHTSPEED / 1000.0 / cd.wl; frqObs->_phaseValid = true; frqObs->_lockTime = lti2sec(type,ll[count]); frqObs->_lockTimeValid = (frqObs->_lockTime >= 0.0); frqObs->_lockTimeIndicator = ll[count]; } frqObs->_snr = cnr[count]; frqObs->_snrValid = true; if (dop[count] > -1.6384) { frqObs->_doppler = -(dop[count] + rdop[numsat]) / cd.wl; frqObs->_dopplerValid = true; } break; case 6: if (psr[count] > -1.0 / (1 << 10)) { frqObs->_code = psr[count] * LIGHTSPEED / 1000.0 + (rrmod[numsat] + rrint[numsat]) * LIGHTSPEED / 1000.0; frqObs->_codeValid = true; } if (cp[count] > -1.0 / (1 << 8)) { frqObs->_phase = cp[count] * LIGHTSPEED / 1000.0 / cd.wl + (rrmod[numsat] + rrint[numsat]) * LIGHTSPEED / 1000.0 / cd.wl; frqObs->_phaseValid = true; frqObs->_lockTime = lti2sec(type,ll[count]); frqObs->_lockTimeValid = (frqObs->_lockTime >= 0.0); frqObs->_lockTimeIndicator = ll[count]; } frqObs->_snr = cnr[count]; frqObs->_snrValid = true; break; case 7: if (psr[count] > -1.0 / (1 << 10)) { frqObs->_code = psr[count] * LIGHTSPEED / 1000.0 + (rrmod[numsat] + rrint[numsat]) * LIGHTSPEED / 1000.0; frqObs->_codeValid = true; } if (cp[count] > -1.0 / (1 << 8)) { frqObs->_phase = cp[count] * LIGHTSPEED / 1000.0 / cd.wl + (rrmod[numsat] + rrint[numsat]) * LIGHTSPEED / 1000.0 / cd.wl; frqObs->_phaseValid = true; frqObs->_lockTime = lti2sec(type,ll[count]); frqObs->_lockTimeValid = (frqObs->_lockTime >= 0.0); frqObs->_lockTimeIndicator = ll[count]; } frqObs->_snr = cnr[count]; frqObs->_snrValid = true; if (dop[count] > -1.6384) { frqObs->_doppler = -(dop[count] + rdop[numsat]) / cd.wl; frqObs->_dopplerValid = true; } break; } CurrentObs._obs.push_back(frqObs); } } } if (CurrentObs._obs.size() > 0) { char sys = CurrentObs._prn.system(); int num = CurrentObs._prn.number(); int flag = t_corrSSR::getSsrNavTypeFlag(sys, num); CurrentObs._prn.setFlag(flag); _CurrentObsList.push_back(CurrentObs); } } } else if ((type % 10) < 4) { #ifdef BNC_DEBUG_OBS emit(newMessage(QString("%1: Block %2 contain partial data! Ignored!") .arg(_staID).arg(type).toLatin1(), true)); #endif } if (!syncf) { decoded = true; _obsList.append(_CurrentObsList); _CurrentTime.reset(); _CurrentObsList.clear(); } return decoded; } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool RTCM3Decoder::DecodeRTCM3GLONASS(unsigned char* data, int size) { bool decoded = false; bncTime CurrentObsTime; int i, numsats, syncf, type; uint64_t numbits = 0, bitfield = 0; data += 3; /* header */ size -= 6; /* header + crc */ GETBITS(type, 12) SKIPBITS(12) /* id */ GETBITS(i, 27) /* tk */ CurrentObsTime.setTk(i); if (_CurrentTime.valid() && CurrentObsTime != _CurrentTime) { decoded = true; _obsList.append(_CurrentObsList); _CurrentObsList.clear(); } _CurrentTime = CurrentObsTime; GETBITS(syncf, 1) /* sync */ GETBITS(numsats, 5) SKIPBITS(4) /* smind, smint */ while (numsats--) { int sv, code, l1range, amb = 0, freq; t_satObs CurrentObs; CurrentObs._time = CurrentObsTime; CurrentObs._type = type; GETBITS(sv, 6) char sys = 'R'; int flag = t_corrSSR::getSsrNavTypeFlag(sys, sv); CurrentObs._prn.set(sys, sv, flag); GETBITS(code, 1) GETBITS(freq, 5) GLOFreq[sv - 1] = 100 + freq - 7; /* store frequency for other users (MSM) */ t_frqObs *frqObs = new t_frqObs; /* L1 */ (code) ? frqObs->_rnxType2ch.assign("1P") : frqObs->_rnxType2ch.assign("1C"); GETBITS(l1range, 25); GETBITSSIGN(i, 20); if ((i & ((1 << 20) - 1)) != 0x80000) { frqObs->_code = l1range * 0.02; frqObs->_phase = (l1range * 0.02 + i * 0.0005) / GLO_WAVELENGTH_L1(freq - 7); frqObs->_codeValid = frqObs->_phaseValid = true; } GETBITS(frqObs->_lockTimeIndicator, 7); frqObs->_lockTime = lti2sec(type, frqObs->_lockTimeIndicator); frqObs->_lockTimeValid = (frqObs->_lockTime >= 0.0 && frqObs->_phaseValid); if (type == 1010 || type == 1012) { GETBITS(amb, 7); if (amb) { frqObs->_code += amb * 599584.916; frqObs->_phase += (amb * 599584.916) / GLO_WAVELENGTH_L1(freq - 7); } GETBITS(i, 8); if (i) { frqObs->_snr = i * 0.25; frqObs->_snrValid = true; } } CurrentObs._obs.push_back(frqObs); if (type == 1011 || type == 1012) { frqObs = new t_frqObs; /* L2 */ GETBITS(code, 2); switch (code) { case 3: frqObs->_rnxType2ch.assign("2P"); break; case 2: frqObs->_rnxType2ch.assign("2P"); break; case 1: frqObs->_rnxType2ch.assign("2P"); break; case 0: frqObs->_rnxType2ch.assign("2C"); break; } GETBITSSIGN(i, 14); if ((i & ((1 << 14) - 1)) != 0x2000) { frqObs->_code = l1range * 0.02 + i * 0.02 + amb * 599584.916; frqObs->_codeValid = true; } GETBITSSIGN(i, 20); if ((i & ((1 << 20) - 1)) != 0x80000) { frqObs->_phase = (l1range * 0.02 + i * 0.0005 + amb * 599584.916) / GLO_WAVELENGTH_L2(freq - 7); frqObs->_phaseValid = true; } GETBITS(frqObs->_lockTimeIndicator, 7); frqObs->_lockTime = lti2sec(type, frqObs->_lockTimeIndicator); frqObs->_lockTimeValid = (frqObs->_lockTime >= 0.0 && frqObs->_phaseValid); if (type == 1012) { GETBITS(i, 8); if (i) { frqObs->_snr = i * 0.25; frqObs->_snrValid = true; } } CurrentObs._obs.push_back(frqObs); } _CurrentObsList.push_back(CurrentObs); } if (!syncf) { decoded = true; _obsList.append(_CurrentObsList); _CurrentTime.reset(); _CurrentObsList.clear(); } return decoded; } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool RTCM3Decoder::DecodeGPSEphemeris(unsigned char* data, int size) { bool decoded = false; if (size == 67) { t_ephGPS eph; int i, week; uint64_t numbits = 0, bitfield = 0; int fitIntervalFalg = 0; data += 3; /* header */ size -= 6; /* header + crc */ SKIPBITS(12) eph._receptDateTime = currentDateAndTimeGPS(); eph._receptStaID = _staID; GETBITS(i, 6) if (i < 1 || i > 63 ) { #ifdef BNC_DEBUG_BCE emit(newMessage(QString("%1: Block %2 (G) PRN# is out of range: %3!") .arg(_staID) .arg(1019,4) .arg(i).toLatin1(), true)); #endif return false; } eph._prn.set('G', i); GETBITS(week, 10) if (week < 0 || week > 1023) { #ifdef BNC_DEBUG_BCE emit(newMessage(QString("%1: Block %2 (%3) WEEK # is out of range: %4!") .arg(_staID) .arg(1019,4) .arg(eph._prn.toString().c_str()) .arg(week).toLatin1(), true)); #endif return false; } GETBITS(i, 4) eph._ura = accuracyFromIndex(i, eph.system()); GETBITS(eph._L2Codes, 2) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._IDOT, 14, R2R_PI/(double)(1<<30)/(double)(1<<13)) GETBITS(eph._IODE, 8) GETBITS(i, 16) i <<= 4; if (i < 0 || i > 604784) { #ifdef BNC_DEBUG_BCE emit(newMessage(QString("%1: Block %2 (%3) TOC is out of range: %4!") .arg(_staID) .arg(1019,4) .arg(eph._prn.toString().c_str()) .arg(i).toLatin1(), true)); #endif return false; } eph._TOC.set(i * 1000); GETFLOATSIGN(eph._clock_driftrate, 8, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 30) / (double )(1 << 25)) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._clock_drift, 16, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 30) / (double )(1 << 13)) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._clock_bias, 22, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 30) / (double )(1 << 1)) GETBITS(eph._IODC, 10) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._Crs, 16, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 5)) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._Delta_n, 16, R2R_PI/(double)(1<<30)/(double)(1<<13)) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._M0, 32, R2R_PI/(double)(1<<30)/(double)(1<<1)) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._Cuc, 16, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 29)) GETFLOAT(eph._e, 32, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 30) / (double )(1 << 3)) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._Cus, 16, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 29)) GETFLOAT(eph._sqrt_A, 32, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 19)) if (eph._sqrt_A < 1000.0) { #ifdef BNC_DEBUG_BCE emit(newMessage(QString("%1: Block %2 (%3) SQRT_A %4 m!") .arg(_staID).arg(1019,4).arg(eph._prn.toString().c_str()) .arg(eph._sqrt_A,10,'F',3).toLatin1(), true)); #endif return false; } GETBITS(i, 16) i <<= 4; if (i < 0 || i > 604784) { #ifdef BNC_DEBUG_BCE emit(newMessage(QString("%1: Block %2 (%3) TOE is out of range: %4!") .arg(_staID) .arg(1019,4) .arg(eph._prn.toString().c_str()) .arg(i).toLatin1(), true)); #endif return false; } eph._TOEsec = i; bncTime t; t.set(i * 1000); eph._TOEweek = t.gpsw(); int numOfRollOvers = int(floor(t.gpsw()/1024.0)); week += (numOfRollOvers * 1024); /* week from HOW, differs from TOC, TOE week, we use adapted value instead */ if (eph._TOEweek > week + 1 || eph._TOEweek < week - 1) /* invalid week */ return false; GETFLOATSIGN(eph._Cic, 16, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 29)) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._OMEGA0, 32, R2R_PI/(double)(1<<30)/(double)(1<<1)) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._Cis, 16, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 29)) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._i0, 32, R2R_PI/(double)(1<<30)/(double)(1<<1)) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._Crc, 16, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 5)) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._omega, 32, R2R_PI/(double)(1<<30)/(double)(1<<1)) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._OMEGADOT, 24, R2R_PI/(double)(1<<30)/(double)(1<<13)) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._TGD, 8, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 30) / (double )(1 << 1)) GETBITS(eph._health, 6) GETBITS(eph._L2PFlag, 1) GETBITS(fitIntervalFalg, 1) eph._fitInterval = fitIntervalFromFlag(fitIntervalFalg, eph._IODC, eph.system()); eph._TOT = 0.9999e9; eph._type = t_eph::LNAV; eph._prn.setFlag(eph._type); emit newGPSEph(eph); decoded = true; } return decoded; } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool RTCM3Decoder::DecodeGLONASSEphemeris(unsigned char* data, int size) { bool decoded = false; if (size == 51) { t_ephGlo eph; int sv, i, tk; uint64_t numbits = 0, bitfield = 0; data += 3; /* header */ size -= 6; /* header + crc */ SKIPBITS(12) eph._receptDateTime = currentDateAndTimeGPS(); eph._receptStaID = _staID; GETBITS(sv, 6) if (sv < 1 || sv > 63) { #ifdef BNC_DEBUG_BCE emit(newMessage(QString("%1: Block %2 (R): SLOT# is unknown (0) or out of range: %3!") .arg(_staID) .arg(1020,4) .arg(sv).toLatin1(), true)); #endif return false; } eph._prn.set('R', sv); GETBITS(i, 5) if (i < 0 || i > 20) { #ifdef BNC_DEBUG_BCE emit(newMessage(QString("%1: Block %2 (%3): FRQ CHN# is out of range: %4") .arg(_staID) .arg(1020,4) .arg(eph._prn.toString().c_str()) .arg(i).toLatin1(), true)); #endif return false; } eph._frq_num = i - 7; GETBITS(eph._almanac_health, 1) /* almanac healthy */ GETBITS(eph._almanac_health_availablility_indicator, 1) /* almanac health ok */ GETBITS(eph._P1, 2) /* P1 */ /* tk */ GETBITS(i, 5) if (i < 0 || i > 23) { #ifdef BNC_DEBUG_BCE emit(newMessage(QString("%1: Block %2 (%3): T_k (bits 11-7) is out of range: %4") .arg(_staID) .arg(1020,4) .arg(eph._prn.toString().c_str()) .arg(i).toLatin1(), true)); #endif return false; } tk = i * 60 * 60; GETBITS(i, 6) if (i < 0 || i > 59) { #ifdef BNC_DEBUG_BCE emit(newMessage(QString("%1: Block %2 (%3): T_k (bits 6-1) is out of range: %4") .arg(_staID) .arg(1020,4) .arg(eph._prn.toString().c_str()) .arg(i).toLatin1(), true)); #endif return false; } tk += i * 60; GETBITS(i, 1) if (i < 0 || i > 1) { #ifdef BNC_DEBUG_BCE emit(newMessage(QString("%1: Block %2 (%3): T_k (bit 0) is out of range: %4") .arg(_staID) .arg(1020,4) .arg(eph._prn.toString().c_str()) .arg(i).toLatin1(), true)); #endif return false; } tk += i * 30; eph._tki = tk - 3*60*60; if(eph._tki < 0.0) { eph._tki += 86400.0; } GETBITS(eph._health, 1) /* MSB of Bn*/ GETBITS(eph._P2, 1) /* P2 */ GETBITS(i, 7) i *= 15; if (i < 15 || i > 1425) { #ifdef BNC_DEBUG_BCE emit(newMessage(QString("%1: Block %2 (%3): T_b is out of range: %4") .arg(_staID) .arg(1020,4) .arg(eph._prn.toString().c_str()) .arg(i).toLatin1(), true)); #endif return false; } eph._TOC.setTk(i * 60 * 1000); /* tb */ GETFLOATSIGNM(eph._x_vel, 24, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 20)) GETFLOATSIGNM(eph._x_pos, 27, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 11)) GETFLOATSIGNM(eph._x_acc, 5, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 30)) GETFLOATSIGNM(eph._y_vel, 24, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 20)) GETFLOATSIGNM(eph._y_pos, 27, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 11)) GETFLOATSIGNM(eph._y_acc, 5, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 30)) GETFLOATSIGNM(eph._z_vel, 24, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 20)) GETFLOATSIGNM(eph._z_pos, 27, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 11)) GETFLOATSIGNM(eph._z_acc, 5, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 30)) GETBITS(eph._P3, 1) /* P3 */ GETFLOATSIGNM(eph._gamma, 11, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 30) / (double )(1 << 10)) GETBITS(eph._M_P, 2) /* GLONASS-M P, */ GETBITS(eph._M_l3, 1) /* GLONASS-M ln (third string) */ GETFLOATSIGNM(eph._tau, 22, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 30)) /* GLONASS tau n(tb) */ GETFLOATSIGNM(eph._M_delta_tau, 5, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 30)) /* GLONASS-M delta tau n(tb) */ GETBITS(eph._E, 5) GETBITS(eph._M_P4, 1) /* GLONASS-M P4 */ GETBITS(eph._M_FT, 4) /* GLONASS-M Ft */ GETBITS(eph._M_NT, 11) /* GLONASS-M Nt */ if (eph._M_NT == 0.0) { #ifdef BNC_DEBUG_BCE emit(newMessage(QString("%1: Block %2 (%3): NT = %4: missing data!") .arg(_staID).arg(1020,4).arg(eph._prn.toString().c_str()).arg(eph._M_NT,4).toLatin1(), true)); #endif return false; } GETBITS(eph._M_M, 2) /* GLONASS-M M */ GETBITS(eph._additional_data_availability, 1) /* GLONASS-M The Availability of Additional Data */ if (eph._additional_data_availability == 0.0) { #ifdef BNC_DEBUG_BCE emit(newMessage(QString("%1: Block %2 (%3): ADD = %4: missing data!") .arg(_staID).arg(1020,4).arg(eph._prn.toString().c_str()) .arg(eph._additional_data_availability).toLatin1(), true)); #endif return false; } GETBITS(eph._M_NA, 11) /* GLONASS-M Na */ GETFLOATSIGNM(eph._tauC, 32, 1.0/(double)(1<<30)/(double)(1<<1)) /* GLONASS tau c */ GETBITS(eph._M_N4, 5) /* GLONASS-M N4 */ GETFLOATSIGNM(eph._M_tau_GPS, 22, 1.0/(double)(1<<30)) /* GLONASS-M tau GPS */ GETBITS(eph._M_l5, 1) /* GLONASS-M ln (fifth string) */ unsigned year, month, day; eph._TOC.civil_date(year, month, day); eph._gps_utc = gnumleap(year, month, day); eph._tt = eph._TOC; eph._xv(1) = eph._x_pos * 1.e3; eph._xv(2) = eph._y_pos * 1.e3; eph._xv(3) = eph._z_pos * 1.e3; if (eph._xv.Rows(1,3).NormFrobenius() < 1.0) { #ifdef BNC_DEBUG_BCE emit(newMessage(QString("%1: Block %2 (%3): zero position!") .arg(_staID).arg(1020,4).arg(eph._prn.toString().c_str()).toLatin1(), true)); #endif return false; } eph._xv(4) = eph._x_vel * 1.e3; eph._xv(5) = eph._y_vel * 1.e3; eph._xv(6) = eph._z_vel * 1.e3; if (eph._xv.Rows(4,6).NormFrobenius() < 1.0) { #ifdef BNC_DEBUG_BCE emit(newMessage(QString("%1: Block %2 (%3): zero velocity!") .arg(_staID).arg(1020,4).arg(eph._prn.toString().c_str()).toLatin1(), true)); #endif return false; } GLOFreq[sv - 1] = 100 + eph._frq_num ; /* store frequency for other users (MSM) */ _gloFrq = QString("%1 %2").arg(eph._prn.toString().c_str()).arg(eph._frq_num, 2, 'f', 0); if (eph.validMdata()) { eph._type = t_eph::FDMA_M; } else { eph._type = t_eph::FDMA; } eph._prn.setFlag(eph._type); eph._healthflags_unknown = false; eph._statusflags_unknown = false; emit newGlonassEph(eph); decoded = true; } return decoded; } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool RTCM3Decoder::DecodeQZSSEphemeris(unsigned char* data, int size) { bool decoded = false; if (size == 67) { t_ephGPS eph; int i, week; uint64_t numbits = 0, bitfield = 0; int fitIntervalFalg = 0; data += 3; /* header */ size -= 6; /* header + crc */ SKIPBITS(12) eph._receptDateTime = currentDateAndTimeGPS(); eph._receptStaID = _staID; GETBITS(i, 4) if (i < 1 || i > 10 ) { #ifdef BNC_DEBUG_BCE emit(newMessage(QString("%1: Block %2 (J) SAT ID is out of range: %3!") .arg(_staID) .arg(1044,4) .arg(i).toLatin1(), true)); #endif return false; } eph._prn.set('J', i); GETBITS(i, 16) i <<= 4; if (i < 0 || i > 604784) { #ifdef BNC_DEBUG_BCE emit(newMessage(QString("%1: Block %2 (%3) TOC is out of range: %4!") .arg(_staID) .arg(1044,4) .arg(eph._prn.toString().c_str()) .arg(i).toLatin1(), true)); #endif return false; } eph._TOC.set(i * 1000); GETFLOATSIGN(eph._clock_driftrate, 8, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 30) / (double )(1 << 25)) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._clock_drift, 16, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 30) / (double )(1 << 13)) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._clock_bias, 22, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 30) / (double )(1 << 1)) GETBITS(eph._IODE, 8) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._Crs, 16, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 5)) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._Delta_n, 16, R2R_PI/(double)(1<<30)/(double)(1<<13)) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._M0, 32, R2R_PI/(double)(1<<30)/(double)(1<<1)) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._Cuc, 16, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 29)) GETFLOAT(eph._e, 32, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 30) / (double )(1 << 3)) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._Cus, 16, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 29)) GETFLOAT(eph._sqrt_A, 32, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 19)) if (eph._sqrt_A < 1000.0) { #ifdef BNC_DEBUG_BCE emit(newMessage(QString("%1: Block %2 (%3) SQRT_A %4 m!") .arg(_staID).arg(1044,4).arg(eph._prn.toString().c_str()) .arg(eph._sqrt_A,10,'F',3).toLatin1(), true)); #endif return false; } GETBITS(i, 16) i <<= 4; if (i < 0 || i > 604784) { #ifdef BNC_DEBUG_BCE emit(newMessage(QString("%1: Block %2 (%3) TOE is out of range: %4!") .arg(_staID) .arg(1044,4) .arg(eph._prn.toString().c_str()) .arg(i).toLatin1(), true)); #endif return false; } eph._TOEsec = i; bncTime t; t.set(i*1000); eph._TOEweek = t.gpsw(); GETFLOATSIGN(eph._Cic, 16, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 29)) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._OMEGA0, 32, R2R_PI/(double)(1<<30)/(double)(1<<1)) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._Cis, 16, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 29)) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._i0, 32, R2R_PI/(double)(1<<30)/(double)(1<<1)) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._Crc, 16, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 5)) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._omega, 32, R2R_PI/(double)(1<<30)/(double)(1<<1)) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._OMEGADOT, 24, R2R_PI/(double)(1<<30)/(double)(1<<13)) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._IDOT, 14, R2R_PI/(double)(1<<30)/(double)(1<<13)) GETBITS(eph._L2Codes, 2) GETBITS(week, 10) if (week < 0 || week > 1023) { #ifdef BNC_DEBUG_BCE emit(newMessage(QString("%1: Block %2 (%3) WEEK # is out of range: %4!") .arg(_staID) .arg(1044,4) .arg(eph._prn.toString().c_str()) .arg(week).toLatin1(), true)); #endif return false; } int numOfRollOvers = int(floor(t.gpsw()/1024.0)); week += (numOfRollOvers * 1024); /* week from HOW, differs from TOC, TOE week, we use adapted value instead */ if (eph._TOEweek > week + 1 || eph._TOEweek < week - 1) /* invalid week */ return false; GETBITS(i, 4) eph._ura = accuracyFromIndex(i, eph.system()); GETBITS(eph._health, 6) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._TGD, 8, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 30) / (double )(1 << 1)) GETBITS(eph._IODC, 10) GETBITS(fitIntervalFalg, 1) eph._fitInterval = fitIntervalFromFlag(fitIntervalFalg, eph._IODC, eph.system()); eph._TOT = 0.9999e9; eph._type = t_eph::LNAV; emit newGPSEph(eph); decoded = true; } return decoded; } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool RTCM3Decoder::DecodeNavICEphemeris(unsigned char* data, int size) { bool decoded = false; if (size == 67) { t_ephGPS eph; int i, week, L5Flag, SFlag; uint64_t numbits = 0, bitfield = 0; data += 3; /* header */ size -= 6; /* header + crc */ SKIPBITS(12) eph._receptDateTime = currentDateAndTimeGPS(); eph._receptStaID = _staID; GETBITS(i, 6) if (i < 1 || i > 63 ) { #ifdef BNC_DEBUG_BCE emit(newMessage(QString("%1: Block %2 (I) PRN# is out of range: %3!") .arg(_staID) .arg(1041,4) .arg(i).toLatin1(), true)); #endif return false; } eph._prn.set('I', i); GETBITS(week, 10) if (week < 0 || week > 1023) { #ifdef BNC_DEBUG_BCE emit(newMessage(QString("%1: Block %2 (%3) WEEK # is out of range: %4!") .arg(_staID) .arg(1041,4) .arg(eph._prn.toString().c_str()) .arg(week).toLatin1(), true)); #endif return false; } GETFLOATSIGN(eph._clock_bias, 22, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 30) / (double )(1 << 1)) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._clock_drift, 16, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 30) / (double )(1 << 13)) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._clock_driftrate, 8, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 30) / (double )(1 << 25)) GETBITS(i, 4) eph._ura = accuracyFromIndex(i, eph.system()); GETBITS(i, 16) i <<= 4; if (i < 0 || i > 1048560) { #ifdef BNC_DEBUG_BCE emit(newMessage(QString("%1: Block %2 (%3) TOC is out of range: %4!") .arg(_staID) .arg(1041,4) .arg(eph._prn.toString().c_str()) .arg(i).toLatin1(), true)); #endif return false; } eph._TOC.set(i * 1000); GETFLOATSIGN(eph._TGD, 8, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 30) / (double )(1 << 1)) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._Delta_n, 22, R2R_PI/(double)(1<<30)/(double)(1 << 11)) // IODCE GETBITS(eph._IODE, 8) eph._IODC = eph._IODE; SKIPBITS(10) GETBITS(L5Flag, 1) GETBITS(SFlag, 1) if (L5Flag == 0 && SFlag == 0) { eph._health = 0.0; } else if (L5Flag == 0 && SFlag == 1) { eph._health = 1.0; } else if (L5Flag == 1 && SFlag == 0) { eph._health = 2.0; } else if (L5Flag == 1 && SFlag == 1) { eph._health = 3.0; } GETFLOATSIGN(eph._Cuc, 15, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 28)) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._Cus, 15, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 28)) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._Cic, 15, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 28)) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._Cis, 15, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 28)) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._Crc, 15, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 4)) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._Crs, 15, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 4)) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._IDOT, 14, R2R_PI/(double)(1<<30)/(double)(1<<13)) SKIPBITS(2) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._M0, 32, R2R_PI/(double)(1<<30)/(double)(1<< 1)) GETBITS(i, 16) i <<= 4; if (i < 0 || i > 1048560) { #ifdef BNC_DEBUG_BCE emit(newMessage(QString("%1: Block %2 (%3) TOE is out of range: %4!") .arg(_staID) .arg(1041,4) .arg(eph._prn.toString().c_str()) .arg(i).toLatin1(), true)); #endif return false; } eph._TOEsec = i; bncTime t; t.set(i * 1000); eph._TOEweek = t.gpsw(); int numOfRollOvers = int(floor(t.gpsw()/1024.0)); week += (numOfRollOvers * 1024); /* week from HOW, differs from TOC, TOE week, we use adapted value instead */ if (eph._TOEweek > week + 1 || eph._TOEweek < week - 1) /* invalid week */ return false; GETFLOAT(eph._e, 32, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 30) / (double )(1 << 3)) GETFLOAT(eph._sqrt_A, 32, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 19)) if (eph._sqrt_A < 1000.0) { #ifdef BNC_DEBUG_BCE emit(newMessage(QString("%1: Block %2 (%3) SQRT_A %4 m!") .arg(_staID).arg(1041,4).arg(eph._prn.toString().c_str()) .arg(eph._sqrt_A,10,'F',3).toLatin1(), true)); #endif return false; } GETFLOATSIGN(eph._OMEGA0, 32, R2R_PI/(double)(1<<30)/(double)(1<< 1)) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._omega, 32, R2R_PI/(double)(1<<30)/(double)(1<< 1)) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._OMEGADOT, 22, R2R_PI/(double)(1<<30)/(double)(1<<11)) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._i0, 32, R2R_PI/(double)(1<<30)/(double)(1<< 1)) SKIPBITS(2) eph._TOT = 0.9999e9; eph._type = t_eph::LNAV; eph._prn.setFlag(eph._type); emit newGPSEph(eph); decoded = true; } return decoded; } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool RTCM3Decoder::DecodeSBASEphemeris(unsigned char* data, int size) { bool decoded = false; if (size == 35) { t_ephSBAS eph; int i; uint64_t numbits = 0, bitfield = 0; data += 3; /* header */ size -= 6; /* header + crc */ SKIPBITS(12) eph._receptDateTime = currentDateAndTimeGPS(); eph._receptStaID = _staID; GETBITS(i, 6) if (i < 0 || i > 38 ) { #ifdef BNC_DEBUG_BCE emit(newMessage(QString("%1: Block %2 (S) PRN# is out of range: %3!") .arg(_staID) .arg(1043,4) .arg(i).toLatin1(), true)); #endif return false; } eph._prn.set('S', 20 + i); GETBITS(eph._IODN, 8) GETBITS(i, 13) i <<= 4; if (i < 0 || i > 86384) { #ifdef BNC_DEBUG_BCE emit(newMessage(QString("%1: Block %2 (%3) TOC is out of range: %4!") .arg(_staID) .arg(1043,4) .arg(eph._prn.toString().c_str()) .arg(i).toLatin1(), true)); #endif return false; } eph._TOC.setTOD(i * 1000); GETBITS(i, 4) eph._ura = accuracyFromIndex(i, eph.system()); GETFLOATSIGN(eph._x_pos, 30, 0.08) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._y_pos, 30, 0.08) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._z_pos, 25, 0.4) ColumnVector pos(3); pos(1) = eph._x_pos; pos(2) = eph._y_pos; pos(3) = eph._z_pos; if (pos.NormFrobenius() < 1.0) { #ifdef BNC_DEBUG_BCE emit(newMessage(QString("%1: Block %2 (%3): zero position!") .arg(_staID).arg(1043,4).arg(eph._prn.toString().c_str()).toLatin1(), true)); #endif return false; } GETFLOATSIGN(eph._x_vel, 17, 0.000625) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._y_vel, 17, 0.000625) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._z_vel, 18, 0.004) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._x_acc, 10, 0.0000125) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._y_acc, 10, 0.0000125) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._z_acc, 10, 0.0000625) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._agf0, 12, 1.0 / (1 << 30) / (1 << 1)) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._agf1, 8, 1.0 / (1 << 30) / (1 << 10)) eph._TOT = 0.9999E9; eph._health = 0; eph._type = t_eph::SBASL1; eph._prn.setFlag(eph._type); emit newSBASEph(eph); decoded = true; } return decoded; } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool RTCM3Decoder::DecodeGalileoEphemeris(unsigned char* data, int size) { bool decoded = false; uint64_t numbits = 0, bitfield = 0; int i, week, mnum; data += 3; /* header */ size -= 6; /* header + crc */ GETBITS(i, 12) if ((i == 1046 && size == 61) || (i == 1045 && size == 60)) { t_ephGal eph; eph._receptDateTime = currentDateAndTimeGPS(); eph._receptStaID = _staID; eph._inav = (i == 1046); eph._fnav = (i == 1045); mnum = i; GETBITS(i, 6) if (i < 1 || i > 36 ) { // max. constellation within I/NAV / F/NAV frames is 36 #ifdef BNC_DEBUG_BCE emit(newMessage(QString("%1: Block %2 (E) PRN# is out of range: %3!") .arg(_staID) .arg(mnum,4) .arg(i).toLatin1(), true)); #endif return false; } eph._prn.set('E', i, eph._inav ? t_eph::INAV : t_eph::FNAV); GETBITS(week, 12) //FIXME: roll-over after week 4095!! if (week < 0 || week > 4095) { #ifdef BNC_DEBUG_BCE emit(newMessage(QString("%1: Block %2 (%3) WEEK # is out of range: %4!") .arg(_staID) .arg(mnum,4) .arg(eph._prn.toString().c_str()) .arg(week).toLatin1(), true)); #endif return false; } eph._TOEweek = week; GETBITS(eph._IODnav, 10) GETBITS(i, 8) eph._SISA = accuracyFromIndex(i, eph.system()); GETFLOATSIGN(eph._IDOT, 14, R2R_PI/(double)(1<<30)/(double)(1<<13)) GETBITSFACTOR(i, 14, 60) if (i < 0 || i > 604740) { #ifdef BNC_DEBUG_BCE emit(newMessage(QString("%1: Block %2 (%3) TOC is out of range: %4!") .arg(_staID) .arg(mnum,4) .arg(eph._prn.toString().c_str()) .arg(i).toLatin1(), true)); #endif return false; } eph._TOC.set(1024 + eph._TOEweek, i);// Period #2 = + 1 x 1024 (has to be determined) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._clock_driftrate, 6, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 30) / (double )(1 << 29)) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._clock_drift, 21, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 30) / (double )(1 << 16)) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._clock_bias, 31, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 30) / (double )(1 << 4)) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._Crs, 16, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 5)) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._Delta_n, 16, R2R_PI/(double)(1<<30)/(double)(1<<13)) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._M0, 32, R2R_PI/(double)(1<<30)/(double)(1<<1)) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._Cuc, 16, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 29)) GETFLOAT(eph._e, 32, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 30) / (double )(1 << 3)) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._Cus, 16, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 29)) GETFLOAT(eph._sqrt_A, 32, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 19)) GETBITSFACTOR(eph._TOEsec, 14, 60) if (i < 0 || i > 604740) { #ifdef BNC_DEBUG_BCE emit(newMessage(QString("%1: Block %2 (%3) TOE is out of range: %4!") .arg(_staID) .arg(mnum,4) .arg(eph._prn.toString().c_str()) .arg(i).toLatin1(), true)); #endif return false; } /* FIXME: overwrite value, copied from old code */ //eph._TOEsec = eph._TOC.gpssec(); GETFLOATSIGN(eph._Cic, 16, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 29)) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._OMEGA0, 32, R2R_PI/(double)(1<<30)/(double)(1<<1)) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._Cis, 16, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 29)) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._i0, 32, R2R_PI/(double)(1<<30)/(double)(1<<1)) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._Crc, 16, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 5)) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._omega, 32, R2R_PI/(double)(1<<30)/(double)(1<<1)) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._OMEGADOT, 24, R2R_PI/(double)(1<<30)/(double)(1<<13)) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._BGD_1_5A, 10, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 30) / (double )(1 << 2)) if (eph._inav) { eph._type = t_eph::INAV; /* set unused F/NAV values */ eph._E5a_HS = 0.0; eph._E5a_DataInvalid = false; GETFLOATSIGN(eph._BGD_1_5B, 10, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 30) / (double )(1 << 2)) GETBITS(eph._E5b_HS, 2) GETBITS(eph._E5b_DataInvalid, 1) GETBITS(eph._E1B_HS, 2) GETBITS(eph._E1B_DataInvalid, 1) if (eph._E5b_HS != eph._E1B_HS) { #ifdef BNC_DEBUG_BCE emit(newMessage(QString("%1: Block %2 (%3) SHS E5b %4 E1B %5: inconsistent health!") .arg(_staID).arg(1046,4).arg(eph._prn.toString().c_str()) .arg(eph._E5b_HS).arg(eph._E1B_HS).toLatin1(), true)); #endif return false; } if ((eph._BGD_1_5A == 0.0 && fabs(eph._BGD_1_5B) > 1e-9) || (eph._BGD_1_5B == 0.0 && fabs(eph._BGD_1_5A) > 1e-9)) { #ifdef BNC_DEBUG_BCE emit(newMessage(QString("%1: Block %2 (%3) BGD_1_5a = %4 BGD_1_5b = %5: inconsistent BGD!") .arg(_staID).arg(1046,4).arg(eph._prn.toString().c_str()) .arg(eph._BGD_1_5A,10,'E',3).arg(eph._BGD_1_5B,10,'E',3).toLatin1(), true)); #endif return false; } } else { eph._type = t_eph::FNAV; /* set unused I/NAV values */ eph._BGD_1_5B = 0.0; eph._E5b_HS = 0.0; eph._E1B_HS = 0.0; eph._E1B_DataInvalid = false; eph._E5b_DataInvalid = false; GETBITS(eph._E5a_HS, 2) GETBITS(eph._E5a_DataInvalid, 1) } eph._TOT = 0.9999e9; if (eph._sqrt_A < 1000.0) { #ifdef BNC_DEBUG_BCE emit(newMessage(QString("%1: Block %2 (%3) SQRT_A %4 m!") .arg(_staID).arg(eph._inav? 1046 : 1045,4).arg(eph._prn.toString().c_str()) .arg(eph._sqrt_A,10,'F',3).toLatin1(), true)); #endif return false; } emit newGalileoEph(eph); decoded = true; } return decoded; } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool RTCM3Decoder::DecodeBDSEphemeris(unsigned char* data, int size) { bool decoded = false; const double iMaxGEO = 10.0 / 180.0 * M_PI; if (size == 70) { t_ephBDS eph; int i, week; uint64_t numbits = 0, bitfield = 0; data += 3; /* header */ size -= 6; /* header + crc */ SKIPBITS(12) eph._receptDateTime = currentDateAndTimeGPS(); eph._receptStaID = _staID; GETBITS(i, 6) if (i < 1 || i > 63 ) { #ifdef BNC_DEBUG_BCE emit(newMessage(QString("%1: Block %2 (C) PRN# is out of range: %3!") .arg(_staID) .arg(1042,4) .arg(i).toLatin1(), true)); #endif return false; } eph._prn.set('C', i); GETBITS(week, 13) if (week < 0 || week > 8191) { #ifdef BNC_DEBUG_BCE emit(newMessage(QString("%1: Block %2 (%3) WEEK # is out of range: %4!") .arg(_staID) .arg(1042,4) .arg(eph._prn.toString().c_str()) .arg(week).toLatin1(), true)); #endif return false; } eph._BDTweek = week; GETBITS(i, 4) eph._ura = accuracyFromIndex(i, eph.system()); GETFLOATSIGN(eph._IDOT, 14, R2R_PI/(double)(1<<30)/(double)(1<<13)) GETBITS(eph._AODE, 5) GETBITS(i, 17) i <<= 3; if (i < 0 || i > 604792) { #ifdef BNC_DEBUG_BCE emit(newMessage(QString("%1: Block %2 (%3) TOC is out of range: %4!") .arg(_staID) .arg(1042,4) .arg(eph._prn.toString().c_str()) .arg(i).toLatin1(), true)); #endif return false; } eph._TOC.setBDS(eph._BDTweek, i); GETFLOATSIGN(eph._clock_driftrate, 11, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 30) / (double )(1 << 30) / (double )(1 << 6)) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._clock_drift, 22, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 30) / (double )(1 << 20)) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._clock_bias, 24, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 30) / (double )(1 << 3)) GETBITS(eph._AODC, 5) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._Crs, 18, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 6)) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._Delta_n, 16, R2R_PI/(double)(1<<30)/(double)(1<<13)) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._M0, 32, R2R_PI/(double)(1<<30)/(double)(1<<1)) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._Cuc, 18, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 30) / (double )(1 << 1)) GETFLOAT(eph._e, 32, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 30) / (double )(1 << 3)) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._Cus, 18, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 30) / (double )(1 << 1)) GETFLOAT(eph._sqrt_A, 32, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 19)) if (eph._sqrt_A < 1000.0) { #ifdef BNC_DEBUG_BCE emit(newMessage(QString("%1: Block %2 (%3) SQRT_A %4 m!") .arg(_staID).arg(1042,4).arg(eph._prn.toString().c_str()) .arg(eph._sqrt_A,10,'F',3).toLatin1(), true)); #endif return false; } GETBITS(i, 17) i <<= 3; if (i < 0 || i > 604792) { #ifdef BNC_DEBUG_BCE emit(newMessage(QString("%1: Block %2 (%3) TOE is out of range: %4!") .arg(_staID) .arg(1042,4) .arg(eph._prn.toString().c_str()) .arg(i).toLatin1(), true)); #endif return false; } eph._TOEsec = i; eph._TOE.setBDS(eph._BDTweek, i); GETFLOATSIGN(eph._Cic, 18, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 30) / (double )(1 << 1)) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._OMEGA0, 32, R2R_PI/(double)(1<<30)/(double)(1<<1)) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._Cis, 18, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 30) / (double )(1 << 1)) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._i0, 32, R2R_PI/(double)(1<<30)/(double)(1<<1)) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._Crc, 18, 1.0 / (double )(1 << 6)) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._omega, 32, R2R_PI/(double)(1<<30)/(double)(1<<1)) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._OMEGADOT, 24, R2R_PI/(double)(1<<30)/(double)(1<<13)) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._TGD1, 10, 0.0000000001) GETFLOATSIGN(eph._TGD2, 10, 0.0000000001) GETBITS(eph._SatH1, 1) eph._TOT = 0.9999E9; if (eph._i0 > iMaxGEO) { eph._type = t_eph::D1; } else { eph._type = t_eph::D2; } eph._prn.setFlag(eph._type); emit newBDSEph(eph); decoded = true; } return decoded; } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool RTCM3Decoder::DecodeAntennaReceiver(unsigned char* data, int size) { char *antenna; char *antserialnum; char *receiver; char *recfirmware; char *recserialnum; int type; int antsernum = -1; int antnum = -1; int recnum = -1; int recsernum = -1; int recfirnum = -1; uint64_t numbits = 0, bitfield = 0; data += 3; /* header*/ size -= 6; /* header + crc */ GETBITS(type, 12) SKIPBITS(12) /* reference station ID */ GETSTRING(antnum, antenna) if ((antnum > -1 && antnum < 265) && (_antType.empty() || strncmp(_antType.back().descriptor, antenna, recnum) != 0)) { _antType.push_back(t_antInfo()); memcpy(_antType.back().descriptor, antenna, antnum); _antType.back().descriptor[antnum] = 0; } SKIPBITS(8) /* antenna setup ID */ if (type == 1008 || type == 1033 ) { GETSTRING(antsernum, antserialnum) if ((antsernum > -1 && antsernum < 265)) { memcpy(_antType.back().serialnumber, antserialnum, antsernum); _antType.back().serialnumber[antsernum] = 0; } } if (type == 1033) { GETSTRING(recnum, receiver) GETSTRING(recfirnum, recfirmware) GETSTRING(recsernum, recserialnum) if ((recnum > -1 && recnum < 265) && (_recType.empty() || strncmp(_recType.back().descriptor, receiver, recnum) != 0)) { _recType.push_back(t_recInfo()); memcpy(_recType.back().descriptor, receiver, recnum); _recType.back().descriptor[recnum] = 0; if (recfirnum > -1 && recfirnum < 265) { memcpy(_recType.back().firmware, recfirmware, recfirnum); _recType.back().firmware[recfirnum] = 0; } if (recsernum > -1 && recsernum < 265) { memcpy(_recType.back().serialnumber, recserialnum, recsernum); _recType.back().serialnumber[recsernum] = 0; } } } return true; } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool RTCM3Decoder::DecodeAntennaPosition(unsigned char* data, int size) { int type; uint64_t numbits = 0, bitfield = 0; double x, y, z; data += 3; /* header */ size -= 6; /* header + crc */ GETBITS(type, 12) _antList.push_back(t_antRefPoint()); _antList.back().type = t_antRefPoint::ARP; SKIPBITS(22) GETBITSSIGN(x, 38) _antList.back().xx = x * 1e-4; SKIPBITS(2) GETBITSSIGN(y, 38) _antList.back().yy = y * 1e-4; SKIPBITS(2) GETBITSSIGN(z, 38) _antList.back().zz = z * 1e-4; if (type == 1006) { double h; GETBITS(h, 16) _antList.back().height = h * 1e-4; _antList.back().height_f = true; } _antList.back().message = type; return true; } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool RTCM3Decoder::DecodeServiceCRS(unsigned char* data, int size) { t_serviceCrs serviceCrs; int servicecrsnum = -1; uint64_t numbits = 0, bitfield = 0; data += 3; // header size -= 6; // header + crc SKIPBITS(12) // Message Number GETBITS(servicecrsnum, 5) if (servicecrsnum > -1 && servicecrsnum <= 31) { for(int i = 0; i < servicecrsnum; i++) { GETBITS(serviceCrs._name[i], 8); } serviceCrs._name[servicecrsnum] = 0; } if (_serviceCrs.empty() || (strncmp(_serviceCrs.back()._name, serviceCrs._name, servicecrsnum) != 0)) { _serviceCrs.push_back(serviceCrs); GETFLOAT(_serviceCrs.back()._CE, 16, 1/100.0) _serviceCrs.back().setCoordinateEpochFromCE(); //_serviceCrs.back().print(); } return true; } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool RTCM3Decoder::DecodeRTCMCRS(unsigned char* data, int size) { t_rtcmCrs rtcmCrs; int rtcmcrsnum = -1; uint64_t numbits = 0, bitfield = 0; data += 3; // header size -= 6; // header + crc SKIPBITS(12) // Message Number GETBITS(rtcmcrsnum, 5) if (rtcmcrsnum > -1 && rtcmcrsnum <= 31) { for(int i = 0; i < rtcmcrsnum; i++) { GETBITS(rtcmCrs._name[i], 8); } rtcmCrs._name[rtcmcrsnum] = 0; } if (_rtcmCrs.empty() || (strncmp(_rtcmCrs.back()._name, rtcmCrs._name, rtcmcrsnum) != 0)) { _rtcmCrs.push_back(rtcmCrs); GETBITS(_rtcmCrs.back()._anchor, 1) GETBITS(_rtcmCrs.back()._plateNumber, 5) int dblinksnum = 0; GETBITS(dblinksnum, 3) for (int i = 0; i < dblinksnum; i++) { int dblinknum = -1; char dblinkname[31]; GETBITS(dblinknum, 5) if (dblinknum > -1 && dblinknum <= 31) { for(int i = 0; i < dblinknum; i++) { GETBITS(dblinkname[i], 8); } dblinkname[dblinknum] = 0; _rtcmCrs.back()._databaseLinks.append(QString("%1").arg(dblinkname)); } } //_rtcmCrs.back().print(); } return true; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool RTCM3Decoder::DecodeHelmertTrafoParameters(unsigned char* data, int size) { t_helmertPar helmertPar; int sourcenum = -1; int targetnum = -1; uint64_t numbits = 0, bitfield = 0; data += 3; // header size -= 6; // header + crc SKIPBITS(12) // Message Number GETBITS(sourcenum, 5) if (sourcenum > -1 && sourcenum <= 31) { for(int i = 0; i < sourcenum; i++) { GETBITS(helmertPar._sourceName[i], 8); } helmertPar._sourceName[sourcenum] = 0; } GETBITS(targetnum, 5) if (targetnum > -1 && targetnum <= 31) { for(int i = 0; i < targetnum; i++) { GETBITS(helmertPar._targetName[i], 8); } helmertPar._targetName[targetnum] = 0; } GETBITS(helmertPar._sysIdentNum, 8) GETBITS(helmertPar._utilTrafoMessageIndicator, 10) GETBITS(helmertPar._mjd, 16) helmertPar._mjd += 44244; // delete old parameter entries if available if (!_helmertPar.empty()) { QList::iterator it = _helmertPar.begin(); while (it != _helmertPar.end()) { (helmertPar == *it) ? it = _helmertPar.erase(it) : ++it; } } _helmertPar.push_back(helmertPar); GETFLOATSIGN(_helmertPar.back()._dx, 23, 1/1000.0) GETFLOATSIGN(_helmertPar.back()._dy, 23, 1/1000.0) GETFLOATSIGN(_helmertPar.back()._dz, 23, 1/1000.0) GETFLOATSIGN(_helmertPar.back()._ox, 32, 1/50000.0) GETFLOATSIGN(_helmertPar.back()._oy, 32, 1/50000.0) GETFLOATSIGN(_helmertPar.back()._oz, 32, 1/50000.0) GETFLOATSIGN(_helmertPar.back()._sc, 25, 1/100000.0) GETFLOATSIGN(_helmertPar.back()._dxr, 17, 1/50000.0) GETFLOATSIGN(_helmertPar.back()._dyr, 17, 1/50000.0) GETFLOATSIGN(_helmertPar.back()._dzr, 17, 1/50000.0) GETFLOATSIGN(_helmertPar.back()._oxr, 17, 1/2500000.0) GETFLOATSIGN(_helmertPar.back()._oyr, 17, 1/2500000.0) GETFLOATSIGN(_helmertPar.back()._ozr, 17, 1/2500000.0) GETFLOATSIGN(_helmertPar.back()._scr, 14, 1/5000000.0) //_helmertPar.back().print(); return true; } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// t_irc RTCM3Decoder::Decode(char* buffer, int bufLen, vector& errmsg) { bool decoded = false; errmsg.clear(); while (bufLen && _MessageSize < sizeof(_Message)) { int l = sizeof(_Message) - _MessageSize; if (l > bufLen) l = bufLen; memcpy(_Message + _MessageSize, buffer, l); _MessageSize += l; bufLen -= l; buffer += l; int id; while ((id = GetMessage())) { /* reset station ID for file loading as it can change */ if (_rawFile) _staID = _rawFile->staID(); /* store the id into the list of loaded blocks */ _typeList.push_back(id); /* SSR I+II data handled in another function, already pass the * extracted data block. That does no harm, as it anyway skip everything * else. */ if ((id >= 1057 && id <= 1068) || (id >= 1240 && id <= 1270) || (id == 4076)) { if (!_coDecoders.contains(_staID.toLatin1())) { _coDecoders[_staID.toLatin1()] = new RTCM3coDecoder(_staID); if (id == 4076) { _coDecoders[_staID.toLatin1()]->initSsrFormatType(RTCM3coDecoder::IGSssr); } else { _coDecoders[_staID.toLatin1()]->initSsrFormatType(RTCM3coDecoder::RTCMssr); } } RTCM3coDecoder* coDecoder = _coDecoders[_staID.toLatin1()]; if (coDecoder->Decode(reinterpret_cast(_Message), _BlockSize, errmsg) == success) { decoded = true; } } else if (id >= 1070 && id <= 1237) { /* MSM */ if (DecodeRTCM3MSM(_Message, _BlockSize)) decoded = true; } else { switch (id) { case 1001: case 1003: #ifdef BNC_DEBUG_OBS emit(newMessage(QString("%1: Block %2 contain partial data! Ignored!") .arg(_staID).arg(id).toLatin1(), true)); #endif break; /* no use decoding partial data ATM, remove break when data can be used */ case 1002: case 1004: if (DecodeRTCM3GPS(_Message, _BlockSize)) decoded = true; break; case 1009: case 1011: #ifdef BNC_DEBUG_OBS emit(newMessage(QString("%1: Block %2 contain partial data! Ignored!") .arg(_staID).arg(id).toLatin1(), true)); #endif break; /* no use decoding partial data ATM, remove break when data can be used */ case 1010: case 1012: if (DecodeRTCM3GLONASS(_Message, _BlockSize)) decoded = true; break; case 1019: if (DecodeGPSEphemeris(_Message, _BlockSize)) decoded = true; break; case 1020: if (DecodeGLONASSEphemeris(_Message, _BlockSize)) decoded = true; break; case 1043: if (DecodeSBASEphemeris(_Message, _BlockSize)) decoded = true; break; case 1044: if (DecodeQZSSEphemeris(_Message, _BlockSize)) decoded = true; break; case 1041: if (DecodeNavICEphemeris(_Message, _BlockSize)) decoded = true; break; case 1045: case 1046: if (DecodeGalileoEphemeris(_Message, _BlockSize)) decoded = true; break; case 1042: if (DecodeBDSEphemeris(_Message, _BlockSize)) decoded = true; break; case 1007: case 1008: case 1033: DecodeAntennaReceiver(_Message, _BlockSize); break; case 1005: case 1006: DecodeAntennaPosition(_Message, _BlockSize); break; case 1300: DecodeServiceCRS(_Message, _BlockSize); break; case 1301: DecodeHelmertTrafoParameters(_Message, _BlockSize); break; case 1302: case 35: DecodeRTCMCRS(_Message, _BlockSize); break; } } } } /* for (int ii = 0; ii < _helmertParList.size(); ii++) { _helmertParList[ii].print(); }*/ return decoded ? success : failure; } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// uint32_t RTCM3Decoder::CRC24(long size, const unsigned char *buf) { uint32_t crc = 0; int ii; while (size--) { crc ^= (*buf++) << (16); for (ii = 0; ii < 8; ii++) { crc <<= 1; if (crc & 0x1000000) crc ^= 0x01864cfb; } } return crc; } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int RTCM3Decoder::GetMessage(void) { unsigned char *m, *e; int i; m = _Message + _SkipBytes; e = _Message + _MessageSize; _NeedBytes = _SkipBytes = 0; while (e - m >= 3) { if (m[0] == 0xD3) { _BlockSize = ((m[1] & 3) << 8) | m[2]; if (e - m >= static_cast(_BlockSize + 6)) { if (static_cast((m[3 + _BlockSize] << 16) | (m[3 + _BlockSize + 1] << 8) | (m[3 + _BlockSize + 2])) == CRC24(_BlockSize + 3, m)) { _BlockSize += 6; _SkipBytes = _BlockSize; break; } else ++m; } else { _NeedBytes = _BlockSize; break; } } else ++m; } if (e - m < 3) _NeedBytes = 3; /* copy buffer to front */ i = m - _Message; if (i && m < e) memmove(_Message, m, static_cast(_MessageSize - i)); _MessageSize -= i; return !_NeedBytes ? ((_Message[3] << 4) | (_Message[4] >> 4)) : 0; } // Time of Corrections ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int RTCM3Decoder::corrGPSEpochTime() const { return _coDecoders.size() > 0 ? _coDecoders.begin().value()->corrGPSEpochTime() : -1; }