1 | #!/usr/bin/env perl
2 |
3 | #
4 | # sot.pl - parse BNC logfile(s) and create *.sot files that contain the observation types for each GNSS in RINEX header format
5 | #
6 | # Revision: $Header: trunk/BNC/scripts/sot.pl 9679 2022-04-07 14:46:56Z wiese $
7 | #
8 |
9 | use strict;
10 | use warnings;
11 | use File::Basename;
12 | use File::Path;
13 | use Getopt::Std;
14 |
15 | my $prog = basename($0);
16 |
17 | # Arguments
18 | getopts( "hn:", \my %opts );
19 | $opts{h} && HELP_MESSAGE();
20 | my $caster = $opts{n} ? $opts{n} : "";
21 | if ( scalar @ARGV < 1 ) {
22 | warn "usage error: no BNC logfile given\n";
24 | }
25 | my @logFiles = @ARGV;
26 |
27 | my %obsTyps_of;
28 |
29 | # Parse each logfile
30 | foreach my $logfile (@logFiles) {
31 | my $inp;
32 | if ( !open ( $inp, '<', $logfile ) ) {
33 | warn "could not open file '$logfile': $!";
34 | next;
35 | }
36 | while (<$inp>) {
37 |
38 | # # 16-03-21 10:25:38 MARS0: Observation Types: R 6 C1C L1C S1C C2P L2P S2P
39 | if ( $_ =~ /Observation Types:/ ) {
40 | chomp;
41 | my @fields = split ( /\s+/, $_ );
42 | my $mp = $fields[2];
43 | $mp =~ s/:$//;
44 | my $satSys = $fields[5];
45 | my @obsTyps = @fields[ 7 .. $#fields ];
46 | $obsTyps_of{$mp}->{$satSys} = \@obsTyps;
47 |
48 | # Check obs types
49 | if ( $satSys eq "G" ) { # GPS see #65
50 | foreach my $otp (@obsTyps) {
51 | if ( $otp eq "L2P" || $otp eq "C2P" ) {
52 | warn ("$_: Observation Types 'L2P' and/or 'C2P' are not reasonable for GPS\n");
53 | }
54 | }
55 | }
56 | }
57 | }
58 | close ($inp);
59 | }
60 |
61 | # Write .sot files
62 | foreach my $mp ( keys %obsTyps_of ) {
63 | my $obstypes = obsTypes2str( $obsTyps_of{$mp} );
64 | next unless ($obstypes);
65 | writeSOT( "${mp}.sot", $obstypes, $caster );
66 | }
67 |
68 | sub obsTypes2str {
69 | my ($obsTypes) = @_;
70 |
71 | my $obstypes_str = "";
72 | foreach my $sys (qw(G R E J C I S)) {
73 | next unless ( exists $obsTypes->{$sys} );
74 | my @obsTypes = @{ $obsTypes->{$sys} };
75 | my $nof_obsTypes = scalar @obsTypes;
76 | my @currentTypes = splice ( @obsTypes, 0, 13 );
77 | my $types_str = join ( ' ', @currentTypes );
78 | $obstypes_str .=
79 | sprintf ( "%-1s %3s %-53.53s%-19s\n", $sys, $nof_obsTypes, $types_str, 'SYS / # / OBS TYPES' );
80 | while (@obsTypes) { # we need a new line
81 | $types_str = join ( ' ', @obsTypes );
82 | $obstypes_str .= sprintf ( " %-52.52s %-20s\n", $types_str, 'SYS / # / OBS TYPES' );
83 | @currentTypes = splice ( @obsTypes, 0, 13 );
84 | }
85 | }
86 | return $obstypes_str;
87 | }
88 |
89 | # Write the sotfile. If option -n is set, write the file into a directory with the name of the caster.
90 | sub writeSOT {
91 | my ( $filename, $obsTypes, $caster ) = @_;
92 |
93 | if ($caster) {
94 | if ( !-d $caster ) {
95 | eval { mkpath($caster) };
96 | if ($@) {
97 | warn ("could not create path [$caster]: $@");
98 | return;
99 | }
100 | }
101 | $filename = $caster . "/" . $filename;
102 | }
103 |
104 | my $fh;
105 | if ( !open ( $fh, '>', $filename ) ) {
106 | warn "could not open file '$filename' for writing: $!";
107 | return;
108 | }
109 | print $fh $obsTypes;
110 | close ($fh);
111 | }
112 |
113 | sub HELP_MESSAGE {
114 | print <<EOI_HILFE;
115 | $prog - parse observation types from BNC's logfile(s) and write them as *.sot files
116 |
117 | USAGE:
118 | $prog [OPTIONS] <bnc-logfiles>
119 |
120 | OPTIONS:
121 | -n name or address of the scanned caster (optional)
122 | -h, --help show this help
123 |
125 | $prog -n euref-ip.net /home/user/log/bnc*.log
126 |
128 | exit;
129 | }
130 |