#!/usr/bin/env perl # ======================================================================== # cmbPlot.pl # ======================================================================== # # Purpose: Script using gnuplot to plot BNC's combination results # # Comment: stored values: # in case of "single epoch" and "filter" combination # - residuals per satellite and AC # - resultant combined clock correction in [seconds] # - full clock in [m] # additional for "filter" combination # - estimated clock offset common for all satellites of a system and one AC # - estimated clock offset per satellite and AC # # Author: Andrea Stuerze # ======================================================================== # Uses use strict; use warnings; use File::Spec; use Getopt::Long; use Chart::Gnuplot; use PDL; use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper); use diagnostics; use File::Basename; use Date::Manip; my ($home) = glob "~"; # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # required to create a pdf # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- use PDF::API2; use constant { mm => 25.4 / 72, inch => 1 / 72, pt => 1, }; # There are 72 postscript points in an inch and there are 25.4 millimeters in an inch. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Options # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # init options my $help = 0; my $plotType = ""; my @logFiles = (); # read options from command line GetOptions( 'help' => \$help, 'plotType=s' => \$plotType, 'logFiles=s' => \@logFiles, ); HELP_MESSAGE() if $help; @logFiles = split ( /[, ]+/, join ( ',', @logFiles ) ); unless (@logFiles) { print "ERROR: logfiles missing\n"; exit; } print " plotTpe: $plotType\n logfiles: @logFiles\n\n"; # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # generate data sets for gnuplot # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #my $old_epochSec = 0; my $epochSec = 0; my $epochDiff = 0; # for pdf generation my ( $png, $page, $headline, $headline_text ); my $y0 = 180 / mm; my ( $x, $y, $width, $height ) = ( 40 / mm, $y0, 130 / mm, 80 / mm ); my $dy = $height + 10 / mm; # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # create pdf for plot results # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- my ( $inputFilename, $inputDir ) = fileparse( $logFiles[0] ); # , '\..*' my $pdf_name = sprintf ( "%s.pdf", $inputFilename ); my $pdf = PDF::API2->new( -file => "$inputDir$pdf_name" ); my $font1 = $pdf->corefont('Helvetica-Bold'); # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # read logfile(s) and save data # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #chdir ( "$home/tmp" ) || die "Could not change to dir $home/tmp\n"; my ( %CLK_CORR, %CLK_FULL, %RES, %OFFSET_AC, %OFFSET_SAT ); # %CLK foreach (@logFiles) { #my $file = File::Spec->catfile( $inputDir, $_ ); my $file = $_; print "Parse logfile $file ...\n"; my ( @array, $sys, $sat, $epo, $val, $ac ); open ( INPUT, "<", $file ) || die "Could not open file '$file': $!"; while () { if ( $_ =~ /Clk Corr / ) { # 2015-04-06 23:59:30.000 Clk Corr G06 0.2371 +- 0.0291 @array = split ( /\s+/, $_ ); $epo = $array[0] . "T" . $array[1]; $sat = $array[4]; $sys = substr ( $sat, 0, 1 ); $val = $array[5]; push ( @{ $CLK_CORR{$sys}{$sat}{EPOCH} }, $epo ); push ( @{ $CLK_CORR{$sys}{$sat}{DATA} }, $val ); } elsif ( $_ =~ /Full Clock / ) { # 2015-04-06 23:59:30.000 Full Clock G04 81 -3205.8546 @array = split ( /\s+/, $_ ); $epo = $array[0] . "T" . $array[1]; $sat = $array[4]; $sys = substr ( $sat, 0, 1 ); $val = $array[6]; push ( @{ $CLK_FULL{$sys}{$sat}{EPOCH} }, $epo ); push ( @{ $CLK_FULL{$sys}{$sat}{DATA} }, $val ); } elsif ( $_ =~ /res = / ) { # 2015-04-05 23:59:40.000 NRCAN G01 res = -0.0003 @array = split ( /\s+/, $_ ); $epo = $array[0] . "T" . $array[1]; $ac = $array[2]; $sat = $array[3]; $sys = substr ( $sat, 0, 1 ); $val = $array[6]; push ( @{ $RES{$ac}{$sys}{$sat}{EPOCH} }, $epo ); push ( @{ $RES{$ac}{$sys}{$sat}{DATA} }, $val ); } elsif ( $_ =~ /AC Offset / ) { # AC Offset DLR C 1.9002 +- 35.3112 @array = split ( /\s+/, $_ ); $epo = $array[0] . "T" . $array[1]; $sys = $array[5]; $ac = $array[4]; $val = $array[6]; push ( @{ $OFFSET_AC{$sys}{$ac}{EPOCH} }, $epo ); push ( @{ $OFFSET_AC{$sys}{$ac}{DATA} }, $val ); } elsif ( $_ =~ /Sat Offset / ) { # 2015-04-05 23:59:40.000 Sat Offset BKG G01 0.5483 +- 100.0000 @array = split ( /\s+/, $_ ); $epo = $array[0] . "T" . $array[1]; $ac = $array[4]; $sat = $array[5]; $sys = substr ( $sat, 0, 1 ); $val = $array[6]; push ( @{ $OFFSET_SAT{$ac}{$sys}{$sat}{EPOCH} }, $epo ); push ( @{ $OFFSET_SAT{$ac}{$sys}{$sat}{DATA} }, $val ); } } close INPUT; } # ----- end foreach logfile ----- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # plot several data sets # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ######### CLOCK CORR ##################### print "Plot CLOCK CORR ...\n"; $page = $pdf->page(); $page->mediabox('A4'); $headline = sprintf ( "Clock Corrections (%s)", $inputFilename ); $headline_text = $page->text; $headline_text->font( $font1, 11 / pt ); $headline_text->translate( 15 / mm, 280 / mm ); $headline_text->text($headline); $y = $y0 + $dy; my $yrange = 20.0; if ( $plotType eq "KF" ) { $yrange = 5.0; } # SYSTEM foreach my $key_sys ( sort keys %CLK_CORR ) { print " Plot CLOCK CORR for $key_sys\n"; my @datasets; # init datasets my $pngName = sprintf ( "%s_CLK_CORR_%s.png", $inputFilename, $key_sys ); my $chart = Chart::Gnuplot->new( output => $pngName, terminal => 'png', title => "$key_sys", # G,R ylabel => "Clock corrections [s]", yrange => [ -$yrange, $yrange ], xlabel => "Time [h]", timeaxis => 'x', xtics => { labelfmt => '%H:%M', rotate => '-270' }, legend => { position => "outside below", }, grid => 'on', ); # SATELLITE foreach my $key_sat ( sort keys %{ $CLK_CORR{$key_sys} } ) { my $colour = sprintf ( "%d", ( substr $key_sat, -2 ) + 1 ); my $dataset = Chart::Gnuplot::DataSet->new( xdata => $CLK_CORR{$key_sys}{$key_sat}{EPOCH}, ydata => $CLK_CORR{$key_sys}{$key_sat}{DATA}, title => "$key_sat", timefmt => '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S', # '%H:%M:%S', linetype => $colour, style => " linespoints ", ); push ( @datasets, $dataset ); } $chart->plot2d(@datasets); $y = $y - $dy; if ( $y < 30 / mm ) { $page = $pdf->page(); $page->mediabox('A4'); $y = $y0; } $png = $page->gfx(); die ("Unable to find image file: $!") unless -e $pngName; $png->image( $pdf->image_png($pngName), $x, $y, $width, $height ); } ######### CLOCK FULL ##################### print "Plot FULL CLOCK ...\n"; $page = $pdf->page(); $page->mediabox('A4'); $headline = sprintf ( "Full Clock (%s)", $inputFilename ); $headline_text = $page->text; $headline_text->font( $font1, 11 / pt ); $headline_text->translate( 15 / mm, 280 / mm ); $headline_text->text($headline); $y = $y0 + $dy; # SYSTEM foreach my $key_sys ( sort keys %CLK_FULL ) { my @datasets; # init datasets my $pngName = sprintf ( "%s_CLK_FULL_%s.png", $inputFilename, $key_sys ); my $chart = Chart::Gnuplot->new( output => $pngName, terminal => 'png', title => "$key_sys", ylabel => "Full Clock [m]", #yrange => [" -3 ", " 3 "], xlabel => "Time [h]", timeaxis => 'x', xtics => { labelfmt => '%H:%M', rotate => '-270', }, legend => { position => "outside below", }, grid => 'on', ); # SATELLITE foreach my $key_sat ( sort keys %{ $CLK_FULL{$key_sys} } ) { my $colour = sprintf ( "%d", ( substr $key_sat, -2 ) + 1 ); my $dataset = Chart::Gnuplot::DataSet->new( xdata => $CLK_FULL{$key_sys}{$key_sat}{EPOCH}, ydata => $CLK_FULL{$key_sys}{$key_sat}{DATA}, title => "$key_sat", timefmt => '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S', # '%H:%M:%S', linetype => $colour, style => " linespoints ", ); push ( @datasets, $dataset ); } $chart->plot2d(@datasets); $y = $y - $dy; if ( $y < 30 / mm ) { $page = $pdf->page(); $page->mediabox('A4'); $y = $y0; } $png = $page->gfx(); die ("Unable to find image file: $!") unless -e $pngName; $png->image( $pdf->image_png($pngName), $x, $y, $width, $height ); } ######### OFFSET SAT ##################### if ( $plotType eq "KF" ) { print "Plot OFFSET SAT ...\n"; $page = $pdf->page(); $page->mediabox('A4'); $headline = sprintf ( "AC and satellite specific offset (%s)", $inputFilename ); $headline_text = $page->text; $headline_text->font( $font1, 11 / pt ); $headline_text->translate( 15 / mm, 280 / mm ); $headline_text->text($headline); $y = $y0 + $dy; # AC foreach my $key_ac ( sort keys %OFFSET_SAT ) { #print "$key_ac \n"; #SYSTEM foreach my $key_sys ( sort keys %{ $OFFSET_SAT{$key_ac} } ) { my @datasets; # init datasets my $pngName = sprintf ( "%s_OFFSETSAT_%s_%s.png", $inputFilename, $key_ac, $key_sys ); my $chartOFFSETSAT = Chart::Gnuplot->new( output => $pngName, terminal => 'png', title => "$key_ac - $key_sys", ylabel => "AC and satellite specific offset [m]", # yrange => [" -0.1 ", " 0.1 "], xlabel => "Time [h]", timeaxis => 'x', xtics => { labelfmt => '%H:%M', rotate => '-270' }, legend => { position => "outside below", }, grid => 'on', ); # SATELLITE foreach my $key_sat ( sort keys %{ $OFFSET_SAT{$key_ac}{$key_sys} } ) { my $colour = sprintf ( "%d", ( substr $key_sat, -2 ) + 1 ); my $dataset = Chart::Gnuplot::DataSet->new( xdata => $OFFSET_SAT{$key_ac}{$key_sys}{$key_sat}{EPOCH}, ydata => $OFFSET_SAT{$key_ac}{$key_sys}{$key_sat}{DATA}, title => "$key_sat", timefmt => '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S', # '%H:%M:%S', linetype => $colour, style => " linespoints ", ); push ( @datasets, $dataset ); } $chartOFFSETSAT->plot2d(@datasets); $y = $y - $dy; if ( $y < 30 / mm ) { $page = $pdf->page(); $page->mediabox('A4'); $y = $y0; } $png = $page->gfx(); die ("Unable to find image file: $!") unless -e $pngName; $png->image( $pdf->image_png($pngName), $x, $y, $width, $height ); } } } ######### OFFSET AC ##################### print "Plot OFFSET AC ...\n"; $page = $pdf->page(); $page->mediabox('A4'); $headline = sprintf ( "Common AC offsets (%s)", $inputFilename ); $headline_text = $page->text; $headline_text->font( $font1, 11 / pt ); $headline_text->translate( 15 / mm, 280 / mm ); $headline_text->text($headline); $y = $y0 + $dy; # SYSTEM foreach my $key_sys ( sort keys %OFFSET_AC ) { my @datasets; # init datasets my $pngName = sprintf ( "%s_OFFSETAC_%s.png", $inputFilename, $key_sys ); my $chart = Chart::Gnuplot->new( output => $pngName, terminal => 'png', title => "$key_sys", ylabel => "Common Offset [m]", #yrange => ["-20.0", "20.0"], xlabel => "Time [h]", timeaxis => 'x', xtics => { labelfmt => '%H:%M', rotate => '-270' }, legend => { position => "outside below", }, grid => 'on', ); # SATELLITE foreach my $key_ac ( sort keys %{ $OFFSET_AC{$key_sys} } ) { my $dataset = Chart::Gnuplot::DataSet->new( xdata => $OFFSET_AC{$key_sys}{$key_ac}{EPOCH}, ydata => $OFFSET_AC{$key_sys}{$key_ac}{DATA}, title => "$key_ac", timefmt => '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S', # '%H:%M:%S', style => " linespoints ", ); push ( @datasets, $dataset ); } $chart->plot2d(@datasets); $y = $y - $dy; if ( $y < 30 / mm ) { $page = $pdf->page(); $page->mediabox('A4'); $y = $y0; } $png = $page->gfx(); die ("Unable to find image file: $!") unless -e $pngName; $png->image( $pdf->image_png($pngName), $x, $y, $width, $height ); } ######### RES ##################### print "Plot RES ...\n"; $page = $pdf->page(); $page->mediabox('A4'); $headline = sprintf ( "Residuals (%s)", $inputFilename ); $headline_text = $page->text; $headline_text->font( $font1, 11 / pt ); $headline_text->translate( 15 / mm, 280 / mm ); $headline_text->text($headline); $y = $y0 + $dy; $yrange = 4.0; if ( $plotType eq "KF" ) { $yrange = 0.1; } # AC foreach my $key_ac ( sort keys %RES ) { #print "$key_ac \n"; #SYSTEM foreach my $key_sys ( sort keys %{ $RES{$key_ac} } ) { my @datasets; # init datasets my $pngName = sprintf ( "%s_RES_%s_%s.png", $inputFilename, $key_ac, $key_sys ); my $chart = Chart::Gnuplot->new( output => $pngName, terminal => 'png', title => "$key_ac - $key_sys", ylabel => "Residuals [m]", yrange => [ " -$yrange ", "$yrange " ], xlabel => "Time [h]", timeaxis => 'x', xtics => { labelfmt => '%H:%M', rotate => '-270', }, legend => { position => "outside below", }, grid => 'on', ); # SATELLITE foreach my $key_sat ( sort keys %{ $RES{$key_ac}{$key_sys} } ) { my $colour = sprintf ( "%d", ( substr $key_sat, -2 ) + 1 ); my $dataset = Chart::Gnuplot::DataSet->new( xdata => $RES{$key_ac}{$key_sys}{$key_sat}{EPOCH}, ydata => $RES{$key_ac}{$key_sys}{$key_sat}{DATA}, title => "$key_sat", timefmt => '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S', # '%H:%M:%S', style => " linespoints ", ); push ( @datasets, $dataset ); } $chart->plot2d(@datasets); $y = $y - $dy; if ( $y < 30 / mm ) { $page = $pdf->page(); $page->mediabox('A4'); $y = $y0; } $png = $page->gfx(); die ("Unable to find image file: $!") unless -e $pngName; $png->image( $pdf->image_png($pngName), $x, $y, $width, $height ); } } $pdf->save(); $pdf->end(); system ("rm $inputDir/*png"); system("evince $inputDir/$pdf_name&"); #foreach my $t(@array) {print"$t \n ";} #print Dumper \%AMB; ######################################### sub HELP_MESSAGE { print <