1 | package Common;
2 |
3 | #
4 | # Some common functions
5 | #
6 | # Revision: $Header: trunk/BNC/scripts/Common.pm 10512 2024-06-21 08:19:12Z wiese $
7 | #
8 |
9 | use strict;
10 | use warnings;
11 | use Exporter;
12 | use Data::Dumper;
13 | use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
14 | use File::Temp;
15 | use File::Basename;
16 | use File::Spec::Functions;
17 | use Proc::ProcessTable;
18 |
19 | #$| = 1; # Buffer off (print)
20 |
21 | sub trim {
22 | my ($text) = @_;
23 | $text =~ s/^[\s]*//g;
24 | $text =~ s/[\s]*$//g;
25 | return $text;
26 | }
27 |
28 | # run a command in the shell.
29 | sub runCmd {
30 | my ($cmd) = shift;
31 |
32 | DEBUG("run cmd: \"$cmd\"");
33 |
34 | my $tmpfh = File::Temp->new( UNLINK => 1, SUFFIX => '.dat' );
35 | my $tmpfile = $tmpfh->filename();
36 |
37 | $cmd = "$cmd 2>$tmpfile |";
38 | my $PIPE;
39 | unless ( open $PIPE, $cmd ) {
40 | ERROR("open $cmd | failed ($!)");
41 | return ( -1, "", "" );
42 | }
43 | my $stdout = join '', <$PIPE>;
44 | close $PIPE;
45 | my $exit_code = $?;
46 |
47 | my $stderr = getContent($tmpfile);
48 | return ( $exit_code, $stdout, $stderr );
49 | }
50 |
51 | sub mkDir {
52 | my $dir = shift;
53 | return 1 if ( -d $dir );
54 |
55 | eval { mkpath($dir) };
56 | if ($@) {
57 | warn ("Could not create path [$dir]: $@");
58 | return 0;
59 | }
60 | return 1;
61 | }
62 |
63 | #** @function amInteractiv ()
64 | # @brief Checks if a program runs interactivly, or e.g. was invoked by cron.
65 | # @see Perl Cookbook Kap. 15.2
66 | # @return true if interactive, else false.
67 | #*
68 | sub amInteractiv {
69 | use POSIX qw(getpgrp tcgetpgrp);
70 | my $tty;
71 | open ( $tty, "<", "/dev/tty" ) || LOGDIE "Could not open /dev/tty: $!";
72 | my $tpgrp = tcgetpgrp( fileno ($tty) ); # get terminal foreground process group
73 | my $pgrp = getpgrp (); # get the current process group
74 | close $tty;
75 | return ( $tpgrp == $pgrp );
76 | }
77 |
78 | #** @function printData ($data)
79 | # @brief Prints perl data structures. Uses Data::Dumper.
80 | # @param $data [required] Daten
81 | # @return -
82 | #*
83 | sub printData {
84 | my $data = shift;
85 | my $d = Data::Dumper->new($data);
86 | $d->Indent(3); # pretty print with array indices
87 | print $d->Dump;
88 | }
89 |
90 | sub getContent {
91 | my ($fileName) = @_;
92 | my $errmsg = "";
93 | if ( -f $fileName ) {
94 | my $readMode = $/;
95 | undef $/;
96 | open ( FILE, "<", $fileName )
97 | or ERROR("Kann Datei nicht zum lesen oeffnen");
98 | $errmsg = <FILE>;
99 | close (FILE);
100 | $/ = $readMode;
101 | }
102 | return $errmsg;
103 | }
104 |
105 | # blurt opens a new file, prints the data in $data to it and closes the file.
106 | # If $options->{append} is set to a true value, data will be appended to the file. Default is false, existing files will be overwritten.
107 | #
108 | # If the string is a Unicode string, use the utf8 option: 'blurt( $unicode_string, $file, {utf8 => 1} );'
109 | sub blurt {
110 | my ( $data, $file, $options ) = @_;
111 |
112 | # legacy signature
113 | if ( defined $options and ref $options eq "" ) {
114 | $options = { append => 1 };
115 | }
116 |
117 | $options = {} unless defined $options;
118 |
119 | local $Log::Log4perl::caller_depth = $Log::Log4perl::caller_depth + 1;
120 |
121 | $options->{append} = 0 unless defined $options->{append};
122 |
123 | #_confirm( ( $options->{append} ? "Appending" : "Writing" ) . " " . length ($data) . " bytes to $file" ) or return 1;
124 |
125 | open my $fh, ">" . ( $options->{append} ? ">" : "" ) . $file
126 | or LOGCROAK("Cannot open $file for writing ($!)");
127 |
128 | binmode $fh; # Win32 wants that
129 |
130 | if ( $options->{utf8} ) {
131 | binmode $fh, ":utf8";
132 | }
133 |
134 | print $fh $data
135 | or LOGCROAK("Cannot write to $file ($!)");
136 | close $fh
137 | or LOGCROAK("Cannot close $file ($!)");
138 | }
139 |
140 | #** @function filePosition ($file, $filePos)
141 | # @brief Save position of a file in an idxfile.
142 | #
143 | # Especially for logfiles. For performance reasons, logfiles should not parsed always from the
144 | # beginning, the next read access should start at the pos of the last read.
145 | # Saves the position of the last read in a help-file ".filePos" in
146 | # the directory of the logfile. If the param $filePos is set, then this position will be saved (Write).
147 | # Otherwise the current position will be returned (Read).
148 | # @param $file [required] File of interest
149 | # @param $filePos [optional] if given, this position ()in Bytes) will be saved, else return current position
150 | # @return file position in Bytes from beginning of the file
151 | #*
152 | sub filePosition {
153 | my ( $file, $filePos ) = @_;
154 |
155 | my ( $filName, $filDir ) = fileparse($file);
156 | my $idxFil = catfile( $filDir, ".filePos" );
157 |
158 | if ($filePos) {
159 |
160 | # Save this position in idxfile
161 | my $newPos = "$filName $filePos";
162 | if ( -e $idxFil ) {
163 | unless ( replace( $idxFil, "^${filName} \\d+", $newPos ) ) {
164 |
165 | # could not replace -> append
166 | blurt( "$newPos\n", $idxFil, { append => 1 } );
167 |
168 | # my $INP;
169 | # if ( !open ( $INP, ">>", $idxFil ) ) {
170 | # ERROR("Could not append file [$idxFil]: $!");
171 | # return 0;
172 | # }
173 | # print $INP "$newPos\n";
174 | # close ($INP);
175 | }
176 | }
177 | else {
178 | # initial write
179 | blurt( "$newPos\n", $idxFil );
180 |
181 | #writeTextInFile( $idxFil, "$newPos\n" );
182 | }
183 | }
184 | else {
185 |
186 | # Read current position from idxfile
187 | # ----------------------------------
188 | if ( !-e $idxFil ) {
189 | return 0;
190 | }
191 | my $line = "";
192 | my $idx_fh;
193 | if ( !open ( $idx_fh, "<", $idxFil ) ) {
194 | ERROR("Could not open for read $idxFil: $!");
195 | return 0;
196 | }
197 | while (<$idx_fh>) {
198 | if ( $_ =~ /^$filName (\d+)/ ) { # RegEx problematic with getContentFiltered()
199 | $line .= $_;
200 | $filePos = $1;
201 | last;
202 | }
203 | }
204 | close ($idx_fh);
205 |
206 | if ( $line && !$filePos ) {
207 | ERROR("Could not read file position in idxfile $idxFil. Weired line \"$line\"");
208 | $filePos = 0;
209 | }
210 |
211 | if ($filePos) {
212 |
213 | # If the file was meanwhile newly created, e.g. after restart from BNC
214 | my $fileSize = -s $file;
215 | if ( $filePos > $fileSize ) {
216 | WARN "file $file seams to be newly created";
217 | DEBUG("size:$fileSize pos:$filePos");
218 | $filePos = 0;
219 | }
220 | }
221 | else {
222 | WARN("No position entry found in idxfile for \"$filName\"");
223 | $filePos = 0;
224 | }
225 | }
226 |
227 | return $filePos;
228 | }
229 |
230 | #** @function isAlreadyRunning ()
231 | # @brief Check if this program is already running.
232 | # @details Usage: isAlreadyRunning() && die "Same job is already running!\n";@n
233 | # Purpose: e.g. to avoid a program running twice
234 | # @see bernese gpsutil::check_job()
235 | # @return pid of already running job else false
236 | #*
237 | sub isAlreadyRunning {
238 | my ($scriptName) = fileparse($0);
239 |
240 | use Proc::ProcessTable;
241 | my $pt = new Proc::ProcessTable;
242 | my $pid_found = 0; # from already running job
243 | foreach my $p ( @{ $pt->table } ) {
244 | my $cmd = $p->cmndline;
245 | if ( $cmd =~ /$scriptName/ && $p->pid != $$ ) {
246 | next if ( $p->pid == getppid () ); # when started from cron!
247 | DEBUG( "Found: " . $p->pid . ", myself: $$" );
248 | $pid_found = $p->pid;
249 | DEBUG "Process $cmd is running";
250 | last;
251 | }
252 | }
253 |
254 | return $pid_found;
255 | }
256 |
257 | # toLineProtocol($rcd)
258 | # @brief converts $rcd to InfluxDB line protocol
259 | # @see https://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb/v2.1/reference/syntax/line-protocol/
260 | sub toLineProtocol {
261 | my ($rcd) = @_;
262 |
263 | my $err = 0;
264 | my $str = $rcd->{'measurement'} . ',';
265 |
266 | # Tags (sort by key (in lexicographic order) for performance reasons)
267 | foreach ( sort { lc ($a) cmp lc ($b) } keys %{ $rcd->{'tags'} } ) {
268 | if ( !exists $rcd->{'tags'}->{$_} ) {
269 | $err++;
270 |
271 | #next; # ?
272 | }
273 | $str .= $_ . "=" . $rcd->{'tags'}->{$_} . ",";
274 | }
275 | chop $str;
276 | $str .= " ";
277 |
278 | # Fields
279 | foreach ( sort { lc ($a) cmp lc ($b) } keys %{ $rcd->{'fields'} } ) {
280 | if ( !exists $rcd->{'fields'}->{$_} ) {
281 | $err++;
282 |
283 | #next; # ?
284 | }
285 | $str .= $_ . "=" . $rcd->{'fields'}->{$_} . ",";
286 | }
287 | chop $str;
288 | $str .= " " . $rcd->{'time'}; # prec=s
289 | if ($err) {
290 | return 0;
291 | }
292 | return $str;
293 | }
294 |
295 | #** @function rms ($numbers)
296 | # @brief Compute the Root mean square.
297 | # @param $numbers [required] List with your numbers
298 | # @return RMS value
299 | # @note use PDL stats() if installed!
300 | # @see http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Averages/Root_mean_square#Perl
301 | #*
302 | sub rms {
303 | my $r = 0;
304 | $r += $_**2 for @_;
305 | return sqrt ( $r / @_ );
306 | }
307 |
308 | #** @function avg ($numbers)
309 | # @brief Compute the arithmetic mean value.
310 | # @param $numbers [required] List with your numbers
311 | # @note use PDL stats() if installed!
312 | # @return mean value
313 | # @see http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Average/Arithmetic_mean#Perl
314 | #*
315 | sub avg {
316 | @_ or return 0;
317 | my $sum = 0;
318 | $sum += $_ foreach @_;
319 | return $sum / @_;
320 | }
321 |
322 | #** @function sigma ($numbers)
323 | # @brief Compute the STDDEV of the arithmetic mean.
324 | # @param $numbers [required] List with your numbers
325 | # @return Sigma value
326 | # @note use use PDL::Primitive qw(stats) if installed!
327 | #*
328 | sub sigma {
329 | my $n = scalar (@_);
330 |
331 | if ( $n == 1 ) {
332 | WARN "Could not compute sigma for only one sample";
333 | return;
334 | }
335 |
336 | my $e = 0; # arithm. Mittel
337 | $e += $_ for @_;
338 | $e = $e / $n;
339 |
340 | my @v = map { $e - $_ } @_;
341 | my $vv = 0;
342 | $vv += $_**2 for @v;
343 | return sqrt ( $vv / ( $n * ( $n - 1 ) ) );
344 | }
345 |
346 | #** @function median (@numbers)
347 | # @brief Compute the median of a list of numbers.
348 | # @param @numbers [required] List with your numbers
349 | # @see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Median
350 | # @note use PDL stats() if installed!
351 | # @return median
352 | #*
353 | sub median {
354 | my $mid = int ( @_ / 2 );
355 | my @sorted = sort { $a <=> $b } (@_);
356 | if ( @sorted % 2 ) {
357 | return $sorted[$mid];
358 | }
359 | else {
360 | return ( $sorted[ $mid - 1 ] + $sorted[$mid] ) / 2;
361 | }
362 |
363 | return; # undef
364 | }
365 |
366 | 1; # End of Common
367 |