/* -*- mode: C++ ; c-file-style: "stroustrup" -*- ***************************** * QwtPolar Widget Library * Copyright (C) 2008 Uwe Rathmann * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the Qwt License, Version 1.0 *****************************************************************************/ #include "qwt_polar_panner.h" #include "qwt_polar_plot.h" #include "qwt_polar_canvas.h" #include <qwt_scale_div.h> #include <qwt_point_polar.h> //! Create a plot panner for a polar plot canvas QwtPolarPanner::QwtPolarPanner( QwtPolarCanvas *canvas ): QwtPanner( canvas ) { connect( this, SIGNAL( panned( int, int ) ), SLOT( movePlot( int, int ) ) ); } //! Destructor QwtPolarPanner::~QwtPolarPanner() { } //! \return observed plot canvas QwtPolarCanvas *QwtPolarPanner::canvas() { return qobject_cast<QwtPolarCanvas *>( parent() ); } //! \return observed plot canvas const QwtPolarCanvas *QwtPolarPanner::canvas() const { return qobject_cast<const QwtPolarCanvas *>( parent() ); } //! \return observed plot QwtPolarPlot *QwtPolarPanner::plot() { QwtPolarCanvas *c = canvas(); if ( c ) return c->plot(); return NULL; } //! \return observed plot const QwtPolarPlot *QwtPolarPanner::plot() const { const QwtPolarCanvas *c = canvas(); if ( c ) return c->plot(); return NULL; } /*! Adjust the zoomed area according to dx/dy \param dx Pixel offset in x direction \param dy Pixel offset in y direction \sa QwtPanner::panned(), QwtPolarPlot::zoom() */ void QwtPolarPanner::movePlot( int dx, int dy ) { QwtPolarPlot *plot = QwtPolarPanner::plot(); if ( plot == NULL || ( dx == 0 && dy == 0 ) ) return; const QwtScaleMap map = plot->scaleMap( QwtPolar::Radius ); QwtPointPolar pos = plot->zoomPos(); if ( map.s1() <= map.s2() ) { pos.setRadius( map.transform( map.s1() + pos.radius() ) - map.p1() ); pos.setPoint( pos.toPoint() - QPointF( dx, -dy ) ); pos.setRadius( map.invTransform( map.p1() + pos.radius() ) - map.s1() ); } else { pos.setRadius( map.transform( map.s1() - pos.radius() ) - map.p1() ); pos.setPoint( pos.toPoint() - QPointF( dx, -dy ) ); pos.setRadius( map.s1() - map.invTransform( map.p1() + pos.radius() ) ); } const bool doAutoReplot = plot->autoReplot(); plot->setAutoReplot( false ); plot->zoom( pos, plot->zoomFactor() ); plot->setAutoReplot( doAutoReplot ); plot->replot(); } /*! Block panning when the plot zoom factor is >= 1.0. \param event Mouse event */ void QwtPolarPanner::widgetMousePressEvent( QMouseEvent *event ) { const QwtPolarPlot *plot = QwtPolarPanner::plot(); if ( plot ) { if ( plot->zoomFactor() < 1.0 ) QwtPanner::widgetMousePressEvent( event ); } }