1 | /* -*- mode: C++ ; c-file-style: "stroustrup" -*- *****************************
2 | * Qwt Widget Library
3 | * Copyright (C) 1997 Josef Wilgen
4 | * Copyright (C) 2002 Uwe Rathmann
5 | *
6 | * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7 | * modify it under the terms of the Qwt License, Version 1.0
8 | *****************************************************************************/
9 |
10 | #ifndef QWT_WHEEL_H
11 | #define QWT_WHEEL_H
12 |
13 | #include "qwt_global.h"
14 | #include <qwidget.h>
15 |
16 | /*!
17 | \brief The Wheel Widget
18 |
19 | The wheel widget can be used to change values over a very large range
20 | in very small steps. Using the setMass() member, it can be configured
21 | as a flying wheel.
22 |
23 | The default range of the wheel is [0.0, 100.0]
24 |
25 | \sa The radio example.
26 | */
27 | class QWT_EXPORT QwtWheel: public QWidget
28 | {
30 |
31 | Q_PROPERTY( Qt::Orientation orientation
32 | READ orientation WRITE setOrientation )
33 |
34 | Q_PROPERTY( double value READ value WRITE setValue )
35 | Q_PROPERTY( double minimum READ minimum WRITE setMinimum )
36 | Q_PROPERTY( double maximum READ maximum WRITE setMaximum )
37 |
38 | Q_PROPERTY( double singleStep READ singleStep WRITE setSingleStep )
39 | Q_PROPERTY( int pageStepCount READ pageStepCount WRITE setPageStepCount )
40 | Q_PROPERTY( bool stepAlignment READ stepAlignment WRITE setStepAlignment )
41 |
42 | Q_PROPERTY( bool tracking READ isTracking WRITE setTracking )
43 | Q_PROPERTY( bool wrapping READ wrapping WRITE setWrapping )
44 | Q_PROPERTY( bool inverted READ isInverted WRITE setInverted )
45 |
46 | Q_PROPERTY( double mass READ mass WRITE setMass )
47 | Q_PROPERTY( int updateInterval READ updateInterval WRITE setUpdateInterval )
48 |
49 | Q_PROPERTY( double totalAngle READ totalAngle WRITE setTotalAngle )
50 | Q_PROPERTY( double viewAngle READ viewAngle WRITE setViewAngle )
51 | Q_PROPERTY( int tickCount READ tickCount WRITE setTickCount )
52 | Q_PROPERTY( int wheelWidth READ wheelWidth WRITE setWheelWidth )
53 | Q_PROPERTY( int borderWidth READ borderWidth WRITE setBorderWidth )
54 | Q_PROPERTY( int wheelBorderWidth READ wheelBorderWidth WRITE setWheelBorderWidth )
55 |
56 | public:
57 | explicit QwtWheel( QWidget *parent = NULL );
58 | virtual ~QwtWheel();
59 |
60 | double value() const;
61 |
62 | void setOrientation( Qt::Orientation );
63 | Qt::Orientation orientation() const;
64 |
65 | double totalAngle() const;
66 | double viewAngle() const;
67 |
68 | void setTickCount( int );
69 | int tickCount() const;
70 |
71 | void setWheelWidth( int );
72 | int wheelWidth() const;
73 |
74 | void setWheelBorderWidth( int );
75 | int wheelBorderWidth() const;
76 |
77 | void setBorderWidth( int );
78 | int borderWidth() const;
79 |
80 | void setInverted( bool tf );
81 | bool isInverted() const;
82 |
83 | void setWrapping( bool tf );
84 | bool wrapping() const;
85 |
86 | void setSingleStep( double );
87 | double singleStep() const;
88 |
89 | void setPageStepCount( int );
90 | int pageStepCount() const;
91 |
92 | void setStepAlignment( bool on );
93 | bool stepAlignment() const;
94 |
95 | void setRange( double vmin, double vmax );
96 |
97 | void setMinimum( double min );
98 | double minimum() const;
99 |
100 | void setMaximum( double max );
101 | double maximum() const;
102 |
103 | void setUpdateInterval( int );
104 | int updateInterval() const;
105 |
106 | void setTracking( bool enable );
107 | bool isTracking() const;
108 |
109 | double mass() const;
110 |
111 | public Q_SLOTS:
112 | void setValue( double );
113 | void setTotalAngle ( double );
114 | void setViewAngle( double );
115 | void setMass( double );
116 |
117 | Q_SIGNALS:
118 |
119 | /*!
120 | \brief Notify a change of value.
121 |
122 | When tracking is enabled this signal will be emitted every
123 | time the value changes.
124 |
125 | \param value new value
126 | \sa setTracking()
127 | */
128 | void valueChanged( double value );
129 |
130 | /*!
131 | This signal is emitted when the user presses the
132 | the wheel with the mouse
133 | */
134 | void wheelPressed();
135 |
136 | /*!
137 | This signal is emitted when the user releases the mouse
138 | */
139 | void wheelReleased();
140 |
141 | /*!
142 | This signal is emitted when the user moves the
143 | wheel with the mouse.
144 |
145 | \param value new value
146 | */
147 | void wheelMoved( double value );
148 |
149 | protected:
150 | virtual void paintEvent( QPaintEvent * );
151 | virtual void mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent * );
152 | virtual void mouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent * );
153 | virtual void mouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent * );
154 | virtual void keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent * );
155 | virtual void wheelEvent( QWheelEvent * );
156 | virtual void timerEvent( QTimerEvent * );
157 |
158 | void stopFlying();
159 |
160 | QRect wheelRect() const;
161 |
162 | virtual QSize sizeHint() const;
163 | virtual QSize minimumSizeHint() const;
164 |
165 | virtual void drawTicks( QPainter *, const QRectF & );
166 | virtual void drawWheelBackground( QPainter *, const QRectF & );
167 |
168 | virtual double valueAt( const QPoint & ) const;
169 |
170 | private:
171 | double alignedValue( double ) const;
172 | double boundedValue( double ) const;
173 |
174 | class PrivateData;
175 | PrivateData *d_data;
176 | };
177 |
178 | #endif