/* -*- mode: C++ ; c-file-style: "stroustrup" -*- *****************************
 * Qwt Widget Library
 * Copyright (C) 1997   Josef Wilgen
 * Copyright (C) 2002   Uwe Rathmann
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the Qwt License, Version 1.0

#include "qwt_thermo.h"
#include "qwt_scale_engine.h"
#include "qwt_scale_draw.h"
#include "qwt_scale_map.h"
#include "qwt_color_map.h"
#include <qpainter.h>
#include <qevent.h>
#include <qdrawutil.h>
#include <qstyle.h>
#include <qstyleoption.h>
#include <qmath.h>

static inline void qwtDrawLine( QPainter *painter, int pos,
    const QColor &color, const QRect &pipeRect, const QRect &liquidRect,
    Qt::Orientation orientation )
    painter->setPen( color );
    if ( orientation == Qt::Horizontal )
        if ( pos >= liquidRect.left() && pos < liquidRect.right() )
            painter->drawLine( pos, pipeRect.top(), pos, pipeRect.bottom() );
        if ( pos >= liquidRect.top() && pos < liquidRect.bottom() )
            painter->drawLine( pipeRect.left(), pos, pipeRect.right(), pos );

QVector<double> qwtTickList( const QwtScaleDiv &scaleDiv )
    QVector<double> values;

    double lowerLimit = scaleDiv.interval().minValue();
    double upperLimit = scaleDiv.interval().maxValue();

    if ( upperLimit < lowerLimit )
        qSwap( lowerLimit, upperLimit );

    values += lowerLimit;

    for ( int tickType = QwtScaleDiv::MinorTick;
        tickType < QwtScaleDiv::NTickTypes; tickType++ )
        const QList<double> ticks = scaleDiv.ticks( tickType );

        for ( int i = 0; i < ticks.count(); i++ )
            const double v = ticks[i];
            if ( v > lowerLimit && v < upperLimit )
                values += v;

    values += upperLimit;

    return values;

class QwtThermo::PrivateData
        orientation( Qt::Vertical ),
        scalePosition( QwtThermo::TrailingScale ),
        spacing( 3 ),
        borderWidth( 2 ),
        pipeWidth( 10 ),
        alarmLevel( 0.0 ),
        alarmEnabled( false ),
        autoFillPipe( true ),
        originMode( QwtThermo::OriginMinimum ),
        origin( 0.0 ),
        colorMap( NULL ),
        value( 0.0 )
        rangeFlags = QwtInterval::IncludeBorders;

        delete colorMap;

    Qt::Orientation orientation;
    QwtThermo::ScalePosition scalePosition;

    int spacing;
    int borderWidth;
    int pipeWidth;

    QwtInterval::BorderFlags rangeFlags;
    double alarmLevel;
    bool alarmEnabled;
    bool autoFillPipe;
    QwtThermo::OriginMode originMode;
    double origin;

    QwtColorMap *colorMap;

    double value;

  \param parent Parent widget
QwtThermo::QwtThermo( QWidget *parent ):
    QwtAbstractScale( parent )
    d_data = new PrivateData;

    QSizePolicy policy( QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed );
    if ( d_data->orientation == Qt::Vertical )

    setSizePolicy( policy );

    setAttribute( Qt::WA_WState_OwnSizePolicy, false );
    layoutThermo( true );

//! Destructor
    delete d_data;

  \brief Exclude/Include min/max values

  According to the flags minValue() and maxValue()
  are included/excluded from the pipe. In case of an
  excluded value the corresponding tick is painted
  1 pixel off of the pipeRect().

  F.e. when a minimum
  of 0.0 has to be displayed as an empty pipe the minValue()
  needs to be excluded.

  \param flags Range flags
  \sa rangeFlags()
void QwtThermo::setRangeFlags( QwtInterval::BorderFlags flags )
    if ( d_data->rangeFlags != flags )
        d_data->rangeFlags = flags;

  \return Range flags
  \sa setRangeFlags()
QwtInterval::BorderFlags QwtThermo::rangeFlags() const
    return d_data->rangeFlags;

  Set the current value.

  \param value New Value
  \sa value()
void QwtThermo::setValue( double value )
    if ( d_data->value != value )
        d_data->value = value;

//! Return the value.
double QwtThermo::value() const
    return d_data->value;

  \brief Set a scale draw

  For changing the labels of the scales, it
  is necessary to derive from QwtScaleDraw and
  overload QwtScaleDraw::label().

  \param scaleDraw ScaleDraw object, that has to be created with
                   new and will be deleted in ~QwtThermo() or the next
                   call of setScaleDraw().
void QwtThermo::setScaleDraw( QwtScaleDraw *scaleDraw )
    setAbstractScaleDraw( scaleDraw );
    layoutThermo( true );

   \return the scale draw of the thermo
   \sa setScaleDraw()
const QwtScaleDraw *QwtThermo::scaleDraw() const
    return static_cast<const QwtScaleDraw *>( abstractScaleDraw() );

   \return the scale draw of the thermo
   \sa setScaleDraw()
QwtScaleDraw *QwtThermo::scaleDraw()
    return static_cast<QwtScaleDraw *>( abstractScaleDraw() );

  Paint event handler
  \param event Paint event
void QwtThermo::paintEvent( QPaintEvent *event )
    QPainter painter( this );
    painter.setClipRegion( event->region() );

    QStyleOption opt;
    style()->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_Widget, &opt, &painter, this);

    const QRect tRect = pipeRect();

    if ( !tRect.contains( event->rect() ) )
        if ( d_data->scalePosition != QwtThermo::NoScale )
            scaleDraw()->draw( &painter, palette() );

    const int bw = d_data->borderWidth;

    const QBrush brush = palette().brush( QPalette::Base );
    qDrawShadePanel( &painter,
        tRect.adjusted( -bw, -bw, bw, bw ),
        palette(), true, bw,
        d_data->autoFillPipe ? &brush : NULL );

    drawLiquid( &painter, tRect );

  Resize event handler
  \param event Resize event
void QwtThermo::resizeEvent( QResizeEvent *event )
    Q_UNUSED( event );
    layoutThermo( false );

  Qt change event handler
  \param event Event
void QwtThermo::changeEvent( QEvent *event )
    switch( event->type() )
        case QEvent::StyleChange:
        case QEvent::FontChange:
            layoutThermo( true );

  Recalculate the QwtThermo geometry and layout based on
  pipeRect() and the fonts.

  \param update_geometry notify the layout system and call update
         to redraw the scale
void QwtThermo::layoutThermo( bool update_geometry )
    const QRect tRect = pipeRect();
    const int bw = d_data->borderWidth + d_data->spacing;
    const bool inverted = ( upperBound() < lowerBound() );

    int from, to;

    if ( d_data->orientation == Qt::Horizontal )
        from = tRect.left();
        to = tRect.right();

        if ( d_data->rangeFlags & QwtInterval::ExcludeMinimum )
            if ( inverted )
        if ( d_data->rangeFlags & QwtInterval::ExcludeMaximum )
            if ( inverted )

        if ( d_data->scalePosition == QwtThermo::TrailingScale )
            scaleDraw()->setAlignment( QwtScaleDraw::TopScale );
            scaleDraw()->move( from, tRect.top() - bw );
            scaleDraw()->setAlignment( QwtScaleDraw::BottomScale );
            scaleDraw()->move( from, tRect.bottom() + bw );

        scaleDraw()->setLength( qMax( to - from, 0 ) );
    else // Qt::Vertical
        from = tRect.top();
        to = tRect.bottom();

        if ( d_data->rangeFlags & QwtInterval::ExcludeMinimum )
            if ( inverted )
        if ( d_data->rangeFlags & QwtInterval::ExcludeMaximum )
            if ( inverted )

        if ( d_data->scalePosition == QwtThermo::LeadingScale )
            scaleDraw()->setAlignment( QwtScaleDraw::RightScale );
            scaleDraw()->move( tRect.right() + bw, from );
            scaleDraw()->setAlignment( QwtScaleDraw::LeftScale );
            scaleDraw()->move( tRect.left() - bw, from );

        scaleDraw()->setLength( qMax( to - from, 0 ) );

    if ( update_geometry )

  \return Bounding rectangle of the pipe ( without borders )
          in widget coordinates
QRect QwtThermo::pipeRect() const
    int mbd = 0;
    if ( d_data->scalePosition != QwtThermo::NoScale )
        int d1, d2;
        scaleDraw()->getBorderDistHint( font(), d1, d2 );
        mbd = qMax( d1, d2 );
    const int bw = d_data->borderWidth;
    const int scaleOff = bw + mbd;

    const QRect cr = contentsRect();

    QRect pipeRect = cr;
    if ( d_data->orientation == Qt::Horizontal )
        pipeRect.adjust( scaleOff, 0, -scaleOff, 0 );

        if ( d_data->scalePosition == QwtThermo::TrailingScale )
            pipeRect.setTop( cr.top() + cr.height() - bw - d_data->pipeWidth );
            pipeRect.setTop( bw );

        pipeRect.setHeight( d_data->pipeWidth );
    else // Qt::Vertical
        pipeRect.adjust( 0, scaleOff, 0, -scaleOff );

        if ( d_data->scalePosition == QwtThermo::LeadingScale )
            pipeRect.setLeft( bw );
            pipeRect.setLeft( cr.left() + cr.width() - bw - d_data->pipeWidth );

        pipeRect.setWidth( d_data->pipeWidth );

    return pipeRect;

  \brief Set the orientation.
  \param orientation Allowed values are Qt::Horizontal and Qt::Vertical.

  \sa orientation(), scalePosition()
void QwtThermo::setOrientation( Qt::Orientation orientation )
    if ( orientation == d_data->orientation )

    d_data->orientation = orientation;

    if ( !testAttribute( Qt::WA_WState_OwnSizePolicy ) )
        QSizePolicy sp = sizePolicy();
        setSizePolicy( sp );

        setAttribute( Qt::WA_WState_OwnSizePolicy, false );

    layoutThermo( true );

  \return Orientation
  \sa setOrientation()
Qt::Orientation QwtThermo::orientation() const
    return d_data->orientation;

  \brief Change how the origin is determined.
  \sa originMode(), serOrigin(), origin()
void QwtThermo::setOriginMode( OriginMode m )
    if ( m == d_data->originMode )

    d_data->originMode = m;

  \return Mode, how the origin is determined.
  \sa setOriginMode(), serOrigin(), origin()
QwtThermo::OriginMode QwtThermo::originMode() const
    return d_data->originMode;

  \brief Specifies the custom origin.

  If originMode is set to OriginCustom this property controls where the
  liquid starts.

  \param origin New origin level
  \sa setOriginMode(), originMode(), origin()
void QwtThermo::setOrigin( double origin )
    if ( origin == d_data->origin )

    d_data->origin = origin;

  \return Origin of the thermo, when OriginCustom is enabled
  \sa setOrigin(), setOriginMode(), originMode()
double QwtThermo::origin() const
    return d_data->origin;

  \brief Change the position of the scale
  \param scalePosition Position of the scale.

  \sa ScalePosition, scalePosition()
void QwtThermo::setScalePosition( ScalePosition scalePosition )
    if ( d_data->scalePosition == scalePosition )

    d_data->scalePosition = scalePosition;

    if ( testAttribute( Qt::WA_WState_Polished ) )
        layoutThermo( true );

   \return Scale position.
   \sa setScalePosition()
QwtThermo::ScalePosition QwtThermo::scalePosition() const
    return d_data->scalePosition;

//! Notify a scale change.
void QwtThermo::scaleChange()
    layoutThermo( true );

   Redraw the liquid in thermometer pipe.
   \param painter Painter
   \param pipeRect Bounding rectangle of the pipe without borders
void QwtThermo::drawLiquid(
    QPainter *painter, const QRect &pipeRect ) const
    painter->setClipRect( pipeRect, Qt::IntersectClip );
    painter->setPen( Qt::NoPen );

    const QwtScaleMap scaleMap = scaleDraw()->scaleMap();

    QRect liquidRect = fillRect( pipeRect );

    if ( d_data->colorMap != NULL )
        const QwtInterval interval = scaleDiv().interval().normalized();

        // Because the positions of the ticks are rounded
        // we calculate the colors for the rounded tick values

        QVector<double> values = qwtTickList( scaleDraw()->scaleDiv() );

        if ( scaleMap.isInverting() )
            qSort( values.begin(), values.end(), qGreater<double>() );
            qSort( values.begin(), values.end(), qLess<double>() );

        int from;
        if ( !values.isEmpty() )
            from = qRound( scaleMap.transform( values[0] ) );
            qwtDrawLine( painter, from,
                d_data->colorMap->color( interval, values[0] ),
                pipeRect, liquidRect, d_data->orientation );

        for ( int i = 1; i < values.size(); i++ )
            const int to = qRound( scaleMap.transform( values[i] ) );

            for ( int pos = from + 1; pos < to; pos++ )
                const double v = scaleMap.invTransform( pos );

                qwtDrawLine( painter, pos,
                    d_data->colorMap->color( interval, v ),
                    pipeRect, liquidRect, d_data->orientation );

            qwtDrawLine( painter, to,
                d_data->colorMap->color( interval, values[i] ),
                pipeRect, liquidRect, d_data->orientation );

            from = to;
        if ( !liquidRect.isEmpty() && d_data->alarmEnabled )
            const QRect r = alarmRect( liquidRect );
            if ( !r.isEmpty() )
                painter->fillRect( r, palette().brush( QPalette::Highlight ) );
                liquidRect = QRegion( liquidRect ).subtracted( r ).boundingRect();

        painter->fillRect( liquidRect, palette().brush( QPalette::ButtonText ) );


  \brief Change the spacing between pipe and scale

  A spacing of 0 means, that the backbone of the scale is below
  the pipe.

  The default setting is 3 pixels.

  \param spacing Number of pixels
  \sa spacing();
void QwtThermo::setSpacing( int spacing )
    if ( spacing <= 0 )
        spacing = 0;

    if ( spacing != d_data->spacing  )
        d_data->spacing = spacing;
        layoutThermo( true );

  \return Number of pixels between pipe and scale
  \sa setSpacing()
int QwtThermo::spacing() const
    return d_data->spacing;

   Set the border width of the pipe.
   \param width Border width
   \sa borderWidth()
void QwtThermo::setBorderWidth( int width )
    if ( width <= 0 )
        width = 0;

    if ( width != d_data->borderWidth  )
        d_data->borderWidth = width;
        layoutThermo( true );

   \return Border width of the thermometer pipe.
   \sa setBorderWidth()
int QwtThermo::borderWidth() const
    return d_data->borderWidth;

  \brief Assign a color map for the fill color

  \param colorMap Color map
  \warning The alarm threshold has no effect, when
           a color map has been assigned
void QwtThermo::setColorMap( QwtColorMap *colorMap )
    if ( colorMap != d_data->colorMap )
        delete d_data->colorMap;
        d_data->colorMap = colorMap;

  \return Color map for the fill color
  \warning The alarm threshold has no effect, when
           a color map has been assigned
QwtColorMap *QwtThermo::colorMap()
    return d_data->colorMap;

  \return Color map for the fill color
  \warning The alarm threshold has no effect, when
           a color map has been assigned
const QwtColorMap *QwtThermo::colorMap() const
    return d_data->colorMap;

  \brief Change the brush of the liquid.

  Changes the QPalette::ButtonText brush of the palette.

  \param brush New brush.
  \sa fillBrush(), QWidget::setPalette()
void QwtThermo::setFillBrush( const QBrush& brush )
    QPalette pal = palette();
    pal.setBrush( QPalette::ButtonText, brush );
    setPalette( pal );

  \return Liquid ( QPalette::ButtonText ) brush.
  \sa setFillBrush(), QWidget::palette()
QBrush QwtThermo::fillBrush() const
    return palette().brush( QPalette::ButtonText );

  \brief Specify the liquid brush above the alarm threshold

  Changes the QPalette::Highlight brush of the palette.

  \param brush New brush.
  \sa alarmBrush(), QWidget::setPalette()

  \warning The alarm threshold has no effect, when
           a color map has been assigned
void QwtThermo::setAlarmBrush( const QBrush& brush )
    QPalette pal = palette();
    pal.setBrush( QPalette::Highlight, brush );
    setPalette( pal );

  \return Liquid brush ( QPalette::Highlight ) above the alarm threshold.
  \sa setAlarmBrush(), QWidget::palette()

  \warning The alarm threshold has no effect, when
           a color map has been assigned
QBrush QwtThermo::alarmBrush() const
    return palette().brush( QPalette::Highlight );

  Specify the alarm threshold.

  \param level Alarm threshold
  \sa alarmLevel()

  \warning The alarm threshold has no effect, when
           a color map has been assigned
void QwtThermo::setAlarmLevel( double level )
    d_data->alarmLevel = level;
    d_data->alarmEnabled = 1;

  \return Alarm threshold.
  \sa setAlarmLevel()

  \warning The alarm threshold has no effect, when
           a color map has been assigned
double QwtThermo::alarmLevel() const
    return d_data->alarmLevel;

  Change the width of the pipe.

  \param width Width of the pipe
  \sa pipeWidth()
void QwtThermo::setPipeWidth( int width )
    if ( width > 0 )
        d_data->pipeWidth = width;
        layoutThermo( true );

  \return Width of the pipe.
  \sa setPipeWidth()
int QwtThermo::pipeWidth() const
    return d_data->pipeWidth;

  \brief Enable or disable the alarm threshold
  \param on true (disabled) or false (enabled)

  \warning The alarm threshold has no effect, when
           a color map has been assigned
void QwtThermo::setAlarmEnabled( bool on )
    d_data->alarmEnabled = on;

  \return True, when the alarm threshold is enabled.

  \warning The alarm threshold has no effect, when
           a color map has been assigned
bool QwtThermo::alarmEnabled() const
    return d_data->alarmEnabled;

  \return the minimum size hint
  \sa minimumSizeHint()
QSize QwtThermo::sizeHint() const
    return minimumSizeHint();

  \return Minimum size hint
  \warning The return value depends on the font and the scale.
  \sa sizeHint()
QSize QwtThermo::minimumSizeHint() const
    int w = 0, h = 0;

    if ( d_data->scalePosition != NoScale )
        const int sdExtent = qCeil( scaleDraw()->extent( font() ) );
        const int sdLength = scaleDraw()->minLength( font() );

        w = sdLength;
        h = d_data->pipeWidth + sdExtent + d_data->spacing;

    else // no scale
        w = 200;
        h = d_data->pipeWidth;

    if ( d_data->orientation == Qt::Vertical )
        qSwap( w, h );

    w += 2 * d_data->borderWidth;
    h += 2 * d_data->borderWidth;

    // finally add the margins
    int left, right, top, bottom;
    getContentsMargins( &left, &top, &right, &bottom );
    w += left + right;
    h += top + bottom;

    return QSize( w, h );

  \brief Calculate the filled rectangle of the pipe

  \param pipeRect Rectangle of the pipe
  \return Rectangle to be filled ( fill and alarm brush )

  \sa pipeRect(), alarmRect()
QRect QwtThermo::fillRect( const QRect &pipeRect ) const
    double origin;
    if ( d_data->originMode == OriginMinimum )
        origin = qMin( lowerBound(), upperBound() );
    else if ( d_data->originMode == OriginMaximum )
        origin = qMax( lowerBound(), upperBound() );
    else // OriginCustom
        origin = d_data->origin;

    const QwtScaleMap scaleMap = scaleDraw()->scaleMap();

    int from = qRound( scaleMap.transform( d_data->value ) );
    int to = qRound( scaleMap.transform( origin ) );

    if ( to < from )
        qSwap( from, to );

    QRect fillRect = pipeRect;
    if ( d_data->orientation == Qt::Horizontal )
        fillRect.setLeft( from );
        fillRect.setRight( to );
    else // Qt::Vertical
        fillRect.setTop( from );
        fillRect.setBottom( to );

    return fillRect.normalized();

  \brief Calculate the alarm rectangle of the pipe

  \param fillRect Filled rectangle in the pipe
  \return Rectangle to be filled with the alarm brush

  \sa pipeRect(), fillRect(), alarmLevel(), alarmBrush()
QRect QwtThermo::alarmRect( const QRect &fillRect ) const
    QRect alarmRect( 0, 0, -1, -1); // something invalid

    if ( !d_data->alarmEnabled )
        return alarmRect;

    const bool inverted = ( upperBound() < lowerBound() );

    bool increasing;
    if ( d_data->originMode == OriginCustom )
        increasing = d_data->value > d_data->origin;
        increasing = d_data->originMode == OriginMinimum;

    const QwtScaleMap map = scaleDraw()->scaleMap();
    const int alarmPos = qRound( map.transform( d_data->alarmLevel ) );
    const int valuePos = qRound( map.transform( d_data->value ) );

    if ( d_data->orientation == Qt::Horizontal )
        int v1, v2;
        if ( inverted )
            v1 = fillRect.left();

            v2 = alarmPos - 1;
            v2 = qMin( v2, increasing ? fillRect.right() : valuePos );
            v1 = alarmPos + 1;
            v1 = qMax( v1, increasing ? fillRect.left() : valuePos );

            v2 = fillRect.right();

        alarmRect.setRect( v1, fillRect.top(), v2 - v1 + 1, fillRect.height() );
        int v1, v2;
        if ( inverted )
            v1 = alarmPos + 1;
            v1 = qMax( v1, increasing ? fillRect.top() : valuePos );

            v2 = fillRect.bottom();
            v1 = fillRect.top();

            v2 = alarmPos - 1;
            v2 = qMin( v2, increasing ? fillRect.bottom() : valuePos );
        alarmRect.setRect( fillRect.left(), v1, fillRect.width(), v2 - v1 + 1 );

    return alarmRect;