/* -*- mode: C++ ; c-file-style: "stroustrup" -*- ***************************** * Qwt Widget Library * Copyright (C) 1997 Josef Wilgen * Copyright (C) 2002 Uwe Rathmann * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the Qwt License, Version 1.0 *****************************************************************************/ #include "qwt_thermo.h" #include "qwt_scale_engine.h" #include "qwt_scale_draw.h" #include "qwt_scale_map.h" #include "qwt_color_map.h" #include <qpainter.h> #include <qevent.h> #include <qdrawutil.h> #include <qstyle.h> #include <qstyleoption.h> #include <qmath.h> static inline void qwtDrawLine( QPainter *painter, int pos, const QColor &color, const QRect &pipeRect, const QRect &liquidRect, Qt::Orientation orientation ) { painter->setPen( color ); if ( orientation == Qt::Horizontal ) { if ( pos >= liquidRect.left() && pos < liquidRect.right() ) painter->drawLine( pos, pipeRect.top(), pos, pipeRect.bottom() ); } else { if ( pos >= liquidRect.top() && pos < liquidRect.bottom() ) painter->drawLine( pipeRect.left(), pos, pipeRect.right(), pos ); } } QVector<double> qwtTickList( const QwtScaleDiv &scaleDiv ) { QVector<double> values; double lowerLimit = scaleDiv.interval().minValue(); double upperLimit = scaleDiv.interval().maxValue(); if ( upperLimit < lowerLimit ) qSwap( lowerLimit, upperLimit ); values += lowerLimit; for ( int tickType = QwtScaleDiv::MinorTick; tickType < QwtScaleDiv::NTickTypes; tickType++ ) { const QList<double> ticks = scaleDiv.ticks( tickType ); for ( int i = 0; i < ticks.count(); i++ ) { const double v = ticks[i]; if ( v > lowerLimit && v < upperLimit ) values += v; } } values += upperLimit; return values; } class QwtThermo::PrivateData { public: PrivateData(): orientation( Qt::Vertical ), scalePosition( QwtThermo::TrailingScale ), spacing( 3 ), borderWidth( 2 ), pipeWidth( 10 ), alarmLevel( 0.0 ), alarmEnabled( false ), autoFillPipe( true ), originMode( QwtThermo::OriginMinimum ), origin( 0.0 ), colorMap( NULL ), value( 0.0 ) { rangeFlags = QwtInterval::IncludeBorders; } ~PrivateData() { delete colorMap; } Qt::Orientation orientation; QwtThermo::ScalePosition scalePosition; int spacing; int borderWidth; int pipeWidth; QwtInterval::BorderFlags rangeFlags; double alarmLevel; bool alarmEnabled; bool autoFillPipe; QwtThermo::OriginMode originMode; double origin; QwtColorMap *colorMap; double value; }; /*! Constructor \param parent Parent widget */ QwtThermo::QwtThermo( QWidget *parent ): QwtAbstractScale( parent ) { d_data = new PrivateData; QSizePolicy policy( QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed ); if ( d_data->orientation == Qt::Vertical ) policy.transpose(); setSizePolicy( policy ); setAttribute( Qt::WA_WState_OwnSizePolicy, false ); layoutThermo( true ); } //! Destructor QwtThermo::~QwtThermo() { delete d_data; } /*! \brief Exclude/Include min/max values According to the flags minValue() and maxValue() are included/excluded from the pipe. In case of an excluded value the corresponding tick is painted 1 pixel off of the pipeRect(). F.e. when a minimum of 0.0 has to be displayed as an empty pipe the minValue() needs to be excluded. \param flags Range flags \sa rangeFlags() */ void QwtThermo::setRangeFlags( QwtInterval::BorderFlags flags ) { if ( d_data->rangeFlags != flags ) { d_data->rangeFlags = flags; update(); } } /*! \return Range flags \sa setRangeFlags() */ QwtInterval::BorderFlags QwtThermo::rangeFlags() const { return d_data->rangeFlags; } /*! Set the current value. \param value New Value \sa value() */ void QwtThermo::setValue( double value ) { if ( d_data->value != value ) { d_data->value = value; update(); } } //! Return the value. double QwtThermo::value() const { return d_data->value; } /*! \brief Set a scale draw For changing the labels of the scales, it is necessary to derive from QwtScaleDraw and overload QwtScaleDraw::label(). \param scaleDraw ScaleDraw object, that has to be created with new and will be deleted in ~QwtThermo() or the next call of setScaleDraw(). */ void QwtThermo::setScaleDraw( QwtScaleDraw *scaleDraw ) { setAbstractScaleDraw( scaleDraw ); layoutThermo( true ); } /*! \return the scale draw of the thermo \sa setScaleDraw() */ const QwtScaleDraw *QwtThermo::scaleDraw() const { return static_cast<const QwtScaleDraw *>( abstractScaleDraw() ); } /*! \return the scale draw of the thermo \sa setScaleDraw() */ QwtScaleDraw *QwtThermo::scaleDraw() { return static_cast<QwtScaleDraw *>( abstractScaleDraw() ); } /*! Paint event handler \param event Paint event */ void QwtThermo::paintEvent( QPaintEvent *event ) { QPainter painter( this ); painter.setClipRegion( event->region() ); QStyleOption opt; opt.init(this); style()->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_Widget, &opt, &painter, this); const QRect tRect = pipeRect(); if ( !tRect.contains( event->rect() ) ) { if ( d_data->scalePosition != QwtThermo::NoScale ) scaleDraw()->draw( &painter, palette() ); } const int bw = d_data->borderWidth; const QBrush brush = palette().brush( QPalette::Base ); qDrawShadePanel( &painter, tRect.adjusted( -bw, -bw, bw, bw ), palette(), true, bw, d_data->autoFillPipe ? &brush : NULL ); drawLiquid( &painter, tRect ); } /*! Resize event handler \param event Resize event */ void QwtThermo::resizeEvent( QResizeEvent *event ) { Q_UNUSED( event ); layoutThermo( false ); } /*! Qt change event handler \param event Event */ void QwtThermo::changeEvent( QEvent *event ) { switch( event->type() ) { case QEvent::StyleChange: case QEvent::FontChange: { layoutThermo( true ); break; } default: break; } } /*! Recalculate the QwtThermo geometry and layout based on pipeRect() and the fonts. \param update_geometry notify the layout system and call update to redraw the scale */ void QwtThermo::layoutThermo( bool update_geometry ) { const QRect tRect = pipeRect(); const int bw = d_data->borderWidth + d_data->spacing; const bool inverted = ( upperBound() < lowerBound() ); int from, to; if ( d_data->orientation == Qt::Horizontal ) { from = tRect.left(); to = tRect.right(); if ( d_data->rangeFlags & QwtInterval::ExcludeMinimum ) { if ( inverted ) to++; else from--; } if ( d_data->rangeFlags & QwtInterval::ExcludeMaximum ) { if ( inverted ) from--; else to++; } if ( d_data->scalePosition == QwtThermo::TrailingScale ) { scaleDraw()->setAlignment( QwtScaleDraw::TopScale ); scaleDraw()->move( from, tRect.top() - bw ); } else { scaleDraw()->setAlignment( QwtScaleDraw::BottomScale ); scaleDraw()->move( from, tRect.bottom() + bw ); } scaleDraw()->setLength( qMax( to - from, 0 ) ); } else // Qt::Vertical { from = tRect.top(); to = tRect.bottom(); if ( d_data->rangeFlags & QwtInterval::ExcludeMinimum ) { if ( inverted ) from--; else to++; } if ( d_data->rangeFlags & QwtInterval::ExcludeMaximum ) { if ( inverted ) to++; else from--; } if ( d_data->scalePosition == QwtThermo::LeadingScale ) { scaleDraw()->setAlignment( QwtScaleDraw::RightScale ); scaleDraw()->move( tRect.right() + bw, from ); } else { scaleDraw()->setAlignment( QwtScaleDraw::LeftScale ); scaleDraw()->move( tRect.left() - bw, from ); } scaleDraw()->setLength( qMax( to - from, 0 ) ); } if ( update_geometry ) { updateGeometry(); update(); } } /*! \return Bounding rectangle of the pipe ( without borders ) in widget coordinates */ QRect QwtThermo::pipeRect() const { int mbd = 0; if ( d_data->scalePosition != QwtThermo::NoScale ) { int d1, d2; scaleDraw()->getBorderDistHint( font(), d1, d2 ); mbd = qMax( d1, d2 ); } const int bw = d_data->borderWidth; const int scaleOff = bw + mbd; const QRect cr = contentsRect(); QRect pipeRect = cr; if ( d_data->orientation == Qt::Horizontal ) { pipeRect.adjust( scaleOff, 0, -scaleOff, 0 ); if ( d_data->scalePosition == QwtThermo::TrailingScale ) pipeRect.setTop( cr.top() + cr.height() - bw - d_data->pipeWidth ); else pipeRect.setTop( bw ); pipeRect.setHeight( d_data->pipeWidth ); } else // Qt::Vertical { pipeRect.adjust( 0, scaleOff, 0, -scaleOff ); if ( d_data->scalePosition == QwtThermo::LeadingScale ) pipeRect.setLeft( bw ); else pipeRect.setLeft( cr.left() + cr.width() - bw - d_data->pipeWidth ); pipeRect.setWidth( d_data->pipeWidth ); } return pipeRect; } /*! \brief Set the orientation. \param orientation Allowed values are Qt::Horizontal and Qt::Vertical. \sa orientation(), scalePosition() */ void QwtThermo::setOrientation( Qt::Orientation orientation ) { if ( orientation == d_data->orientation ) return; d_data->orientation = orientation; if ( !testAttribute( Qt::WA_WState_OwnSizePolicy ) ) { QSizePolicy sp = sizePolicy(); sp.transpose(); setSizePolicy( sp ); setAttribute( Qt::WA_WState_OwnSizePolicy, false ); } layoutThermo( true ); } /*! \return Orientation \sa setOrientation() */ Qt::Orientation QwtThermo::orientation() const { return d_data->orientation; } /*! \brief Change how the origin is determined. \sa originMode(), serOrigin(), origin() */ void QwtThermo::setOriginMode( OriginMode m ) { if ( m == d_data->originMode ) return; d_data->originMode = m; update(); } /*! \return Mode, how the origin is determined. \sa setOriginMode(), serOrigin(), origin() */ QwtThermo::OriginMode QwtThermo::originMode() const { return d_data->originMode; } /*! \brief Specifies the custom origin. If originMode is set to OriginCustom this property controls where the liquid starts. \param origin New origin level \sa setOriginMode(), originMode(), origin() */ void QwtThermo::setOrigin( double origin ) { if ( origin == d_data->origin ) return; d_data->origin = origin; update(); } /*! \return Origin of the thermo, when OriginCustom is enabled \sa setOrigin(), setOriginMode(), originMode() */ double QwtThermo::origin() const { return d_data->origin; } /*! \brief Change the position of the scale \param scalePosition Position of the scale. \sa ScalePosition, scalePosition() */ void QwtThermo::setScalePosition( ScalePosition scalePosition ) { if ( d_data->scalePosition == scalePosition ) return; d_data->scalePosition = scalePosition; if ( testAttribute( Qt::WA_WState_Polished ) ) layoutThermo( true ); } /*! \return Scale position. \sa setScalePosition() */ QwtThermo::ScalePosition QwtThermo::scalePosition() const { return d_data->scalePosition; } //! Notify a scale change. void QwtThermo::scaleChange() { layoutThermo( true ); } /*! Redraw the liquid in thermometer pipe. \param painter Painter \param pipeRect Bounding rectangle of the pipe without borders */ void QwtThermo::drawLiquid( QPainter *painter, const QRect &pipeRect ) const { painter->save(); painter->setClipRect( pipeRect, Qt::IntersectClip ); painter->setPen( Qt::NoPen ); const QwtScaleMap scaleMap = scaleDraw()->scaleMap(); QRect liquidRect = fillRect( pipeRect ); if ( d_data->colorMap != NULL ) { const QwtInterval interval = scaleDiv().interval().normalized(); // Because the positions of the ticks are rounded // we calculate the colors for the rounded tick values QVector<double> values = qwtTickList( scaleDraw()->scaleDiv() ); if ( scaleMap.isInverting() ) qSort( values.begin(), values.end(), qGreater<double>() ); else qSort( values.begin(), values.end(), qLess<double>() ); int from; if ( !values.isEmpty() ) { from = qRound( scaleMap.transform( values[0] ) ); qwtDrawLine( painter, from, d_data->colorMap->color( interval, values[0] ), pipeRect, liquidRect, d_data->orientation ); } for ( int i = 1; i < values.size(); i++ ) { const int to = qRound( scaleMap.transform( values[i] ) ); for ( int pos = from + 1; pos < to; pos++ ) { const double v = scaleMap.invTransform( pos ); qwtDrawLine( painter, pos, d_data->colorMap->color( interval, v ), pipeRect, liquidRect, d_data->orientation ); } qwtDrawLine( painter, to, d_data->colorMap->color( interval, values[i] ), pipeRect, liquidRect, d_data->orientation ); from = to; } } else { if ( !liquidRect.isEmpty() && d_data->alarmEnabled ) { const QRect r = alarmRect( liquidRect ); if ( !r.isEmpty() ) { painter->fillRect( r, palette().brush( QPalette::Highlight ) ); liquidRect = QRegion( liquidRect ).subtracted( r ).boundingRect(); } } painter->fillRect( liquidRect, palette().brush( QPalette::ButtonText ) ); } painter->restore(); } /*! \brief Change the spacing between pipe and scale A spacing of 0 means, that the backbone of the scale is below the pipe. The default setting is 3 pixels. \param spacing Number of pixels \sa spacing(); */ void QwtThermo::setSpacing( int spacing ) { if ( spacing <= 0 ) spacing = 0; if ( spacing != d_data->spacing ) { d_data->spacing = spacing; layoutThermo( true ); } } /*! \return Number of pixels between pipe and scale \sa setSpacing() */ int QwtThermo::spacing() const { return d_data->spacing; } /*! Set the border width of the pipe. \param width Border width \sa borderWidth() */ void QwtThermo::setBorderWidth( int width ) { if ( width <= 0 ) width = 0; if ( width != d_data->borderWidth ) { d_data->borderWidth = width; layoutThermo( true ); } } /*! \return Border width of the thermometer pipe. \sa setBorderWidth() */ int QwtThermo::borderWidth() const { return d_data->borderWidth; } /*! \brief Assign a color map for the fill color \param colorMap Color map \warning The alarm threshold has no effect, when a color map has been assigned */ void QwtThermo::setColorMap( QwtColorMap *colorMap ) { if ( colorMap != d_data->colorMap ) { delete d_data->colorMap; d_data->colorMap = colorMap; } } /*! \return Color map for the fill color \warning The alarm threshold has no effect, when a color map has been assigned */ QwtColorMap *QwtThermo::colorMap() { return d_data->colorMap; } /*! \return Color map for the fill color \warning The alarm threshold has no effect, when a color map has been assigned */ const QwtColorMap *QwtThermo::colorMap() const { return d_data->colorMap; } /*! \brief Change the brush of the liquid. Changes the QPalette::ButtonText brush of the palette. \param brush New brush. \sa fillBrush(), QWidget::setPalette() */ void QwtThermo::setFillBrush( const QBrush& brush ) { QPalette pal = palette(); pal.setBrush( QPalette::ButtonText, brush ); setPalette( pal ); } /*! \return Liquid ( QPalette::ButtonText ) brush. \sa setFillBrush(), QWidget::palette() */ QBrush QwtThermo::fillBrush() const { return palette().brush( QPalette::ButtonText ); } /*! \brief Specify the liquid brush above the alarm threshold Changes the QPalette::Highlight brush of the palette. \param brush New brush. \sa alarmBrush(), QWidget::setPalette() \warning The alarm threshold has no effect, when a color map has been assigned */ void QwtThermo::setAlarmBrush( const QBrush& brush ) { QPalette pal = palette(); pal.setBrush( QPalette::Highlight, brush ); setPalette( pal ); } /*! \return Liquid brush ( QPalette::Highlight ) above the alarm threshold. \sa setAlarmBrush(), QWidget::palette() \warning The alarm threshold has no effect, when a color map has been assigned */ QBrush QwtThermo::alarmBrush() const { return palette().brush( QPalette::Highlight ); } /*! Specify the alarm threshold. \param level Alarm threshold \sa alarmLevel() \warning The alarm threshold has no effect, when a color map has been assigned */ void QwtThermo::setAlarmLevel( double level ) { d_data->alarmLevel = level; d_data->alarmEnabled = 1; update(); } /*! \return Alarm threshold. \sa setAlarmLevel() \warning The alarm threshold has no effect, when a color map has been assigned */ double QwtThermo::alarmLevel() const { return d_data->alarmLevel; } /*! Change the width of the pipe. \param width Width of the pipe \sa pipeWidth() */ void QwtThermo::setPipeWidth( int width ) { if ( width > 0 ) { d_data->pipeWidth = width; layoutThermo( true ); } } /*! \return Width of the pipe. \sa setPipeWidth() */ int QwtThermo::pipeWidth() const { return d_data->pipeWidth; } /*! \brief Enable or disable the alarm threshold \param on true (disabled) or false (enabled) \warning The alarm threshold has no effect, when a color map has been assigned */ void QwtThermo::setAlarmEnabled( bool on ) { d_data->alarmEnabled = on; update(); } /*! \return True, when the alarm threshold is enabled. \warning The alarm threshold has no effect, when a color map has been assigned */ bool QwtThermo::alarmEnabled() const { return d_data->alarmEnabled; } /*! \return the minimum size hint \sa minimumSizeHint() */ QSize QwtThermo::sizeHint() const { return minimumSizeHint(); } /*! \return Minimum size hint \warning The return value depends on the font and the scale. \sa sizeHint() */ QSize QwtThermo::minimumSizeHint() const { int w = 0, h = 0; if ( d_data->scalePosition != NoScale ) { const int sdExtent = qCeil( scaleDraw()->extent( font() ) ); const int sdLength = scaleDraw()->minLength( font() ); w = sdLength; h = d_data->pipeWidth + sdExtent + d_data->spacing; } else // no scale { w = 200; h = d_data->pipeWidth; } if ( d_data->orientation == Qt::Vertical ) qSwap( w, h ); w += 2 * d_data->borderWidth; h += 2 * d_data->borderWidth; // finally add the margins int left, right, top, bottom; getContentsMargins( &left, &top, &right, &bottom ); w += left + right; h += top + bottom; return QSize( w, h ); } /*! \brief Calculate the filled rectangle of the pipe \param pipeRect Rectangle of the pipe \return Rectangle to be filled ( fill and alarm brush ) \sa pipeRect(), alarmRect() */ QRect QwtThermo::fillRect( const QRect &pipeRect ) const { double origin; if ( d_data->originMode == OriginMinimum ) { origin = qMin( lowerBound(), upperBound() ); } else if ( d_data->originMode == OriginMaximum ) { origin = qMax( lowerBound(), upperBound() ); } else // OriginCustom { origin = d_data->origin; } const QwtScaleMap scaleMap = scaleDraw()->scaleMap(); int from = qRound( scaleMap.transform( d_data->value ) ); int to = qRound( scaleMap.transform( origin ) ); if ( to < from ) qSwap( from, to ); QRect fillRect = pipeRect; if ( d_data->orientation == Qt::Horizontal ) { fillRect.setLeft( from ); fillRect.setRight( to ); } else // Qt::Vertical { fillRect.setTop( from ); fillRect.setBottom( to ); } return fillRect.normalized(); } /*! \brief Calculate the alarm rectangle of the pipe \param fillRect Filled rectangle in the pipe \return Rectangle to be filled with the alarm brush \sa pipeRect(), fillRect(), alarmLevel(), alarmBrush() */ QRect QwtThermo::alarmRect( const QRect &fillRect ) const { QRect alarmRect( 0, 0, -1, -1); // something invalid if ( !d_data->alarmEnabled ) return alarmRect; const bool inverted = ( upperBound() < lowerBound() ); bool increasing; if ( d_data->originMode == OriginCustom ) { increasing = d_data->value > d_data->origin; } else { increasing = d_data->originMode == OriginMinimum; } const QwtScaleMap map = scaleDraw()->scaleMap(); const int alarmPos = qRound( map.transform( d_data->alarmLevel ) ); const int valuePos = qRound( map.transform( d_data->value ) ); if ( d_data->orientation == Qt::Horizontal ) { int v1, v2; if ( inverted ) { v1 = fillRect.left(); v2 = alarmPos - 1; v2 = qMin( v2, increasing ? fillRect.right() : valuePos ); } else { v1 = alarmPos + 1; v1 = qMax( v1, increasing ? fillRect.left() : valuePos ); v2 = fillRect.right(); } alarmRect.setRect( v1, fillRect.top(), v2 - v1 + 1, fillRect.height() ); } else { int v1, v2; if ( inverted ) { v1 = alarmPos + 1; v1 = qMax( v1, increasing ? fillRect.top() : valuePos ); v2 = fillRect.bottom(); } else { v1 = fillRect.top(); v2 = alarmPos - 1; v2 = qMin( v2, increasing ? fillRect.bottom() : valuePos ); } alarmRect.setRect( fillRect.left(), v1, fillRect.width(), v2 - v1 + 1 ); } return alarmRect; }