/* -*- mode: C++ ; c-file-style: "stroustrup" -*- ***************************** * Qwt Widget Library * Copyright (C) 1997 Josef Wilgen * Copyright (C) 2002 Uwe Rathmann * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the Qwt License, Version 1.0 *****************************************************************************/ #include "qwt_series_data.h" #include "qwt_math.h" static inline QRectF qwtBoundingRect( const QPointF &sample ) { return QRectF( sample.x(), sample.y(), 0.0, 0.0 ); } static inline QRectF qwtBoundingRect( const QwtPoint3D &sample ) { return QRectF( sample.x(), sample.y(), 0.0, 0.0 ); } static inline QRectF qwtBoundingRect( const QwtPointPolar &sample ) { return QRectF( sample.azimuth(), sample.radius(), 0.0, 0.0 ); } static inline QRectF qwtBoundingRect( const QwtIntervalSample &sample ) { return QRectF( sample.interval.minValue(), sample.value, sample.interval.maxValue() - sample.interval.minValue(), 0.0 ); } static inline QRectF qwtBoundingRect( const QwtSetSample &sample ) { if ( sample.set.empty() ) return QRectF( sample.value, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0 ); double minY = sample.set[0]; double maxY = sample.set[0]; for ( int i = 1; i < sample.set.size(); i++ ) { if ( sample.set[i] < minY ) minY = sample.set[i]; if ( sample.set[i] > maxY ) maxY = sample.set[i]; } return QRectF( sample.value, minY, 0.0, maxY - minY ); } static inline QRectF qwtBoundingRect( const QwtOHLCSample &sample ) { const QwtInterval interval = sample.boundingInterval(); return QRectF( interval.minValue(), sample.time, interval.width(), 0.0 ); } /*! \brief Calculate the bounding rectangle of a series subset Slow implementation, that iterates over the series. \param series Series \param from Index of the first sample, <= 0 means from the beginning \param to Index of the last sample, < 0 means to the end \return Bounding rectangle */ template <class T> QRectF qwtBoundingRectT( const QwtSeriesData<T>& series, int from, int to ) { QRectF boundingRect( 1.0, 1.0, -2.0, -2.0 ); // invalid; if ( from < 0 ) from = 0; if ( to < 0 ) to = series.size() - 1; if ( to < from ) return boundingRect; int i; for ( i = from; i <= to; i++ ) { const QRectF rect = qwtBoundingRect( series.sample( i ) ); if ( rect.width() >= 0.0 && rect.height() >= 0.0 ) { boundingRect = rect; i++; break; } } for ( ; i <= to; i++ ) { const QRectF rect = qwtBoundingRect( series.sample( i ) ); if ( rect.width() >= 0.0 && rect.height() >= 0.0 ) { boundingRect.setLeft( qMin( boundingRect.left(), rect.left() ) ); boundingRect.setRight( qMax( boundingRect.right(), rect.right() ) ); boundingRect.setTop( qMin( boundingRect.top(), rect.top() ) ); boundingRect.setBottom( qMax( boundingRect.bottom(), rect.bottom() ) ); } } return boundingRect; } /*! \brief Calculate the bounding rectangle of a series subset Slow implementation, that iterates over the series. \param series Series \param from Index of the first sample, <= 0 means from the beginning \param to Index of the last sample, < 0 means to the end \return Bounding rectangle */ QRectF qwtBoundingRect( const QwtSeriesData<QPointF> &series, int from, int to ) { return qwtBoundingRectT<QPointF>( series, from, to ); } /*! \brief Calculate the bounding rectangle of a series subset Slow implementation, that iterates over the series. \param series Series \param from Index of the first sample, <= 0 means from the beginning \param to Index of the last sample, < 0 means to the end \return Bounding rectangle */ QRectF qwtBoundingRect( const QwtSeriesData<QwtPoint3D> &series, int from, int to ) { return qwtBoundingRectT<QwtPoint3D>( series, from, to ); } /*! \brief Calculate the bounding rectangle of a series subset The horizontal coordinates represent the azimuth, the vertical coordinates the radius. Slow implementation, that iterates over the series. \param series Series \param from Index of the first sample, <= 0 means from the beginning \param to Index of the last sample, < 0 means to the end \return Bounding rectangle */ QRectF qwtBoundingRect( const QwtSeriesData<QwtPointPolar> &series, int from, int to ) { return qwtBoundingRectT<QwtPointPolar>( series, from, to ); } /*! \brief Calculate the bounding rectangle of a series subset Slow implementation, that iterates over the series. \param series Series \param from Index of the first sample, <= 0 means from the beginning \param to Index of the last sample, < 0 means to the end \return Bounding rectangle */ QRectF qwtBoundingRect( const QwtSeriesData<QwtIntervalSample>& series, int from, int to ) { return qwtBoundingRectT<QwtIntervalSample>( series, from, to ); } /*! \brief Calculate the bounding rectangle of a series subset Slow implementation, that iterates over the series. \param series Series \param from Index of the first sample, <= 0 means from the beginning \param to Index of the last sample, < 0 means to the end \return Bounding rectangle */ QRectF qwtBoundingRect( const QwtSeriesData<QwtOHLCSample>& series, int from, int to ) { return qwtBoundingRectT<QwtOHLCSample>( series, from, to ); } /*! \brief Calculate the bounding rectangle of a series subset Slow implementation, that iterates over the series. \param series Series \param from Index of the first sample, <= 0 means from the beginning \param to Index of the last sample, < 0 means to the end \return Bounding rectangle */ QRectF qwtBoundingRect( const QwtSeriesData<QwtSetSample>& series, int from, int to ) { return qwtBoundingRectT<QwtSetSample>( series, from, to ); } /*! Constructor \param samples Samples */ QwtPointSeriesData::QwtPointSeriesData( const QVector<QPointF> &samples ): QwtArraySeriesData<QPointF>( samples ) { } /*! \brief Calculate the bounding rectangle The bounding rectangle is calculated once by iterating over all points and is stored for all following requests. \return Bounding rectangle */ QRectF QwtPointSeriesData::boundingRect() const { if ( d_boundingRect.width() < 0.0 ) d_boundingRect = qwtBoundingRect( *this ); return d_boundingRect; } /*! Constructor \param samples Samples */ QwtPoint3DSeriesData::QwtPoint3DSeriesData( const QVector<QwtPoint3D> &samples ): QwtArraySeriesData<QwtPoint3D>( samples ) { } /*! \brief Calculate the bounding rectangle The bounding rectangle is calculated once by iterating over all points and is stored for all following requests. \return Bounding rectangle */ QRectF QwtPoint3DSeriesData::boundingRect() const { if ( d_boundingRect.width() < 0.0 ) d_boundingRect = qwtBoundingRect( *this ); return d_boundingRect; } /*! Constructor \param samples Samples */ QwtIntervalSeriesData::QwtIntervalSeriesData( const QVector<QwtIntervalSample> &samples ): QwtArraySeriesData<QwtIntervalSample>( samples ) { } /*! \brief Calculate the bounding rectangle The bounding rectangle is calculated once by iterating over all points and is stored for all following requests. \return Bounding rectangle */ QRectF QwtIntervalSeriesData::boundingRect() const { if ( d_boundingRect.width() < 0.0 ) d_boundingRect = qwtBoundingRect( *this ); return d_boundingRect; } /*! Constructor \param samples Samples */ QwtSetSeriesData::QwtSetSeriesData( const QVector<QwtSetSample> &samples ): QwtArraySeriesData<QwtSetSample>( samples ) { } /*! \brief Calculate the bounding rectangle The bounding rectangle is calculated once by iterating over all points and is stored for all following requests. \return Bounding rectangle */ QRectF QwtSetSeriesData::boundingRect() const { if ( d_boundingRect.width() < 0.0 ) d_boundingRect = qwtBoundingRect( *this ); return d_boundingRect; } /*! Constructor \param samples Samples */ QwtTradingChartData::QwtTradingChartData( const QVector<QwtOHLCSample> &samples ): QwtArraySeriesData<QwtOHLCSample>( samples ) { } /*! \brief Calculate the bounding rectangle The bounding rectangle is calculated once by iterating over all points and is stored for all following requests. \return Bounding rectangle */ QRectF QwtTradingChartData::boundingRect() const { if ( d_boundingRect.width() < 0.0 ) d_boundingRect = qwtBoundingRect( *this ); return d_boundingRect; }