/* -*- mode: C++ ; c-file-style: "stroustrup" -*- *****************************
 * Qwt Widget Library
 * Copyright (C) 1997   Josef Wilgen
 * Copyright (C) 2002   Uwe Rathmann
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the Qwt License, Version 1.0

/*! \file */
#define _QWT_POINT_POLAR_H_ 1

#include "qwt_global.h"
#include "qwt_math.h"
#include <qpoint.h>
#include <qdebug.h>

  \brief A point in polar coordinates

  In polar coordinates a point is determined by an angle and a distance.
  See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polar_coordinate_system

class QWT_EXPORT QwtPointPolar
    QwtPointPolar( double azimuth, double radius );
    QwtPointPolar( const QPointF & );

    void setPoint( const QPointF & );
    QPointF toPoint() const;

    bool isValid() const;
    bool isNull() const;

    double radius() const;
    double azimuth() const;

    double &rRadius();
    double &rAzimuth();

    void setRadius( double );
    void setAzimuth( double );

    bool operator==( const QwtPointPolar & ) const;
    bool operator!=( const QwtPointPolar & ) const;

    QwtPointPolar normalized() const;

    double _value; // Change by LM

    double d_azimuth;
    double d_radius;

    Constructs a null point, with a radius and azimuth set to 0.0.
    \sa QPointF::isNull()
inline QwtPointPolar::QwtPointPolar():
    d_azimuth( 0.0 ),
    d_radius( 0.0 )

   Constructs a point with coordinates specified by radius and azimuth.

   \param azimuth Azimuth
   \param radius Radius
inline QwtPointPolar::QwtPointPolar( double azimuth, double radius ):
    d_azimuth( azimuth ),
    d_radius( radius )

//! Returns true if radius() >= 0.0
inline bool QwtPointPolar::isValid() const
    return d_radius >= 0.0;

//! Returns true if radius() >= 0.0
inline bool QwtPointPolar::isNull() const
    return d_radius == 0.0;

//! Returns the radius.
inline double QwtPointPolar::radius() const
    return d_radius;

//! Returns the azimuth.
inline double QwtPointPolar::azimuth() const
    return d_azimuth;

//! Returns the radius.
inline double &QwtPointPolar::rRadius()
    return d_radius;

//! Returns the azimuth.
inline double &QwtPointPolar::rAzimuth()
    return d_azimuth;

//! Sets the radius to radius.
inline void QwtPointPolar::setRadius( double radius )
    d_radius = radius;

//! Sets the atimuth to atimuth.
inline void QwtPointPolar::setAzimuth( double azimuth )
    d_azimuth = azimuth;

QWT_EXPORT QDebug operator<<( QDebug, const QwtPointPolar & );

inline QPoint qwtPolar2Pos( const QPoint &pole,
    double radius, double angle )
    const double x = pole.x() + radius * qCos( angle );
    const double y = pole.y() - radius * qSin( angle );

    return QPoint( qRound( x ), qRound( y ) );

inline QPoint qwtDegree2Pos( const QPoint &pole,
    double radius, double angle )
    return qwtPolar2Pos( pole, radius, angle / 180.0 * M_PI );

inline QPointF qwtPolar2Pos( const QPointF &pole,
    double radius, double angle )
    const double x = pole.x() + radius * qCos( angle );
    const double y = pole.y() - radius * qSin( angle );

    return QPointF( x, y);

inline QPointF qwtDegree2Pos( const QPointF &pole,
    double radius, double angle )
    return qwtPolar2Pos( pole, radius, angle / 180.0 * M_PI );

inline QPointF qwtFastPolar2Pos( const QPointF &pole,
    double radius, double angle )
#if QT_VERSION < 0x040601
    const double x = pole.x() + radius * ::cos( angle );
    const double y = pole.y() - radius * ::sin( angle );
    const double x = pole.x() + radius * qFastCos( angle );
    const double y = pole.y() - radius * qFastSin( angle );

    return QPointF( x, y);

inline QPointF qwtFastDegree2Pos( const QPointF &pole,
    double radius, double angle )
    return qwtFastPolar2Pos( pole, radius, angle / 180.0 * M_PI );

inline QwtPointPolar qwtFastPos2Polar( const QPointF &pos )
    return QwtPointPolar( qwtFastAtan2( pos.y(), pos.x() ),
        qSqrt( qwtSqr( pos.x() ) + qwtSqr( pos.y() ) ) );
