/* -*- mode: C++ ; c-file-style: "stroustrup" -*- *****************************
 * Qwt Widget Library
 * Copyright (C) 1997   Josef Wilgen
 * Copyright (C) 2002   Uwe Rathmann
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the Qwt License, Version 1.0

#include "qwt_point_mapper.h"
#include "qwt_scale_map.h"
#include "qwt_pixel_matrix.h"
#include <qpolygon.h>
#include <qimage.h>
#include <qpen.h>
#include <qpainter.h>

#if QT_VERSION >= 0x040400

#include <qthread.h>
#include <qfuture.h>
#include <qtconcurrentrun.h>

#if !defined(QT_NO_QFUTURE)


static QRectF qwtInvalidRect( 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, -1.0 );

// Helper class to work around the 5 parameters
// limitation of QtConcurrent::run()
class QwtDotsCommand
    const QwtSeriesData<QPointF> *series;
    int from;
    int to;
    QRgb rgb;

static void qwtRenderDots(
    const QwtScaleMap &xMap, const QwtScaleMap &yMap,
    const QwtDotsCommand command, const QPoint &pos, QImage *image )
    const QRgb rgb = command.rgb;
    QRgb *bits = reinterpret_cast<QRgb *>( image->bits() );

    const int w = image->width();
    const int h = image->height();

    const int x0 = pos.x();
    const int y0 = pos.y();

    for ( int i = command.from; i <= command.to; i++ )
        const QPointF sample = command.series->sample( i );

        const int x = static_cast<int>( xMap.transform( sample.x() ) + 0.5 ) - x0;
        const int y = static_cast<int>( yMap.transform( sample.y() ) + 0.5 ) - y0;

        if ( x >= 0 && x < w && y >= 0 && y < h )
            bits[ y * w + x ] = rgb;

static inline int qwtRoundValue( double value )
    return qRound( value );

// some functors, so that the compile can inline
struct QwtRoundI
    inline int operator()( double value )
        return qwtRoundValue( value );

struct QwtRoundF
    inline double operator()( double value )
#if 1
        // MS Windows and at least IRIX does not have C99's nearbyint() function
        return ( value >= 0.0 ) ? ::floor( value + 0.5 ) : ::ceil( value - 0.5 );
        // slightly faster than the code above
        return nearbyint( value );

struct QwtNoRoundF
    inline double operator()( double value )
        return value;

// mapping points without any filtering - beside checking
// the bounding rectangle

template<class Polygon, class Point, class Round>
static inline Polygon qwtToPoints(
    const QRectF &boundingRect,
    const QwtScaleMap &xMap, const QwtScaleMap &yMap,
    const QwtSeriesData<QPointF> *series,
    int from, int to, Round round )
    Polygon polyline( to - from + 1 );
    Point *points = polyline.data();

    int numPoints = 0;

    if ( boundingRect.isValid() )
        // iterating over all values
        // filtering out all points outside of
        // the bounding rectangle

        for ( int i = from; i <= to; i++ )
            const QPointF sample = series->sample( i );

            const double x = xMap.transform( sample.x() );
            const double y = yMap.transform( sample.y() );

            if ( boundingRect.contains( x, y ) )
                points[ numPoints ].rx() = round( x );
                points[ numPoints ].ry() = round( y );


        polyline.resize( numPoints );
        // simply iterating over all values
        // without any filtering

        for ( int i = from; i <= to; i++ )
            const QPointF sample = series->sample( i );

            const double x = xMap.transform( sample.x() );
            const double y = yMap.transform( sample.y() );

            points[ numPoints ].rx() = round( x );
            points[ numPoints ].ry() = round( y );


    return polyline;

static inline QPolygon qwtToPointsI(
    const QRectF &boundingRect,
    const QwtScaleMap &xMap, const QwtScaleMap &yMap,
    const QwtSeriesData<QPointF> *series,
    int from, int to )
    return qwtToPoints<QPolygon, QPoint>(
        boundingRect, xMap, yMap, series, from, to, QwtRoundI() );

template<class Round>
static inline QPolygonF qwtToPointsF(
    const QRectF &boundingRect,
    const QwtScaleMap &xMap, const QwtScaleMap &yMap,
    const QwtSeriesData<QPointF> *series,
    int from, int to, Round round )
    return qwtToPoints<QPolygonF, QPointF>(
        boundingRect, xMap, yMap, series, from, to, round );

// Mapping points with filtering out consecutive
// points mapped to the same position

template<class Polygon, class Point, class Round>
static inline Polygon qwtToPolylineFiltered(
    const QwtScaleMap &xMap, const QwtScaleMap &yMap,
    const QwtSeriesData<QPointF> *series,
    int from, int to, Round round )
    // in curves with many points consecutive points
    // are often mapped to the same position. As this might
    // result in empty lines ( or symbols hidden by others )
    // we try to filter them out

    Polygon polyline( to - from + 1 );
    Point *points = polyline.data();

    const QPointF sample0 = series->sample( from );

    points[0].rx() = round( xMap.transform( sample0.x() ) );
    points[0].ry() = round( yMap.transform( sample0.y() ) );

    int pos = 0;
    for ( int i = from + 1; i <= to; i++ )
        const QPointF sample = series->sample( i );

        const Point p( round( xMap.transform( sample.x() ) ),
            round( yMap.transform( sample.y() ) ) );

        if ( points[pos] != p )
            points[++pos] = p;

    polyline.resize( pos + 1 );
    return polyline;

static inline QPolygon qwtToPolylineFilteredI(
    const QwtScaleMap &xMap, const QwtScaleMap &yMap,
    const QwtSeriesData<QPointF> *series,
    int from, int to )
    return qwtToPolylineFiltered<QPolygon, QPoint>(
        xMap, yMap, series, from, to, QwtRoundI() );

template<class Round>
static inline QPolygonF qwtToPolylineFilteredF(
    const QwtScaleMap &xMap, const QwtScaleMap &yMap,
    const QwtSeriesData<QPointF> *series,
    int from, int to, Round round )
    return qwtToPolylineFiltered<QPolygonF, QPointF>(
        xMap, yMap, series, from, to, round );

template<class Polygon, class Point>
static inline Polygon qwtToPointsFiltered(
    const QRectF &boundingRect,
    const QwtScaleMap &xMap, const QwtScaleMap &yMap,
    const QwtSeriesData<QPointF> *series, int from, int to )
    // F.e. in scatter plots ( no connecting lines ) we
    // can sort out all duplicates ( not only consecutive points )

    Polygon polygon( to - from + 1 );
    Point *points = polygon.data();

    QwtPixelMatrix pixelMatrix( boundingRect.toAlignedRect() );

    int numPoints = 0;
    for ( int i = from; i <= to; i++ )
        const QPointF sample = series->sample( i );

        const int x = qwtRoundValue( xMap.transform( sample.x() ) );
        const int y = qwtRoundValue( yMap.transform( sample.y() ) );

        if ( pixelMatrix.testAndSetPixel( x, y, true ) == false )
            points[ numPoints ].rx() = x;
            points[ numPoints ].ry() = y;


    polygon.resize( numPoints );
    return polygon;

static inline QPolygon qwtToPointsFilteredI(
    const QRectF &boundingRect,
    const QwtScaleMap &xMap, const QwtScaleMap &yMap,
    const QwtSeriesData<QPointF> *series, int from, int to )
    return qwtToPointsFiltered<QPolygon, QPoint>(
        boundingRect, xMap, yMap, series, from, to );

static inline QPolygonF qwtToPointsFilteredF(
    const QRectF &boundingRect,
    const QwtScaleMap &xMap, const QwtScaleMap &yMap,
    const QwtSeriesData<QPointF> *series, int from, int to )
    return qwtToPointsFiltered<QPolygonF, QPointF>(
        boundingRect, xMap, yMap, series, from, to );

class QwtPointMapper::PrivateData
        boundingRect( qwtInvalidRect )

    QRectF boundingRect;
    QwtPointMapper::TransformationFlags flags;

//! Constructor
    d_data = new PrivateData();

//! Destructor
    delete d_data;

  Set the flags affecting the transformation process

  \param flags Flags
  \sa flags(), setFlag()
void QwtPointMapper::setFlags( TransformationFlags flags )
    d_data->flags = flags;

  \return Flags affecting the transformation process
  \sa setFlags(), setFlag()
QwtPointMapper::TransformationFlags QwtPointMapper::flags() const
    return d_data->flags;

  Modify a flag affecting the transformation process

  \param flag Flag type
  \param on Value

  \sa flag(), setFlags()
void QwtPointMapper::setFlag( TransformationFlag flag, bool on )
    if ( on )
        d_data->flags |= flag;
        d_data->flags &= ~flag;

  \return True, when the flag is set
  \param flag Flag type
  \sa setFlag(), setFlags()
bool QwtPointMapper::testFlag( TransformationFlag flag ) const
    return d_data->flags & flag;

  Set a bounding rectangle for the point mapping algorithm

  A valid bounding rectangle can be used for optimizations

  \param rect Bounding rectangle
  \sa boundingRect()
void QwtPointMapper::setBoundingRect( const QRectF &rect )
    d_data->boundingRect = rect;

  \return Bounding rectangle
  \sa setBoundingRect()
QRectF QwtPointMapper::boundingRect() const
    return d_data->boundingRect;

  \brief Translate a series of points into a QPolygonF

  When the WeedOutPoints flag is enabled consecutive points,
  that are mapped to the same position will be one point.

  When RoundPoints is set all points are rounded to integers
  but returned as PolygonF - what only makes sense
  when the further processing of the values need a QPolygonF.

  \param xMap x map
  \param yMap y map
  \param series Series of points to be mapped
  \param from Index of the first point to be painted
  \param to Index of the last point to be painted

  \return Translated polygon
QPolygonF QwtPointMapper::toPolygonF(
    const QwtScaleMap &xMap, const QwtScaleMap &yMap,
    const QwtSeriesData<QPointF> *series, int from, int to ) const
    QPolygonF polyline;

    if ( d_data->flags & WeedOutPoints )
        if ( d_data->flags & RoundPoints )
            polyline = qwtToPolylineFilteredF(
                xMap, yMap, series, from, to, QwtRoundF() );
            polyline = qwtToPolylineFilteredF(
                xMap, yMap, series, from, to, QwtNoRoundF() );
        if ( d_data->flags & RoundPoints )
            polyline = qwtToPointsF( qwtInvalidRect,
                xMap, yMap, series, from, to, QwtRoundF() );
            polyline = qwtToPointsF( qwtInvalidRect,
                xMap, yMap, series, from, to, QwtNoRoundF() );

    return polyline;

  \brief Translate a series of points into a QPolygon

  When the WeedOutPoints flag is enabled consecutive points,
  that are mapped to the same position will be one point.

  \param xMap x map
  \param yMap y map
  \param series Series of points to be mapped
  \param from Index of the first point to be painted
  \param to Index of the last point to be painted

  \return Translated polygon
QPolygon QwtPointMapper::toPolygon(
    const QwtScaleMap &xMap, const QwtScaleMap &yMap,
    const QwtSeriesData<QPointF> *series, int from, int to ) const
    QPolygon polyline;

    if ( d_data->flags & WeedOutPoints )
        polyline = qwtToPolylineFilteredI(
            xMap, yMap, series, from, to );
        polyline = qwtToPointsI(
            qwtInvalidRect, xMap, yMap, series, from, to );

    return polyline;

  \brief Translate a series into a QPolygonF

  - WeedOutPoints & RoundPoints & boundingRect().isValid()
    All points that are mapped to the same position
    will be one point. Points outside of the bounding
    rectangle are ignored.

  - WeedOutPoints & RoundPoints & !boundingRect().isValid()
    All consecutive points that are mapped to the same position
    will one point

  - WeedOutPoints & !RoundPoints
    All consecutive points that are mapped to the same position
    will one point

  - !WeedOutPoints & boundingRect().isValid()
    Points outside of the bounding rectangle are ignored.

  When RoundPoints is set all points are rounded to integers
  but returned as PolygonF - what only makes sense
  when the further processing of the values need a QPolygonF.

  \param xMap x map
  \param yMap y map
  \param series Series of points to be mapped
  \param from Index of the first point to be painted
  \param to Index of the last point to be painted

  \return Translated polygon
QPolygonF QwtPointMapper::toPointsF(
    const QwtScaleMap &xMap, const QwtScaleMap &yMap,
    const QwtSeriesData<QPointF> *series, int from, int to ) const
    QPolygonF points;

    if ( d_data->flags & WeedOutPoints )
        if ( d_data->flags & RoundPoints )
            if ( d_data->boundingRect.isValid() )
                points = qwtToPointsFilteredF( d_data->boundingRect,
                    xMap, yMap, series, from, to );
                // without a bounding rectangle all we can
                // do is to filter out duplicates of
                // consecutive points

                points = qwtToPolylineFilteredF(
                    xMap, yMap, series, from, to, QwtRoundF() );
            // when rounding is not allowed we can't use
            // qwtToPointsFilteredF

            points = qwtToPolylineFilteredF(
                xMap, yMap, series, from, to, QwtNoRoundF() );
        if ( d_data->flags & RoundPoints )
            points = qwtToPointsF( d_data->boundingRect,
                xMap, yMap, series, from, to, QwtRoundF() );
            points = qwtToPointsF( d_data->boundingRect,
                xMap, yMap, series, from, to, QwtNoRoundF() );

    return points;

  \brief Translate a series of points into a QPolygon

  - WeedOutPoints & boundingRect().isValid()
    All points that are mapped to the same position
    will be one point. Points outside of the bounding
    rectangle are ignored.

  - WeedOutPoints & !boundingRect().isValid()
    All consecutive points that are mapped to the same position
    will one point

  - !WeedOutPoints & boundingRect().isValid()
    Points outside of the bounding rectangle are ignored.

  \param xMap x map
  \param yMap y map
  \param series Series of points to be mapped
  \param from Index of the first point to be painted
  \param to Index of the last point to be painted

  \return Translated polygon
QPolygon QwtPointMapper::toPoints(
    const QwtScaleMap &xMap, const QwtScaleMap &yMap,
    const QwtSeriesData<QPointF> *series, int from, int to ) const
    QPolygon points;

    if ( d_data->flags & WeedOutPoints )
        if ( d_data->boundingRect.isValid() )
            points = qwtToPointsFilteredI( d_data->boundingRect,
                xMap, yMap, series, from, to );
            // when we don't have the bounding rectangle all
            // we can do is to filter out consecutive duplicates

            points = qwtToPolylineFilteredI(
                xMap, yMap, series, from, to );
        points = qwtToPointsI(
            d_data->boundingRect, xMap, yMap, series, from, to );

    return points;

  \brief Translate a series into a QImage

  \param xMap x map
  \param yMap y map
  \param series Series of points to be mapped
  \param from Index of the first point to be painted
  \param to Index of the last point to be painted
  \param pen Pen used for drawing a point
             of the image, where a point is mapped to
  \param antialiased True, when the dots should be displayed
  \param numThreads Number of threads to be used for rendering.
                   If numThreads is set to 0, the system specific
                   ideal thread count is used.

  \return Image displaying the series
QImage QwtPointMapper::toImage(
    const QwtScaleMap &xMap, const QwtScaleMap &yMap,
    const QwtSeriesData<QPointF> *series, int from, int to,
    const QPen &pen, bool antialiased, uint numThreads ) const
    Q_UNUSED( antialiased )

    if ( numThreads == 0 )
        numThreads = QThread::idealThreadCount();

    if ( numThreads <= 0 )
        numThreads = 1;
    Q_UNUSED( numThreads )

    // a very special optimization for scatter plots
    // where every sample is mapped to one pixel only.

    const QRect rect = d_data->boundingRect.toAlignedRect();

    QImage image( rect.size(), QImage::Format_ARGB32 );
    image.fill( Qt::transparent );

    if ( pen.width() <= 1 && pen.color().alpha() == 255 )
        QwtDotsCommand command;
        command.series = series;
        command.rgb = pen.color().rgba();

        const int numPoints = ( to - from + 1 ) / numThreads;

        QList< QFuture<void> > futures;
        for ( uint i = 0; i < numThreads; i++ )
            const QPoint pos = rect.topLeft();

            const int index0 = from + i * numPoints;
            if ( i == numThreads - 1 )
                command.from = index0;
                command.to = to;

                qwtRenderDots( xMap, yMap, command, pos, &image );
                command.from = index0;
                command.to = index0 + numPoints - 1;

                futures += QtConcurrent::run( &qwtRenderDots,
                    xMap, yMap, command, pos, &image );
        for ( int i = 0; i < futures.size(); i++ )
        command.from = from;
        command.to = to;

        qwtRenderDots( xMap, yMap, command, rect.topLeft(), &image );
        // fallback implementation: to be replaced later by
        // setting the pixels of the image like above, TODO ...

        QPainter painter( &image );
        painter.setPen( pen );
        painter.setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing, antialiased );

        const int chunkSize = 1000;
        for ( int i = from; i <= to; i += chunkSize )
            const int indexTo = qMin( i + chunkSize - 1, to );
            const QPolygon points = toPoints(
                xMap, yMap, series, i, indexTo );

            painter.drawPoints( points );

    return image;