1 | /* -*- mode: C++ ; c-file-style: "stroustrup" -*- *****************************
2 | * Qwt Widget Library
3 | * Copyright (C) 1997 Josef Wilgen
4 | * Copyright (C) 2002 Uwe Rathmann
5 | *
6 | * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7 | * modify it under the terms of the Qwt License, Version 1.0
8 | *****************************************************************************/
9 |
10 | #ifndef QWT_PLOT_ZOOMER_H
11 | #define QWT_PLOT_ZOOMER_H
12 |
13 | #include "qwt_global.h"
14 | #include "qwt_plot_picker.h"
15 | #include <qstack.h>
16 |
17 | /*!
18 | \brief QwtPlotZoomer provides stacked zooming for a plot widget
19 |
20 | QwtPlotZoomer selects rectangles from user inputs ( mouse or keyboard )
21 | translates them into plot coordinates and adjusts the axes to them.
22 | The selection is supported by a rubber band and optionally by displaying
23 | the coordinates of the current mouse position.
24 |
25 | Zooming can be repeated as often as possible, limited only by
26 | maxStackDepth() or minZoomSize(). Each rectangle is pushed on a stack.
27 |
28 | The default setting how to select rectangles is
29 | a QwtPickerDragRectMachine with the following bindings:
30 |
31 | - QwtEventPattern::MouseSelect1\n
32 | The first point of the zoom rectangle is selected by a mouse press,
33 | the second point from the position, where the mouse is released.
34 |
35 | - QwtEventPattern::KeySelect1\n
36 | The first key press selects the first, the second key press
37 | selects the second point.
38 |
39 | - QwtEventPattern::KeyAbort\n
40 | Discard the selection in the state, where the first point
41 | is selected.
42 |
43 | To traverse the zoom stack the following bindings are used:
44 |
45 | - QwtEventPattern::MouseSelect3, QwtEventPattern::KeyUndo\n
46 | Zoom out one position on the zoom stack
47 |
48 | - QwtEventPattern::MouseSelect6, QwtEventPattern::KeyRedo\n
49 | Zoom in one position on the zoom stack
50 |
51 | - QwtEventPattern::MouseSelect2, QwtEventPattern::KeyHome\n
52 | Zoom to the zoom base
53 |
54 | The setKeyPattern() and setMousePattern() functions can be used
55 | to configure the zoomer actions. The following example
56 | shows, how to configure the 'I' and 'O' keys for zooming in and out
57 | one position on the zoom stack. The "Home" key is used to
58 | "unzoom" the plot.
59 |
60 | \code
61 | zoomer = new QwtPlotZoomer( plot );
62 | zoomer->setKeyPattern( QwtEventPattern::KeyRedo, Qt::Key_I, Qt::ShiftModifier );
63 | zoomer->setKeyPattern( QwtEventPattern::KeyUndo, Qt::Key_O, Qt::ShiftModifier );
64 | zoomer->setKeyPattern( QwtEventPattern::KeyHome, Qt::Key_Home );
65 | \endcode
66 |
67 | QwtPlotZoomer is tailored for plots with one x and y axis, but it is
68 | allowed to attach a second QwtPlotZoomer ( without rubber band and tracker )
69 | for the other axes.
70 |
71 | \note The realtime example includes an derived zoomer class that adds
72 | scrollbars to the plot canvas.
73 |
74 | \sa QwtPlotPanner, QwtPlotMagnifier
75 | */
76 |
77 | class QWT_EXPORT QwtPlotZoomer: public QwtPlotPicker
78 | {
80 | public:
81 | explicit QwtPlotZoomer( QWidget *, bool doReplot = true );
82 | explicit QwtPlotZoomer( int xAxis, int yAxis,
83 | QWidget *, bool doReplot = true );
84 |
85 | virtual ~QwtPlotZoomer();
86 |
87 | virtual void setZoomBase( bool doReplot = true );
88 | virtual void setZoomBase( const QRectF & );
89 |
90 | QRectF zoomBase() const;
91 | QRectF zoomRect() const;
92 |
93 | virtual void setAxis( int xAxis, int yAxis );
94 |
95 | void setMaxStackDepth( int );
96 | int maxStackDepth() const;
97 |
98 | const QStack<QRectF> &zoomStack() const;
99 | void setZoomStack( const QStack<QRectF> &,
100 | int zoomRectIndex = -1 );
101 |
102 | uint zoomRectIndex() const;
103 |
104 | public Q_SLOTS:
105 | void moveBy( double x, double y );
106 | virtual void moveTo( const QPointF & );
107 |
108 | virtual void zoom( const QRectF & );
109 | virtual void zoom( int up );
110 |
111 | Q_SIGNALS:
112 | /*!
113 | A signal emitting the zoomRect(), when the plot has been
114 | zoomed in or out.
115 |
116 | \param rect Current zoom rectangle.
117 | */
118 |
119 | void zoomed( const QRectF &rect );
120 |
121 | protected:
122 | virtual void rescale();
123 |
124 | virtual QSizeF minZoomSize() const;
125 |
126 | virtual void widgetMouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent * );
127 | virtual void widgetKeyPressEvent( QKeyEvent * );
128 |
129 | virtual void begin();
130 | virtual bool end( bool ok = true );
131 | virtual bool accept( QPolygon & ) const;
132 |
133 | private:
134 | void init( bool doReplot );
135 |
136 | class PrivateData;
137 | PrivateData *d_data;
138 | };
139 |
140 | #endif