/* -*- mode: C++ ; c-file-style: "stroustrup" -*- ***************************** * Qwt Widget Library * Copyright (C) 1997 Josef Wilgen * Copyright (C) 2002 Uwe Rathmann * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the Qwt License, Version 1.0 *****************************************************************************/ #include "qwt_plot_scaleitem.h" #include "qwt_plot.h" #include "qwt_scale_map.h" #include "qwt_interval.h" #include <qpalette.h> #include <qpainter.h> class QwtPlotScaleItem::PrivateData { public: PrivateData(): position( 0.0 ), borderDistance( -1 ), scaleDivFromAxis( true ), scaleDraw( new QwtScaleDraw() ) { } ~PrivateData() { delete scaleDraw; } QwtInterval scaleInterval( const QRectF &, const QwtScaleMap &, const QwtScaleMap & ) const; QPalette palette; QFont font; double position; int borderDistance; bool scaleDivFromAxis; QwtScaleDraw *scaleDraw; }; QwtInterval QwtPlotScaleItem::PrivateData::scaleInterval( const QRectF &canvasRect, const QwtScaleMap &xMap, const QwtScaleMap &yMap ) const { QwtInterval interval; if ( scaleDraw->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal ) { interval.setMinValue( xMap.invTransform( canvasRect.left() ) ); interval.setMaxValue( xMap.invTransform( canvasRect.right() - 1 ) ); } else { interval.setMinValue( yMap.invTransform( canvasRect.bottom() - 1 ) ); interval.setMaxValue( yMap.invTransform( canvasRect.top() ) ); } return interval; } /*! \brief Constructor for scale item at the position pos. \param alignment In case of QwtScaleDraw::BottomScale or QwtScaleDraw::TopScale the scale item is corresponding to the xAxis(), otherwise it corresponds to the yAxis(). \param pos x or y position, depending on the corresponding axis. \sa setPosition(), setAlignment() */ QwtPlotScaleItem::QwtPlotScaleItem( QwtScaleDraw::Alignment alignment, const double pos ): QwtPlotItem( QwtText( "Scale" ) ) { d_data = new PrivateData; d_data->position = pos; d_data->scaleDraw->setAlignment( alignment ); setItemInterest( QwtPlotItem::ScaleInterest, true ); setZ( 11.0 ); } //! Destructor QwtPlotScaleItem::~QwtPlotScaleItem() { delete d_data; } //! \return QwtPlotItem::Rtti_PlotScale int QwtPlotScaleItem::rtti() const { return QwtPlotItem::Rtti_PlotScale; } /*! \brief Assign a scale division When assigning a scaleDiv the scale division won't be synchronized with the corresponding axis anymore. \param scaleDiv Scale division \sa scaleDiv(), setScaleDivFromAxis(), isScaleDivFromAxis() */ void QwtPlotScaleItem::setScaleDiv( const QwtScaleDiv& scaleDiv ) { d_data->scaleDivFromAxis = false; d_data->scaleDraw->setScaleDiv( scaleDiv ); } //! \return Scale division const QwtScaleDiv& QwtPlotScaleItem::scaleDiv() const { return d_data->scaleDraw->scaleDiv(); } /*! Enable/Disable the synchronization of the scale division with the corresponding axis. \param on true/false \sa isScaleDivFromAxis() */ void QwtPlotScaleItem::setScaleDivFromAxis( bool on ) { if ( on != d_data->scaleDivFromAxis ) { d_data->scaleDivFromAxis = on; if ( on ) { const QwtPlot *plt = plot(); if ( plt ) { updateScaleDiv( plt->axisScaleDiv( xAxis() ), plt->axisScaleDiv( yAxis() ) ); itemChanged(); } } } } /*! \return True, if the synchronization of the scale division with the corresponding axis is enabled. \sa setScaleDiv(), setScaleDivFromAxis() */ bool QwtPlotScaleItem::isScaleDivFromAxis() const { return d_data->scaleDivFromAxis; } /*! Set the palette \sa QwtAbstractScaleDraw::draw(), palette() */ void QwtPlotScaleItem::setPalette( const QPalette &palette ) { if ( palette != d_data->palette ) { d_data->palette = palette; legendChanged(); itemChanged(); } } /*! \return palette \sa setPalette() */ QPalette QwtPlotScaleItem::palette() const { return d_data->palette; } /*! Change the tick label font \sa font() */ void QwtPlotScaleItem::setFont( const QFont &font ) { if ( font != d_data->font ) { d_data->font = font; itemChanged(); } } /*! \return tick label font \sa setFont() */ QFont QwtPlotScaleItem::font() const { return d_data->font; } /*! \brief Set a scale draw \param scaleDraw object responsible for drawing scales. The main use case for replacing the default QwtScaleDraw is to overload QwtAbstractScaleDraw::label, to replace or swallow tick labels. \sa scaleDraw() */ void QwtPlotScaleItem::setScaleDraw( QwtScaleDraw *scaleDraw ) { if ( scaleDraw == NULL ) return; if ( scaleDraw != d_data->scaleDraw ) delete d_data->scaleDraw; d_data->scaleDraw = scaleDraw; const QwtPlot *plt = plot(); if ( plt ) { updateScaleDiv( plt->axisScaleDiv( xAxis() ), plt->axisScaleDiv( yAxis() ) ); } itemChanged(); } /*! \return Scale draw \sa setScaleDraw() */ const QwtScaleDraw *QwtPlotScaleItem::scaleDraw() const { return d_data->scaleDraw; } /*! \return Scale draw \sa setScaleDraw() */ QwtScaleDraw *QwtPlotScaleItem::scaleDraw() { return d_data->scaleDraw; } /*! Change the position of the scale The position is interpreted as y value for horizontal axes and as x value for vertical axes. The border distance is set to -1. \param pos New position \sa position(), setAlignment() */ void QwtPlotScaleItem::setPosition( double pos ) { if ( d_data->position != pos ) { d_data->position = pos; d_data->borderDistance = -1; itemChanged(); } } /*! \return Position of the scale \sa setPosition(), setAlignment() */ double QwtPlotScaleItem::position() const { return d_data->position; } /*! \brief Align the scale to the canvas If distance is >= 0 the scale will be aligned to a border of the contents rectangle of the canvas. If alignment() is QwtScaleDraw::LeftScale, the scale will be aligned to the right border, if it is QwtScaleDraw::TopScale it will be aligned to the bottom (and vice versa), If distance is < 0 the scale will be at the position(). \param distance Number of pixels between the canvas border and the backbone of the scale. \sa setPosition(), borderDistance() */ void QwtPlotScaleItem::setBorderDistance( int distance ) { if ( distance < 0 ) distance = -1; if ( distance != d_data->borderDistance ) { d_data->borderDistance = distance; itemChanged(); } } /*! \return Distance from a canvas border \sa setBorderDistance(), setPosition() */ int QwtPlotScaleItem::borderDistance() const { return d_data->borderDistance; } /*! Change the alignment of the scale The alignment sets the orientation of the scale and the position of the ticks: - QwtScaleDraw::BottomScale: horizontal, ticks below - QwtScaleDraw::TopScale: horizontal, ticks above - QwtScaleDraw::LeftScale: vertical, ticks left - QwtScaleDraw::RightScale: vertical, ticks right For horizontal scales the position corresponds to QwtPlotItem::yAxis(), otherwise to QwtPlotItem::xAxis(). \sa scaleDraw(), QwtScaleDraw::alignment(), setPosition() */ void QwtPlotScaleItem::setAlignment( QwtScaleDraw::Alignment alignment ) { QwtScaleDraw *sd = d_data->scaleDraw; if ( sd->alignment() != alignment ) { sd->setAlignment( alignment ); itemChanged(); } } /*! \brief Draw the scale */ void QwtPlotScaleItem::draw( QPainter *painter, const QwtScaleMap &xMap, const QwtScaleMap &yMap, const QRectF &canvasRect ) const { QwtScaleDraw *sd = d_data->scaleDraw; if ( d_data->scaleDivFromAxis ) { const QwtInterval interval = d_data->scaleInterval( canvasRect, xMap, yMap ); if ( interval != sd->scaleDiv().interval() ) { QwtScaleDiv scaleDiv = sd->scaleDiv(); scaleDiv.setInterval( interval ); sd->setScaleDiv( scaleDiv ); } } QPen pen = painter->pen(); pen.setStyle( Qt::SolidLine ); painter->setPen( pen ); if ( sd->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal ) { double y; if ( d_data->borderDistance >= 0 ) { if ( sd->alignment() == QwtScaleDraw::BottomScale ) y = canvasRect.top() + d_data->borderDistance; else { y = canvasRect.bottom() - d_data->borderDistance; } } else { y = yMap.transform( d_data->position ); } if ( y < canvasRect.top() || y > canvasRect.bottom() ) return; sd->move( canvasRect.left(), y ); sd->setLength( canvasRect.width() - 1 ); QwtTransform *transform = NULL; if ( xMap.transformation() ) transform = xMap.transformation()->copy(); sd->setTransformation( transform ); } else // == Qt::Vertical { double x; if ( d_data->borderDistance >= 0 ) { if ( sd->alignment() == QwtScaleDraw::RightScale ) x = canvasRect.left() + d_data->borderDistance; else { x = canvasRect.right() - d_data->borderDistance; } } else { x = xMap.transform( d_data->position ); } if ( x < canvasRect.left() || x > canvasRect.right() ) return; sd->move( x, canvasRect.top() ); sd->setLength( canvasRect.height() - 1 ); QwtTransform *transform = NULL; if ( yMap.transformation() ) transform = yMap.transformation()->copy(); sd->setTransformation( transform ); } painter->setFont( d_data->font ); sd->draw( painter, d_data->palette ); } /*! \brief Update the item to changes of the axes scale division In case of isScaleDivFromAxis(), the scale draw is synchronized to the correspond axis. \param xScaleDiv Scale division of the x-axis \param yScaleDiv Scale division of the y-axis \sa QwtPlot::updateAxes() */ void QwtPlotScaleItem::updateScaleDiv( const QwtScaleDiv& xScaleDiv, const QwtScaleDiv& yScaleDiv ) { QwtScaleDraw *scaleDraw = d_data->scaleDraw; if ( d_data->scaleDivFromAxis && scaleDraw ) { const QwtScaleDiv &scaleDiv = scaleDraw->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal ? xScaleDiv : yScaleDiv; const QwtPlot *plt = plot(); if ( plt != NULL ) { const QRectF canvasRect = plt->canvas()->contentsRect(); const QwtInterval interval = d_data->scaleInterval( canvasRect, plt->canvasMap( xAxis() ), plt->canvasMap( yAxis() ) ); QwtScaleDiv sd = scaleDiv; sd.setInterval( interval ); if ( sd != scaleDraw->scaleDiv() ) { // the internal label cache of QwtScaleDraw // is cleared here, so better avoid pointless // assignments. scaleDraw->setScaleDiv( sd ); } } else { scaleDraw->setScaleDiv( scaleDiv ); } } }