/* -*- mode: C++ ; c-file-style: "stroustrup" -*- *****************************
 * Qwt Widget Library
 * Copyright (C) 1997   Josef Wilgen
 * Copyright (C) 2002   Uwe Rathmann
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the Qwt License, Version 1.0


#include "qwt_global.h"
#include "qwt_plot_canvas.h"
#include "qwt_picker.h"
#include <qvector.h>

class QwtPlot;

  \brief QwtPlotPicker provides selections on a plot canvas

  QwtPlotPicker is a QwtPicker tailored for selections on
  a plot canvas. It is set to a x-Axis and y-Axis and
  translates all pixel coordinates into this coodinate system.

class QWT_EXPORT QwtPlotPicker: public QwtPicker

    explicit QwtPlotPicker( QwtPlotCanvas * );
    virtual ~QwtPlotPicker();

    explicit QwtPlotPicker( int xAxis, int yAxis, QwtPlotCanvas * );

    explicit QwtPlotPicker( int xAxis, int yAxis,
        RubberBand rubberBand, DisplayMode trackerMode,
        QwtPlotCanvas * );

    virtual void setAxis( int xAxis, int yAxis );

    int xAxis() const;
    int yAxis() const;

    QwtPlot *plot();
    const QwtPlot *plot() const;

    QwtPlotCanvas *canvas();
    const QwtPlotCanvas *canvas() const;


      A signal emitted in case of selectionFlags() & PointSelection.
      \param pos Selected point
    void selected( const QPointF &pos );

      A signal emitted in case of selectionFlags() & RectSelection.
      \param rect Selected rectangle
    void selected( const QRectF &rect );

      A signal emitting the selected points,
      at the end of a selection.

      \param pa Selected points
    void selected( const QVector<QPointF> &pa );

      A signal emitted when a point has been appended to the selection

      \param pos Position of the appended point.
      \sa append(). moved()
    void appended( const QPointF &pos );

      A signal emitted whenever the last appended point of the
      selection has been moved.

      \param pos Position of the moved last point of the selection.
      \sa move(), appended()
    void moved( const QPointF &pos );

    QRectF scaleRect() const;

    QRectF invTransform( const QRect & ) const;
    QRect transform( const QRectF & ) const;

    QPointF invTransform( const QPoint & ) const;
    QPoint transform( const QPointF & ) const;

    virtual QwtText trackerText( const QPoint & ) const;
    virtual QwtText trackerTextF( const QPointF & ) const;

    virtual void move( const QPoint & );
    virtual void append( const QPoint & );
    virtual bool end( bool ok = true );

    int d_xAxis;
    int d_yAxis;
