/* -*- mode: C++ ; c-file-style: "stroustrup" -*- *****************************
 * Qwt Widget Library
 * Copyright (C) 1997   Josef Wilgen
 * Copyright (C) 2002   Uwe Rathmann
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the Qwt License, Version 1.0

#include "qwt_plot_glcanvas.h"
#include "qwt_plot.h"
#include "qwt_painter.h"
#include <qevent.h>
#include <qpainter.h>
#include <qdrawutil.h>
#include <qstyle.h>
#include <qstyleoption.h>


static QWidget *qwtBGWidget( QWidget *widget )
    QWidget *w = widget;

    for ( ; w->parentWidget() != NULL; w = w->parentWidget() )
        if ( w->autoFillBackground() || 
            w->testAttribute( Qt::WA_StyledBackground ) )
            return w;

    return w;

static void qwtUpdateContentsRect( QwtPlotGLCanvas *canvas )
    const int fw = canvas->frameWidth();
    canvas->setContentsMargins( fw, fw, fw, fw );

class QwtPlotGLCanvas::PrivateData
        frameStyle( QFrame::Panel | QFrame::Sunken),
        lineWidth( 2 ),
        midLineWidth( 0 )

    int frameStyle;
    int lineWidth;
    int midLineWidth;

class QwtPlotGLCanvasFormat: public QGLFormat
        QGLFormat( QGLFormat::defaultFormat() )
        setSampleBuffers( true );

  \brief Constructor

  \param plot Parent plot widget
  \sa QwtPlot::setCanvas()
QwtPlotGLCanvas::QwtPlotGLCanvas( QwtPlot *plot ):
    QGLWidget( QwtPlotGLCanvasFormat(), plot )
    d_data = new PrivateData;

#ifndef QT_NO_CURSOR
    setCursor( Qt::CrossCursor );

    setAutoFillBackground( true );
    qwtUpdateContentsRect( this );

//! Destructor
    delete d_data;

  Set the frame style

  \param style The bitwise OR between a shape and a shadow. 
  \sa frameStyle(), QFrame::setFrameStyle(), 
      setFrameShadow(), setFrameShape()
void QwtPlotGLCanvas::setFrameStyle( int style )
    if ( style != d_data->frameStyle )
        d_data->frameStyle = style;
        qwtUpdateContentsRect( this );


  \return The bitwise OR between a frameShape() and a frameShadow()
  \sa setFrameStyle(), QFrame::frameStyle()
int QwtPlotGLCanvas::frameStyle() const
    return d_data->frameStyle;

  Set the frame shadow

  \param shadow Frame shadow
  \sa frameShadow(), setFrameShape(), QFrame::setFrameShadow()
void QwtPlotGLCanvas::setFrameShadow( Shadow shadow )
    setFrameStyle(( d_data->frameStyle & QFrame::Shape_Mask ) | shadow );

  \return Frame shadow
  \sa setFrameShadow(), QFrame::setFrameShadow()
QwtPlotGLCanvas::Shadow QwtPlotGLCanvas::frameShadow() const
    return (Shadow) ( d_data->frameStyle & QFrame::Shadow_Mask );

  Set the frame shape

  \param shape Frame shape
  \sa frameShape(), setFrameShadow(), QFrame::frameShape()
void QwtPlotGLCanvas::setFrameShape( Shape shape )
    setFrameStyle( ( d_data->frameStyle & QFrame::Shadow_Mask ) | shape );

  \return Frame shape
  \sa setFrameShape(), QFrame::frameShape()
QwtPlotGLCanvas::Shape QwtPlotGLCanvas::frameShape() const
    return (Shape) ( d_data->frameStyle & QFrame::Shape_Mask );

   Set the frame line width

   The default line width is 2 pixels.

   \param width Line width of the frame
   \sa lineWidth(), setMidLineWidth()
void QwtPlotGLCanvas::setLineWidth( int width )
    width = qMax( width, 0 );
    if ( width != d_data->lineWidth )
        d_data->lineWidth = qMax( width, 0 );
        qwtUpdateContentsRect( this );

  \return Line width of the frame
  \sa setLineWidth(), midLineWidth()
int QwtPlotGLCanvas::lineWidth() const
    return d_data->lineWidth;

   Set the frame mid line width

   The default midline width is 0 pixels.

   \param width Midline width of the frame
   \sa midLineWidth(), setLineWidth()
void QwtPlotGLCanvas::setMidLineWidth( int width )
    width = qMax( width, 0 );
    if ( width != d_data->midLineWidth )
        d_data->midLineWidth = width;
        qwtUpdateContentsRect( this );

  \return Midline width of the frame
  \sa setMidLineWidth(), lineWidth()
int QwtPlotGLCanvas::midLineWidth() const
    return d_data->midLineWidth;

  \return Frame width depending on the style, line width and midline width.
int QwtPlotGLCanvas::frameWidth() const
    return ( frameStyle() != NoFrame ) ? d_data->lineWidth : 0;

  Paint event

  \param event Paint event
  \sa QwtPlot::drawCanvas()
void QwtPlotGLCanvas::paintEvent( QPaintEvent *event )
    Q_UNUSED( event );

    QPainter painter( this );

    if ( painter.paintEngine()->type() == QPaintEngine::OpenGL2 )
        // work around a translation bug of QPaintEngine::OpenGL2
        painter.translate( 1, 1 );

    drawBackground( &painter );
    drawItems( &painter );

    if ( !testAttribute( Qt::WA_StyledBackground ) )
        if ( frameWidth() > 0 )
            drawBorder( &painter );
  Qt event handler for QEvent::PolishRequest and QEvent::StyleChange
  \param event Qt Event
  \return See QGLWidget::event()
bool QwtPlotGLCanvas::event( QEvent *event )
    const bool ok = QGLWidget::event( event );

    if ( event->type() == QEvent::PolishRequest ||
        event->type() == QEvent::StyleChange )
        // assuming, that we always have a styled background
        // when we have a style sheet

        setAttribute( Qt::WA_StyledBackground,
            testAttribute( Qt::WA_StyleSheet ) );

    return ok;

  Draw the plot items
  \param painter Painter

  \sa QwtPlot::drawCanvas()
void QwtPlotGLCanvas::drawItems( QPainter *painter )

    painter->setClipRect( contentsRect(), Qt::IntersectClip );

    QwtPlot *plot = qobject_cast< QwtPlot *>( parent() );
    if ( plot )
        plot->drawCanvas( painter );


  Draw the background of the canvas
  \param painter Painter
void QwtPlotGLCanvas::drawBackground( QPainter *painter )

    QWidget *w = qwtBGWidget( this );

    const QPoint off = mapTo( w, QPoint() );
    painter->translate( -off );

    const QRect fillRect = rect().translated( off );

    if ( w->testAttribute( Qt::WA_StyledBackground ) )
        painter->setClipRect( fillRect );

        QStyleOption opt;
        opt.initFrom( w );
        w->style()->drawPrimitive( QStyle::PE_Widget, &opt, painter, w);
        painter->fillRect( fillRect,
            w->palette().brush( w->backgroundRole() ) );


  Draw the border of the canvas
  \param painter Painter
void QwtPlotGLCanvas::drawBorder( QPainter *painter )
    const int fw = frameWidth();
    if ( fw <= 0 )

    if ( frameShadow() == QwtPlotGLCanvas::Plain )
        qDrawPlainRect( painter, frameRect(), 
            palette().shadow().color(), lineWidth() );
        if ( frameShape() == QwtPlotGLCanvas::Box )
            qDrawShadeRect( painter, frameRect(), palette(),
                frameShadow() == Sunken, lineWidth(), midLineWidth() );
            qDrawShadePanel( painter, frameRect(), palette(), 
                frameShadow() == Sunken, lineWidth() );

//! Calls repaint()
void QwtPlotGLCanvas::replot()

   \return Empty path
QPainterPath QwtPlotGLCanvas::borderPath( const QRect &rect ) const
    Q_UNUSED( rect );
    return QPainterPath();

//! \return The rectangle where the frame is drawn in.
QRect QwtPlotGLCanvas::frameRect() const
    const int fw = frameWidth();
    return contentsRect().adjusted( -fw, -fw, fw, fw );