/* -*- mode: C++ ; c-file-style: "stroustrup" -*- ***************************** * Qwt Widget Library * Copyright (C) 1997 Josef Wilgen * Copyright (C) 2002 Uwe Rathmann * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the Qwt License, Version 1.0 *****************************************************************************/ #ifndef QWT_COUNTER_H #define QWT_COUNTER_H #include "qwt_global.h" #include <qwidget.h> /*! \brief The Counter Widget A Counter consists of a label displaying a number and one ore more (up to three) push buttons on each side of the label which can be used to increment or decrement the counter's value. A counter has a range from a minimum value to a maximum value and a step size. When the wrapping property is set the counter is circular. The number of steps by which a button increments or decrements the value can be specified using setIncSteps(). The number of buttons can be changed with setNumButtons(). Example: \code #include <qwt_counter.h> QwtCounter *counter = new QwtCounter(parent); counter->setRange(0.0, 100.0); // From 0.0 to 100 counter->setSingleStep( 1.0 ); // Step size 1.0 counter->setNumButtons(2); // Two buttons each side counter->setIncSteps(QwtCounter::Button1, 1); // Button 1 increments 1 step counter->setIncSteps(QwtCounter::Button2, 20); // Button 2 increments 20 steps connect(counter, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), myClass, SLOT(newValue(double))); \endcode */ class QWT_EXPORT QwtCounter : public QWidget { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY( double value READ value WRITE setValue ) Q_PROPERTY( double minimum READ minimum WRITE setMinimum ) Q_PROPERTY( double maximum READ maximum WRITE setMaximum ) Q_PROPERTY( double singleStep READ singleStep WRITE setSingleStep ) Q_PROPERTY( int numButtons READ numButtons WRITE setNumButtons ) Q_PROPERTY( int stepButton1 READ stepButton1 WRITE setStepButton1 ) Q_PROPERTY( int stepButton2 READ stepButton2 WRITE setStepButton2 ) Q_PROPERTY( int stepButton3 READ stepButton3 WRITE setStepButton3 ) Q_PROPERTY( bool readOnly READ isReadOnly WRITE setReadOnly ) Q_PROPERTY( bool wrapping READ wrapping WRITE setWrapping ) public: //! Button index enum Button { //! Button intended for minor steps Button1, //! Button intended for medium steps Button2, //! Button intended for large steps Button3, //! Number of buttons ButtonCnt }; explicit QwtCounter( QWidget *parent = NULL ); virtual ~QwtCounter(); void setValid( bool ); bool isValid() const; void setWrapping( bool ); bool wrapping() const; bool isReadOnly() const; void setReadOnly( bool ); void setNumButtons( int ); int numButtons() const; void setIncSteps( QwtCounter::Button, int numSteps ); int incSteps( QwtCounter::Button ) const; virtual QSize sizeHint() const; double singleStep() const; void setSingleStep( double stepSize ); void setRange( double min, double max ); double minimum() const; void setMinimum( double ); double maximum() const; void setMaximum( double ); void setStepButton1( int nSteps ); int stepButton1() const; void setStepButton2( int nSteps ); int stepButton2() const; void setStepButton3( int nSteps ); int stepButton3() const; double value() const; public Q_SLOTS: void setValue( double ); Q_SIGNALS: /*! This signal is emitted when a button has been released \param value The new value */ void buttonReleased ( double value ); /*! This signal is emitted when the counter's value has changed \param value The new value */ void valueChanged ( double value ); protected: virtual bool event( QEvent * ); virtual void wheelEvent( QWheelEvent * ); virtual void keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent * ); private Q_SLOTS: void btnReleased(); void btnClicked(); void textChanged(); private: void incrementValue( int numSteps ); void initCounter(); void updateButtons(); void showNumber( double ); class PrivateData; PrivateData *d_data; }; #endif