[8901] | 1 | /// \file newmatex.cpp
| 2 | /// \brief Exceptions thrown by matrix library.
| 3 |
| 4 | // Copyright (C) 1992,3,4,7: R B Davies
| 5 |
| 6 | #define WANT_STREAM // include.h will get stream fns
| 7 |
| 8 | #include "include.h" // include standard files
| 9 | #include "newmat.h"
| 10 |
| 11 | #ifdef use_namespace
| 12 | namespace NEWMAT {
| 13 | #endif
| 14 |
| 15 | unsigned long OverflowException::Select;
| 16 | unsigned long SingularException::Select;
| 17 | unsigned long NPDException::Select;
| 18 | unsigned long ConvergenceException::Select;
| 19 | unsigned long ProgramException::Select;
| 20 | unsigned long IndexException::Select;
| 21 | unsigned long VectorException::Select;
| 22 | unsigned long NotSquareException::Select;
| 23 | unsigned long SubMatrixDimensionException::Select;
| 24 | unsigned long IncompatibleDimensionsException::Select;
| 25 | unsigned long NotDefinedException::Select;
| 26 | unsigned long CannotBuildException::Select;
| 27 | unsigned long InternalException::Select;
| 28 |
| 29 |
| 30 |
| 31 | static void MatrixDetails(const GeneralMatrix& A)
| 32 | // write matrix details to Exception buffer
| 33 | {
| 34 | MatrixBandWidth bw = A.bandwidth();
| 35 | int ubw = bw.upper_val; int lbw = bw.lower_val;
| 36 | BaseException::AddMessage("MatrixType = ");
| 37 | BaseException::AddMessage(A.Type().Value());
| 38 | BaseException::AddMessage(" # Rows = "); BaseException::AddInt(A.Nrows());
| 39 | BaseException::AddMessage("; # Cols = "); BaseException::AddInt(A.Ncols());
| 40 | if (lbw >=0)
| 41 | {
| 42 | BaseException::AddMessage("; lower BW = ");
| 43 | BaseException::AddInt(lbw);
| 44 | }
| 45 | if (ubw >=0)
| 46 | {
| 47 | BaseException::AddMessage("; upper BW = ");
| 48 | BaseException::AddInt(ubw);
| 49 | }
| 50 | BaseException::AddMessage("\n");
| 51 | }
| 52 |
| 53 | NPDException::NPDException(const GeneralMatrix& A)
| 54 | : Runtime_error()
| 55 | {
| 56 | Select = BaseException::Select;
| 57 | AddMessage("detected by Newmat: matrix not positive definite\n\n");
| 58 | MatrixDetails(A);
| 59 | Tracer::AddTrace();
| 60 | }
| 61 |
| 62 | SingularException::SingularException(const GeneralMatrix& A)
| 63 | : Runtime_error()
| 64 | {
| 65 | Select = BaseException::Select;
| 66 | AddMessage("detected by Newmat: matrix is singular\n\n");
| 67 | MatrixDetails(A);
| 68 | Tracer::AddTrace();
| 69 | }
| 70 |
| 71 | ConvergenceException::ConvergenceException(const GeneralMatrix& A)
| 72 | : Runtime_error()
| 73 | {
| 74 | Select = BaseException::Select;
| 75 | AddMessage("detected by Newmat: process fails to converge\n\n");
| 76 | MatrixDetails(A);
| 77 | Tracer::AddTrace();
| 78 | }
| 79 |
| 80 | ConvergenceException::ConvergenceException(const char* c) : Runtime_error()
| 81 | {
| 82 | Select = BaseException::Select;
| 83 | AddMessage("detected by Newmat: ");
| 84 | AddMessage(c); AddMessage("\n\n");
| 85 | if (c) Tracer::AddTrace();
| 86 | }
| 87 |
| 88 | OverflowException::OverflowException(const char* c) : Runtime_error()
| 89 | {
| 90 | Select = BaseException::Select;
| 91 | AddMessage("detected by Newmat: ");
| 92 | AddMessage(c); AddMessage("\n\n");
| 93 | if (c) Tracer::AddTrace();
| 94 | }
| 95 |
| 96 | ProgramException::ProgramException(const char* c) : Logic_error()
| 97 | {
| 98 | Select = BaseException::Select;
| 99 | AddMessage("detected by Newmat: ");
| 100 | AddMessage(c); AddMessage("\n\n");
| 101 | if (c) Tracer::AddTrace();
| 102 | }
| 103 |
| 104 | ProgramException::ProgramException(const char* c, const GeneralMatrix& A)
| 105 | : Logic_error()
| 106 | {
| 107 | Select = BaseException::Select;
| 108 | AddMessage("detected by Newmat: ");
| 109 | AddMessage(c); AddMessage("\n\n");
| 110 | MatrixDetails(A);
| 111 | if (c) Tracer::AddTrace();
| 112 | }
| 113 |
| 114 | ProgramException::ProgramException(const char* c, const GeneralMatrix& A,
| 115 | const GeneralMatrix& B) : Logic_error()
| 116 | {
| 117 | Select = BaseException::Select;
| 118 | AddMessage("detected by Newmat: ");
| 119 | AddMessage(c); AddMessage("\n\n");
| 120 | MatrixDetails(A); MatrixDetails(B);
| 121 | if (c) Tracer::AddTrace();
| 122 | }
| 123 |
| 124 | ProgramException::ProgramException(const char* c, MatrixType a, MatrixType b)
| 125 | : Logic_error()
| 126 | {
| 127 | Select = BaseException::Select;
| 128 | AddMessage("detected by Newmat: ");
| 129 | AddMessage(c); AddMessage("\nMatrixTypes = ");
| 130 | AddMessage(a.Value()); AddMessage("; ");
| 131 | AddMessage(b.Value()); AddMessage("\n\n");
| 132 | if (c) Tracer::AddTrace();
| 133 | }
| 134 |
| 135 | VectorException::VectorException() : Logic_error()
| 136 | {
| 137 | Select = BaseException::Select;
| 138 | AddMessage("detected by Newmat: cannot convert matrix to vector\n\n");
| 139 | Tracer::AddTrace();
| 140 | }
| 141 |
| 142 | VectorException::VectorException(const GeneralMatrix& A)
| 143 | : Logic_error()
| 144 | {
| 145 | Select = BaseException::Select;
| 146 | AddMessage("detected by Newmat: cannot convert matrix to vector\n\n");
| 147 | MatrixDetails(A);
| 148 | Tracer::AddTrace();
| 149 | }
| 150 |
| 151 | NotSquareException::NotSquareException(const GeneralMatrix& A)
| 152 | : Logic_error()
| 153 | {
| 154 | Select = BaseException::Select;
| 155 | AddMessage("detected by Newmat: matrix is not square\n\n");
| 156 | MatrixDetails(A);
| 157 | Tracer::AddTrace();
| 158 | }
| 159 |
| 160 | NotSquareException::NotSquareException()
| 161 | : Logic_error()
| 162 | {
| 163 | Select = BaseException::Select;
| 164 | AddMessage("detected by Newmat: matrix is not square\n\n");
| 165 | Tracer::AddTrace();
| 166 | }
| 167 |
| 168 | SubMatrixDimensionException::SubMatrixDimensionException()
| 169 | : Logic_error()
| 170 | {
| 171 | Select = BaseException::Select;
| 172 | AddMessage("detected by Newmat: incompatible submatrix dimension\n\n");
| 173 | Tracer::AddTrace();
| 174 | }
| 175 |
| 176 | IncompatibleDimensionsException::IncompatibleDimensionsException()
| 177 | : Logic_error()
| 178 | {
| 179 | Select = BaseException::Select;
| 180 | AddMessage("detected by Newmat: incompatible dimensions\n\n");
| 181 | Tracer::AddTrace();
| 182 | }
| 183 |
| 184 | IncompatibleDimensionsException::IncompatibleDimensionsException
| 185 | (const GeneralMatrix& A, const GeneralMatrix& B)
| 186 | : Logic_error()
| 187 | {
| 188 | Select = BaseException::Select;
| 189 | AddMessage("detected by Newmat: incompatible dimensions\n\n");
| 190 | MatrixDetails(A); MatrixDetails(B);
| 191 | Tracer::AddTrace();
| 192 | }
| 193 |
| 194 | IncompatibleDimensionsException::IncompatibleDimensionsException
| 195 | (const GeneralMatrix& A)
| 196 | : Logic_error()
| 197 | {
| 198 | Select = BaseException::Select;
| 199 | AddMessage("detected by Newmat: incompatible dimensions\n\n");
| 200 | MatrixDetails(A);
| 201 | Tracer::AddTrace();
| 202 | }
| 203 |
| 204 | NotDefinedException::NotDefinedException(const char* op, const char* matrix)
| 205 | : Logic_error()
| 206 | {
| 207 | Select = BaseException::Select;
| 208 | AddMessage("detected by Newmat: ");
| 209 | AddMessage(op);
| 210 | AddMessage(" not defined for ");
| 211 | AddMessage(matrix);
| 212 | AddMessage("\n\n");
| 213 | Tracer::AddTrace();
| 214 | }
| 215 |
| 216 | CannotBuildException::CannotBuildException(const char* matrix)
| 217 | : Logic_error()
| 218 | {
| 219 | Select = BaseException::Select;
| 220 | AddMessage("detected by Newmat: cannot build matrix type ");
| 221 | AddMessage(matrix); AddMessage("\n\n");
| 222 | Tracer::AddTrace();
| 223 | }
| 224 |
| 225 | IndexException::IndexException(int i, const GeneralMatrix& A)
| 226 | : Logic_error()
| 227 | {
| 228 | Select = BaseException::Select;
| 229 | AddMessage("detected by Newmat: index error: requested index = ");
| 230 | AddInt(i); AddMessage("\n\n");
| 231 | MatrixDetails(A);
| 232 | Tracer::AddTrace();
| 233 | }
| 234 |
| 235 | IndexException::IndexException(int i, int j, const GeneralMatrix& A)
| 236 | : Logic_error()
| 237 | {
| 238 | Select = BaseException::Select;
| 239 | AddMessage("detected by Newmat: index error: requested indices = ");
| 240 | AddInt(i); AddMessage(", "); AddInt(j);
| 241 | AddMessage("\n\n");
| 242 | MatrixDetails(A);
| 243 | Tracer::AddTrace();
| 244 | }
| 245 |
| 246 |
| 247 | IndexException::IndexException(int i, const GeneralMatrix& A, bool)
| 248 | : Logic_error()
| 249 | {
| 250 | Select = BaseException::Select;
| 251 | AddMessage("detected by Newmat: element error: requested index (wrt 0) = ");
| 252 | AddInt(i);
| 253 | AddMessage("\n\n");
| 254 | MatrixDetails(A);
| 255 | Tracer::AddTrace();
| 256 | }
| 257 |
| 258 | IndexException::IndexException(int i, int j, const GeneralMatrix& A, bool)
| 259 | : Logic_error()
| 260 | {
| 261 | Select = BaseException::Select;
| 262 | AddMessage(
| 263 | "detected by Newmat: element error: requested indices (wrt 0) = ");
| 264 | AddInt(i); AddMessage(", "); AddInt(j);
| 265 | AddMessage("\n\n");
| 266 | MatrixDetails(A);
| 267 | Tracer::AddTrace();
| 268 | }
| 269 |
| 270 | InternalException::InternalException(const char* c) : Logic_error()
| 271 | {
| 272 | Select = BaseException::Select;
| 273 | AddMessage("internal error detected by Newmat: please inform author\n");
| 274 | AddMessage(c); AddMessage("\n\n");
| 275 | Tracer::AddTrace();
| 276 | }
| 277 |
| 278 |
| 279 |
| 280 |
| 281 | /************************* ExeCounter functions *****************************/
| 282 |
| 283 | #ifdef DO_REPORT
| 284 |
| 285 | int ExeCounter::nreports; // will be set to zero
| 286 |
| 287 | ExeCounter::ExeCounter(int xl, int xf) : line(xl), fileid(xf), nexe(0) {}
| 288 |
| 289 | ExeCounter::~ExeCounter()
| 290 | {
| 291 | nreports++;
| 292 | cout << "REPORT " << setw(6) << nreports << " "
| 293 | << setw(6) << fileid << " " << setw(6) << line
| 294 | << " " << setw(6) << nexe << "\n";
| 295 | }
| 296 |
| 297 | #endif
| 298 |
| 299 | /**************************** error handler *******************************/
| 300 |
| 301 | void MatrixErrorNoSpace(const void* v) { if (!v) Throw(Bad_alloc()); }
| 302 | // throw exception if v is null
| 303 |
| 304 |
| 305 |
| 306 |
| 307 | /************************* miscellanous errors ***************************/
| 308 |
| 309 |
| 310 | void CroutMatrix::GetRow(MatrixRowCol&)
| 311 | { Throw(NotDefinedException("GetRow","Crout")); }
| 312 | void CroutMatrix::GetCol(MatrixRowCol&)
| 313 | { Throw(NotDefinedException("GetCol","Crout")); }
| 314 | void BandLUMatrix::GetRow(MatrixRowCol&)
| 315 | { Throw(NotDefinedException("GetRow","BandLUMatrix")); }
| 316 | void BandLUMatrix::GetCol(MatrixRowCol&)
| 317 | { Throw(NotDefinedException("GetCol","BandLUMatrix")); }
| 318 | void BaseMatrix::IEQND() const
| 319 | { Throw(NotDefinedException("inequalities", "matrices")); }
| 320 |
| 321 |
| 322 | #ifdef use_namespace
| 323 | }
| 324 | #endif
| 325 |