/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * BKG NTRIP Client * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Class: bncCaster * * Purpose: buffers and disseminates the data * * Author: L. Mervart * * Created: 24-Dec-2005 * * Changes: * * -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "bnccaster.h" #include "bncgetthread.h" #include "bncutils.h" #include "RTCM/RTCM.h" // Constructor //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bncCaster::bncCaster(const QString& outFileName, int port) { if ( !outFileName.isEmpty() ) { QString lName = outFileName; expandEnvVar(lName); _outFile = new QFile(lName); _outFile->open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); _out = new QTextStream(_outFile); _out->setRealNumberNotation(QTextStream::FixedNotation); _out->setRealNumberPrecision(5); } else { _outFile = 0; _out = 0; } _port = port; if (_port != 0) { _server = new QTcpServer; _server->listen(QHostAddress::Any, _port); connect(_server, SIGNAL(newConnection()), this, SLOT(slotNewConnection())); _sockets = new QList; } else { _server = 0; _sockets = 0; } _epochs = new QMultiMap; _lastDumpSec = 0; QSettings settings; _samplingRate = settings.value("rnxSampl").toInt(); _waitTime = settings.value("waitTime").toInt(); if (_waitTime < 1) { _waitTime = 1; } } // Destructor //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bncCaster::~bncCaster() { QListIterator it(_threads); while(it.hasNext()){ bncGetThread* thread = it.next(); thread->terminate(); thread->wait(); delete thread; } delete _out; delete _outFile; delete _server; delete _sockets; delete _epochs; } // Run //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void bncCaster::run() { exec(); } // New Observations //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void bncCaster::slotNewObs(const QByteArray& staID, Observation* obs) { long newTime = obs->GPSWeek * 7*24*3600 + obs->GPSWeeks; // Rename the Station // ------------------ strncpy(obs->StatID, staID.constData(),sizeof(obs->StatID)); // Prepare RINEX Output // -------------------- if (_rinexWriters.find(obs->StatID) == _rinexWriters.end()) { _rinexWriters.insert(obs->StatID, new bncRinex(obs->StatID)); } bncRinex* rnx = _rinexWriters.find(obs->StatID).value(); if (_samplingRate == 0 || obs->GPSWeeks % _samplingRate == 0) { rnx->deepCopy(obs); } rnx->dumpEpoch(newTime); // First time, set the _lastDumpSec immediately // -------------------------------------------- if (_lastDumpSec == 0) { _lastDumpSec = newTime - 1; } // An old observation - throw it away // ---------------------------------- if (newTime <= _lastDumpSec) { QSettings settings; if ( !settings.value("outFile").toString().isEmpty() || !settings.value("outPort").toString().isEmpty() ) { emit( newMessage(QString("Station %1: old epoch %2 thrown away") .arg(staID.data()).arg(obs->GPSWeeks).toAscii()) ); } delete obs; return; } // Save the observation // -------------------- _epochs->insert(newTime, obs); // Dump older epochs // ----------------- dumpEpochs(_lastDumpSec + 1, newTime - _waitTime); _lastDumpSec = newTime - _waitTime; } // New Connection //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void bncCaster::slotNewConnection() { _sockets->push_back( _server->nextPendingConnection() ); } // Add New Thread //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void bncCaster::addGetThread(bncGetThread* getThread) { connect(getThread, SIGNAL(newObs(const QByteArray&, Observation*)), this, SLOT(slotNewObs(const QByteArray&, Observation*))); connect(getThread, SIGNAL(error(const QByteArray&)), this, SLOT(slotGetThreadError(const QByteArray&))); _staIDs.push_back(getThread->staID()); _threads.push_back(getThread); } // Error in get thread //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void bncCaster::slotGetThreadError(const QByteArray& staID) { _staIDs.removeAll(staID); emit( newMessage( QString("Mountpoint size %1").arg(_staIDs.size()).toAscii()) ); if (_staIDs.size() == 0) { emit(newMessage("bncCaster:: last get thread terminated")); emit getThreadErrors(); } } // Dump Complete Epochs //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void bncCaster::dumpEpochs(long minTime, long maxTime) { const char begEpoch = 'A'; const char begObs = 'B'; const char endEpoch = 'C'; for (long sec = minTime; sec <= maxTime; sec++) { bool first = true; QList allObs = _epochs->values(sec); QListIterator it(allObs); while (it.hasNext()) { Observation* obs = it.next(); if (_samplingRate == 0 || sec % _samplingRate == 0) { // Output into the file // -------------------- if (_out) { if (first) { *_out << begEpoch << endl;; } *_out << obs->StatID << " " << (int) obs->SVPRN << " " << (int) obs->GPSWeek << " " << obs->GPSWeeks << " " << obs->sec << " " << obs->pCodeIndicator << " " << obs->cumuLossOfCont << " " << obs->C1 << " " << obs->P2 << " " << obs->L1 << " " << obs->L2 << endl; if (!it.hasNext()) { *_out << endEpoch << endl; } } // Output into the socket // ---------------------- if (_sockets) { int numBytes = sizeof(*obs); QListIterator is(*_sockets); while (is.hasNext()) { QTcpSocket* sock = is.next(); if (first) { sock->write(&begEpoch, 1); } sock->write(&begObs, 1); sock->write((char*) obs, numBytes); if (!it.hasNext()) { sock->write(&endEpoch, 1); } } } } delete obs; _epochs->remove(sec); first = false; } } }