1 |
2 | # Switch to debug configuration
3 | # -----------------------------
4 | CONFIG -= debug
5 | CONFIG += release
6 |
7 |
9 | ###DEFINES += DEBUG_RTCM2_2021
10 | unix:DEFINES += _TTY_POSIX_
11 | win32:DEFINES += _TTY_WIN_
12 |
13 | RESOURCES += bnc.qrc
14 |
17 |
18 | # Get rid of mingwm10.dll and libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll
19 | # ----------------------------------------------
20 | win32 {
21 | QMAKE_LFLAGS += -static-libgcc
22 | QMAKE_LFLAGS -= -mthreads
25 | }
26 |
27 | debug:OBJECTS_DIR=.obj/debug
28 | debug:MOC_DIR=.moc/debug
29 | release:OBJECTS_DIR=.obj/release
30 | release:MOC_DIR=.moc/release
31 |
32 | # Include Path
33 | # ------------
34 | INCLUDEPATH = . ./newmat ./RTCM3 ./RTCM3/clock_and_orbit ./RTCM3/rtcm3torinex
35 |
36 | HEADERS = bnchelp.html bncgetthread.h bncwindow.h bnctabledlg.h \
37 | bnccaster.h bncrinex.h bncapp.h bncutils.h bnchlpdlg.h \
38 | bncconst.h bnchtml.h bnctableitem.h bnczerodecoder.h \
39 | bncnetquery.h bncnetqueryv1.h bncnetqueryv2.h \
40 | bncnetqueryrtp.h bncsettings.h latencychecker.h \
41 | bncipport.h bncnetqueryv0.h bncnetqueryudp.h \
42 | bncnetqueryudp0.h bncudpport.h bnctime.h \
43 | bncserialport.h bncnetquerys.h bncfigure.h \
44 | bncfigurelate.h bncpppclient.h bncversion.h \
45 | bancroft.h bncmodel.h bncfigureppp.h bncrawfile.h \
46 | bnctides.h bncmap.h bncmapview.h bncantex.h \
47 | bncephuser.h bncoutf.h bncclockrinex.h bncsp3.h \
48 | bncbytescounter.h bncsslconfig.h \
49 | upload/bncrtnetdecoder.h upload/bncuploadcaster.h \
50 | upload/bncrtnetuploadcaster.h upload/bnccustomtrafo.h \
51 | upload/bncephuploadcaster.h bnccomb.h \
52 | RTCM/GPSDecoder.h RTCM/RTCM2.h RTCM/RTCM2Decoder.h \
53 | RTCM/RTCM2_2021.h RTCM/rtcm_utils.h \
54 | RTCM3/RTCM3Decoder.h RTCM3/rtcm3torinex/rtcm3torinex.h \
55 | RTCM3/RTCM3coDecoder.h \
56 | RTCM3/clock_and_orbit/clock_orbit_rtcm.h \
57 | RTCM3/ephemeris.h RTCM3/timeutils.h \
58 | GPSS/gpssDecoder.h GPSS/hassDecoder.h
59 |
60 | HEADERS += serial/qextserialbase.h serial/qextserialport.h
61 | unix:HEADERS += serial/posix_qextserialport.h
62 | win32:HEADERS += serial/win_qextserialport.h
63 |
64 | HEADERS += newmat/controlw.h newmat/include.h newmat/myexcept.h \
65 | newmat/newmatap.h newmat/newmat.h newmat/newmatio.h \
66 | newmat/newmatrc.h newmat/newmatrm.h newmat/precisio.h
67 |
68 | SOURCES = bncmain.cpp bncgetthread.cpp bncwindow.cpp bnctabledlg.cpp \
69 | bnccaster.cpp bncrinex.cpp bncapp.cpp bncutils.cpp \
70 | bncconst.cpp bnchtml.cpp bnchlpdlg.cpp bnctableitem.cpp \
71 | bnczerodecoder.cpp bncnetqueryv1.cpp bncnetqueryv2.cpp \
72 | bncnetqueryrtp.cpp bncsettings.cpp latencychecker.cpp \
73 | bncipport.cpp bncnetqueryv0.cpp bncnetqueryudp.cpp \
74 | bncnetqueryudp0.cpp bncudpport.cpp \
75 | bncserialport.cpp bncnetquerys.cpp bncfigure.cpp \
76 | bncfigurelate.cpp bncpppclient.cpp bnctime.cpp \
77 | bancroft.cpp bncmodel.cpp bncfigureppp.cpp bncrawfile.cpp \
78 | bnctides.cpp bncmap.cpp bncmapview.cpp bncantex.cpp \
79 | bncephuser.cpp bncoutf.cpp bncclockrinex.cpp bncsp3.cpp \
80 | bncbytescounter.cpp bncsslconfig.cpp \
81 | upload/bncrtnetdecoder.cpp upload/bncuploadcaster.cpp \
82 | upload/bncrtnetuploadcaster.cpp upload/bnccustomtrafo.cpp \
83 | upload/bncephuploadcaster.cpp \
84 | RTCM/RTCM2.cpp RTCM/RTCM2Decoder.cpp \
85 | RTCM/RTCM2_2021.cpp RTCM/rtcm_utils.cpp \
86 | RTCM3/RTCM3Decoder.cpp RTCM3/rtcm3torinex/rtcm3torinex.c \
87 | RTCM3/RTCM3coDecoder.cpp \
88 | RTCM3/clock_and_orbit/clock_orbit_rtcm.c \
89 | RTCM3/ephemeris.cpp RTCM3/timeutils.cpp \
90 | GPSS/gpssDecoder.cpp GPSS/hassDecoder.cpp
91 |
92 | SOURCES += serial/qextserialbase.cpp serial/qextserialport.cpp
93 | unix:SOURCES += serial/posix_qextserialport.cpp
94 | win32:SOURCES += serial/win_qextserialport.cpp
95 |
96 | SOURCES += newmat/bandmat.cpp newmat/cholesky.cpp newmat/evalue.cpp \
97 | newmat/fft.cpp newmat/hholder.cpp newmat/jacobi.cpp \
98 | newmat/myexcept.cpp newmat/newfft.cpp newmat/newmat1.cpp \
99 | newmat/newmat2.cpp newmat/newmat3.cpp newmat/newmat4.cpp \
100 | newmat/newmat5.cpp newmat/newmat6.cpp newmat/newmat7.cpp \
101 | newmat/newmat8.cpp newmat/newmat9.cpp newmat/newmatex.cpp \
102 | newmat/newmatrm.cpp newmat/nm_misc.cpp newmat/sort.cpp \
103 | newmat/submat.cpp newmat/svd.cpp
104 |
105 | RC_FILE = bnc.rc
106 |
107 | QT += network
108 |
109 | exists(combination/bnccomb.h) {
111 | HEADERS += combination/bnccomb.h
112 | SOURCES += combination/bnccomb.cpp
113 | }
114 |