1 | // Part of BNC, a utility for retrieving decoding and
2 | // converting GNSS data streams from NTRIP broadcasters.
3 | //
4 | // Copyright (C) 2007
5 | // German Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG)
6 | // http://www.bkg.bund.de
7 | // Czech Technical University Prague, Department of Geodesy
8 | // http://www.fsv.cvut.cz
9 | //
10 | // Email: euref-ip@bkg.bund.de
11 | //
12 | // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
13 | // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
14 | // as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
15 | //
16 | // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
17 | // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19 | // GNU General Public License for more details.
20 | //
21 | // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22 | // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
23 | // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
24 |
25 | /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
26 | * BKG NTRIP Client
27 | * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
28 | *
29 | * Class: RTIGSDecoder
30 | *
31 | * Purpose: RTIGS Decoder
32 | *
33 | * Author: L. Mervart
34 | *
35 | * Created: 24-Aug-2006
36 | *
37 | * Changes:
38 | *
39 | * -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
40 |
41 | #include "RTIGSDecoder.h"
42 | #include "bncconst.h"
43 | #include "bncapp.h"
44 |
45 | using namespace std;
46 |
47 | #undef L1
48 | #undef L2
49 |
50 | //
51 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
52 | ephSenderRTIGS::ephSenderRTIGS() {
53 | connect(this, SIGNAL(newGPSEph(gpsephemeris*)),
54 | (bncApp*) qApp, SLOT(slotNewGPSEph(gpsephemeris*)),
55 | Qt::DirectConnection);
56 | //connect(this, SIGNAL(newGlonassEph(glonassephemeris*)),
57 | // (bncApp*) qApp, SLOT(slotNewGlonassEph(glonassephemeris*)),
58 | // Qt::DirectConnection);
59 | }
60 |
61 | // Constructor
62 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
63 | RTIGSDecoder::RTIGSDecoder() {
64 | }
65 |
66 | // Destructor
67 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
68 | RTIGSDecoder::~RTIGSDecoder() {
69 | }
70 |
71 | //
72 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
73 | t_irc RTIGSDecoder::Decode(char* buffer, int bufLen, vector<string>& errmsg) {
74 |
75 | errmsg.clear();
76 |
77 | // Append the incomming data to the internal buffer
78 | // ------------------------------------------------
79 | _buffer.append(buffer, bufLen);
80 |
81 | // Find the beginning of the message
82 | // ---------------------------------
83 | bool found = false;
84 | for (unsigned ii = 0; ii < _buffer.size(); ii++) {
85 | unsigned short xx;
86 | memcpy( (void*) &xx, &_buffer[ii], sizeof(xx) );
87 | if (_GPSTrans.f_IsLittleEndian) {
88 | SwitchBytes( (char*) &xx, sizeof(xx) );
89 | }
90 | if (xx == 200 || xx == 300 ) { // 2/1/2008 SPG
91 | _buffer = _buffer.substr(ii);
92 | found = true;
93 | break;
94 | }
95 | }
96 |
97 | if (! found) {
98 | _buffer.clear();
99 | return failure;
100 | }
101 |
102 | unsigned char* p_buf = (unsigned char*) _buffer.data();
103 |
104 | unsigned short messType = _GPSTrans.GetRTIGSHdrRecType(p_buf);
105 | unsigned short numbytes = _GPSTrans.GetRTIGSHdrRecBytes(p_buf);
106 |
107 | // Not enough new data, return
108 | // ---------------------------
109 | if (_buffer.size() < numbytes) {
110 | return success;
111 | }
112 |
113 | // 2/1/2008 SPG Start
114 | // Decode the epoch
115 | // ----------------
116 | if (messType == 200) {
117 | // Decode Obs
118 | RTIGSO_T rtigs_obs;
119 | short numObs = _GPSTrans.Decode_RTIGS_Obs(p_buf, numbytes, rtigs_obs);
120 |
121 | for (short ii = 0; ii < numObs; ii++) {
122 | p_obs obs = new t_obs();
123 | _obsList.push_back(obs);
124 | obs->_o.satSys = 'G';
125 | obs->_o.satNum = _GPSTrans.DecObs.Obs[ii].sat_prn;
126 | obs->_o.GPSWeek = _GPSTrans.DecObs.Obs[ii].GPSTime / (7 * 86400);
127 | obs->_o.GPSWeeks = _GPSTrans.DecObs.Obs[ii].GPSTime % (7 * 86400);
128 | obs->_o.C1 = _GPSTrans.DecObs.Obs[ii].l1_pseudo_range;
129 | obs->_o.P1 = _GPSTrans.DecObs.Obs[ii].p1_pseudo_range;
130 | obs->_o.P2 = _GPSTrans.DecObs.Obs[ii].p2_pseudo_range;
131 | obs->_o.L1 = _GPSTrans.DecObs.Obs[ii].p1_phase;
132 | obs->_o.L2 = _GPSTrans.DecObs.Obs[ii].p2_phase;
133 | obs->_o.S1 = _GPSTrans.DecObs.Obs[ii].l1_sn;
134 | obs->_o.S2 = _GPSTrans.DecObs.Obs[ii].l2_sn;
135 | obs->_o.SNR1 = int(ceil(_GPSTrans.DecObs.Obs[ii].l1_sn / 60.0 * 9.0));
136 | obs->_o.SNR2 = int(ceil(_GPSTrans.DecObs.Obs[ii].l2_sn / 60.0 * 9.0));
137 | }
138 | }
139 | if(messType==300){
140 | // Decode Ephemeris
141 | RTIGSE_T rtigs_eph;
142 | BEPH_T new_eph;
143 | short PRN;
144 | // To TNAV_T
145 | // ---------
146 | short retval = _GPSTrans.Decode_RTIGS_Eph(p_buf, numbytes , rtigs_eph, PRN);
147 | // Ensure it was decoded ok.
148 | // ------------------------
149 | if(retval==1){
150 | // TNAV To BEPH (decodes subframes)
151 | // --------------------------------
152 | _GPSTrans.TNAV_To_BEPH(&_GPSTrans.TNAV_Eph.Eph[PRN-1],&new_eph);
153 | gpsephemeris* ep = new gpsephemeris();
154 | // Match datatypes
155 | // ---------------
156 | ep->flags = (int)new_eph.l2pflag;
157 | ep->satellite = (int)new_eph.satellite;
158 | ep->IODE = (int)new_eph.issue_of_eph;
159 | ep->URAindex = (int)new_eph.user_range_acc;
160 | ep->SVhealth = (int)new_eph.sat_health;
161 | ep->GPSweek = (int)new_eph.gps_week;
162 | ep->IODC = (int)new_eph.issue_of_clock;
163 | ep->TOW = (int)new_eph.transmit_time;
164 | ep->TOC = (int)new_eph.clock_ref_time;
165 | ep->TOE = (int)new_eph.eph_ref_time;
166 | ep->clock_bias = new_eph.a0;
167 | ep->clock_drift = new_eph.a1;
168 | ep->clock_driftrate = new_eph.a2;
169 | ep->Crs = new_eph.orbit_sin_corr;
170 | ep->Delta_n = new_eph.mean_mot_diff ;
171 | ep->M0 = new_eph.ref_mean_anmly;
172 | ep->Cuc = new_eph.lat_cos_corr;
173 | ep->e = new_eph.orbit_ecc;
174 | ep->Cus = new_eph.lat_sin_corr;
175 | ep->sqrt_A = new_eph.orbit_semimaj;
176 | ep->Cic = new_eph.incl_cos_corr;
177 | ep->OMEGA0 = new_eph.right_asc;
178 | ep->Cis = new_eph.incl_sin_corr;
179 | ep->i0 = new_eph.orbit_incl;
180 | ep->Crc = new_eph.orbit_cos_corr;
181 | ep->omega = new_eph.arg_of_perigee;
182 | ep->OMEGADOT = new_eph.right_asc_rate;
183 | ep->IDOT = new_eph.incl_rate;
184 | ep->TGD = new_eph.group_delay;
185 |
186 | // Pass back to parent class
187 | // --------------------
188 | emit _ephSender.newGPSEph(ep);
189 | }
190 | }
191 |
192 | // 2/1/2008 SPG End
193 |
194 | // Unprocessed bytes remain in buffer
195 | // ----------------------------------
196 | _buffer = _buffer.substr(numbytes);
197 | return success;
198 | }