1 | #ifndef RTCM3TORINEX_H
2 | #define RTCM3TORINEX_H
3 |
4 | /*
5 | Converter for RTCM3 data to RINEX.
6 | $Id: rtcm3torinex.h,v 1.17 2009/05/07 09:27:19 mervart Exp $
7 | Copyright (C) 2005-2006 by Dirk Stöcker <stoecker@alberding.eu>
8 |
9 | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
10 | it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11 | the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
12 | (at your option) any later version.
13 |
14 | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 | but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 | GNU General Public License for more details.
18 |
19 | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20 | along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
21 | Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
22 | or read http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
23 | */
24 |
25 | #include <stdio.h>
26 |
27 | #define PRN_GPS_START 1
28 | #define PRN_GPS_END 32
29 | #define PRN_GLONASS_START 38
30 | #define PRN_GLONASS_END 61
31 | #define PRN_WAAS_START 120
32 | #define PRN_WAAS_END 138
33 |
34 | #define GNSSENTRY_C1DATA 0
35 | #define GNSSENTRY_C2DATA 1
36 | #define GNSSENTRY_P1DATA 2
37 | #define GNSSENTRY_P2DATA 3
38 | #define GNSSENTRY_L1CDATA 4
39 | #define GNSSENTRY_L1PDATA 5
40 | #define GNSSENTRY_L2CDATA 6
41 | #define GNSSENTRY_L2PDATA 7
42 | #define GNSSENTRY_D1CDATA 8
43 | #define GNSSENTRY_D1PDATA 9
44 | #define GNSSENTRY_D2CDATA 10
45 | #define GNSSENTRY_D2PDATA 11
46 | #define GNSSENTRY_S1CDATA 12
47 | #define GNSSENTRY_S1PDATA 13
48 | #define GNSSENTRY_S2CDATA 14
49 | #define GNSSENTRY_S2PDATA 15
50 | #define GNSSENTRY_NUMBER 16 /* number of types!!! */
51 |
52 | /* Data flags. These flags are used in the dataflags field of gpsdata structure
53 | and are used the determine, which data fields are filled with valid data. */
70 |
71 | #define RINEXENTRY_C1DATA 0
72 | #define RINEXENTRY_C2DATA 1
73 | #define RINEXENTRY_P1DATA 2
74 | #define RINEXENTRY_P2DATA 3
75 | #define RINEXENTRY_L1DATA 4
76 | #define RINEXENTRY_L2DATA 5
77 | #define RINEXENTRY_D1DATA 6
78 | #define RINEXENTRY_D2DATA 7
79 | #define RINEXENTRY_S1DATA 8
80 | #define RINEXENTRY_S2DATA 9
81 | #define RINEXENTRY_NUMBER 10
82 |
83 | #define LIGHTSPEED 2.99792458e8 /* m/sec */
84 | #define GPS_FREQU_L1 1575420000.0 /* Hz */
85 | #define GPS_FREQU_L2 1227600000.0 /* Hz */
86 | #define GPS_WAVELENGTH_L1 (LIGHTSPEED / GPS_FREQU_L1) /* m */
87 | #define GPS_WAVELENGTH_L2 (LIGHTSPEED / GPS_FREQU_L2) /* m */
88 |
89 | #define GLO_FREQU_L1_BASE 1602000000.0 /* Hz */
90 | #define GLO_FREQU_L2_BASE 1246000000.0 /* Hz */
91 | #define GLO_FREQU_L1_STEP 562500.0 /* Hz */
92 | #define GLO_FREQU_L2_STEP 437500.0 /* Hz */
93 | #define GLO_FREQU_L1(a) (GLO_FREQU_L1_BASE+(a)*GLO_FREQU_L1_STEP)
94 | #define GLO_FREQU_L2(a) (GLO_FREQU_L2_BASE+(a)*GLO_FREQU_L2_STEP)
95 | #define GLO_WAVELENGTH_L1(a) (LIGHTSPEED / GLO_FREQU_L1(a)) /* m */
96 | #define GLO_WAVELENGTH_L2(a) (LIGHTSPEED / GLO_FREQU_L2(a)) /* m */
97 |
98 | /* Additional flags for the data field, which tell us more. */
99 | #define GNSSDF_LOCKLOSSL1 (1<<29) /* lost lock on L1 */
100 | #define GNSSDF_LOCKLOSSL2 (1<<30) /* lost lock on L2 */
101 |
102 | struct gnssdata {
103 | int flags; /* GPSF_xxx */
104 | int week; /* week number of GPS date */
105 | int numsats;
106 | double timeofweek; /* milliseconds in GPS week */
107 | double measdata[24][GNSSENTRY_NUMBER]; /* data fields */
108 | int dataflags[24]; /* GPSDF_xxx */
109 | int satellites[24]; /* SV - IDs */
110 | int channels[24]; /* Glonass channels - valid of Glonass SV only */
111 | int snrL1[24]; /* Important: all the 5 SV-specific fields must */
112 | int snrL2[24]; /* have the same SV-order */
113 | };
114 |
115 | #define GPSEPHF_L2PCODEDATA (1<<0) /* set, if NAV data OFF on L2 P-code, s1w4b01 */
116 | #define GPSEPHF_L2PCODE (1<<1) /* set, if P-code available, s1w3b12 */
117 | #define GPSEPHF_L2CACODE (1<<2) /* set, if CA-code available, s1w3b11 */
118 | #define GPSEPHF_VALIDATED (1<<3) /* data is completely valid */
119 |
120 | #define R2R_PI 3.1415926535898
121 |
122 | struct gpsephemeris {
123 | int flags; /* GPSEPHF_xxx */
124 | int satellite; /* SV ID ICD-GPS data position */
125 | int IODE; /* [s2w3b01-08] */
126 | int URAindex; /* [1..15] [s1w3b13-16] */
127 | int SVhealth; /* [s1w3b17-22] */
128 | int GPSweek; /* [s1w3b01-10] */
129 | int IODC; /* [s1w3b23-32,w8b01-08] */
130 | int TOW; /* [s] [s1w2b01-17] */
131 | int TOC; /* [s] [s1w8b09-24] */
132 | int TOE; /* [s] [s2w10b1-16] */
133 | double clock_bias; /* [s] [s1w10b1-22, af0] */
134 | double clock_drift; /* [s/s] [s1w9b09-24, af1] */
135 | double clock_driftrate; /* [s/s^2] [s1w9b01-08, af2] */
136 | double Crs; /* [m] [s2w3b09-24] */
137 | double Delta_n; /* [rad/s] [s2w4b01-16 * Pi] */
138 | double M0; /* [rad] [s2w4b17-24,w5b01-24 * Pi]*/
139 | double Cuc; /* [rad] [s2w6b01-16] */
140 | double e; /* [s2w6b17-24,w6b01-24] */
141 | double Cus; /* [rad] [s2w8b01-16] */
142 | double sqrt_A; /* [m^0.5] [s2w8b16-24,w9b01-24] */
143 | double Cic; /* [rad] [s3w3b01-16] */
144 | double OMEGA0; /* [rad] [s3w3b17-24,w4b01-24 * Pi]*/
145 | double Cis; /* [rad] [s3w5b01-16] */
146 | double i0; /* [rad] [s3w5b17-24,w6b01-24 * Pi]*/
147 | double Crc; /* [m] [s3w701-16] */
148 | double omega; /* [rad] [s3w7b17-24,w8b01-24 * Pi]*/
149 | double OMEGADOT; /* [rad/s] [s3w9b01-24 * Pi] */
150 | double IDOT; /* [rad/s] [s3w10b9-22 * Pi] */
151 | double TGD; /* [s] [s1w7b17-24] */
152 | };
153 |
154 | #define GLOEPHF_UNHEALTHY (1<<0) /* set if unhealty satellite, f2b78 */
155 | #define GLOEPHF_ALMANACHEALTHOK (1<<1) /* set if ALM health is available */
156 | #define GLOEPHF_ALMANACHEALTHY (1<<2) /* set if Cn word is true */
157 | #define GLOEPHF_PAVAILABLE (1<<3) /* set if the 3 P flags are available */
158 | #define GLOEPHF_P10TRUE (1<<4)
159 | #define GLOEPHF_P11TRUE (1<<5)
160 | #define GLOEPHF_P2TRUE (1<<6)
161 | #define GLOEPHF_P3TRUE (1<<7)
162 |
163 | struct glonassephemeris {
164 | int GPSWeek;
165 | int GPSTOW;
166 | int flags; /* GLOEPHF_xxx */
167 | int almanac_number;
168 | int frequency_number; /* ICD-GLONASS data position */
169 | int tb; /* [s] [f2b70-76] */
170 | int tk; /* [s] [f1b65-76] */
171 | int E; /* [days] [f4b49-53] */
172 | double tau; /* [s] [f4b59-80] */
173 | double gamma; /* [f3b69-79] */
174 | double x_pos; /* [km] [f1b09-35] */
175 | double x_velocity; /* [km/s] [f1b41-64] */
176 | double x_acceleration; /* [km/s^2][f1b36-40] */
177 | double y_pos; /* [km] [f2b09-35] */
178 | double y_velocity; /* [km/s] [f2b41-64] */
179 | double y_acceleration; /* [km/s^2][f2b36-40] */
180 | double z_pos; /* [km] [f3b09-35] */
181 | double z_velocity; /* [km/s] [f3b41-64] */
182 | double z_acceleration; /* [km/s^2][f3b36-40] */
183 | };
184 |
185 | struct RTCM3ParserData {
186 | unsigned char Message[2048]; /* input-buffer */
187 | int MessageSize; /* current buffer size */
188 | int NeedBytes; /* bytes wanted for next run */
189 | int SkipBytes; /* bytes to skip in next round */
190 | int GPSWeek;
191 | int GPSTOW; /* in seconds */
192 | struct gnssdata Data;
193 | struct gpsephemeris ephemerisGPS;
194 | struct glonassephemeris ephemerisGLONASS;
195 | struct gnssdata DataNew;
196 | int size;
197 | int lastlockl1[64];
198 | int lastlockl2[64];
199 | #ifdef NO_RTCM3_MAIN
200 | double antX;
201 | double antY;
202 | double antZ;
203 | double antH;
204 | char antenna[256+1];
205 | int blocktype;
206 | #endif /* NO_RTCM3_MAIN */
207 | int datapos[RINEXENTRY_NUMBER];
208 | int dataflag[RINEXENTRY_NUMBER];
209 | /* for RINEX2 GPS and GLO are both handled in GPS */
210 | int dataposGPS[RINEXENTRY_NUMBER]; /* SBAS has same entries */
211 | int dataflagGPS[RINEXENTRY_NUMBER];
212 | int dataposGLO[RINEXENTRY_NUMBER]; /* only used for RINEX3 */
213 | int dataflagGLO[RINEXENTRY_NUMBER];
214 | int numdatatypesGPS;
215 | int numdatatypesGLO; /* only used for RINEX3 */
216 | int validwarning;
217 | int init;
218 | int startflags;
219 | int rinex3;
220 | const char * headerfile;
221 | const char * glonassephemeris;
222 | const char * gpsephemeris;
223 | FILE *glonassfile;
224 | FILE *gpsfile;
225 | };
226 |
227 | #ifndef PRINTFARG
228 | #ifdef __GNUC__
229 | #define PRINTFARG(a,b) __attribute__ ((format(printf, a, b)))
230 | #else /* __GNUC__ */
231 | #define PRINTFARG(a,b)
232 | #endif /* __GNUC__ */
233 | #endif /* PRINTFARG */
234 |
235 | int gnumleap(int year, int month, int day);
236 | void HandleHeader(struct RTCM3ParserData *Parser);
237 | int RTCM3Parser(struct RTCM3ParserData *handle);
238 | void HandleByte(struct RTCM3ParserData *Parser, unsigned int byte);
239 | void PRINTFARG(1,2) RTCM3Error(const char *fmt, ...);
240 | void PRINTFARG(1,2) RTCM3Text(const char *fmt, ...);
241 |
242 | #endif /* RTCM3TORINEX_H */