1 | #include <math.h>
2 | #include <sstream>
3 | #include <iostream>
4 | #include <iomanip>
5 | #include <cstring>
6 |
7 | #include <newmatio.h>
8 |
9 | #include "ephemeris.h"
10 | #include "bncutils.h"
11 | #include "timeutils.h"
12 | #include "bnctime.h"
13 |
14 | using namespace std;
15 |
16 | //
17 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
18 | bool t_eph::isNewerThan(const t_eph* eph) const {
19 | if (_GPSweek > eph->_GPSweek ||
20 | (_GPSweek == eph->_GPSweek && _GPSweeks > eph->_GPSweeks)) {
21 | return true;
22 | }
23 | else {
24 | return false;
25 | }
26 | }
27 |
28 | // Set GPS Satellite Position
29 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
30 | void t_ephGPS::set(const gpsephemeris* ee) {
31 | ostringstream prn;
32 | prn << 'G' << setfill('0') << setw(2) << ee->satellite;
33 |
34 | _prn = prn.str();
35 |
36 | // TODO: check if following two lines are correct
37 | _GPSweek = ee->GPSweek;
38 | _GPSweeks = ee->TOE;
39 |
40 | _TOW = ee->TOW;
41 | _TOC = ee->TOC;
42 | _TOE = ee->TOE;
43 | _IODE = ee->IODE;
44 | _IODC = ee->IODC;
45 |
46 | _clock_bias = ee->clock_bias ;
47 | _clock_drift = ee->clock_drift ;
48 | _clock_driftrate = ee->clock_driftrate;
49 |
50 | _Crs = ee->Crs;
51 | _Delta_n = ee->Delta_n;
52 | _M0 = ee->M0;
53 | _Cuc = ee->Cuc;
54 | _e = ee->e;
55 | _Cus = ee->Cus;
56 | _sqrt_A = ee->sqrt_A;
57 | _Cic = ee->Cic;
58 | _OMEGA0 = ee->OMEGA0;
59 | _Cis = ee->Cis;
60 | _i0 = ee->i0;
61 | _Crc = ee->Crc;
62 | _omega = ee->omega;
64 | _IDOT = ee->IDOT;
65 |
66 | _TGD = ee->TGD;
67 | }
68 |
69 | // Compute GPS Satellite Position (virtual)
70 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
71 | void t_ephGPS::position(int GPSweek, double GPSweeks,
72 | double* xc,
73 | double* vv) const {
74 |
75 | static const double secPerWeek = 7 * 86400.0;
76 | static const double omegaEarth = 7292115.1467e-11;
77 | static const double gmWGS = 398.6005e12;
78 |
79 | memset(xc, 0, 4*sizeof(double));
80 | memset(vv, 0, 3*sizeof(double));
81 |
82 | double a0 = _sqrt_A * _sqrt_A;
83 | if (a0 == 0) {
84 | return;
85 | }
86 |
87 | double n0 = sqrt(gmWGS/(a0*a0*a0));
88 | double tk = GPSweeks - _TOE;
89 | if (GPSweek != _GPSweek) {
90 | tk += (GPSweek - _GPSweek) * secPerWeek;
91 | }
92 | double n = n0 + _Delta_n;
93 | double M = _M0 + n*tk;
94 | double E = M;
95 | double E_last;
96 | do {
97 | E_last = E;
98 | E = M + _e*sin(E);
99 | } while ( fabs(E-E_last)*a0 > 0.001 );
100 | double v = 2.0*atan( sqrt( (1.0 + _e)/(1.0 - _e) )*tan( E/2 ) );
101 | double u0 = v + _omega;
102 | double sin2u0 = sin(2*u0);
103 | double cos2u0 = cos(2*u0);
104 | double r = a0*(1 - _e*cos(E)) + _Crc*cos2u0 + _Crs*sin2u0;
105 | double i = _i0 + _IDOT*tk + _Cic*cos2u0 + _Cis*sin2u0;
106 | double u = u0 + _Cuc*cos2u0 + _Cus*sin2u0;
107 | double xp = r*cos(u);
108 | double yp = r*sin(u);
109 | double OM = _OMEGA0 + (_OMEGADOT - omegaEarth)*tk -
110 | omegaEarth*_TOE;
111 |
112 | double sinom = sin(OM);
113 | double cosom = cos(OM);
114 | double sini = sin(i);
115 | double cosi = cos(i);
116 | xc[0] = xp*cosom - yp*cosi*sinom;
117 | xc[1] = xp*sinom + yp*cosi*cosom;
118 | xc[2] = yp*sini;
119 |
120 | double tc = GPSweeks - _TOC;
121 | if (GPSweek != _GPSweek) {
122 | tc += (GPSweek - _GPSweek) * secPerWeek;
123 | }
124 | xc[3] = _clock_bias + _clock_drift*tc + _clock_driftrate*tc*tc;
125 |
126 | // Velocity
127 | // --------
128 | double tanv2 = tan(v/2);
129 | double dEdM = 1 / (1 - _e*cos(E));
130 | double dotv = sqrt((1.0 + _e)/(1.0 - _e)) / cos(E/2)/cos(E/2) / (1 + tanv2*tanv2)
131 | * dEdM * n;
132 | double dotu = dotv + (-_Cuc*sin2u0 + _Cus*cos2u0)*2*dotv;
133 | double dotom = _OMEGADOT - omegaEarth;
134 | double doti = _IDOT + (-_Cic*sin2u0 + _Cis*cos2u0)*2*dotv;
135 | double dotr = a0 * _e*sin(E) * dEdM * n
136 | + (-_Crc*sin2u0 + _Crs*cos2u0)*2*dotv;
137 | double dotx = dotr*cos(u) - r*sin(u)*dotu;
138 | double doty = dotr*sin(u) + r*cos(u)*dotu;
139 |
140 | vv[0] = cosom *dotx - cosi*sinom *doty // dX / dr
141 | - xp*sinom*dotom - yp*cosi*cosom*dotom // dX / dOMEGA
142 | + yp*sini*sinom*doti; // dX / di
143 |
144 | vv[1] = sinom *dotx + cosi*cosom *doty
145 | + xp*cosom*dotom - yp*cosi*sinom*dotom
146 | - yp*sini*cosom*doti;
147 |
148 | vv[2] = sini *doty + yp*cosi *doti;
149 |
150 | // Relativistic Correction
151 | // -----------------------
152 | // xc(4) -= 4.442807633e-10 * _e * sqrt(a0) *sin(E);
153 | xc[3] -= 2.0 * (xc[0]*vv[0] + xc[1]*vv[1] + xc[2]*vv[2]) / t_CST::c / t_CST::c;
154 | }
155 |
156 |
157 | // Derivative of the state vector using a simple force model (static)
158 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
159 | ColumnVector t_ephGlo::glo_deriv(double /* tt */, const ColumnVector& xv) {
160 |
161 | // State vector components
162 | // -----------------------
163 | ColumnVector rr = xv.rows(1,3);
164 | ColumnVector vv = xv.rows(4,6);
165 |
166 | // Acceleration
167 | // ------------
168 | static const double GM = 398.60044e12;
169 | static const double AE = 6378136.0;
170 | static const double OMEGA = 7292115.e-11;
171 | static const double C20 = -1082.63e-6;
172 |
173 | double rho = rr.norm_Frobenius();
174 | double t1 = -GM/(rho*rho*rho);
175 | double t2 = 3.0/2.0 * C20 * (GM*AE*AE) / (rho*rho*rho*rho*rho);
176 | double t3 = OMEGA * OMEGA;
177 | double t4 = 2.0 * OMEGA;
178 | double z2 = rr(3) * rr(3);
179 |
180 | // Vector of derivatives
181 | // ---------------------
182 | ColumnVector va(6);
183 | va(1) = vv(1);
184 | va(2) = vv(2);
185 | va(3) = vv(3);
186 | va(4) = (t1 + t2*(1.0-5.0*z2/(rho*rho)) + t3) * rr(1) + t4*vv(2);
187 | va(5) = (t1 + t2*(1.0-5.0*z2/(rho*rho)) + t3) * rr(2) - t4*vv(1);
188 | va(6) = (t1 + t2*(3.0-5.0*z2/(rho*rho)) ) * rr(3);
189 |
190 | return va;
191 | }
192 |
193 | // Compute Glonass Satellite Position (virtual)
194 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
195 | void t_ephGlo::position(int GPSweek, double GPSweeks,
196 | double* xc, double* vv) const {
197 |
198 | static const double secPerWeek = 7 * 86400.0;
199 | static const double nominalStep = 10.0;
200 |
201 | memset(xc, 0, 4*sizeof(double));
202 | memset(vv, 0, 3*sizeof(double));
203 |
204 | double dtPos = GPSweeks - _tt;
205 | if (GPSweek != _GPSweek) {
206 | dtPos += (GPSweek - _GPSweek) * secPerWeek;
207 | }
208 |
209 | int nSteps = int(fabs(dtPos) / nominalStep) + 1;
210 | double step = dtPos / nSteps;
211 |
212 | for (int ii = 1; ii <= nSteps; ii++) {
213 | _xv = rungeKutta4(_tt, _xv, step, glo_deriv);
214 | _tt += step;
215 | }
216 |
217 | // Position and Velocity
218 | // ---------------------
219 | xc[0] = _xv(1);
220 | xc[1] = _xv(2);
221 | xc[2] = _xv(3);
222 |
223 | vv[0] = _xv(4);
224 | vv[1] = _xv(5);
225 | vv[2] = _xv(6);
226 |
227 | // Clock Correction
228 | // ----------------
229 | double dtClk = GPSweeks - _GPSweeks;
230 | if (GPSweek != _GPSweek) {
231 | dtClk += (GPSweek - _GPSweek) * secPerWeek;
232 | }
233 | xc[3] = -_tau + _gamma * dtClk;
234 | }
235 |
236 | // IOD of Glonass Ephemeris (virtual)
237 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
238 | int t_ephGlo::IOD() const {
239 |
240 | bool old = false;
241 |
242 | if (old) { // 5 LSBs of iod are equal to 5 LSBs of tb
243 | unsigned int tb = int(fmod(_GPSweeks,86400.0)); //sec of day
244 | const int shift = sizeof(tb) * 8 - 5;
245 | unsigned int iod = tb << shift;
246 | return (iod >> shift);
247 | }
248 | else {
249 | bncTime tGPS(_GPSweek, _GPSweeks);
250 | int hlpWeek = _GPSweek;
251 | int hlpSec = int(_GPSweeks);
252 | int hlpMsec = int(_GPSweeks * 1000);
253 | updatetime(&hlpWeek, &hlpSec, hlpMsec, 0);
254 | bncTime tHlp(hlpWeek, hlpSec);
255 | double diffSec = tGPS - tHlp;
256 | bncTime tMoscow = tGPS + diffSec;
257 | return int(tMoscow.daysec() / 900);
258 | }
259 | }
260 |
261 | // Set Glonass Ephemeris
262 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
263 | void t_ephGlo::set(const glonassephemeris* ee) {
264 |
265 | ostringstream prn;
266 | prn << 'R' << setfill('0') << setw(2) << ee->almanac_number;
267 | _prn = prn.str();
268 |
269 | int ww = ee->GPSWeek;
270 | int tow = ee->GPSTOW;
271 | updatetime(&ww, &tow, ee->tb*1000, 0); // Moscow -> GPS
272 |
273 | _GPSweek = ww;
274 | _GPSweeks = tow;
275 | _E = ee->E;
276 | _tau = ee->tau;
277 | _gamma = ee->gamma;
278 | _x_pos = ee->x_pos;
279 | _x_velocity = ee->x_velocity;
280 | _x_acceleration = ee->x_acceleration;
281 | _y_pos = ee->y_pos;
282 | _y_velocity = ee->y_velocity;
283 | _y_acceleration = ee->y_acceleration;
284 | _z_pos = ee->z_pos;
285 | _z_velocity = ee->z_velocity;
286 | _z_acceleration = ee->z_acceleration;
287 | _health = 0;
288 | _frequency_number = ee->frequency_number;
289 | _tki = ee->tk-3*60*60; if (_tki < 0) _tki += 86400;
290 |
291 | // Initialize status vector
292 | // ------------------------
293 | _tt = _GPSweeks;
294 |
295 | _xv(1) = _x_pos * 1.e3;
296 | _xv(2) = _y_pos * 1.e3;
297 | _xv(3) = _z_pos * 1.e3;
298 | _xv(4) = _x_velocity * 1.e3;
299 | _xv(5) = _y_velocity * 1.e3;
300 | _xv(6) = _z_velocity * 1.e3;
301 | }