// -*- C++ -*- // // $Id: m_date.h,v 2006/01/11 09:34:31 mervart Exp $ // #if !defined(__m_date_h__) // protects the header from been included more than once #define __m_date_h_ #if defined(__GNUC__) using namespace std; #endif // // Date & StructDate // Wrapper around c-lib and system service for date and time. // class Date is a wrapper around time_t. // class StructDate is a wrapper around struct tm. // #include "m_data.h" class Date; typedef time_t DateType; // Date - Date -> DateDiff ... class DateDiff : public C_Data { public: friend class Date; explicit DateDiff(DateType t= 0):C_Data(t) {} ; DateDiff operator+(const DateDiff &arg2) { return DateDiff(get()+arg2.get()); } DateDiff operator*(int factor) { return DateDiff(get()*factor); } }; class Date : public C_Data { public: typedef C_Data BaseType; typedef DateDiff DiffType; friend class StructDate; Date():C_Data(0) {} Date(int day,int month,int year); Date(int day,int month,int year,int h,int m,int s); enum { GPS_START = 315964800, // 6.1.1980 00:00 UTC SECONDS_PER_WEEK = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 } ; // convient conversion to some stream format friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &os,const Date &d) { return d.print(os);} // convient conversion from yymmdd friend istream &operator>>(istream &is,Date &d) { #if 1 d.read_some(is); #else d.get_i(is); #endif return is; } void tag_set(long tag) { set(tag + GPS_START); } long tag_get() const { return get() - GPS_START; } void gps_set(short gpsWeek,long gpsSeconds) { // GPS-Zeit ist linear wie UNIX-Zeit, faengt am an. tag_set(gpsWeek * SECONDS_PER_WEEK + gpsSeconds); } void gps_get(short &gpsWeek,long &gpsSeconds) const { #if 1 gpsWeek = tag_get() / SECONDS_PER_WEEK; gpsSeconds = tag_get() % SECONDS_PER_WEEK; #else divmod(tag_get(),(long)SECONDS_PER_WEEK,gpsWeek,gpsSeconds); #endif } void doy_set(short doy); short doy_get() const; istream &read_rinex(istream &is,double &fraction = rinex_default_secondsFraction); istream &read_some(istream &is); ostream &write_rinex(ostream &os); // Translate the Date into a string ... // with some extentions for special needs ... string form(int s= 64,bool trail0=true,const char *fmt="%Y %m %d %H %M %S") const; ostream &print(ostream &os,const char *fmt="%d%m%y") const ; // getDate reads a day in the form "ttmmyy" // for the current system time, but with the day as in the stream. // expects that the time is present in the stream. // // For a complete missing date the function returns false leaving the // stream unchanged via putback(). // For a partial malformed date the character get lost. bool get_i(istream &is); // returns the time of invocation: unix system time static Date timeNow(); DateDiff operator-(const Date &arg2) const { const DateType diff(get() - arg2.get()); return DateDiff(diff); } Date operator+(const DateDiff &arg2) const { return Date(get() + arg2.get()); } private: Date(DateType dt):C_Data(dt) {} bool get_i2(istream &is,int &result); static DateType _timeNow(); static double rinex_default_secondsFraction; } ; // // StructDate // wrapper around gmtime,mktime and strftime // class StructDate { public: typedef struct tm BaseType; StructDate(); // default copy-constructor // default assignment // default destructor StructDate(const Date &date) { set(date); } StructDate(int day,int month,int year) { set(day,month,year); } StructDate(int day,int month,int year,int h,int m,int s) { set(day,month,year,h,m,s); } Date date() const; string form(const char *fmt) const; void set(int day,int month,int year,int h= 12,int m= 0,int s= 0); void set(const Date &date); int sec() const { return tms.tm_sec; } int min() const { return tms.tm_min; } int hour() const { return tms.tm_hour; } int day() const { return tms.tm_mday; } int month() const { return tms.tm_mon+1; } const static char *_monthNames[]; const char *monthStr(); int year4() const { return tms.tm_year + 1900; } int year2() const { return tms.tm_year%100; } // returns the day of year 0-based. int dayOfYear0() const { return tms.tm_yday; } // return the day of year 1-based. int dayOfYear1() const { return tms.tm_yday+1; } BaseType tms; } ; #endif