[1024] | 1 | #include <iostream>
| 2 | #include <iomanip>
| 3 | #include <algorithm>
| 4 |
| 5 | #include "RTCM2_2021.h"
| 6 |
| 7 | using namespace rtcm2;
| 8 | using namespace std;
| 9 |
| 10 | const double ZEROVALUE = 1e-100;
| 11 |
| 12 | RTCM2_2021::RTCM2_2021() { }
| 13 |
| 14 |
| 15 | void RTCM2_2021::extract(const RTCM2packet& P) {
| 16 | if ( !P.valid() || P.ID() != 20 && P.ID() != 21 ) {
| 17 | return;
| 18 | }
| 19 |
| 20 | // Error: at least 4 data words
| 21 | if ( P.nDataWords()<5 ) {
| 22 | #if ( DEBUG > 0 )
| 23 | cerr << "Error in RTCM2_Obs::extract(): less than 3 DW ("
| 24 | << P.nDataWords() << ") detected" << endl;
| 25 | #endif
| 26 | return;
| 27 | };
| 28 |
| 29 | // Error: number of data words has to be odd number
| 30 | if ( P.nDataWords()%2==0 ){
| 31 | #if ( DEBUG > 0 )
| 32 | cerr << "Error in RTCM2_Obs::extract(): odd number of DW ("
| 33 | << P.nDataWords() << ") detected" << endl;
| 34 | #endif
| 35 | return;
| 36 | };
| 37 |
| 38 | // Current epoch (mod 3600 sec)
| 39 | double tt = 0.6*P.modZCount()
| 40 | + P.getUnsignedBits(4,20)*1.0e-6;
| 41 |
| 42 | // Clear old epoch
| 43 | if ( tt != tt_ || valid_ ) {
| 44 | clear();
| 45 | tt_ = tt;
| 46 | valid_ = false;
| 47 | }
| 48 |
| 49 |
| 50 | // Frequency (exit if neither L1 nor L2)
| 51 | bool isL1 = ( P.getUnsignedBits(0,1)==0 );
| 52 | if ( P.getUnsignedBits(1,1)==1 ) {
| 53 | return;
| 54 | }
| 55 |
| 56 | // Number of satellites
| 57 | unsigned nSat = (P.nDataWords() - 1) / 2;
| 58 |
| 59 | double multipleMsgInd = true;
| 60 | for (unsigned iSat = 0; iSat < nSat; iSat++) {
| 61 | bool multInd = P.getBits (iSat*48 + 24, 1);
| 62 | bool isGPS = ( P.getUnsignedBits(iSat*48 + 26, 1)==0 );
| 63 | unsigned PRN = P.getUnsignedBits(iSat*48 + 27, 5);
| 64 |
| 65 | multipleMsgInd = multipleMsgInd && multInd;
| 66 |
| 67 | if ( !isGPS ) {
| 68 | PRN += 200;
| 69 | }
| 70 | if ( PRN == 0 ) {
| 71 | PRN = 32;
| 72 | }
| 73 |
| 74 | HiResCorr* corr = 0;
| 75 | if ( !(corr = find_i(PRN)) ) {
| 76 | data_i_[PRN] = HiResCorr();
| 77 | corr = &(data_i_[PRN]);
| 78 | }
| 79 | if ( !find(PRN) ) {
| 80 | data[PRN] = corr;
| 81 | }
| 82 |
| 83 | corr->PRN = PRN;
| 84 | corr->tt = tt_;
| 85 |
| 86 | // Message number 20
| 87 | if ( P.ID() == 20 ) {
| 88 | unsigned lossLock = P.getUnsignedBits(iSat*48 + 35, 5);
| 89 | unsigned IOD = P.getUnsignedBits(iSat*48 + 40, 8);
| 90 | double corrVal = P.getBits (iSat*48 + 48, 24) / 256.0;
| 91 |
| 92 | if ( isL1 ) {
| 93 | corr->phase1 = (corrVal ? corrVal : ZEROVALUE);
| 94 | corr->slip1 = (corr->lock1 != lossLock);
| 95 | corr->lock1 = lossLock;
| 96 | corr->IODp1 = IOD;
| 97 | }
| 98 | else {
| 99 | corr->phase2 = (corrVal ? corrVal : ZEROVALUE);
| 100 | corr->slip2 = (corr->lock2 != lossLock);
| 101 | corr->lock2 = lossLock;
| 102 | corr->IODp2 = IOD;
| 103 | }
| 104 | }
| 105 |
| 106 | // Message number 21
| 107 | else if ( P.ID() == 21 ) {
| 108 | double dcorrUnit = ( P.getUnsignedBits(iSat*48 + 32, 1) ? 0.032 : 0.002);
| 109 | double corrUnit = ( P.getUnsignedBits(iSat*48 + 36, 1) ? 0.320 : 0.020);
| 110 | unsigned IOD = P.getUnsignedBits(iSat*48 + 40, 8);
| 111 | double corrVal = P.getBits (iSat*48 + 48, 16) * corrUnit;
| 112 | double dcorrVal = P.getBits (iSat*48 + 64, 8) * dcorrUnit;
| 113 |
| 114 | if ( isL1 ) {
| 115 | corr-> range1 = (corrVal ? corrVal : ZEROVALUE);
| 116 | corr->drange1 = dcorrVal;
| 117 | corr->IODr1 = IOD;
| 118 | }
| 119 | else {
| 120 | corr-> range2 = (corrVal ? corrVal : ZEROVALUE);
| 121 | corr->drange2 = dcorrVal;
| 122 | corr->IODr2 = IOD;
| 123 | }
| 124 | }
| 125 | }
| 126 |
| 127 | valid_ = !multipleMsgInd;
| 128 | }
| 129 |
| 130 | const RTCM2_2021::HiResCorr* RTCM2_2021::find(unsigned PRN) {
| 131 | std::map<unsigned, const HiResCorr*>::const_iterator ii = data.find(PRN);
| 132 | return (ii != data.end() ? ii->second : 0);
| 133 | }
| 134 |
| 135 |
| 136 | RTCM2_2021::HiResCorr* RTCM2_2021::find_i(unsigned PRN) {
| 137 | std::map<unsigned, HiResCorr>::iterator ii = data_i_.find(PRN);
| 138 | return (ii != data_i_.end() ? &(ii->second) : 0);
| 139 | }
| 140 |
| 141 |
| 142 | void RTCM2_2021::clear() {
| 143 | tt_ = 0;
| 144 | valid_ = false;
| 145 | for (map<unsigned, HiResCorr>::iterator
| 146 | ii = data_i_.begin(); ii != data_i_.end(); ii++) {
| 147 | ii->second.reset();
| 148 | }
| 149 | data.clear();
| 150 | }
| 151 |
| 152 |
| 153 | RTCM2_2021::HiResCorr::HiResCorr() :
| 154 | PRN(0), tt(0),
| 155 | phase1 (0), phase2 (2),
| 156 | lock1 (0), lock2 (0),
| 157 | slip1 (false), slip2 (false),
| 158 | IODp1 (0), IODp2 (0),
| 159 | range1 (0), range2 (0),
| 160 | drange1(0), drange2(0),
| 161 | Pind1 (false), Pind2 (false),
| 162 | IODr1 (0), IODr2 (0) {
| 163 | }
| 164 |
| 165 | void RTCM2_2021::HiResCorr::reset() {
| 166 | // does not reset 'lock' indicators and PRN
| 167 | tt = 0;
| 168 | phase1 = 0;
| 169 | phase2 = 0;
| 170 | slip1 = false;
| 171 | slip2 = false;
| 172 | IODp1 = 0;
| 173 | IODp2 = 0;
| 174 |
| 175 | range1 = 0;
| 176 | range2 = 0;
| 177 | drange1 = 0;
| 178 | drange2 = 0;
| 179 | IODr1 = 0;
| 180 | IODr2 = 0;
| 181 | Pind1 = false;
| 182 | Pind2 = false;
| 183 | }
| 184 |
[1050] | 185 | std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& out, const RTCM2_2021::HiResCorr& cc) {
[1024] | 186 | out.setf(ios::fixed);
| 187 | out << setw(8) << setprecision(8) << cc.tt
| 188 | << ' ' << setw(2) << cc.PRN
| 189 | << " L1 "
| 190 | << ' ' << setw(8) << setprecision(3) << (cc.phase1 ? cc.phase1 : 9999.999)
| 191 | << ' ' << setw(1) << (cc.phase1 ? (cc.slip1 ? '1' : '0') : '.')
| 192 | << ' ' << setw(2) << (cc.phase1 ? cc.lock1 : 99)
| 193 | << ' ' << setw(3) << (cc.phase1 ? cc.IODp1 : 999)
| 194 | << " L2 "
| 195 | << ' ' << setw(8) << setprecision(3) << (cc.phase2 ? cc.phase2 : 9999.999)
| 196 | << ' ' << setw(1) << (cc.phase2 ? (cc.slip2 ? '1' : '0') : '.')
| 197 | << ' ' << setw(2) << (cc.phase2 ? cc.lock2 : 99)
| 198 | << ' ' << setw(3) << (cc.phase2 ? cc.IODp2 : 999)
| 199 | << " P1 "
| 200 | << ' ' << setw(8) << setprecision(3) << (cc.range1 ? cc.range1 : 9999.999)
| 201 | << ' ' << setw(3) << (cc.range1 ? cc.IODr1 : 999)
| 202 | << " P2 "
| 203 | << ' ' << setw(8) << setprecision(3) << (cc.range2 ? cc.range2 : 9999.999)
| 204 | << ' ' << setw(3) << (cc.phase2 ? cc.IODr2 : 999);
| 205 |
| 206 | return out;
| 207 | }
| 208 |
| 209 |
| 210 | //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
| 211 |
| 212 |
| 213 | void RTCM2_22::extract(const RTCM2packet& P) {
| 214 | if ( P.ID() != 22 ) {
| 215 | return;
| 216 | }
| 217 |
| 218 | const double dL1unit = 0.01 / 256;
| 219 |
| 220 | validMsg = true;
| 221 |
| 222 | dL1[0] = P.getBits( 0, 8) * dL1unit;
| 223 | dL1[1] = P.getBits( 8, 8) * dL1unit;
| 224 | dL1[2] = P.getBits(16, 8) * dL1unit;
| 225 | }
| 226 |
| 227 | ///////////////////////////////
| 228 |