// -*- C++ -*- // // $Id: RTCM.h,v 2006/05/30 11:05:27 mervart Exp $ #if defined(__GNUC__) using namespace std; #endif #include "GPSDecoder.h" #include "m_date.h" #include #include #include #include class RTCM : public GPSDecoder { public: RTCM(char _StationID,bool fullRange) :GPSDecoder() ,StationID(_StationID) ,lowerBound(fullRange ? -715827883 : 715827882 ) ,upperBound(fullRange ? 715827882 : 1431655764 ) ,rolloverIntervall(fullRange ? 4294967296. /* pow(2,32) */ : 2147483648. /* pow(2,31) */) ,debug(0) ,this_word(0) ,data_word(0) ,next_bits(0) ,rtcm_state(/* NO_SYNC */ 0) ,fail_count(0) ,p_fail(0) ,preamble_flag(0) ,sync_bit(0) ,fill_shift(0) ,word_sync(0) ,frame_sync(0) ,frame_fill(0) ,word_count(0) ,frame_count(0) ,pf_count(0) ,msg_type(0) ,station_id(0) ,z_count(0) ,seqno(0) ,msg_len(0) ,health(0) ,fillptr(message) ,pfptr(NULL) {} // defined as required by baseclass void Decode(char* _ptrBuffer=NULL, int _nBufLen=0) { while(_nBufLen--) { new_byte((u_char)*_ptrBuffer); _ptrBuffer++; } } protected: // Station ID used in m_lObsList char StationID; typedef u_int SVPRN; struct Rollover { Rollover():lastValue(0),rollOver(0) {} int lastValue; int rollOver; } ; struct RolloverChannel { Rollover l1; Rollover l2; } ; typedef map RolloverMap; RolloverMap rolloverMap; // Collector for Measurement struct ObsSort { ObsSort():C1(0.),P2(0.),l1(0),l2(0),assigned(0) {} void set_C1(double _C1) { assigned|=1; C1= _C1; } void set_P2(double _P2) { assigned|=2; P2= _P2; } void set_l1(int _l1) { assigned|=4; l1= _l1; } void set_l2(int _l2) { assigned|=8; l2= _l2; } void set_pCodeIndicator(int _pCodeIndicator){ assigned|=16; pCodeIndicator = _pCodeIndicator;} void set_cumuLossOfCont(u_char _cumuLossOfCont){ assigned|=32; cumuLossOfCont = _cumuLossOfCont;} bool allAssigned() const { return assigned == 63; } double C1; // m double P2; // m int l1; // [1/256 Cycles mod int/half int ] int l2; // [1/256 Cycles mod int/half int ] int pCodeIndicator; u_int cumuLossOfCont; u_int assigned; } ; typedef map ObsMap; ObsMap obsMap; // GPStime mod 3600 of current epoch // GLONASS measurements/epochs are ignored double obsMapTimeTagMod3600; // Complete mod 3600s time with the help of system time // to timetag. Assume that the diffence is below 20min. static long completeMod3600BySysTime(int mod3600time) { const long sysTimeTag= Date::timeNow().tag_get(); const long offset = ((sysTimeTag%3600) < 1200) && (mod3600time > 2400) ? -1 : ((sysTimeTag%3600) > 2400) && (mod3600time < 1200) ? 1 : 0; return ((sysTimeTag/3600)+offset)*3600 + mod3600time; } // // // virtual void endOfEpoch(Date d) {} // // // called if reference position arises in datastream virtual void onPosition(double x,double y,double z) {} // Rollover managment int lowerBound; int upperBound; double rolloverIntervall; int rollOverCondition(int oldv,int newv) { return (oldv < lowerBound && newv > upperBound ) ? -1 : (newv < lowerBound && oldv > upperBound ) ? 1 : 0; } // // // void updateRollovers() { ObsMap::iterator i; for(i= obsMap.begin();i != obsMap.end();i++) { RolloverMap::iterator rm(rolloverMap.find(i->first)); if(rm != rolloverMap.end()) { rm->second.l1.rollOver += rollOverCondition( rm->second.l1.lastValue ,i->second.l1 ); rm->second.l2.rollOver += rollOverCondition( rm->second.l2.lastValue ,i->second.l2 ); } else { rolloverMap[i->first].l1.rollOver= 0; rolloverMap[i->first].l2.rollOver= 0; } rolloverMap[i->first].l1.lastValue= i->second.l1; rolloverMap[i->first].l2.lastValue= i->second.l2; } } // // // virtual void debugOut( SVPRN svprn,long timetag,double mod3600,long mod3600int ,double C1,int l1,int roll_l1,double unrolled_l1 ,int l2,int roll_l2,double unrolled_l2) {} // // // void dumpObsMap() { const int obsMapTimeTagMod3600int=int(rint(obsMapTimeTagMod3600)); const long timeTag = completeMod3600BySysTime(obsMapTimeTagMod3600int); Date d; d.tag_set(timeTag); updateRollovers(); endOfEpoch(d); ObsMap::iterator i; for(i= obsMap.begin();i != obsMap.end();i++) { if(!i->second.allAssigned() ) { // cerr << "incomplete measurements" << endl; } else { Observation *op = new Observation; op->StatID[0] = StationID; op->StatID[1] = '\0'; op->SVPRN= i->first; op->GPSWeek= timeTag / Date::SECONDS_PER_WEEK; op->GPSWeeks= timeTag % Date::SECONDS_PER_WEEK; op->sec = obsMapTimeTagMod3600!=3600.0 ? obsMapTimeTagMod3600 : 0.0; op->C1= i->second.C1; op->P2= i->second.P2; op->pCodeIndicator = i->second.pCodeIndicator; op->cumuLossOfCont = i->second.cumuLossOfCont; const double l1_offset( rolloverMap[i->first].l1.rollOver * rolloverIntervall ); const double unrolled_l1 = i->second.l1 + l1_offset; op->L1=(unrolled_l1 / -256.) * lambda1; const double l2_offset( rolloverMap[i->first].l2.rollOver * rolloverIntervall ); const double unrolled_l2 = i->second.l2 + l2_offset; op->L2=(unrolled_l2 / -256.) * lambda2; op->SNR1= 0; op->SNR2= 0; m_lObsList.push_back(op); debugOut( i->first,timeTag,obsMapTimeTagMod3600,obsMapTimeTagMod3600int ,op->C1 ,i->second.l1,rolloverMap[i->first].l1.rollOver,unrolled_l1 ,i->second.l2,rolloverMap[i->first].l2.rollOver,unrolled_l2); } } obsMap.clear(); } // SC-104 V2.3 4-42 Note 1 4. // Recover TimeTag ( modulo 3600s ) GPS/GLONASS Time and ClockError // from expandedTimeOfMeasurement // Assume receiver measurements at hard edges at a grid of 10ms // and clock error as less 5 ms (1.1ms max recommended). // struct RecoveredTimeTagAndClockError { static double fastestUpdatePeriod() { return 0.01; } static double shift() { return fastestUpdatePeriod() / 2.; } RecoveredTimeTagAndClockError(double expandedTimeOfMeasurement /* [s] */) :clockError(fmod(expandedTimeOfMeasurement+shift(),fastestUpdatePeriod()) - shift()) ,timeTagMod3600(expandedTimeOfMeasurement - clockError) {} double clockError; /* [s] */ double timeTagMod3600; /* [s] */ } ; virtual void debugTime(double timeTagMod3600,double clockError) {} void dumpOnNewTimeTag(double expandedTimeOfMeasurement) { const RecoveredTimeTagAndClockError r(expandedTimeOfMeasurement); if(r.timeTagMod3600 != obsMapTimeTagMod3600) { debugTime(r.timeTagMod3600,r.clockError); if(obsMap.size()) dumpObsMap(); obsMapTimeTagMod3600= r.timeTagMod3600; } } int preamble(); void state_change(u_int s); u_int parity_ok(); int find_sync(u_char b); void next_word(); int filled_word(u_char b); void msgRTKUncorrectedCarrierPhases(); void msgRTKUncorrectedPseudoranges(); void printcor(); void printref(); void printba(); void printspec(); void printnull(); void printdatum(); void printconh(); void new_frame(); void buffer(u_int w); void frame_start(); void find_start(); void fill_frame(); void status_byte(u_char b); void data_byte(u_char b); void new_byte(u_char b); int debug; u_int this_word, data_word; u_char next_bits; int rtcm_state, fail_count, p_fail, preamble_flag; int sync_bit, fill_shift, word_sync, frame_sync, frame_fill; int word_count, frame_count, pf_count; int msg_type, station_id, z_count, seqno, msg_len, health; u_int message[40]; /* message buffer */ u_int *fillptr; /* pointer to fill message */ u_int *pfptr; /* pointer to first parity error */ static char *state_name[]; static u_int tx_speed[]; static u_char parity_of[]; static u_char reverse_bits[]; } ;