1 | Configuration Examples
2 |
3 | BNC comes with a number of configuration examples which can be used on all
4 | operating systems. Copy the complete directory 'Example_Configs' which comes
5 | with the software including sub-directories 'Input' and 'Output' to your disc.
6 | There are several ways to start BNC using one of the example configurations:
7 |
8 | * On graphical systems (except for Mac systems) you may use the computer mouse
9 | to 'drag' a configuration file icon and 'drop' it on top of BNC's program icon.
10 |
11 | * You could also start BNC using a command line for naming a specific
12 | configuration file (suggested e.g. for Mac systems):
13 | bnc --conf <configFileName>
14 |
15 | * On non-graphical systems or when running BNC in batch mode in the background
16 | you may start the program using a command line with a configuration file
17 | option in 'no window' mode (example for Windows systems):
18 | bnc.exe --conf <configFileName> --nw
19 |
20 | Although it's not a must, we suggest that you always create BNC configuration
21 | files with the filename extension '.bnc'.
22 |
23 | We furthermore suggest for convenience reasons that you configure your system
24 | to automatically start BNC when you double-click a file with the filename
25 | extension '.bnc'. The following describes what to do on Windows systems to
26 | associate the BNC program to such configuration files:
27 |
28 |
29 | 1. Right-click a file that has the extension '.bnc' and then click 'Open'. If
30 | the 'Open' command is not available, click 'Open With' or double-click the
31 | file.
32 |
33 | 2. Windows displays a dialog box that says that the system cannot open this
34 | file. The dialog box offers several options for selecting a program.
35 |
36 | 3. Click 'Select the program from a list', and then click 'OK'.
37 |
38 | 4. The 'Open With' dialog box is displayed. Click 'Browse', locate and then
39 | click the BNC program, and then click 'Open'.
40 |
41 | 5. Click to select the 'Always use the selected program to open this kind
42 | of file' check box.
43 |
44 | 6. Click 'OK'.
45 |
46 | Some of the presented example configuration files contain a user ID 'Example'
47 | with a password 'Configs' for accessing a few GNSS streams from public Ntrip
48 | Broadcasters. This generic account is arranged for convenience reasons only.
49 | Please be so kind as to replace the generic account details as well as the
50 | place holders 'User' and 'Pass' by the personal user ID and password you
51 | receive following an online registration through
52 | http://register.rtcm-ntrip.org.
53 |
54 | Note that the account for an Ntrip Broadcaster is usually limited to
55 | pulling a specified maximum number of streams at the same time. As running
56 | some of the example configurations requires pulling several streams, it
57 | is suggested to make sure that you don't exceed your account's limits.
58 |
59 | Make also sure that sub-directories 'Input' and 'Output' which are part of
60 | the example configurations exist on your system or adjust the affected
61 | example configuration options according to your needs.
62 |
63 | Some BNC options require antenna phase center variations as made available
64 | from IGS through so-called ANTEX files at ftp://igs.org/pub/station/general.
65 | An example ANTEX file 'igs08.atx' is part of the BNC package for convenience.
66 |
67 | The example configurations assume that no proxy protects your BNC host.
68 | Should a proxy be operated in front of BNC then you need to introduce its
69 | name or IP and port number in the 'Network' panel.
70 |
71 | You should be able to run all configuration examples without changing their
72 | options. However, configurations 'Upload.bnc' and 'UploadPPP.bnc' are
73 | exceptions because they require an input stream from a connected network engine.
74 |
75 | 1. File 'RinexObs.bnc'
76 | Purpose: Convert RTCM streams to RINEX Observation files. The configuration
77 | pulls streams from Ntrip Broadcasters using Ntrip Version 1 to generate 15min
78 | 1Hz RINEX Version 3 Observation files. See
79 | http://igs.bkg.bund.de/ntrip/observations for observation stream resources.
80 |
81 | 2. File 'RinexEph.bnc'
82 | Purpose: Convert a RTCM stream with navigation messages to RINEX Navigation
83 | files. The configuration pulls a RTCM Version 3 stream with Broadcast Ephemeris
84 | coming from the real-time EUREF and IGS networks and saves hourly RINEX Version
85 | 3 Navigation files. See http://igs.bkg.bund.de/ntrip/ephemeris for further
86 | real-time Broadcast Ephemeris resources.
87 |
88 | 3. File 'BrdcCorr.bnc'
89 | Purpose: Save Broadcast Corrections from RTCM SSR messages in hourly plain
90 | ASCII files. See http://igs.bkg.bund.de/ntrip/orbits for various real-time IGS
91 | or EUREF orbit/clock correction products.
92 |
93 | 4. File 'RinexConcat.bnc'
94 | Purpose: Concatenate several RINEX Version 3 files to produce one compiled file
95 | and edit the marker name in the file header. The sampling interval is set to 30
96 | seconds. See section 'RINEX Editing & QC' in the documentation for examples on
97 | how to call BNC from command line in 'no window' mode for RINEX file editing,
98 | concatenation and quality check.
99 |
100 | 5. File 'RinexQC.bnc'
101 | Purpose: Check the quality of a RINEX Version 3 file by means of a multipath
102 | analysis. Results are saved on disk in terms of a plot in PNG format. See
103 | section 'RINEX Editing & QC' in the documentation for examples on how to call
104 | BNC from command line in 'no window' mode for RINEX file editing, concatenation
105 | and quality check.
106 |
107 | 6. File 'RTK.bnc'
108 | Purpose: Feed a serial connected receiver with observations from a nearby
109 | reference station for conventional RTK. The stream is scanned for RTCM
110 | messages. Message type numbers and latencies of incoming observations are
111 | reported in BNC's logfile.
112 |
113 | 7. File 'FeedEngine.bnc'
114 | Purpose: Feed a real-time GNSS engine with observations from remote reference
115 | stations. The configuration pulls a single stream from an Ntrip Broadcaster.
116 | You could also pull several streams from different casters. Incoming
117 | observations are decoded, synchronized, output through a local IP port and also
118 | saved into a file. Failure and recovery thresholds are specified to inform
119 | about outages.
120 |
121 | 8. File 'PPP.bnc'
122 | Purpose: Precise Point Positioning from observations of a rover receiver. The
123 | configuration reads RTCM Version 3 observations, a Broadcast Ephemeris stream
124 | and a stream with Broadcast Corrections. Positions are saved in the logfile.
125 |
126 | 9. File 'PPPNet.bnc'
127 | Purpose: Precise Point Positioning for several rovers or receivers from an
128 | entire network of reference stations in one BNC job. The possible maximum
129 | number of PPP solutions per job depends on the processing power of the hosting
130 | computer. This example configuration reads two RTCM Version 3 observation
131 | streams, a Broadcast Ephemeris stream and a stream with Broadcast Corrections.
132 | PPP Results for the two stations are saved in PPP logfiles.
133 |
134 | 10. File 'PPPQuickStart.bnc'
135 | Purpose: Precise Point Positioning in Quick-Start mode from observations of a
136 | static receiver with precisely known position. The configuration reads RTCM
137 | Version 3 observations, Broadcast Corrections and a Broadcast Ephemeris stream.
138 | Positions are saved in NMEA format on disc. They are also output through IP
139 | port for real-time visualization with tools like RTKPLOT. Positions are saved
140 | in the logfile.
141 |
142 | 11. File 'PPPPostProc.bnc'
143 | Purpose: Precise Point Positioning in post processing mode. BNC reads RINEX
144 | Version 3 Observation and 3 Navigation files and a Broadcast Correction file.
145 | PPP processing options are set to support the Quick-Start mode. The output is
146 | saved in a specific post processing logfile and contains coordinates derived
147 | over time following the implemented PPP filter algorithm.
148 |
149 | 12. File 'PPPGoogleMaps.bnc'
150 | Purpose: Track BNC's point positioning solutions using Google Maps or
151 | OpenStreetMap as background. BNC reads a RINEX Observation file and a RINEX
152 | Navigation file to carry out a 'Standard Point Positioning' solution in post
153 | processing mode. Although this is not a real-time application it requires the
154 | BNC host to be connected to the Internet. Specify a computation speed, then hit
155 | button 'Open Map' to open the track map, then hit 'Start' to visualize receiver
156 | positions on top of GM/OSM maps.
157 |
158 | 13. File 'SPPQuickStartGal.bnc'
159 | Purpose: Single Point Positioning in Quick-Start mode from observations of a
160 | static receiver with quite precisely known position. The configuration uses
161 | GPS, GLONASS and Galileo observations and a Broadcast Ephemeris stream.
162 |
163 | 14. File 'SaveSp3.bnc'
164 | Purpose: Produces SP3 files from a Broadcast Ephemeris stream and a Broadcast
165 | Correction stream. The Broadcast Correction stream is formally introduced in
166 | BNC's 'Combine Corrections' table. Note that producing SP3 requires an ANTEX
167 | file because SP3 file content should be referred to CoM.
168 |
169 | 15. File 'Sp3ETRF2000PPP.bnc'
170 | Purpose: Produce SP3 files from a Broadcast Ephemeris stream and a stream
171 | carrying ETRF2000 Broadcast Corrections. The Broadcast Correction stream is
172 | formally introduced in BNC's 'Combine Corrections' table. The configuration
173 | leads to a SP3 file containing orbits also referred to ETRF2000. Pulling in
174 | addition observations from a reference station at precisely known ETRF2000
175 | position allows comparing an 'INTERNAL' PPP solution with a known ETRF2000
176 | reference coordinate.
177 |
178 | 16. File 'Upload.bnc'
179 | Purpose: Upload orbits and clocks from a real-time GNSS engine to an Ntrip
180 | Broadcaster. For that the configuration reads precise orbits and clocks in
181 | RTNET format. It also reads a stream carrying Broadcast Ephemeris. BNC converts
182 | the orbits and clocks into Broadcast Corrections and encodes them to RTCM
183 | Version 3 SSR messages to finally upload them to an Ntrip Broadcaster. The
184 | Broadcast Correction stream is referred to satellite Antenna Phase Center (APC)
185 | and reference system IGS08. Orbits are saved on disk in SP3 format and clocks
186 | are saved in Clock RINEX format.
187 |
188 | 17. File 'Combi.bnc'
189 | Purpose: Pull several streams carrying Broadcast Corrections and a Broadcast
190 | Ephemeris from an Ntrip Broadcaster to produce a combined Broadcast Correction
191 | stream. BNC encodes the combination product in RTCM Version 3 SSR messages and
192 | uploads that to an Ntrip Broadcaster. The Broadcast Correction stream is
193 | referred to satellite Antenna Phase Center (APC) and not to satellite Center of
194 | Mass (CoM). Its reference system is IGS08. Orbits are saved in SP3 format
195 | (referred to CoM) and clocks in Clock RINEX format.
196 |
197 | 18. File 'CombiPPP.bnc'
198 | Purpose: This configuration equals the 'Combi.bnc' configuration. However, the
199 | combined Broadcast Corrections are in addition used for an 'INTERNAL' PPP
200 | solutions based on observations from a static reference station with known
201 | precise coordinates. This allows a continuous quality check of the combination
202 | product through observing coordinate displacements.
203 |
204 | 19. File 'UploadEph.bnc'
205 | Purpose: Pull a number of streams from reference stations to get hold of
206 | contained Broadcast Ephemeris messages. They are encoded to RTCM Version 3
207 | format and uploaded for the purpose of providing a Broadcast Ephemeris stream
208 | with an update rate of 5 seconds.
209 |
210 | 20. File 'CompareSp3.bnc'
211 | Purpose: Compare two SP3 files to calculate RMS values for orbit and clock
212 | differences. GPS satellite G05 and GLONASS satellite R18 are excluded from this
213 | comparison. Comparison results are saved in a logfile.
214 |
215 | 21. File 'Empty.bnc'
216 | Purpose: Provide an empty example configuration file for BNC which only
217 | contains the default settings.
218 |
219 | Georg Weber, BKG
220 | Frankfurt, January 2016
221 | igs-ip@bkg.bund.de
222 |