# Changelog ## 2.13.2 (2014-0?-??) - ADDED: The possibility to to exclude satellites or satellite system for individual ACs within the combination. Also the possibility to ignore orbit corrections from an indiviul AC that differ by more than 'Maximal Orb Displacement' meters from the average of all orbit corrections per satellite. ## 2.13.1 (2024-04-18) - FIXED: Health status of Galileo satellites is now determined by the combination of HS, DVS and SISA - FIXED: Bug regarding the reading of the RINEX Version 4 Navigation files - FIXED: Bug regarding the flexibel usage of any port in secure mode - CHANGED: hDOP and vDOP values are computed from the variances of the NEU components of the receiver position estimates - CHAMGED: Sampling interval for Manual NMEA can be used now in the Auto NMEA option as well ## 2.13.0 (2023-12-01) - ADDED: **RINEX Version 4 Support** (in navigation files currently the EPH message type is considered only) - ADDED: **PPP Client Upgrade** - ADDED: Multi-GNSS-PPP using uncombined code and/or phase data of two frequencies - ADDED: Multi-GNSS-PPP using uncombined code and/or phase data of one frequency - ADDED: Ionospheric constraints in form of pseudo observations can be added - ADDED: **Ntrip Version 2.0 Upload including TLS** - ADDED: **Multi-GNSS Satellite Clock Combination** - ADDED: Individual code biases will be considered before satellite clocks are combined - ADDED: Satellite clock combination result includes code biases - ADDED: Ephemerides upload for different systems in parallel - ADDED: **Multi-GNSS SP3, Clock RINEX and SINEX Bias** support - ADDED: QC multipath analysis for more than two signals - ADDED: Transition from Qt4 to **Qt5** ## 2.12.19 (2022-04-04) - CHANGED: Minimum combination sampling interval ## 2.12.18 (2021-09-28) - FIXED: Bug in ephemeris check - ADDED: Satellite antenna phase center correction - CHANGED: Some OSM updates to force https usage and another crossOriginKeyword - CHANGED: Signal usage in BDS PPP ## 2.12.17 (2021-04-20) - FIXED: Bug in SSR GLONASS upload - FIXED: Redundant output concerning unhealthy satellites - ADDED: One more line with satellite health flags for the GLONASS navigation message as defined in RINEX v. 3.05 ## 2.12.16 (2021-02-25) - FIXED: Bug in IRNSS ephemeris encoding / decoding - FIXED: Bug in RTCM3coDecoder regrading SSR format - FIXED: Bug regarding consideration of incoming ephemerides - FIXED: Bug regarding latency check - FIXED: Relativistic effects are adapted with respect to the respective GNSS ICD - FIXED: Bug regarding the generation of combined SSR orbit and clock messages - FIXED: Bug within ephemeris check - ADDED: Check to prevent the same eph data sets with different TOC values - CHANGED: A priori coordinates within examples are updated - CHANGED: Changes to prevent erroneous ephemeris data sets from usage in combination - CHANGED: Small format adaptations regarding latency check - CHANGED: Range of MSM messages enlarged to 1237 - CHANGED: PPP map now with OSM only ## 2.12.15 (2020-11-10) - FIXED: Cleanup of the example configurations - FIXED: Bug regarding long mountpoint names in latency check and latency plots - FIXED: Bug in clock rinex header line - ADDED: Ephemeris checks and related debugging output - ADDED: Check if orbit and clock corrections are out of range - CHANGED: Cleanup of the relativistic effects w.r.t. IGS-SSR ## 2.12.14 (2020-09-04) - ADDED: Encoding and decoding of IGS-SSR messages - ADDED: B2b/7D BDS in signal mapping for MSM - CHANGED: IRNSS experimental in official ephemeris message number - CHANGED: Lock Time Indicator is replaced by cycle slip counter in feed engine output ## 2.12.13 (2020-06-09) - FIXED: QZSS fit Interval is specified as flag in RINEX 3.04 - CHANGED: BDS SSR IOD is changed from 24 into 8 bit - CHANGED: BDS and QZSS SSR signal and tracking mode is adapted ## 2.12.12 (2020-01-21) - ADDED: GPS and QZSS fit Interval in hours - CHANGED: Epehmeris check ## 2.12.11 (2019-11-08) - CHANGED:: Harmonization of RTCM3 Signal ID Mapping and RTCM SSR Signal and Tracking Mode Identifiers for BDS and QZSS ## 2.12.10 (2019-10-02) - FIXED: Multiple message indicator in SSR messages - FIXED: GLONASS message frame time written into RINEX files - ADDED: IRNSS ephemeris support in RTCM3 Encoder - ADDED: IRNSS MSM and ephemeris support in RTCM3 Decoder - CHANGED: RTCM signal mapping IDs for GLONASS - CHANGED: RTCM signal mapping IDs for BDS based on RTCM BDSWG proposal from 9/2019 as far as consistent with RINEX v 3.04 - CHANGED: Up to 64 BDS prn codes are supported now ## 2.12.9 (2019-05-20) - FIXED: Method to read the RTNET data buffer - FIXED: Typo in rtnet2ssr transition for ssr upload - CHANGED: Number of possible phase biases for SSR upload are enlarged to 100 - CHANGED: Missing phase biases are added within rtnet2ssr transition for ssr upload ## 2.12.8 (2019-05-06) - FIXED: Bug with respect to GLONASS upload - FIXED: Bug in NMEA output - CHANGED: Transformation parameters from ITRF2014 into DFREF91 - CHANGED: Transformation parameters from ITRF2014 into ETRF2000 - CHANGED: GLONASS ephemerides validity is now up to 2 hours. - CHANGED: Check with respect to wrong observation epochs ## 2.12.7 (2019-04-03) - FIXED: Bug in NMEA checksum - FIXED: Bug in RINEX file concatenation - FIXED: Bug in RTCM3 ephemeris message for QZSS - FIXED: Bug in RTCM3 ephemeris message for BDS and SBAS - FIXED: RINEX version 3 filenames for re-sampled files - FIXED: Bug in reqc ephemeris check - FIXED: Bug in RINEX file concatenation - FIXED: Bug in ephemeris upload - FIXED: Bug in ephemeris check - FIXED: Bug in latency check - FIXED: Galileo geocentric gravitational constant is corrected - FIXED: Encoding/decoding of all missing parameters in MT 1020 - FIXED: Bug in RTCM3 MSM Decoder - ADDED: Updates regarding RINEX Version 3.04 - ADDED: Lock time in seconds as an optional feed engine output - ADDED: Two more polynomial coefficients of the SSR clock correction message - ADDED: One more parameter to describe the SSR URA - ADDED: Decoding of receiver descriptor in MT 1033 - ADDED: Satellite health check - ADDED: IRNSS support in RINEX QC - CHANGED: Parameters for transformation of orbit and clock corrections from ITRF 2014 into ETRF2000 and DREF91, - CHANGED: No updated transformation parameters for NDA83 available, hence deleted - CHANGED: Allow 10 Hz observation data processing and re-sampling - CHANGED: SSR SBAS and BDS satellite IDs with respect to the proposal - CHANGED: Transformation of orbit and clock corrections into ETRF2000, NDA83 or DREF91 is done temporarily via ITRF2008 ## 2.12.6 (2017-09-26) - FIXED:: GPS SSR Orbit IOD has to be GPS IODE, not IODC ## 2.12.5 (2017-08-30) - CHANGED: RTCM message number for BDS is updated ## 2.12.4 (2017-04-10) - CHANGED: SIRGAS2000 transformation parameters adjusted to IGb14 - CHANGED: Transformation parameters for ITRF2005 to GDA94 removed - CHANGED: Transformation parameters for ITRF2008 to SIRGAS95 removed - CHANGED: Transformation parameters for ITRF2014 to GDA2020 added ## 2.12.3 (2016-09-05) - FIXED: Check regarding wrong observation epochs is done during latency check as well to prevent erroneous latencies - FIXED: Map generation from sourcetable entry - FIXED: Re-implementation of the well proven approach (from BNC version 2.11) on how to wait for clock corrections in PPP mode - FIXED: Some NMEA components in PPP output: Time stamp is now UTC, hDop value instead pDop value - FIXED: RINEX 2.11 ephemeris output for an unknown transmission time - ADDED: Number of allowed SSR biases is enlarged, -ADDED: Some future GLONASS signal and tracking mode identifiers - ADDED: Data source information as comment within RINEX navigation file header - ADDED: Frequency specific signal priorities are for RINEX v3 to RINEX v2 conversion - ADDED: Consideration of provider ID changes in SSR streams during PPP analysis - CHANGED: Small adaptations in qwtpolar sources to allow a successful compilation of BNC on a Raspberry Pi - CHANGED: The real satellite visibility is considered, if the expected observations are computed in RINEX QC ## 2.12.2 (2016-05-18) - FIXED: Wrong RINEX v2 header line excluded - ADDED: Expected observations in RINEX QC - ADDED: Limits for spherical harmonics/degree order extended ## 2.12.1 (2016-04-21) - FIXED: RINEX v2 file naming for observation files - CHANGED: Release number is now part of BNC version ## 2.12.0 (2016-04-19)