// Part of BNC, a utility for retrieving decoding and // converting GNSS data streams from NTRIP broadcasters. // // Copyright (C) 2007 // German Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG) // http://www.bkg.bund.de // Czech Technical University Prague, Department of Geodesy // http://www.fsv.cvut.cz // // Email: euref-ip@bkg.bund.de // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * BKG NTRIP Client * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Class: latencyChecker * * Purpose: Check incoming GNSS data for latencies, gaps etc. * * Author: G. Weber * * Created: 02-Feb-2009 * * Changes: * * -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include <iostream> #ifdef WIN32 #include <windows.h> #else #include <unistd.h> #endif #include "latencychecker.h" #include "bncapp.h" #include "bncutils.h" #include "bncsettings.h" using namespace std; // Constructor ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// latencyChecker::latencyChecker(QByteArray staID) { _staID = staID; bncApp* app = (bncApp*) qApp; connect(this, SIGNAL(newMessage(QByteArray,bool)), app, SLOT(slotMessage(const QByteArray,bool))); bncSettings settings; // Notice threshold // ---------------- QString obsRate = settings.value("obsRate").toString(); _inspSegm = 0; if ( obsRate.isEmpty() ) { _inspSegm = 0; } else if ( obsRate.indexOf("5 Hz") != -1 ) { _inspSegm = 20; } else if ( obsRate.indexOf("1 Hz") != -1 ) { _inspSegm = 10; } else if ( obsRate.indexOf("0.5 Hz") != -1 ) { _inspSegm = 20; } else if ( obsRate.indexOf("0.2 Hz") != -1 ) { _inspSegm = 40; } else if ( obsRate.indexOf("0.1 Hz") != -1 ) { _inspSegm = 50; } _adviseFail = settings.value("adviseFail").toInt(); _adviseReco = settings.value("adviseReco").toInt(); _adviseScript = settings.value("adviseScript").toString(); expandEnvVar(_adviseScript); // Latency interval/average // ------------------------ _perfIntr = 1; QString perfIntr = settings.value("perfIntr").toString(); if ( perfIntr.isEmpty() ) { _perfIntr = 1; } else if ( perfIntr.indexOf("2 sec") != -1 ) { _perfIntr = 2; } else if ( perfIntr.indexOf("10 sec") != -1 ) { _perfIntr = 10; } else if ( perfIntr.indexOf("1 min") != -1 ) { _perfIntr = 60; } else if ( perfIntr.left(5).indexOf("5 min") != -1 ) { _perfIntr = 300; } else if ( perfIntr.indexOf("15 min") != -1 ) { _perfIntr = 900; } else if ( perfIntr.indexOf("1 hour") != -1 ) { _perfIntr = 3600; } else if ( perfIntr.indexOf("6 hours") != -1 ) { _perfIntr = 21600; } else if ( perfIntr.indexOf("1 day") != -1 ) { _perfIntr = 86400; } // RTCM message types // ------------------ _checkMountPoint = settings.value("miscMount").toString(); // Initialize private members // -------------------------- _maxDt = 1000.0; _wrongEpoch = false; _checkSeg = false; _numSucc = 0; _secSucc = 0; _secFail = 0; _initPause = 0; _currPause = 0; _begCorrupt = false; _endCorrupt = false; _followSec = false; _oldSecGPS = 0; _newSecGPS = 0; _numGaps = 0; _diffSecGPS = 0; _numLat = 0; _sumLat = 0.0; _sumLatQ = 0.0; _meanDiff = 0.0; _minLat = _maxDt; _maxLat = -_maxDt; _curLat = 0.0; _checkTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); _decodeSucc = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); _decodeStop = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); } // Destructor ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// latencyChecker::~latencyChecker() { } // Perform 'Begin outage' check ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void latencyChecker::checkReconnect() { // Begin outage threshold // ---------------------- if ( _decodeStop.isValid() ) { if ( _decodeStop.secsTo(QDateTime::currentDateTime()) > _adviseFail * 60 ) { _decodeStop.setDate(QDate()); _decodeStop.setTime(QTime()); _begDateOut = _checkTime.toUTC().date().toString("yy-MM-dd"); _begTimeOut = _checkTime.toUTC().time().toString("hh:mm:ss"); emit(newMessage((_staID + ": Failure threshold exceeded, outage since " + _begDateOut + " " + _begTimeOut).toAscii(), true)); callScript(("Begin_Outage " + _begDateOut + " " + _begTimeOut).toAscii()); } _decodeStart = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); } } // Perform Corrupt and 'End outage' check ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void latencyChecker::checkOutage(bool decoded) { if (_inspSegm == 0) { return;} if (decoded) { _numSucc += 1; } if (!_checkPause.isValid() || _checkPause.secsTo(QDateTime::currentDateTime()) >= _currPause ) { if (!_checkSeg) { if ( _checkTime.secsTo(QDateTime::currentDateTime()) > _inspSegm ) { _checkSeg = true; } } // Check - once per inspect segment // -------------------------------- if (_checkSeg) { _checkTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); if (_numSucc > 0) { _secSucc += _inspSegm; _decodeSucc = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); if (_secSucc > _adviseReco * 60) { _secSucc = _adviseReco * 60 + 1; } _numSucc = 0; _currPause = _initPause; _checkPause.setDate(QDate()); _checkPause.setTime(QTime()); } else { _secFail += _inspSegm; _secSucc = 0; if (_secFail > _adviseFail * 60) { _secFail = _adviseFail * 60 + 1; } if (!_checkPause.isValid()) { _checkPause = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); } else { _checkPause.setDate(QDate()); _checkPause.setTime(QTime()); _secFail = _secFail + _currPause - _inspSegm; _currPause = _currPause * 2; if (_currPause > 960) { _currPause = 960; } } } // End corrupt threshold // --------------------- if ( _begCorrupt && !_endCorrupt && _secSucc > _adviseReco * 60 ) { _endDateCor = QDateTime::currentDateTime() .addSecs(- _adviseReco * 60) .toUTC().date().toString("yy-MM-dd"); _endTimeCor = QDateTime::currentDateTime() .addSecs(- _adviseReco * 60) .toUTC().time().toString("hh:mm:ss"); emit(newMessage((_staID + ": Recovery threshold exceeded, corruption ended " + _endDateCor + " " + _endTimeCor).toAscii(), true)); callScript(("End_Corrupted " + _endDateCor + " " + _endTimeCor + " Begin was " + _begDateCor + " " + _begTimeCor).toAscii()); _endCorrupt = true; _begCorrupt = false; _secFail = 0; } else { // Begin corrupt threshold // ----------------------- if ( !_begCorrupt && _secFail > _adviseFail * 60 ) { _begDateCor = _decodeSucc.toUTC().date().toString("yy-MM-dd"); _begTimeCor = _decodeSucc.toUTC().time().toString("hh:mm:ss"); emit(newMessage((_staID + ": Failure threshold exceeded, corrupted since " + _begDateCor + " " + _begTimeCor).toAscii(), true)); callScript(("Begin_Corrupted " + _begDateCor + " " + _begTimeCor).toAscii()); _begCorrupt = true; _endCorrupt = false; _secSucc = 0; _numSucc = 0; } } _checkSeg = false; } } // End outage threshold // -------------------- if ( _decodeStart.isValid() ) { if ( _decodeStart.secsTo(QDateTime::currentDateTime()) > _adviseReco * 60 ) { _decodeStart.setDate(QDate()); _decodeStart.setTime(QTime()); _endDateOut = QDateTime::currentDateTime() .addSecs(- _adviseReco * 60) .toUTC().date().toString("yy-MM-dd"); _endTimeOut = QDateTime::currentDateTime() .addSecs(- _adviseReco * 60) .toUTC().time().toString("hh:mm:ss"); emit(newMessage((_staID + ": Recovery threshold exceeded, outage ended " + _endDateOut + " " + _endTimeOut).toAscii(), true)); callScript(("End_Outage " + _endDateOut + " " + _endTimeOut + " Begin was " + _begDateOut + " " + _begTimeOut).toAscii()); _decodeStop = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); } } } // Perform latency checks (observations) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void latencyChecker::checkObsLatency(const QList<t_obs>& obsList) { if (_perfIntr > 0 ) { QListIterator<t_obs> it(obsList); while (it.hasNext()) { const t_obs& obs = it.next(); _newSecGPS = static_cast<int>(obs.GPSWeeks); if (_newSecGPS != _oldSecGPS) { if (_newSecGPS % _perfIntr < _oldSecGPS % _perfIntr) { if (_numLat > 0) { if (_meanDiff > 0.0) { if ( _checkMountPoint == _staID || _checkMountPoint == "ALL" ) { emit( newMessage(QString("%1: Mean latency %2 sec, min %3, max %4, rms %5, %6 epochs, %7 gaps") .arg(_staID.data()) .arg(int(_sumLat/_numLat*100)/100.) .arg(int(_minLat*100)/100.) .arg(int(_maxLat*100)/100.) .arg(int((sqrt((_sumLatQ - _sumLat * _sumLat / _numLat)/_numLat))*100)/100.) .arg(_numLat) .arg(_numGaps) .toAscii(), true) ); } } else { if ( _checkMountPoint == _staID || _checkMountPoint == "ALL" ) { emit( newMessage(QString("%1: Mean latency %2 sec, min %3, max %4, rms %5, %6 epochs") .arg(_staID.data()) .arg(int(_sumLat/_numLat*100)/100.) .arg(int(_minLat*100)/100.) .arg(int(_maxLat*100)/100.) .arg(int((sqrt((_sumLatQ - _sumLat * _sumLat / _numLat)/_numLat))*100)/100.) .arg(_numLat) .toAscii(), true) ); } } } _meanDiff = _diffSecGPS / _numLat; _diffSecGPS = 0; _numGaps = 0; _sumLat = 0.0; _sumLatQ = 0.0; _numLat = 0; _minLat = _maxDt; _maxLat = -_maxDt; } if (_followSec) { _diffSecGPS += _newSecGPS - _oldSecGPS; if (_meanDiff>0.) { if (_newSecGPS - _oldSecGPS > 1.5 * _meanDiff) { _numGaps += 1; } } } // Compute the observations latency // -------------------------------- int week; double sec; currentGPSWeeks(week, sec); const double secPerWeek = 7.0 * 24.0 * 3600.0; if (week < obs.GPSWeek) { week += 1; sec -= secPerWeek; } if (week > obs.GPSWeek) { week -= 1; sec += secPerWeek; } _curLat = sec - obs.GPSWeeks; _sumLat += _curLat; _sumLatQ += _curLat * _curLat; if (_curLat < _minLat) { _minLat = _curLat; } if (_curLat >= _maxLat) { _maxLat = _curLat; } _numLat += 1; _oldSecGPS = _newSecGPS; _followSec = true; } } } } // Perform latency checks (corrections) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void latencyChecker::checkCorrLatency(int corrGPSEpochTime) { if (corrGPSEpochTime < 0) { return; } if (_perfIntr > 0) { _newSecGPS = corrGPSEpochTime; int week; double sec; currentGPSWeeks(week, sec); double dt = fabs(sec - _newSecGPS); const double secPerWeek = 7.0 * 24.0 * 3600.0; if (dt > 0.5 * secPerWeek) { if (sec > _newSecGPS) { sec -= secPerWeek; } else { sec += secPerWeek; } } if (_newSecGPS != _oldSecGPS) { if (int(_newSecGPS) % _perfIntr < int(_oldSecGPS) % _perfIntr) { if (_numLat>0) { QString late; if (_meanDiff>0.) { late = QString(": Mean latency %1 sec, min %2, max %3, rms %4, %5 epochs, %6 gaps") .arg(int(_sumLat/_numLat*100)/100.) .arg(int(_minLat*100)/100.) .arg(int(_maxLat*100)/100.) .arg(int((sqrt((_sumLatQ - _sumLat * _sumLat / _numLat)/_numLat))*100)/100.) .arg(_numLat) .arg(_numGaps); if ( _checkMountPoint == _staID || _checkMountPoint == "ALL" ) { emit(newMessage(QString(_staID + late ).toAscii(), true) ); } } else { late = QString(": Mean latency %1 sec, min %2, max %3, rms %4, %5 epochs") .arg(int(_sumLat/_numLat*100)/100.) .arg(int(_minLat*100)/100.) .arg(int(_maxLat*100)/100.) .arg(int((sqrt((_sumLatQ - _sumLat * _sumLat / _numLat)/_numLat))*100)/100.) .arg(_numLat); if ( _checkMountPoint == _staID || _checkMountPoint == "ALL" ) { emit(newMessage(QString(_staID + late ).toAscii(), true) ); } } } _meanDiff = int(_diffSecGPS)/_numLat; _diffSecGPS = 0; _numGaps = 0; _sumLat = 0.0; _sumLatQ = 0.0; _numLat = 0; _minLat = 1000.; _maxLat = -1000.; } if (_followSec) { _diffSecGPS += _newSecGPS - _oldSecGPS; if (_meanDiff>0.) { if (_newSecGPS - _oldSecGPS > 1.5 * _meanDiff) { _numGaps += 1; } } } _curLat = sec - _newSecGPS; _sumLat += _curLat; _sumLatQ += _curLat * _curLat; if (_curLat < _minLat) { _minLat = _curLat; } if (_curLat >= _maxLat) { _maxLat = _curLat; } _numLat += 1; _oldSecGPS = _newSecGPS; _followSec = true; } } } // Call advisory notice script //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void latencyChecker::callScript(const char* comment) { if (!_adviseScript.isEmpty()) { #ifdef WIN32 Sleep(1); QProcess::startDetached(_adviseScript, QStringList() << _staID << comment) ; #else sleep(1); QProcess::startDetached("nohup", QStringList() << _adviseScript << _staID << comment) ; #endif } }