// Part of BNC, a utility for retrieving decoding and // converting GNSS data streams from NTRIP broadcasters. // // Copyright (C) 2007 // German Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG) // http://www.bkg.bund.de // Czech Technical University Prague, Department of Geodesy // http://www.fsv.cvut.cz // // Email: euref-ip@bkg.bund.de // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * BKG NTRIP Client * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Class: bncRinex * * Purpose: writes RINEX files * * Author: L. Mervart * * Created: 27-Aug-2006 * * Changes: * * -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include <stdlib.h> #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <math.h> #include <sstream> #include <QtCore> #include <QUrl> #include <QString> #include "bncrinex.h" #include "bncapp.h" #include "bncutils.h" #include "bncconst.h" #include "bnctabledlg.h" #include "bncgetthread.h" #include "bncnetqueryv1.h" #include "bncnetqueryv2.h" #include "bncsettings.h" #include "bncversion.h" #include "rtcm3torinex.h" using namespace std; // Constructor //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bncRinex::bncRinex(const QByteArray& statID, const QUrl& mountPoint, const QByteArray& latitude, const QByteArray& longitude, const QByteArray& nmea, const QByteArray& ntripVersion) { _statID = statID; _mountPoint = mountPoint; _latitude = latitude; _longitude = longitude; _nmea = nmea; _ntripVersion = ntripVersion; _headerWritten = false; _reconnectFlag = false; _reloadTable = false; _reloadDone = false; bncSettings settings; _rnxScriptName = settings.value("rnxScript").toString(); expandEnvVar(_rnxScriptName); _pgmName = QString(BNCPGMNAME).leftJustified(20, ' ', true); #ifdef WIN32 _userName = QString("${USERNAME}"); #else _userName = QString("${USER}"); #endif expandEnvVar(_userName); _userName = _userName.leftJustified(20, ' ', true); if ( Qt::CheckState(settings.value("rnxV3").toInt()) == Qt::Checked) { _rinexVers = 3; } else { _rinexVers = 2; } _approxPos[0] = _approxPos[1] = _approxPos[2] = 0.0; _samplingRate = settings.value("rnxSampl").toInt(); } // Destructor //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bncRinex::~bncRinex() { bncSettings settings; if ((_rinexVers == 3) && ( Qt::CheckState(settings.value("rnxAppend").toInt()) != Qt::Checked) ) { _out << "> 4 1" << endl; _out << "END OF FILE" << endl; } _out.close(); } // Download Skeleton Header File //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// t_irc bncRinex::downloadSkeleton() { t_irc irc = failure; QStringList table; bncTableDlg::getFullTable(_ntripVersion, _mountPoint.host(), _mountPoint.port(), table, _reloadTable); QString net; QStringListIterator it(table); while (it.hasNext()) { QString line = it.next(); if (line.indexOf("STR") == 0) { QStringList tags = line.split(";"); if (tags.size() > 7) { if (tags.at(1) == _mountPoint.path().mid(1).toAscii()) { net = tags.at(7); break; } } } } QString sklDir; if (!net.isEmpty()) { it.toFront(); while (it.hasNext()) { QString line = it.next(); if (line.indexOf("NET") == 0) { QStringList tags = line.split(";"); if (tags.size() > 6) { if (tags.at(1) == net) { sklDir = tags.at(6).trimmed(); break; } } } } } if (!sklDir.isEmpty() && sklDir != "none") { QUrl url(sklDir + "/" + _mountPoint.path().mid(1,4).toLower() + ".skl"); if (url.port() == -1) { url.setPort(80); } bncNetQuery* query; if (_ntripVersion == "2s") { query = new bncNetQueryV2(true); } else if (_ntripVersion == "2") { query = new bncNetQueryV2(false); } else { query = new bncNetQueryV1; } QByteArray outData; query->waitForRequestResult(url, outData); if (query->status() == bncNetQuery::finished) { _headerLines.clear(); bool firstLineRead = false; QTextStream in(outData); QString line = in.readLine(); while ( !line.isNull() ) { if (line.indexOf("MARKER NAME") != -1) { irc = success; } if (line.indexOf("RINEX VERSION") != -1) { if (_rinexVers == 3) { _headerLines.append(" 3.00 OBSERVATION DATA" " M (MIXED)" " RINEX VERSION / TYPE"); } else { _headerLines.append(" 2.11 OBSERVATION DATA" " M (MIXED)" " RINEX VERSION / TYPE"); } _headerLines.append("PGM / RUN BY / DATE"); firstLineRead = true; } else if (firstLineRead) { if (line.indexOf("END OF HEADER") != -1) { _headerLines.append("# / TYPES OF OBSERV"); if (_rinexVers == 2) { _headerLines.append( QString(" 1 1").leftJustified(60, ' ', true) + "WAVELENGTH FACT L1/2"); } _headerLines.append("TIME OF FIRST OBS"); _headerLines.append( line ); break; } else { _headerLines.append( line ); } } line = in.readLine(); } } else { delete query; return failure; } delete query; } return irc; } // Read Skeleton Header File //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void bncRinex::readSkeleton() { // Read the local file // ------------------- QFile skl(_sklName); if ( skl.exists() && skl.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly) ) { _headerLines.clear(); QTextStream in(&skl); while ( !in.atEnd() ) { _headerLines.append( in.readLine() ); if (_headerLines.last().indexOf("END OF HEADER") != -1) { break; } } } // Read downloaded file // -------------------- else if ( _ntripVersion != "N" && _ntripVersion != "UN" && _ntripVersion != "S" ) { QDate currDate = currentDateAndTimeGPS().date(); if ( !_skeletonDate.isValid() || _skeletonDate != currDate ) { if ( downloadSkeleton() == success) { _skeletonDate = currDate; _reloadDone = false; } else { if(!_reloadDone) { _reloadTable = true; if ( downloadSkeleton() == success) { _skeletonDate = currDate; } _reloadTable = false; _reloadDone = true; } } } } } // Next File Epoch (static) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// QString bncRinex::nextEpochStr(const QDateTime& datTim, const QString& intStr, QDateTime* nextEpoch) { QString epoStr; QTime nextTime; QDate nextDate; int indHlp = intStr.indexOf("min"); if ( indHlp != -1) { int step = intStr.left(indHlp-1).toInt(); char ch = 'A' + datTim.time().hour(); epoStr = ch; if (datTim.time().minute() >= 60-step) { epoStr += QString("%1").arg(60-step, 2, 10, QChar('0')); if (datTim.time().hour() < 23) { nextTime.setHMS(datTim.time().hour() + 1 , 0, 0); nextDate = datTim.date(); } else { nextTime.setHMS(0, 0, 0); nextDate = datTim.date().addDays(1); } } else { for (int limit = step; limit <= 60-step; limit += step) { if (datTim.time().minute() < limit) { epoStr += QString("%1").arg(limit-step, 2, 10, QChar('0')); nextTime.setHMS(datTim.time().hour(), limit, 0); nextDate = datTim.date(); break; } } } } else if (intStr == "1 hour") { char ch = 'A' + datTim.time().hour(); epoStr = ch; if (datTim.time().hour() < 23) { nextTime.setHMS(datTim.time().hour() + 1 , 0, 0); nextDate = datTim.date(); } else { nextTime.setHMS(0, 0, 0); nextDate = datTim.date().addDays(1); } } else { epoStr = "0"; nextTime.setHMS(0, 0, 0); nextDate = datTim.date().addDays(1); } if (nextEpoch) { *nextEpoch = QDateTime(nextDate, nextTime); } return epoStr; } // File Name according to RINEX Standards //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void bncRinex::resolveFileName(const QDateTime& datTim) { bncSettings settings; QString path = settings.value("rnxPath").toString(); expandEnvVar(path); if ( path.length() > 0 && path[path.length()-1] != QDir::separator() ) { path += QDir::separator(); } QString hlpStr = nextEpochStr(datTim, settings.value("rnxIntr").toString(), &_nextCloseEpoch); QString ID4 = _statID.left(4); // Check name conflict // ------------------- QString distStr; int num = 0; QListIterator<QString> it(settings.value("mountPoints").toStringList()); while (it.hasNext()) { QString mp = it.next(); if (mp.indexOf(ID4) != -1) { ++num; } } if (num > 1) { distStr = "_" + _statID.mid(4); } QString sklExt = settings.value("rnxSkel").toString(); if (!sklExt.isEmpty()) { _sklName = path + ID4 + distStr + "." + sklExt; } path += ID4 + QString("%1").arg(datTim.date().dayOfYear(), 3, 10, QChar('0')) + hlpStr + distStr + datTim.toString(".yyO"); _fName = path.toAscii(); } // Write RINEX Header //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void bncRinex::writeHeader(const QByteArray& format, const QDateTime& datTim, const QDateTime& datTimNom) { bncSettings settings; // Open the Output File // -------------------- resolveFileName(datTimNom); // Append to existing file and return // ---------------------------------- if ( QFile::exists(_fName) ) { if (_reconnectFlag || Qt::CheckState(settings.value("rnxAppend").toInt()) == Qt::Checked) { _out.open(_fName.data(), ios::app); _out.setf(ios::showpoint | ios::fixed); _headerWritten = true; _reconnectFlag = false; return; } } _out.open(_fName.data()); _out.setf(ios::showpoint | ios::fixed); // Copy Skeleton Header // -------------------- readSkeleton(); if (_headerLines.size() > 0) { QStringListIterator it(_headerLines); while (it.hasNext()) { QString line = it.next(); if (line.indexOf("PGM / RUN BY / DATE") != -1) { if (_rinexVers == 3) { QString hlp = currentDateAndTimeGPS().toString("yyyyMMdd hhmmss UTC").leftJustified(20, ' ', true); _out << _pgmName.toAscii().data() << _userName.toAscii().data() << hlp.toAscii().data() << "PGM / RUN BY / DATE" << endl; } else { QString hlp = currentDateAndTimeGPS().date().toString("dd-MMM-yyyy").leftJustified(20, ' ', true); _out << _pgmName.toAscii().data() << _userName.toAscii().data() << hlp.toAscii().data() << "PGM / RUN BY / DATE" << endl; } } else if (line.indexOf("# / TYPES OF OBSERV") != -1) { if (_rinexVers == 3) { _out << "G 20 C1C L1C D1C S1C C1W L1W D1W S1W C2P L2P D2P S2P C2X SYS / # / OBS TYPES" << endl; _out << " L2X D2X S2X C5 L5 D5 S5 SYS / # / OBS TYPES" << endl; _out << "R 16 C1C L1C D1C S1C C1P L1P D1P S1P C2P L2P D2P S2P C2C SYS / # / OBS TYPES" << endl; _out << " L2C D2C S2C SYS / # / OBS TYPES" << endl; _out << "S 8 C1C L1C D1C S1C C1W L1W D1W S1W SYS / # / OBS TYPES" << endl; _out << "E 8 C1 L1 D1 S1 C5 L5 D5 S5 SYS / # / OBS TYPES" << endl; } else { _out << " 8 C1 P1 L1 S1 C2 P2 L2 S2" " # / TYPES OF OBSERV" << endl; } } else if (line.indexOf("TIME OF FIRST OBS") != -1) { _out << datTim.toString(" yyyy MM dd" " hh mm ss.zzz0000").toAscii().data(); _out << " GPS TIME OF FIRST OBS" << endl; QString hlp = (format.left(6) + QString(" %1").arg(_mountPoint.host() + _mountPoint.path())).leftJustified(60, ' ', true); _out << hlp.toAscii().data() << "COMMENT" << endl; } else if (line.indexOf("MARKER NAME") != -1) { if (_rinexVers == 3) { _out << line.toAscii().data() << endl; _out << setw(71) << "GEODETIC MARKER TYPE" << endl; } else { _out << line.toAscii().data() << endl; } } else { _out << line.toAscii().data() << endl; } } } // Write Dummy Header // ------------------ else { double antennaNEU[3]; antennaNEU[0] = antennaNEU[1] = antennaNEU[2] = 0.0; if (_rinexVers == 3) { _out << " 3.00 OBSERVATION DATA M (MIXED) RINEX VERSION / TYPE" << endl; QString hlp = currentDateAndTimeGPS().toString("yyyyMMdd hhmmss UTC").leftJustified(20, ' ', true); _out << _pgmName.toAscii().data() << _userName.toAscii().data() << hlp.toAscii().data() << "PGM / RUN BY / DATE" << endl; } else { _out << " 2.11 OBSERVATION DATA M (MIXED) RINEX VERSION / TYPE" << endl; QString hlp = currentDateAndTimeGPS().date().toString("dd-MMM-yyyy").leftJustified(20, ' ', true); _out << _pgmName.toAscii().data() << _userName.toAscii().data() << hlp.toAscii().data() << "PGM / RUN BY / DATE" << endl; } _out.setf(ios::left); _out << setw(60) << _statID.data() << "MARKER NAME" << endl; if (_rinexVers == 3) { _out << setw(60) << "unknown" << "MARKER TYPE " << endl; } _out << setw(60) << "unknown unknown" << "OBSERVER / AGENCY" << endl; _out << setw(20) << "unknown" << setw(20) << "unknown" << setw(20) << "unknown" << "REC # / TYPE / VERS" << endl; _out << setw(20) << "unknown" << setw(20) << "unknown" << setw(20) << " " << "ANT # / TYPE" << endl; _out.unsetf(ios::left); _out << setw(14) << setprecision(4) << _approxPos[0] << setw(14) << setprecision(4) << _approxPos[1] << setw(14) << setprecision(4) << _approxPos[2] << " " << "APPROX POSITION XYZ" << endl; _out << setw(14) << setprecision(4) << antennaNEU[0] << setw(14) << setprecision(4) << antennaNEU[1] << setw(14) << setprecision(4) << antennaNEU[2] << " " << "ANTENNA: DELTA H/E/N" << endl; if (_rinexVers == 3) { _out << "G 20 C1C L1C D1C S1C C1W L1W D1W S1W C2P L2P D2P S2P C2X SYS / # / OBS TYPES" << endl; _out << " L2X D2X S2X C5 L5 D5 S5 SYS / # / OBS TYPES" << endl; _out << "R 16 C1C L1C D1C S1C C1P L1P D1P S1P C2P L2P D2P S2P C2C SYS / # / OBS TYPES" << endl; _out << " L2C D2C S2C SYS / # / OBS TYPES" << endl; _out << "S 8 C1C L1C D1C S1C C1W L1W D1W S1W SYS / # / OBS TYPES" << endl; _out << "E 8 C1 L1 D1 S1 C5 L5 D5 S5 SYS / # / OBS TYPES" << endl; } else { _out << " 1 1 WAVELENGTH FACT L1/2" << endl; _out << " 8 C1 P1 L1 S1 C2 P2 L2 S2 # / TYPES OF OBSERV" << endl; } _out << datTim.toString(" yyyy MM dd" " hh mm ss.zzz0000").toAscii().data(); _out << " GPS TIME OF FIRST OBS" << endl; QString hlp = (format.left(6) + QString(" %1").arg(_mountPoint.host() + _mountPoint.path())).leftJustified(60, ' ', true); _out << hlp.toAscii().data() << "COMMENT" << endl; if (_nmea == "yes") { hlp = ("NMEA LAT=" + _latitude + " " + "LONG=" + _longitude).leftJustified(60, ' ',true); _out << hlp.toAscii().data() << "COMMENT" << endl; } _out << " END OF HEADER" << endl; } _headerWritten = true; } // Stores Observation into Internal Array //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void bncRinex::deepCopy(t_obs obs) { _obs.push_back(obs); } // Write One Epoch into the RINEX File //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void bncRinex::dumpEpoch(const QByteArray& format, long maxTime) { // Select observations older than maxTime // -------------------------------------- QList<t_obs> dumpList; QMutableListIterator<t_obs> mIt(_obs); while (mIt.hasNext()) { t_obs obs = mIt.next(); if (obs.GPSWeek * 7*24*3600 + obs.GPSWeeks < maxTime - 0.05) { dumpList.push_back(obs); mIt.remove(); } } // Easy Return // ----------- if (dumpList.isEmpty()) { return; } // Time of Epoch // ------------- const t_obs& fObs = dumpList.first(); QDateTime datTim = dateAndTimeFromGPSweek(fObs.GPSWeek, fObs.GPSWeeks); QDateTime datTimNom = dateAndTimeFromGPSweek(fObs.GPSWeek, floor(fObs.GPSWeeks+0.5)); // Close the file // -------------- if (_nextCloseEpoch.isValid() && datTimNom >= _nextCloseEpoch) { closeFile(); _headerWritten = false; } // Write RINEX Header // ------------------ if (!_headerWritten) { writeHeader(format, datTim, datTimNom); } double sec = double(datTim.time().second()) + fmod(fObs.GPSWeeks,1.0); // Epoch header line: RINEX Version 3 // ---------------------------------- if (_rinexVers == 3) { _out << datTim.toString("> yyyy MM dd hh mm ").toAscii().data() << setw(10) << setprecision(7) << sec << " " << 0 << setw(3) << dumpList.size() << endl; } // Epoch header line: RINEX Version 2 // ---------------------------------- else { _out << datTim.toString(" yy MM dd hh mm ").toAscii().data() << setw(10) << setprecision(7) << sec << " " << 0 << setw(3) << dumpList.size(); QListIterator<t_obs> it(dumpList); int iSat = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { iSat++; const t_obs& obs = it.next(); _out << obs.satSys << setw(2) << obs.satNum; if (iSat == 12 && it.hasNext()) { _out << endl << " "; iSat = 0; } } _out << endl; } QListIterator<t_obs> it(dumpList); while (it.hasNext()) { const t_obs& obs = it.next(); // Cycle slips detection // --------------------- QString prn = QString("%1%2").arg(obs.satSys) .arg(obs.satNum, 2, 10, QChar('0')); char lli1 = ' '; char lli2 = ' '; char lli5 = ' '; if ( obs.slip_cnt_L1 >= 0 ) { if ( _slip_cnt_L1.find(prn) != _slip_cnt_L1.end() && _slip_cnt_L1.find(prn).value() != obs.slip_cnt_L1 ) { lli1 = '1'; } } if ( obs.slip_cnt_L2 >= 0 ) { if ( _slip_cnt_L2.find(prn) != _slip_cnt_L2.end() && _slip_cnt_L2.find(prn).value() != obs.slip_cnt_L2 ) { lli2 = '1'; } } if ( obs.slip_cnt_L5 >= 0 ) { if ( _slip_cnt_L5.find(prn) != _slip_cnt_L5.end() && _slip_cnt_L5.find(prn).value() != obs.slip_cnt_L5 ) { lli5 = '1'; } } _slip_cnt_L1[prn] = obs.slip_cnt_L1; _slip_cnt_L2[prn] = obs.slip_cnt_L2; _slip_cnt_L5[prn] = obs.slip_cnt_L5; // RINEX Version 3 // --------------- if (_rinexVers == 3) { _out << rinexSatLine(obs, lli1, lli2, lli5); _out << endl; } // RINEX Version 2 // --------------- else { _out << setw(14) << setprecision(3) << obs.C1 << ' ' << ' ' << setw(14) << setprecision(3) << obs.P1 << ' ' << ' ' << setw(14) << setprecision(3) << obs.L1() << lli1 << ' ' << setw(14) << setprecision(3) << obs.S1() << ' ' << ' ' << setw(14) << setprecision(3) << obs.C2 << ' ' << ' ' << endl << setw(14) << setprecision(3) << obs.P2 << ' ' << ' ' << setw(14) << setprecision(3) << obs.L2() << lli2 << ' ' << setw(14) << setprecision(3) << obs.S2() << endl; } } _out.flush(); } // Close the Old RINEX File //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void bncRinex::closeFile() { if (_rinexVers == 3) { _out << "> 4 1" << endl; _out << "END OF FILE" << endl; } _out.close(); if (!_rnxScriptName.isEmpty()) { qApp->thread()->wait(100); #ifdef WIN32 QProcess::startDetached(_rnxScriptName, QStringList() << _fName) ; #else QProcess::startDetached("nohup", QStringList() << _rnxScriptName << _fName) ; #endif } } // One Line in RINEX v3 (static) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// string bncRinex::rinexSatLine(const t_obs& obs, char lli1, char lli2, char lli5) { ostringstream str; str.setf(ios::showpoint | ios::fixed); if (obs.satSys == 'G') { // GPS str << obs.satSys << setw(2) << setfill('0') << obs.satNum << setfill(' ') << setw(14) << setprecision(3) << obs.C1 << ' ' << ' ' << setw(14) << setprecision(3) << obs.L1C << lli1 << ' '; str << setw(14) << setprecision(3) << obs.D1C << ' ' << ' ' << setw(14) << setprecision(3) << obs.S1C << ' ' << ' ' << setw(14) << setprecision(3) << obs.P1 << ' ' << ' ' << setw(14) << setprecision(3) << obs.L1P << lli1 << ' '; str << setw(14) << setprecision(3) << obs.D1P << ' ' << ' ' << setw(14) << setprecision(3) << obs.S1P << ' ' << ' ' << setw(14) << setprecision(3) << obs.P2 << ' ' << ' ' << setw(14) << setprecision(3) << obs.L2P << lli2 << ' '; str << setw(14) << setprecision(3) << obs.D2P << ' ' << ' ' << setw(14) << setprecision(3) << obs.S2P << ' ' << ' ' << setw(14) << setprecision(3) << obs.C2 << ' ' << ' ' << setw(14) << setprecision(3) << obs.L2C << lli2 << ' '; str << setw(14) << setprecision(3) << obs.D2C << ' ' << ' ' << setw(14) << setprecision(3) << obs.S2C << ' ' << ' ' << setw(14) << setprecision(3) << obs.C5 << ' ' << ' ' << setw(14) << setprecision(3) << obs.L5 << lli5 << ' '; str << setw(14) << setprecision(3) << obs.D5 << ' ' << ' ' << setw(14) << setprecision(3) << obs.S5; } else if (obs.satSys == 'R') { // Glonass str << obs.satSys << setw(2) << setfill('0') << obs.satNum << setfill(' '); str << setw(14) << setprecision(3) << obs.C1 << ' ' << ' ' << setw(14) << setprecision(3) << obs.L1C << lli1 << ' '; str << setw(14) << setprecision(3) << obs.D1C << ' ' << ' ' << setw(14) << setprecision(3) << obs.S1C << ' ' << ' ' << setw(14) << setprecision(3) << obs.P1 << ' ' << ' ' << setw(14) << setprecision(3) << obs.L1P << lli1 << ' '; str << setw(14) << setprecision(3) << obs.D1P << ' ' << ' ' << setw(14) << setprecision(3) << obs.S1P << ' ' << ' ' << setw(14) << setprecision(3) << obs.P2 << ' ' << ' ' << setw(14) << setprecision(3) << obs.L2P << lli2 << ' '; str << setw(14) << setprecision(3) << obs.D2P << ' ' << ' ' << setw(14) << setprecision(3) << obs.S2P << ' ' << ' ' << setw(14) << setprecision(3) << obs.C2 << ' ' << ' ' << setw(14) << setprecision(3) << obs.L2C << lli2 << ' '; str << setw(14) << setprecision(3) << obs.D2C << ' ' << ' ' << setw(14) << setprecision(3) << obs.S2C; } else if (obs.satSys == 'S') { // SBAS str << obs.satSys << setw(2) << setfill('0') << obs.satNum << setfill(' ') << setw(14) << setprecision(3) << obs.C1 << ' ' << ' ' << setw(14) << setprecision(3) << obs.L1C << lli1 << ' '; str << setw(14) << setprecision(3) << obs.D1C << ' ' << ' ' << setw(14) << setprecision(3) << obs.S1C << ' ' << ' ' << setw(14) << setprecision(3) << obs.P1 << ' ' << ' ' << setw(14) << setprecision(3) << obs.L1P << lli1 << ' '; str << setw(14) << setprecision(3) << obs.D1P << ' ' << ' ' << setw(14) << setprecision(3) << obs.S1P; } else if (obs.satSys == 'E') { // Galileo str << obs.satSys << setw(2) << setfill('0') << obs.satNum << setfill(' ') << setw(14) << setprecision(3) << obs.C1 << ' ' << ' ' << setw(14) << setprecision(3) << obs.L1C << lli1 << ' '; str << setw(14) << setprecision(3) << obs.D1C << ' ' << ' ' << setw(14) << setprecision(3) << obs.S1C << ' ' << ' ' << setw(14) << setprecision(3) << obs.C5 << ' ' << ' ' << setw(14) << setprecision(3) << obs.L5 << lli5 << ' '; str << setw(14) << setprecision(3) << obs.D5 << ' ' << ' ' << setw(14) << setprecision(3) << obs.S5; } return str.str(); } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// string bncRinex::obsToStr(double val, int width, int precision) { if (val != 0.0) { ostringstream str; str.setf(ios::showpoint | ios::fixed); str << setw(width) << setprecision(precision) << val; return str.str(); } else { return "0.0"; } } // One Line in ASCII (Internal) Format //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// string bncRinex::asciiSatLine(const t_obs& obs) { ostringstream str; str.setf(ios::showpoint | ios::fixed); str << obs.satSys << setw(2) << setfill('0') << obs.satNum << setfill(' '); if (obs.satSys == 'R') { // Glonass str << ' ' << setw(2) << obs.slotNum; } else { str << " "; } if (obs.satSys == 'G') { // GPS if (obs.has1C()) { str << " 1C " << obsToStr(obs.C1) << ' ' << obsToStr(obs.L1C) << ' ' << obsToStr(obs.D1C) << ' ' << obsToStr(obs.S1C, 8, 3) << ' ' << setw(2) << obs.slip_cnt_L1; } if (obs.has1P()) { str << " 1W " << obsToStr(obs.P1) << ' ' << obsToStr(obs.L1P) << ' ' << obsToStr(obs.D1P) << ' ' << obsToStr(obs.S1P, 8, 3) << ' ' << setw(2) << obs.slip_cnt_L1; } if (obs.has2P()) { str << " 2P " << obsToStr(obs.P2) << ' ' << obsToStr(obs.L2P) << ' ' << obsToStr(obs.D2P) << ' ' << obsToStr(obs.S2P, 8, 3) << ' ' << setw(2) << obs.slip_cnt_L2; } if (obs.has2C()) { str << " 2X " << obsToStr(obs.C2) << ' ' << obsToStr(obs.L2C) << ' ' << obsToStr(obs.D2C) << ' ' << obsToStr(obs.S2C, 8, 3) << ' ' << setw(2) << obs.slip_cnt_L2; } if (obs.has5C()) { str << " 5C " << obsToStr(obs.C5) << ' ' << obsToStr(obs.L5) << ' ' << obsToStr(obs.D5) << ' ' << obsToStr(obs.S5, 8, 3) << ' ' << setw(2) << obs.slip_cnt_L5; } } else if (obs.satSys == 'R') { // Glonass if (obs.has1C()) { str << " 1C " << obsToStr(obs.C1) << ' ' << obsToStr(obs.L1C) << ' ' << obsToStr(obs.D1C) << ' ' << obsToStr(obs.S1C, 8, 3) << ' ' << setw(2) << obs.slip_cnt_L1; } if (obs.has1P()) { str << " 1P " << obsToStr(obs.P1) << ' ' << obsToStr(obs.L1P) << ' ' << obsToStr(obs.D1P) << ' ' << obsToStr(obs.S1P, 8, 3) << ' ' << setw(2) << obs.slip_cnt_L1; } if (obs.has2P()) { str << " 2P " << obsToStr(obs.P2) << ' ' << obsToStr(obs.L2P) << ' ' << obsToStr(obs.D2P) << ' ' << obsToStr(obs.S2P, 8, 3) << ' ' << setw(2) << obs.slip_cnt_L2; } if (obs.has2C()) { str << " 2C " << obsToStr(obs.C2) << ' ' << obsToStr(obs.L2C) << ' ' << obsToStr(obs.D2C) << ' ' << obsToStr(obs.S2C, 8, 3) << ' ' << setw(2) << obs.slip_cnt_L2; } } else if (obs.satSys == 'S') { // SBAS if (obs.has1C()) { str << " 1C " << obsToStr(obs.C1) << ' ' << obsToStr(obs.L1C) << ' ' << obsToStr(obs.D1C) << ' ' << obsToStr(obs.S1C, 8, 3) << ' ' << setw(2) << obs.slip_cnt_L1; } if (obs.has1P()) { str << " 1W " << obsToStr(obs.P1) << ' ' << obsToStr(obs.L1P) << ' ' << obsToStr(obs.D1P) << ' ' << obsToStr(obs.S1P, 8, 3) << ' ' << setw(2) << obs.slip_cnt_L1; } } else if (obs.satSys == 'E') { // Galileo if (obs.has1C()) { str << " 1C " << obsToStr(obs.C1) << ' ' << obsToStr(obs.L1C) << ' ' << obsToStr(obs.D1C) << ' ' << obsToStr(obs.S1C, 8, 3) << ' ' << setw(2) << obs.slip_cnt_L1; } if (obs.has5C()) { str << " 5C " << obsToStr(obs.C5) << ' ' << obsToStr(obs.L5) << ' ' << obsToStr(obs.D5) << ' ' << obsToStr(obs.S5, 8, 3) << ' ' << setw(2) << obs.slip_cnt_L5; } } return str.str(); }