/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * BKG NTRIP Client
 * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Class:      bncNetQueryV1
 * Purpose:    Blocking Network Requests (NTRIP Version 1)
 * Author:     L. Mervart
 * Created:    27-Dec-2008
 * Changes:    
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

#include "bncnetqueryv1.h"
#include "bncsettings.h"
#include "bncversion.h"

using namespace std;

// Constructor
bncNetQueryV1::bncNetQueryV1() {
  _socket    = 0;
  _eventLoop = new QEventLoop(this);
  _timeOut   = 20000;

// Destructor
bncNetQueryV1::~bncNetQueryV1() {
  delete _socket;
  delete _eventLoop;

void bncNetQueryV1::stop() {
#ifndef sparc
  if (_socket) {
  _status = finished;

void bncNetQueryV1::waitForRequestResult(const QUrl& url, QByteArray& outData){

  delete _socket;
  _socket = new QTcpSocket();

  connect(_socket, SIGNAL(disconnected()), _eventLoop, SLOT(quit()));

  startRequestPrivate(url, "", true);

  QTimer::singleShot(10000, _eventLoop, SLOT(quit()));


  if (_socket) {
    outData = _socket->readAll();
    delete _socket; _socket = 0;
    _status = finished;

void bncNetQueryV1::waitForReadyRead(QByteArray& outData) {
  if (_socket && _socket->state() == QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState) {
    while (true) {
      int nBytes = _socket->bytesAvailable();
      if (nBytes > 0) {
        outData = _socket->readAll();
      else if (!_socket->waitForReadyRead(_timeOut)) {
        QString errStr = _socket->errorString();
        if (errStr.isEmpty()) {
          errStr = "Read timeout";
        delete _socket;
        _socket = 0;
        _status = error;
        emit newMessage(_url.path().toAscii().replace(0,1,"")
                        + ": " + errStr.toAscii(), true);

// Connect to Caster, send the Request
void bncNetQueryV1::startRequest(const QUrl& url, const QByteArray& gga) {
  startRequestPrivate(url, gga, false);

// Connect to Caster, send the Request
void bncNetQueryV1::startRequestPrivate(const QUrl& url, 
                                        const QByteArray& gga, 
                                        bool sendRequestOnly) {

  _status = running;

  if (!sendRequestOnly) {
    delete _socket;
    _socket = new QTcpSocket();

  // Default scheme and path
  // -----------------------
  _url = url;
  if (_url.scheme().isEmpty()) {
  if (_url.path().isEmpty()) {

  // Connect the Socket
  // ------------------
  bncSettings settings;
  QString proxyHost = settings.value("proxyHost").toString();
  int     proxyPort = settings.value("proxyPort").toInt();
  if ( proxyHost.isEmpty() ) {
    _socket->connectToHost(_url.host(), _url.port());
  else {
    _socket->connectToHost(proxyHost, proxyPort);
  if (!_socket->waitForConnected(_timeOut)) {
    delete _socket; 
    _socket = 0;
    _status = error;

  // Send Request
  // ------------
  QString uName = QUrl::fromPercentEncoding(_url.userName().toAscii());
  QString passW = QUrl::fromPercentEncoding(_url.password().toAscii());
  QByteArray userAndPwd;

  if(!uName.isEmpty() || !passW.isEmpty()) {
    userAndPwd = "Authorization: Basic " + (uName.toAscii() + ":" +
    passW.toAscii()).toBase64() + "\r\n";

  QByteArray reqStr;
  if ( proxyHost.isEmpty() ) {
    if (_url.path().indexOf("/") != 0) _url.setPath("/");
    reqStr = "GET " + _url.path().toAscii() + " HTTP/1.0\r\n"
             + "User-Agent: NTRIP BNC/" BNCVERSION "\r\n"
             + "Host: " + _url.host().toAscii() + "\r\n"
             + userAndPwd + "\r\n";
  } else {
    reqStr = "GET " + _url.toEncoded() + " HTTP/1.0\r\n"
             + "User-Agent: NTRIP BNC/" BNCVERSION "\r\n"
             + "Host: " + _url.host().toAscii() + "\r\n"
             + userAndPwd + "\r\n";

  // NMEA string to handle VRS stream
  // --------------------------------
  if (!gga.isEmpty()) {
    reqStr += gga + "\r\n";

  _socket->write(reqStr, reqStr.length());

  if (!_socket->waitForBytesWritten(_timeOut)) {
    delete _socket;
    _socket = 0;
    _status = error;
    emit newMessage(_url.path().toAscii().replace(0,1,"")
                    + ": Write timeout", true);

  // Read Caster Response
  // --------------------
  if (!sendRequestOnly) {
    bool proxyResponse = false;
    QStringList response;
    while (true) {
      if (_socket->canReadLine()) {
        QString line = _socket->readLine();
        if (line.indexOf("ICY 200 OK") == -1 && 
            line.indexOf("HTTP")       != -1 && 
            line.indexOf("200 OK")     != -1 ) {
          proxyResponse = true;
        if (!proxyResponse && !line.trimmed().isEmpty()) {
        if (line.trimmed().isEmpty()) {
          if (proxyResponse) {
            proxyResponse = false;
    	else {
        if (line.indexOf("Unauthorized") != -1) {
        if (!proxyResponse                    &&
            line.indexOf("200 OK")      != -1 &&
            line.indexOf("SOURCETABLE") == -1) {
          if (_socket->canReadLine()) {
      else if (!_socket->waitForReadyRead(_timeOut)) {
        delete _socket;
        _socket = 0;
        _status = error;
        emit newMessage(_url.path().toAscii().replace(0,1,"") 
                        + ": Response timeout", true);
    if (response.size() > 0) {
      delete _socket;
      _socket = 0;
      _status = error;
      emit newMessage(_url.path().toAscii().replace(0,1,"") 
                      + ": Wrong caster response\n" 
                      + response.join("").toAscii(), true);