#include <QGraphicsScene> #include <QGraphicsTextItem> #include <QTextStream> #include <QScrollBar> #include <QMouseEvent> #include <QWheelEvent> #include <QDebug> #include <iostream> #include "bncmapview.h" // ------------- BncMapView::BncMapView(QWidget* parent) : QGraphicsView(parent) { setCursor(Qt::OpenHandCursor); setRenderHints(QPainter::Antialiasing | QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform); resetScale(); } /* ------------- * Sets the current centerpoint. Also updates the scene's center point. * Unlike centerOn, which has no way of getting the floating point center * back, SetCenter() stores the center point. It also handles the special * sidebar case. This function will claim the centerPoint to sceneRec ie. * the centerPoint must be within the sceneRec. */ void BncMapView::SetCenter(const QPointF& centerPoint) { // get the rectangle of the visible area in scene coords QRectF visibleArea = mapToScene(rect()).boundingRect(); // get the scene area QRectF sceneBounds = sceneRect(); double boundX = + visibleArea.width() / 2.0; double boundY = - visibleArea.height() / 2.0; // opposite sign for latitude ! double boundWidth = sceneBounds.width() - boundX * 2.0; double boundHeight = sceneBounds.height() - boundY * 2.0; // the max boundary that the centerPoint can be to QRectF bounds(boundX, boundY, boundWidth, boundHeight); if( bounds.contains(centerPoint) ){ // we are within the bounds _currentCenterPoint = centerPoint; }else{ // we need to clamp or use the center of the screen if( visibleArea.contains(sceneBounds) ){ // use the center of scene ie. we can see the whole scene _currentCenterPoint = sceneBounds.center(); }else{ _currentCenterPoint = centerPoint; // we need to clamp the center. The centerPoint is too large if( centerPoint.x() > bounds.x() + bounds.width() ){ _currentCenterPoint.setX(bounds.x() + bounds.width()); }else if( centerPoint.x() < bounds.x() ){ _currentCenterPoint.setX(bounds.x()); } // opposite sign for latitude ! if( centerPoint.y() < - bounds.y() - bounds.height() ){ _currentCenterPoint.setY( - bounds.y() - bounds.height()); }else if( centerPoint.y() > - bounds.y() ){ _currentCenterPoint.setY( - bounds.y()); } } } // update the scrollbars centerOn(_currentCenterPoint); } // ------------- void BncMapView::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* event) { // std::cout << " PRES " << event->pos().x() << " " << event->pos().y() << std::endl; _lastPanPoint = event->pos(); setCursor(Qt::ClosedHandCursor); } // ------------- void BncMapView::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent* /* event */) { setCursor(Qt::OpenHandCursor); _lastPanPoint = QPoint(); } // ------------- void BncMapView::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent* event) { if( !_lastPanPoint.isNull() ){ // get how much we panned QPointF delta = mapToScene(_lastPanPoint) - mapToScene(event->pos()); _lastPanPoint = event->pos(); // update the center ie. do the pan SetCenter(GetCenter() + delta); } } // ------------- void BncMapView::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent* event) { // het the position of the mouse before scaling, in scene coords QPointF pointBeforeScale(mapToScene(event->pos())); // get the original screen centerpoint QPointF screenCenter = GetCenter(); // scale the view ie. do the zoom double scaleFactor = 1.10; // how fast we zoom if( event->delta() > 0 ){ // zooming in zoom( scaleFactor ); }else{ // zooming out zoom( 1.0/scaleFactor ); } // get the position after scaling, in scene coords QPointF pointAfterScale(mapToScene(event->pos())); // get the offset of how the screen moved QPointF offset = pointBeforeScale - pointAfterScale; // adjust to the new center for correct zooming QPointF newCenter = screenCenter + offset; SetCenter(newCenter); } // ------------- void BncMapView::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* event) { // get the rectangle of the visible area in scene coords QRectF visibleArea = mapToScene(rect()).boundingRect(); SetCenter(visibleArea.center()); // call the subclass resize so the scrollbars are updated correctly QGraphicsView::resizeEvent(event); } // ------------- void BncMapView::resetScale() { _scale = _scCur = 2.0; setMatrix(QMatrix(_scale,0,0,_scale,0,0)); } // ------------- void BncMapView::zoom(qreal scale) { QGraphicsView::scale( scale, scale ); _scCur = _scCur * scale; }