// Part of BNC, a utility for retrieving decoding and
// converting GNSS data streams from NTRIP broadcasters.
// Copyright (C) 2007
// German Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG)
// http://www.bkg.bund.de
// Czech Technical University Prague, Department of Geodesy
// http://www.fsv.cvut.cz
// Email: euref-ip@bkg.bund.de
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * BKG NTRIP Client
 * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Class:      RTCM2Decoder
 * Purpose:    RTCM2 Decoder
 * Author:     L. Mervart
 * Created:    24-Aug-2006
 * Changes:    
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/

#include <math.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <set>

#include "../bncutils.h"
#include "rtcm_utils.h"
#include "GPSDecoder.h"
#include "RTCM2Decoder.h"

using namespace std;
using namespace rtcm2;

// Constructor

RTCM2Decoder::RTCM2Decoder(const std::string& ID) {
  _ID = ID;

// Destructor

RTCM2Decoder::~RTCM2Decoder() {
  for (t_listMap::iterator ii = _ephList.begin(); ii != _ephList.end(); ii++) {
    delete ii->second;

t_irc RTCM2Decoder::getStaCrd(double& xx, double& yy, double& zz) {
  if ( !_msg03.validMsg ) {
    return failure;
  xx = _msg03.x + (_msg22.validMsg ? _msg22.dL1[0] : 0.0);
  yy = _msg03.y + (_msg22.validMsg ? _msg22.dL1[1] : 0.0);
  zz = _msg03.z + (_msg22.validMsg ? _msg22.dL1[2] : 0.0);

  return success;

t_irc RTCM2Decoder::getStaCrd(double& xx, double& yy, double& zz,
                              double& dx1, double& dy1, double& dz1,
                              double& dx2, double& dy2, double& dz2) {
  xx = _msg03.x;
  yy = _msg03.y;
  zz = _msg03.z;

  dx1 = (_msg22.validMsg ? _msg22.dL1[0] : 0.0);
  dy1 = (_msg22.validMsg ? _msg22.dL1[1] : 0.0);
  dz1 = (_msg22.validMsg ? _msg22.dL1[2] : 0.0);

  dx2 = (_msg22.validMsg ? _msg22.dL2[0] : 0.0);
  dy2 = (_msg22.validMsg ? _msg22.dL2[1] : 0.0);
  dz2 = (_msg22.validMsg ? _msg22.dL2[2] : 0.0);

  return success;

t_irc RTCM2Decoder::Decode(char* buffer, int bufLen, vector<string>& errmsg) {


  _buffer.append(buffer, bufLen);
  int    refWeek;
  double refSecs;
  currentGPSWeeks(refWeek, refSecs);
  bool decoded = false;

  while(true) {
    if (!_PP.valid()) {
      if (decoded) {
        return success;
      } else {
        return failure;
    // Store message number

    if ( _PP.ID()==18 || _PP.ID()==19 ) {   


      if (_ObsBlock.valid()) {
        decoded = true;

        int    epochWeek;
        double epochSecs;
        _ObsBlock.resolveEpoch(refWeek, refSecs, epochWeek, epochSecs);
        for (int iSat=0; iSat < _ObsBlock.nSat; iSat++) {
          t_obs obs;
          if (_ObsBlock.PRN[iSat] > 100) {
            obs.satNum      = _ObsBlock.PRN[iSat] % 100;
            obs.satSys      = 'R';
	  else {	        
            obs.satNum      = _ObsBlock.PRN[iSat];
            obs.satSys      = 'G';
          obs.GPSWeek       = epochWeek;
          obs.GPSWeeks      = epochSecs;
          obs.C1            = _ObsBlock.rng_C1[iSat];
          obs.P1            = _ObsBlock.rng_P1[iSat];
          obs.P2            = _ObsBlock.rng_P2[iSat];
          obs.L1P           = _ObsBlock.resolvedPhase_L1(iSat);
          obs.L2P           = _ObsBlock.resolvedPhase_L2(iSat);
	  obs.slip_cnt_L1   = _ObsBlock.slip_L1[iSat];
	  obs.slip_cnt_L2   = _ObsBlock.slip_L2[iSat];


    else if ( _PP.ID() == 20 || _PP.ID() == 21 ) {

      if (_msg2021.valid()) {
        decoded = true;

    else if ( _PP.ID() == 3 ) {

    else if ( _PP.ID() == 22 ) {

    else if ( _PP.ID() == 23 ) {

    else if ( _PP.ID() == 24 ) {

    // Output for RTCM scan
    if     ( _PP.ID() == 3 ) {
      if ( _msg03.validMsg ) {
	this->getStaCrd(_antList.back().xx, _antList.back().yy, _antList.back().zz);
	_antList.back().type     = t_antInfo::APC;
	_antList.back().message  = _PP.ID();
    else if ( _PP.ID() == 23 ) {
      if ( _msg23.validMsg ) {
    else if ( _PP.ID() == 24 ) {
      if ( _msg24.validMsg ) {
	_antList.back().xx = _msg24.x;
	_antList.back().yy = _msg24.y;
	_antList.back().zz = _msg24.z;
	_antList.back().type     = t_antInfo::ARP;
	_antList.back().message  = _PP.ID();
  return success;

bool RTCM2Decoder::storeEph(const gpsephemeris& gpseph, string& storedPRN, vector<int>& IODs) {
  t_ephGPS eph; eph.set(&gpseph);

  return storeEph(eph, storedPRN, IODs);

bool RTCM2Decoder::storeEph(const t_ephGPS& gpseph, string& storedPRN, vector<int>& IODs) {
  t_ephGPS* eph = new t_ephGPS(gpseph);

  string prn = eph->prn().toAscii().data();

  t_listMap::iterator ip = _ephList.find(prn);
  if (ip == _ephList.end() ) {
    ip = _ephList.insert(pair<string, t_ephList*>(prn, new t_ephList)).first;
  t_ephList* ephList = ip->second;

  bool stored = ephList->store(eph);

  if ( stored ) {
    storedPRN = string(eph->prn().toAscii().data());
    return true;

  delete eph;

  return false;
void RTCM2Decoder::translateCorr2Obs(vector<string>& errmsg) {

  if ( !_msg03.validMsg || !_msg2021.valid() ) {

  double stax = _msg03.x + (_msg22.validMsg ? _msg22.dL1[0] : 0.0);
  double stay = _msg03.y + (_msg22.validMsg ? _msg22.dL1[1] : 0.0);
  double staz = _msg03.z + (_msg22.validMsg ? _msg22.dL1[2] : 0.0);

  int    refWeek;
  double refSecs;
  currentGPSWeeks(refWeek, refSecs);

  // Resolve receiver time of measurement (see RTCM 2.3, page 4-42, Message 18, Note 1)
  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  double hoursec_est  = _msg2021.hoursec();              // estimated time of measurement
  double hoursec_rcv  = rint(hoursec_est * 1e2) / 1e2;   // receiver clock reading at hoursec_est  
  double rcv_clk_bias = (hoursec_est - hoursec_rcv) * c_light;

  int    GPSWeek;
  double GPSWeeks;
  resolveEpoch(hoursec_est, refWeek, refSecs,
	       GPSWeek, GPSWeeks);

  int    GPSWeek_rcv;
  double GPSWeeks_rcv;
  resolveEpoch(hoursec_rcv, refWeek, refSecs,
	       GPSWeek_rcv, GPSWeeks_rcv);

  // Loop over all satellites
  // ------------------------
  for (RTCM2_2021::data_iterator icorr = _msg2021.data.begin();
       icorr != _msg2021.data.end(); icorr++) {
    const RTCM2_2021::HiResCorr* corr = icorr->second;

    // beg test
    if ( corr->PRN >= 200 ) {
    // end test

    ostringstream oPRN; oPRN.fill('0');

    oPRN <<            (corr->PRN < 200 ? 'G'       : 'R')
	 << setw(2) << (corr->PRN < 200 ? corr->PRN : corr->PRN - 200);

    string PRN(oPRN.str());

    t_listMap::const_iterator ieph = _ephList.find(PRN);

    double L1 = 0;
    double L2 = 0;
    double P1 = 0;
    double P2 = 0;
    string obsT = "";

    // new observation
    t_obs* new_obs = 0;

    // missing IOD
    vector<string> missingIOD;
    vector<string>     hasIOD;
    for (unsigned ii = 0; ii < 4; ii++) {
      int          IODcorr = 0;
      double       corrVal = 0;
      const t_eph* eph     = 0;
      double*      obsVal  = 0;

      switch (ii) {
      case 0: // --- L1 ---
	IODcorr = corr->IODp1;
	corrVal = corr->phase1 * LAMBDA_1;
	obsVal  = &L1;
	obsT    = "L1";
      case 1: // --- L2 ---
	IODcorr = corr->IODp2;
	corrVal = corr->phase2 * LAMBDA_2;
	obsVal  = &L2;
	obsT    = "L2";
      case 2: // --- P1 ---
	IODcorr = corr->IODr1;
	corrVal = corr->range1;
	obsVal  = &P1;
	obsT    = "P1";
      case 3: // --- P2 ---
	IODcorr = corr->IODr2;
	corrVal = corr->range2;
	obsVal  = &P2;
	obsT    = "P2";

      // Select corresponding ephemerides
      if ( ieph != _ephList.end() ) {
	eph = ieph->second->getEph(IODcorr);

      if ( eph ) {
        ostringstream msg;
        msg << obsT << ':' << setw(3) << eph->IOD();

	int    GPSWeek_tot;
	double GPSWeeks_tot;
	double rho, xSat, ySat, zSat, clkSat;
	cmpRho(eph, stax, stay, staz, 
	       GPSWeek, GPSWeeks,
	       rho, GPSWeek_tot, GPSWeeks_tot,
	       xSat, ySat, zSat, clkSat);

	*obsVal = rho - corrVal + rcv_clk_bias - clkSat;

	if ( *obsVal == 0 )  *obsVal = ZEROVALUE;

	// Allocate new memory
	// -------------------
	if ( !new_obs ) {
	  new_obs = new t_obs();

	  new_obs->StatID[0] = '\x0';
	  new_obs->satSys    = (corr->PRN < 200 ? 'G'       : 'R');
	  new_obs->satNum    = (corr->PRN < 200 ? corr->PRN : corr->PRN - 200);
	  new_obs->GPSWeek   = GPSWeek_rcv;
	  new_obs->GPSWeeks  = GPSWeeks_rcv;
	// Store estimated measurements
	// ----------------------------
	switch (ii) {
	case 0: // --- L1 ---
	  new_obs->L1P = *obsVal / LAMBDA_1;
	  new_obs->slip_cnt_L1   = corr->lock1;
	case 1: // --- L2 ---
	  new_obs->L2P = *obsVal / LAMBDA_2;
	  new_obs->slip_cnt_L2   = corr->lock2;
	case 2: // --- C1 / P1 ---
	  if ( corr->Pind1 )
	    new_obs->P1 = *obsVal;
	    new_obs->C1 = *obsVal;
	case 3: // --- C2 / P2 ---
	  if ( corr->Pind2 )
	    new_obs->P2 = *obsVal;
	    new_obs->C2 = *obsVal;
      else if ( IODcorr != 0 ) {
        ostringstream msg;
        msg << obsT << ':' << setw(3) << IODcorr;
    } // loop over frequencies
    // Error report
    if ( missingIOD.size() ) {
      ostringstream missingIODstr;

      copy(missingIOD.begin(), missingIOD.end(), ostream_iterator<string>(missingIODstr, "   "));

      errmsg.push_back("missing eph for " + PRN + " , IODs " + missingIODstr.str());

    // Store new observation
    if ( new_obs ) {
      delete new_obs;