1 | #!/usr/bin/env perl
2 |
3 | # ========================================================================
4 | # bncLogstash.pl
5 | # ========================================================================
6 | #
7 | # Purpose: Reads BNC's logfile and converts the parsed metrics to InfluxDB
8 | # line protocol.
9 | #
10 | # Author : Erwin Wiesensarter, April-2016
11 | # Revision: $Header: branches/BNC_2.13/scripts/bncLogstash.pl 9627 2022-02-21 09:07:55Z wiese $
12 | # ========================================================================
13 |
14 | # Uses
15 | use strict;
16 | use warnings;
17 |
18 | BEGIN {
19 | use FindBin qw($Bin);
20 | use lib "$Bin";
21 | }
22 |
23 | use FindBin qw($Bin);
24 | use Getopt::Long;
25 | use File::Basename;
26 | use File::Spec::Functions;
27 | use List::MoreUtils qw(any uniq);
28 | use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
29 | use Time::Piece 1.30;
30 | use Data::Dumper;
31 | use POSIX qw(uname);
32 |
33 | # BKG Perl libs
34 | use Bnc;
35 | use Common;
36 |
37 | # Logging
38 | Log::Log4perl->easy_init(
39 | {
40 | layout => '%d [%c] %p: %m%n', # '[%F{1}-%L-%M]: %m%n'
41 | level => $DEBUG # $TRACE $INFO
42 | }
43 | );
44 |
45 | # Options
46 | my $bncConf = {};
47 | my ($home) = glob "~";
48 | my $corrMount = "n/a";
49 | my $now = Time::Piece->new;
50 | my ($prog) = fileparse($0);
51 | my $hostname = (uname)[1];
52 | my $influx_db = 'realtime';
53 |
54 | # Args
55 | my $help = 0;
56 | my $fromBeginning = 0;
57 | my $bncConfFile = "";
58 | my $intv = 5; # each epoch (default)
59 | my $pppScene = 0;
60 | my $output = "influx";
61 | my @tags = ();
62 |
63 | GetOptions(
64 | 'help' => \$help,
65 | 'from-begin' => \$fromBeginning,
66 | 'conf=s' => \$bncConfFile,
67 | 'intv=s' => \$intv,
68 | 'scene=s' => \$pppScene,
69 | 'output=s' => \$output,
70 | 'tags=s' => \@tags,
71 | );
72 |
73 | HELP_MESSAGE() if $help;
74 |
75 | if ( $output && !( $output =~ /influx/i ) ) { LOGDIE "Undefined output \"$output\"\n", HELP_MESSAGE() }
76 | $output = lc $output;
77 | $bncConfFile || LOGDIE( "Please set option \"conf\".\n", HELP_MESSAGE() );
78 | if ( $bncConfFile && !-s $bncConfFile ) {
79 | my $bncConfFile1 = catfile( $home, $bncConfFile );
80 | if ( -s $bncConfFile1 ) { $bncConfFile = $bncConfFile1 }
81 | else { LOGDIE "BNC config file \"$bncConfFile\" does not exist\n" }
82 | }
83 | my %tags = ();
84 | foreach (@tags) {
85 | s/^\s*//;
86 | s/\s+$//;
87 | my ( $k, $v ) = split ( /\s*=\s*/, $_, 2 );
88 | $tags{$k} = $v;
89 | }
90 |
91 | INFO ">>>>> Start $prog $bncConfFile ..";
92 |
93 | # Should only run once
94 | # TODO checks args for that
95 | Common::isAlreadyRunning() && LOGDIE "Job is already running! Exit\n";
96 |
97 | # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
98 | # Parse BNC config file
99 | # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
100 | $bncConf = Bnc::parseConfig($bncConfFile); # cmbMethod dataSource ?
101 | $corrMount = $bncConf->{'PPP'}->{'corrMount'};
102 | my $bncLogFile = $bncConf->{'General'}->{'logFile'};
103 | my $date = getLogFileDate($now);
104 | $bncLogFile .= "_$date"; # -> *_160425
105 |
106 | -s "$bncLogFile" || LOGDIE("logfile \"$bncLogFile\" does not exist. Exit\n");
107 | my ( $logFilName, $logFilDir ) = fileparse($bncLogFile);
108 |
109 | my $mpts_def = $bncConf->{'General'}->{'mountPoints_parsed'};
110 | my %mpLookup = map { $_->{'mp'}, $_->{'caster'} } @$mpts_def;
111 |
112 | # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
113 | # Select and parse BNC logfile
114 | # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
115 | my $data = Bnc::parseLogfile( $bncLogFile, $intv, !$fromBeginning );
116 | my @EPOCHS = @{ $data->{'EPOCHS'} };
117 | my @sites = map { $_->{'site'} } @EPOCHS;
118 | @sites = uniq @sites;
119 | my $nof_epochs = scalar @EPOCHS;
120 |
121 | my @latencies = @{ $data->{'LATENCIES'} };
122 | my @restarts = @{ $data->{'RESTARTS'} };
123 |
124 | # Some output
125 | DEBUG( "\n> output : $output\n> BNC conf : $bncConfFile"
126 | . "\n> BNC lfile: $bncLogFile\n> sampling : $intv\n> PPP-Scene: $pppScene"
127 | . "\n> Sites : @sites\n> #epochs : $nof_epochs\n> tags : @tags"
128 | . "\n> Latencies: "
129 | . scalar @latencies
130 | . "\n> Restarts : "
131 | . scalar @restarts );
132 |
133 | if ( $nof_epochs < 1 && scalar @latencies < 1 ) {
134 | INFO "No epochs or latencies found. Do nothing";
135 | exit 0;
136 | }
137 |
138 | # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
139 | # Reformat data
140 | # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
141 | my @data_influxFormated = ();
142 |
143 | # Epochs
144 | my $rcd = {};
145 | foreach (@EPOCHS) {
146 | next if ( $_->{'dN'} == 0 || $_->{'dU'} == 0 );
147 |
148 | if ( $_->{'dN'} eq '-nan' || $_->{'dU'} eq '-nan' ) {
149 | next;
150 | }
151 |
152 | # Horizontal displacement (computation not available yet in influxDB)
153 | # influxDB kann sowas "SELECT sum(value * value) FROM cpu" leider NOCH nicht!
154 | # NEU in version 1.6: math functions SQRT,POW, usw. !!
155 | my $d2d = $_->{'dN'}**2 + $_->{'dE'}**2; # Quadrat, um spaeter leichter den RMS zu berechnen
156 | my $d3d = $d2d + $_->{'dU'}**2;
157 |
158 | $rcd = {
159 | measurement => 'ppp',
160 | tags => {
161 | mp => $_->{'site'},
162 | corrMount => $corrMount || "NO", # SPP, empty geht derzeit nicht -> InfluxError
163 | caster => $mpLookup{ $_->{'site'} } || 'Unknown',
164 | host => $hostname,
165 | scene => $pppScene,
166 | clientSW => 'BNC'
167 |
168 | #pppvers => $pppvers,
169 | #bncvers => '2.12.0',
170 | },
171 | fields => {
172 | dN => $_->{'dN'} + 0.0,
173 | dE => $_->{'dE'} + 0.0,
174 | dU => $_->{'dU'} + 0.0,
175 | d2d => sprintf ( "%.5f", $d2d ),
176 | d3d => sprintf ( "%.5f", $d3d ),
177 | TRP => $_->{'TRP'} + 0.0,
178 | },
179 | time => $_->{'time'}
180 | };
181 | push ( @data_influxFormated, $rcd );
182 | }
183 |
184 | # Latencies
185 | my $lat_rcd = {};
186 | foreach (@latencies) {
187 | $lat_rcd = {
188 | measurement => 'stream_latency',
189 | tags => {
190 | mp => $_->{'mp'},
191 | type => $_->{'type'},
192 | caster => $mpLookup{ $_->{'mp'} } || 'Unknown',
193 | host => $hostname,
194 | scene => $pppScene
195 | },
196 | fields => {
197 | meanLat => $_->{'meanLat'},
198 | epochs => $_->{'epochs'},
199 | gaps => $_->{'gaps'} || 0
200 | },
201 | time => $_->{'time'}
202 | };
203 | push ( @data_influxFormated, $lat_rcd );
204 | }
205 |
206 | # BNC Starts
207 | if ($pppScene) {
208 | my $restart_rcd = {};
209 | foreach (@restarts) {
210 | $restart_rcd = {
211 | measurement => 'ppp',
212 | tags => {
213 | host => $hostname,
214 | scene => $pppScene,
215 | event => 'BNC_Start'
216 | },
217 | fields => { text => "\"BNC " . $_->{'bncvers'} . " started\"" },
218 | time => $_->{'time'}
219 | };
220 | push ( @data_influxFormated, $restart_rcd );
221 | }
222 | }
223 |
224 | # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
225 | # Output
226 | # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
227 | if ( scalar @data_influxFormated < 1 ) {
228 | INFO "No metrics found";
229 | exit 0;
230 | }
231 |
232 | # add tags from arguments
233 | foreach my $rc (@data_influxFormated) {
234 | foreach my $k ( keys %tags ) {
235 | $rc->{'tags'}->{$k} = $tags{$k};
236 | }
237 | }
238 |
239 | if ( $output =~ /influx/ ) {
240 | my ( $i, $err ) = ( 0, 0 );
241 | foreach (@data_influxFormated) {
242 | my $l = Common::toLineProtocol($_);
243 | if ($l) {
244 | print STDOUT "$l\n";
245 | $i++;
246 | }
247 | else { $err++ }
248 | }
249 | DEBUG "Lines written: $i";
250 | DEBUG "Errorneous lines: $err";
251 | }
252 | else {
253 | LOGDIE("output not supported: $output");
254 | }
255 |
256 | ##########################################################################
257 | # Select date of the logfile we want to read
258 | sub getLogFileDate {
259 | my ($tp) = @_;
260 | if ( $tp->hour == 0 && $tp->min < 5 ) { # read last day
261 | $tp -= 300;
262 | }
263 | return $tp->strftime('%y%m%d');
264 | }
265 |
266 | sub HELP_MESSAGE {
267 | print <<EOI_HILFE;
268 | $prog - reads BNC's logfile and writes metrics in formats that can be easily imported
269 | by other tools, e.g. InfluxDB.
270 |
271 | USAGE:
272 | $prog [paramter]
273 |
274 | OPTIONS:
275 | -c|--conf BNC config file for this job. Settings like PPP logpath
276 | will be parsed from that config file.
277 | Options -l and -b are not allowed together.
278 | -f|--from-begin If set, the the logfile will be read from the beginning. Default is that the logfile is tailed.
279 | -o|--output output format. So far only the InfluxDB line protocol (default).
280 | -i|--intv sampling interval in seconds that shall be used in plots;
281 | default: each epoch; for a daily logfile <30> seconds
282 | should be usefull.
283 | -t|--tags <tags> comma separeted list of tags in format key=value,key2=value.
284 | -s|--scene PPP scene number or identifier.
285 | -h|--help show help contents.
286 |
288 | $prog --conf path/to/BNC.bnc -i 5 -s 24 -f 2>bnc.err
289 | $prog --conf path/to/BNC.bnc -o influx -t proj=cost,name=Tim 2>bnc.err
290 |
291 | Copyright (c) 2016 BKG Frankfurt <erwin.wiesensarter\@bkg.bund.de>
293 | exit;
294 | }