#!/usr/bin/env perl # ======================================================================== # bncLogstash.pl # ======================================================================== # # Purpose: Reads BNC's logfile and converts the parsed metrics to InfluxDB # line protocol. # # Author : Erwin Wiesensarter, April-2016 # Revision: $Header: branches/BNC_2.13.beta/scripts/bncLogstash.pl 9627 2022-02-21 09:07:55Z wiese $ # ======================================================================== # Uses use strict; use warnings; BEGIN { use FindBin qw($Bin); use lib "$Bin"; } use FindBin qw($Bin); use Getopt::Long; use File::Basename; use File::Spec::Functions; use List::MoreUtils qw(any uniq); use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy); use Time::Piece 1.30; use Data::Dumper; use POSIX qw(uname); # BKG Perl libs use Bnc; use Common; # Logging Log::Log4perl->easy_init( { layout => '%d [%c] %p: %m%n', # '[%F{1}-%L-%M]: %m%n' level => $DEBUG # $TRACE $INFO } ); # Options my $bncConf = {}; my ($home) = glob "~"; my $corrMount = "n/a"; my $now = Time::Piece->new; my ($prog) = fileparse($0); my $hostname = (uname)[1]; my $influx_db = 'realtime'; # Args my $help = 0; my $fromBeginning = 0; my $bncConfFile = ""; my $intv = 5; # each epoch (default) my $pppScene = 0; my $output = "influx"; my @tags = (); GetOptions( 'help' => \$help, 'from-begin' => \$fromBeginning, 'conf=s' => \$bncConfFile, 'intv=s' => \$intv, 'scene=s' => \$pppScene, 'output=s' => \$output, 'tags=s' => \@tags, ); HELP_MESSAGE() if $help; if ( $output && !( $output =~ /influx/i ) ) { LOGDIE "Undefined output \"$output\"\n", HELP_MESSAGE() } $output = lc $output; $bncConfFile || LOGDIE( "Please set option \"conf\".\n", HELP_MESSAGE() ); if ( $bncConfFile && !-s $bncConfFile ) { my $bncConfFile1 = catfile( $home, $bncConfFile ); if ( -s $bncConfFile1 ) { $bncConfFile = $bncConfFile1 } else { LOGDIE "BNC config file \"$bncConfFile\" does not exist\n" } } my %tags = (); foreach (@tags) { s/^\s*//; s/\s+$//; my ( $k, $v ) = split ( /\s*=\s*/, $_, 2 ); $tags{$k} = $v; } INFO ">>>>> Start $prog $bncConfFile .."; # Should only run once # TODO checks args for that Common::isAlreadyRunning() && LOGDIE "Job is already running! Exit\n"; # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Parse BNC config file # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- $bncConf = Bnc::parseConfig($bncConfFile); # cmbMethod dataSource ? $corrMount = $bncConf->{'PPP'}->{'corrMount'}; my $bncLogFile = $bncConf->{'General'}->{'logFile'}; my $date = getLogFileDate($now); $bncLogFile .= "_$date"; # -> *_160425 -s "$bncLogFile" || LOGDIE("logfile \"$bncLogFile\" does not exist. Exit\n"); my ( $logFilName, $logFilDir ) = fileparse($bncLogFile); my $mpts_def = $bncConf->{'General'}->{'mountPoints_parsed'}; my %mpLookup = map { $_->{'mp'}, $_->{'caster'} } @$mpts_def; # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Select and parse BNC logfile # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- my $data = Bnc::parseLogfile( $bncLogFile, $intv, !$fromBeginning ); my @EPOCHS = @{ $data->{'EPOCHS'} }; my @sites = map { $_->{'site'} } @EPOCHS; @sites = uniq @sites; my $nof_epochs = scalar @EPOCHS; my @latencies = @{ $data->{'LATENCIES'} }; my @restarts = @{ $data->{'RESTARTS'} }; # Some output DEBUG( "\n> output : $output\n> BNC conf : $bncConfFile" . "\n> BNC lfile: $bncLogFile\n> sampling : $intv\n> PPP-Scene: $pppScene" . "\n> Sites : @sites\n> #epochs : $nof_epochs\n> tags : @tags" . "\n> Latencies: " . scalar @latencies . "\n> Restarts : " . scalar @restarts ); if ( $nof_epochs < 1 && scalar @latencies < 1 ) { INFO "No epochs or latencies found. Do nothing"; exit 0; } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Reformat data # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- my @data_influxFormated = (); # Epochs my $rcd = {}; foreach (@EPOCHS) { next if ( $_->{'dN'} == 0 || $_->{'dU'} == 0 ); if ( $_->{'dN'} eq '-nan' || $_->{'dU'} eq '-nan' ) { next; } # Horizontal displacement (computation not available yet in influxDB) # influxDB kann sowas "SELECT sum(value * value) FROM cpu" leider NOCH nicht! # NEU in version 1.6: math functions SQRT,POW, usw. !! my $d2d = $_->{'dN'}**2 + $_->{'dE'}**2; # Quadrat, um spaeter leichter den RMS zu berechnen my $d3d = $d2d + $_->{'dU'}**2; $rcd = { measurement => 'ppp', tags => { mp => $_->{'site'}, corrMount => $corrMount || "NO", # SPP, empty geht derzeit nicht -> InfluxError caster => $mpLookup{ $_->{'site'} } || 'Unknown', host => $hostname, scene => $pppScene, clientSW => 'BNC' #pppvers => $pppvers, #bncvers => '2.12.0', }, fields => { dN => $_->{'dN'} + 0.0, dE => $_->{'dE'} + 0.0, dU => $_->{'dU'} + 0.0, d2d => sprintf ( "%.5f", $d2d ), d3d => sprintf ( "%.5f", $d3d ), TRP => $_->{'TRP'} + 0.0, }, time => $_->{'time'} }; push ( @data_influxFormated, $rcd ); } # Latencies my $lat_rcd = {}; foreach (@latencies) { $lat_rcd = { measurement => 'stream_latency', tags => { mp => $_->{'mp'}, type => $_->{'type'}, caster => $mpLookup{ $_->{'mp'} } || 'Unknown', host => $hostname, scene => $pppScene }, fields => { meanLat => $_->{'meanLat'}, epochs => $_->{'epochs'}, gaps => $_->{'gaps'} || 0 }, time => $_->{'time'} }; push ( @data_influxFormated, $lat_rcd ); } # BNC Starts if ($pppScene) { my $restart_rcd = {}; foreach (@restarts) { $restart_rcd = { measurement => 'ppp', tags => { host => $hostname, scene => $pppScene, event => 'BNC_Start' }, fields => { text => "\"BNC " . $_->{'bncvers'} . " started\"" }, time => $_->{'time'} }; push ( @data_influxFormated, $restart_rcd ); } } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Output # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( scalar @data_influxFormated < 1 ) { INFO "No metrics found"; exit 0; } # add tags from arguments foreach my $rc (@data_influxFormated) { foreach my $k ( keys %tags ) { $rc->{'tags'}->{$k} = $tags{$k}; } } if ( $output =~ /influx/ ) { my ( $i, $err ) = ( 0, 0 ); foreach (@data_influxFormated) { my $l = Common::toLineProtocol($_); if ($l) { print STDOUT "$l\n"; $i++; } else { $err++ } } DEBUG "Lines written: $i"; DEBUG "Errorneous lines: $err"; } else { LOGDIE("output not supported: $output"); } ########################################################################## # Select date of the logfile we want to read sub getLogFileDate { my ($tp) = @_; if ( $tp->hour == 0 && $tp->min < 5 ) { # read last day $tp -= 300; } return $tp->strftime('%y%m%d'); } sub HELP_MESSAGE { print < seconds should be usefull. -t|--tags comma separeted list of tags in format key=value,key2=value. -s|--scene PPP scene number or identifier. -h|--help show help contents. EXAMPLES: $prog --conf path/to/BNC.bnc -i 5 -s 24 -f 2>bnc.err $prog --conf path/to/BNC.bnc -o influx -t proj=cost,name=Tim 2>bnc.err Copyright (c) 2016 BKG Frankfurt EOI_HILFE exit; }