1 | # Changelog
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3 | ## 2.13.0 (2023-12-01)
4 | - ADDED: **RINEX Version 4 Support** (in navigation files currently the EPH message type is considerred only)
5 | - ADDED: **PPP Client Upgrade**
6 | - ADDED: Multi-GNSS-PPP using uncombined code and/or phase data of two frequencies
7 | - ADDED: Multi-GNSS-PPP using uncombined code and/or phase data of one frequency
8 | - ADDED: Ionospheric constraints in form of pseudo observations can be added
9 | - ADDED: **Ntrip Version 2.0 Upload including TLS**
10 | - ADDED: **Multi-GNSS Satellite Clock Combination**
11 | - ADDED: Individual code biases will be considerred befor satellite clock are combined
12 | - ADDED: Satellite clock combination result includes code biases
13 | - ADDED: Ephemerides upload for different systems in parallel
14 | - ADDED: **Multi-GNSS SP3, Clock RINEX and SINEX Bias** support
15 | - ADDED: QC multipath analysis for more than two signals
16 | - ADDED: Transition from Qt4 to **Qt5**
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19 | ## 2.12.19 (2022-04-04)
20 | - CHANGED: Minimum combination sampling interval
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22 | ## 2.12.18 (2021-09-28)
23 | - ADDED (13.07.2021): Satellite antenna phase center correction
24 | - FIXED (14.05.2021): Bug in ephemeris check
25 | - CHANGED (06.05.2021): Some OSM updates to force https usage and another crossOriginKeyword
26 | - CHANGED (05.07.2021): Signal usage in BDS PPP
27 |
28 | ## 2.12.17 (2021-04-20)
29 | - ADDED (11.03.2021): One more line with satellite health flags for the GLONASS navigation messag as defiend in RINEX v. 3.05
30 | - FIXED (25.03.2021): Bug in SSR GLONASS upload
31 | - FIXED (17.03.2021): Redundant output concerning unhealthy satellites
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33 | ## 2.12.16 (2021-02-25)
34 | - FIXED (18.12.2020): Bug in IRNSS ephemeris encoding / decoding
35 | - FIXED (10.12.2020): Bug in RTCM3coDecoder regrading SSR format
36 | - FIXED (04.12.2020): Bug regarding consideration of incomming ephemerides
37 | - FIXED (04.12.2020): Small bugfix regarding latency check
38 | - FIXED (01.12.2020): relativistic effects are adapted with respect
39 | to the respective GNSS ICD
40 | - FIXED (25.11.2020): Small bugfix regarding the generation of combined
41 | SSR orbit and clock messages
42 | - FIXED (24.11.2020): Bugfixes within ephemeris check
43 | - CHANGED (12.11.2020): a priori coordinates within examples are updated
44 | - CHANGED (23.11.2020): changes to prevent erroneous ephemeris data sets
45 | from usage in combination
46 | - CHANGED (25.11.2020): Small format adaptations regarding latency check
47 | - CHANGED (26.11.2020): Range of MSM messages enlarged to 1237
48 | - CHANGED (10.11.2020): PPP map now with OSM only
49 | - ADDED (11.11.2020): Check to prevent the same eph data sets with different TOC values
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51 | ## 2.12.15 (2020-11-10)
52 | - FIXED (03.11.2020): cleanup of the example configurations
53 | - ADDED (31.10.2020): ephemeris checks and related debugging output
54 | - ADDED (22.10.2020): check if orbit and clock corrections are out of range
55 | - FIXED (29.09.2020): small bugfixes regading long mountpoint names
56 | in latency check and latency plots,
57 | - FIXED (29.09.2020): debug output deleted
58 | - FIXED (29.09.2020): bug in clock rinex header line
59 | - CHANGED (21.09.2020): cleanup of the relativistic effects w.r.t. IGS-SSR
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61 | ## 2.12.14 (2020-09-04)
62 | - CHANGED (02.09.2020): feed engine output format,
63 | Lock Time Indicator is replaced by Cycle Slip Counter
64 | - ADDED (27.08.2020): encoding and decoding of IGS-SSR messages
65 | - ADDED (24.07.2020): B2b/7D BDS in signal mapping for MSM
66 | - CHANGED (24.07.2020): IRNSS experimental in official ephemeris message number
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68 | ## 2.12.13 (2020-06-09)
69 | - CHANGED (08.06.2020): BDS SSR IOD is changed from WTZR00DEU_U_20203430000_01D_01S.ppp24 into 8 bit with respect
70 | to RTCM SSR proposal version 08
71 | - CHANGED (08.06.2020): BDS and QZSS SSR signal and tracking mode is adapted
72 | with respect to RTCM SSR proposal version 08
73 | - FIXED (30.04.2020): QZSS fit Interval is specified as flag in RINEX 3.04
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75 | ## 2.12.12 (2020-01-21)
76 | - ADDED (21.11.2019): GPS and QZSS fit Interval in hours
77 | - CHANGED (20.11.2019): Epehmeris check
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79 | ## 2.12.11 (2019-11-08)
80 | - CHANGED: Harmonization of RTCM3 Signal ID Mapping and RTCM SSR Signal and
81 | Tracking Mode Identifiers for BDS and QZSS
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83 | ## 2.12.10 (2019-10-02)
84 | - ADDED (23.09.2019): IRNSS ephemeris support in RTCM3 Encoder
85 | - ADDED (20.09.2019): IRNSS MSM and ephemeris support in RTCM3 Decoder
86 | - CHANGED (20.09.2019): RTCM signal mapping IDs for GLONASS
87 | - CHANGED (01.10.2019): RTCM signal mapping IDs for BDS
88 | Basis: RTCM BDSWG proposal from 9/2019 as far as
89 | consistent with RINEX version 3.04
90 | - CHANGED (20.09.2019): up to 64 BDS prn codes are supported now
91 | - FIXED (20.09.2019): multiple message indicator in SSR messages
92 | - FIXED (20.09.2019): GLONASS message frame time written into RINEX files
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94 | ## 2.12.9 (2019-05-20)
95 | - FIXED (17.05.2019): method to read the RTNET data buffer
96 | - FIXED (10.05.2019): typo in rtnet2ssr transition for ssr upload
97 | - CHANGED (13.05.2019): number of possible phase biases for ssr upload
98 | are enlaged to 100
99 | - CHANGED (13.05.2019): default observation types for Galileo
100 | - CHANGED (10.05.2019): missing phase biases are added within rtnet2ssr transition for ssr upload
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102 | ## 2.12.8 (2019-05-06)
103 | - CHANGED (06.05.2019): small but fine changes within the latency checker
104 | - CHANGED (03.05.2019): Transformation parameters from ITRF2014 into DFREF91
105 | - CHANGED (30.04.2019): Transformation parameters from ITRF2014 into ETRF2000
106 | - CHANGED (26.04.2019): GLONASS ephemerides validity is now up to 2 hours.
107 | After that, they will be marked as outdated.
108 | - CHANGED (10.04.2019): Check with respect to wrong observation epochs
109 | - FIXED (29.04.2019): Bug with respect to GLONASS upload
110 | - FIXED (26.04.2019): Small Bug in NMEA output
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112 | ## 2.12.7 (2019-04-03)
113 | - ADDED (21.03.2019): Updates regarding RINEX Version 3.04
114 | - ADDED (28.02.2019): Lock time in seconds as an optional feed engine output
115 | - ADDED (27.09.2018): Possibility to request a user and password
116 | detected sourcetable
117 | - ADDED (19.09.2018): Two more polynomial coefficients of the SSR clock correction
118 | message and one more parameter to decribe the SSR URA
119 | - ADDED (11.12.2017): Decoding of receiver descriptor in MT 1033
120 | - ADDED (27.11.2017): Satellite health check
121 | - ADDED (26.10.2017): IRNSS support in RINEX QC
122 | - CHANGED (06.07.2018): Parameters for transformation of orbit and clock corrections
123 | from ITRF 2014 into ETRF2000 and DREF 91,
124 | no updated parameters for NDA83 available, hence deleted
125 | - CHANGED (28.06.2018): Allow 10 Hz observation data processing and re-sampling
126 | harmonization of BNCs re-sampling applications
127 | - CHANGED (23.03.2018): SSR SBAS and BDS satellite IDs with respect to the proposal
128 | - CHANGED (28.09.2017): Transformation of orbit and clock corrections into ETRF2000,
129 | NDA83 or DREF91 is done temporarily via ITRF2008
130 | - FIXED (29.03.2019): Bug in NMEA checksum
131 | - FIXED (25.03.2019): Bug in RINEX file concatention
132 | - FIXED (05.09.2018): Bug in RTCM3 ephemeris message for QZSS
133 | - FIXED (29.08.2018): Bug in RTCM3 ephemeris message for BDS and SBAS
134 | - FIXED (28.06.2018): RINEX version 3 filenames for re-sampled files
135 | - FIXED (11.06.2018): Bug in reqc ephemeris check
136 | - FIXED (18.05.2018): Bug in RINEX file concatenation
137 | - FIXED (18.05.2018): Bug in ephemeris upload
138 | - FIXED (29.03.2018): Bug in ephemeris check
139 | - FIXED (05.02.2018): Bug in latency check
140 | - FIXED (13.12.2017): Galileo geocentric gravitational constant is corrected
141 | - FIXED (17.11.2017): Encoding/decoding of all missing parameters in MT 1020
142 | - FIXED (23.10.2017): Bug in RTCM3 MSM Decoder
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144 | ## 2.12.6 (2017-09-26)
145 | - FIXED: GPS SSR Orbit IOD has to be GPS IODE, not IODC
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147 | ## 2.12.5 (2017-08-30)
148 | - CHANGED: RTCM message number for BDS is updated
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150 | ## 2.12.4 (2017-04-10)
151 | - CHANGED (15.02.2017): SIRGAS2000 transformation parameters adjusted to IGb14
152 | - CHANGED (10.04.2017): Transformation parameters for ITRF2005 to GDA94 removed
153 | - CHANGED (10.04.2017): Transformation parameters for ITRF2008 to SIRGAS95 removed
154 | - CHANGED (10.04.2017): Transformation parameters for ITRF2014 to GDA2020 added
155 | - FIXED (10.04.2017): Minor bugs to prevent some irregular crashes of BNC
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157 | ## 2.12.3 (2016-09-05)
158 | - ADDED (01.09.2016): Number of allowed SSR biases is enlarged, some future
159 | GLONASS signal and tracking mode identifier are added
160 | - ADDED (08.08.2016): Some informations about the data source is added as
161 | comment within the header of RINEX navigation files
162 | - ADDED (21.07.2016): Frequency specific signal priorities are added for
163 | RINEX version 3 to RINEX version 2 conversion
164 | - ADDED (29.06.2016): Consideration of provioder ID changes in SSR streams
165 | during PPP analysis
166 | - CHANGED (28.07.2016): Small adaptations in qwtpolar sources to allow a
167 | successful comilation of BNC on a Rasperry Pi
168 | - CHANGED (21.07.2016): Default signal priority list
169 | - CHANGED (08.06.2016): Weighting factor for GLONASS phase observations
170 | is now enlarged
171 | - CHANGED (27.05.2016): RINEX 2.11 ephemeris output for an unknown
172 | transmission time is set to 0.000000000000e+00
173 | - CHANGED (24.05.2016): The real satellite visibility is considered, if the
174 | expected observations are computed in RINEX QC
175 | - FIXED (12.08.2016): Check regarding wrong observation epochs is done during
176 | latency check as well to prevent erroneous latencies
177 | - FIXED (08.06.2016): Map generation from sourcetable entry
178 | - FIXED (02.06.2016): the approach how to wait for clock corrections in PPP mode,
179 | which was well proven in BNC verson 2.11 is re-implemented
180 | - FIXED (30.05.2016): Some NMEA components in PPP output are fixed:
181 | time stamp is now UTC, hDop value instead pDop value
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183 | ## 2.12.2 (2016-05-18)
184 | - ADDED (18.05.2013): Expected observations in RINEX QC
185 | - ADDED (12.05.2016): Limits for spherical harmonics/degree order extended
186 | - FIXED (12.05.2016): Wrong RINEX v2 header line excluded
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188 | ## 2.12.1 (2016-04-21)
189 | - FIXED (21.04.2016): RINEX v2 file naming for observation files
190 | - CHANGED (21.04.2016): Release number is now part of BNC version
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192 | ## 2.12.0 (2016-04-19)
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