[8282] | 1 | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[8399] | 2 | BNC VERSION 2.12.7 (??.??.2018)
[8282] | 3 | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[8399] | 4 |
[8201] | 5 | ADDED (11.12.2017): decoding of receiver descriptor in MT 1033
[8189] | 6 | ADDED (27.11.2017): satellite health check is added
[8167] | 7 | ADDED (26.10.2017): IRNSS support is added in RINEX QC
[8412] | 8 | CHANGED (06.07.2018): parameters for transformation of orbit and clock corrections
| 9 | from ITRF 2014 into ETRF2000 and DREF 91,
| 10 | no updated parameters for NDA83 available, hence deleted
[8399] | 11 | CHANGED (28.06.2018): allow 10 Hz observation data processing and re-sampling
| 12 | harmonization of BNCs re-sampling applications
| 13 | CHANGED (23.03.2018): SSR SBAS and BDS satellite IDs with respect to the proposal
[8162] | 14 | CHANGED (28.09.2017): Transformation of orbit and clock corrections into ETRF2000,
[8147] | 15 | NDA83 or DREF91 is done temporarily via ITRF2008
[8399] | 16 | FIXED (28.06.2018): RINEX version 3 filenames for re-sampled files
| 17 | FIXED (11.06.2018): Bug in reqc ephemeris check
| 18 | FIXED (18.05.2018): Bug in concatenation
| 19 | FIXED (18.05.2018): Bug in ephemeris upload
[8319] | 20 | FIXED (29.03.2018): Bug in ephemeris check
| 21 | FIXED (05.02.2018): Bug in latency check
[8282] | 22 | FIXED (13.12.2017): Galileo geocentric gravitational constant is corrected
| 23 | FIXED (17.11.2017): encoding/decoding of all missing parameters in MT 1020
| 24 | FIXED (23.10.2017): Bug in RTCM3 MSM Decoder
[8081] | 25 | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[8142] | 26 | BNC VERSION 2.12.6 (26.09.2017)
| 27 | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[8162] | 28 | FIXED (25.09.2017): GPS SSR Orbit IOD has to be GPS IODE, not IODC
[8142] | 29 | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[8138] | 30 | BNC VERSION 2.12.5 (30.08.2017)
| 31 | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[8162] | 32 | CHANGED (29.08.2017): RTCM message number for BDS is updated
[8138] | 33 | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[8108] | 34 | BNC VERSION 2.12.4 (10.04.2017)
[8081] | 35 | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[8162] | 36 | CHANGED (15.02.2017): SIRGAS2000 transformation parameters adjusted to IGb14
| 37 | CHANGED (10.04.2017): Transformation parameters for ITRF2005 to GDA94 removed
| 38 | CHANGED (10.04.2017): Transformation parameters for ITRF2008 to SIRGAS95 removed
| 39 | CHANGED (10.04.2017): Transformation parameters for ITRF2014 to GDA2020 added
| 40 | FIXED (10.04.2017): Minor bugs to prevent some irregular crashes of BNC
[8033] | 41 | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 42 | BNC VERSION 2.12.3 (05.09.2016)
| 43 | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[8030] | 44 | ADDED (01.09.2016): number of allowed SSR biases is enlarged, some future
| 45 | GLONASS signal and tracking mode identifier are added
[8002] | 46 | ADDED (08.08.2016): some informations about the data source is added as
| 47 | comment within the header of RINEX navigation files
[7982] | 48 | ADDED (21.07.2016): frequency specific signal priorities are added for
| 49 | RINEX version 3 to RINEX version 2 conversion
[7969] | 50 | ADDED (29.06.2016): consideration of provioder ID changes in SSR streams
| 51 | during PPP analysis
[8060] | 52 | CHANGED (28.07.2016): small adaptations in qwtpolar sources to allow a
| 53 | successful comilation of BNC on a Rasperry Pi
| 54 | CHANGED (21.07.2016): Default signal priority list
[7954] | 55 | CHANGED (08.06.2016): weighting factor for GLONASS phase observations
| 56 | is now enlarged
[8060] | 57 | CHANGED (27.05.2016): RINEX 2.11 ephemeris output for an unknown
| 58 | transmission time is set to 0.000000000000e+00
| 59 | CHANGED (24.05.2016): the real satellite visibility is considered, if the
| 60 | expected observations are computed in RINEX QC
| 61 | FIXED (12.08.2016): check regarding wrong observation epochs is done during
| 62 | latency check as well to prevent erroneous latencies
[7951] | 63 | FIXED (08.06.2016): map generation from sourcetable entry
[7948] | 64 | FIXED (02.06.2016): the approach how to wait for clock corrections
| 65 | in PPP mode, which was well proven in BNC verson 2.11
| 66 | is re-implemented
[7939] | 67 | FIXED (30.05.2016): some NMEA components in PPP output are fixed:
[7948] | 68 | time stamp is now UTC, hDop value instead pDop value
[7921] | 69 |
[7948] | 70 | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[7916] | 71 | BNC VERSION 2.12.2 (18.05.2016)
[7948] | 72 | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[7921] | 73 | ADDED (18.05.2013): expected observations in RINEX QC
| 74 | ADDED (12.05.2016): limits for spherical harmonics/degree order extended
| 75 | FIXED (12.05.2016): wrong RINEX v2 header line excluded
[7896] | 76 |
[7948] | 77 | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[7885] | 78 | BNC VERSION 2.12.1 (21.04.2016)
[7948] | 79 | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[7885] | 80 | FIXED (21.04.2016): RINEX v2 file naming for observation files
| 81 | CHANGED (21.04.2016): release number is now part of BNC version
| 82 |
[7948] | 83 | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[7885] | 84 | BNC VERSION 2.12.0 (19.04.2016)
[7948] | 85 | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[7885] | 86 |
| 87 |