/* -*- mode: C++ ; c-file-style: "stroustrup" -*- ***************************** * Qwt Widget Library * Copyright (C) 1997 Josef Wilgen * Copyright (C) 2002 Uwe Rathmann * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the Qwt License, Version 1.0 *****************************************************************************/ #ifndef QWT_INTERVAL_H #define QWT_INTERVAL_H #include "qwt_global.h" #ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG_STREAM #include <qdebug.h> #endif /*! \brief A class representing an interval The interval is represented by 2 doubles, the lower and the upper limit. */ class QWT_EXPORT QwtInterval { public: /*! Flag indicating if a border is included or excluded \sa setBorderFlags(), borderFlags() */ enum BorderFlag { //! Min/Max values are inside the interval IncludeBorders = 0x00, //! Min value is not included in the interval ExcludeMinimum = 0x01, //! Max value is not included in the interval ExcludeMaximum = 0x02, //! Min/Max values are not included in the interval ExcludeBorders = ExcludeMinimum | ExcludeMaximum }; //! Border flags typedef QFlags<BorderFlag> BorderFlags; QwtInterval(); QwtInterval( double minValue, double maxValue, BorderFlags = IncludeBorders ); void setInterval( double minValue, double maxValue, BorderFlags = IncludeBorders ); QwtInterval normalized() const; QwtInterval inverted() const; QwtInterval limited( double minValue, double maxValue ) const; bool operator==( const QwtInterval & ) const; bool operator!=( const QwtInterval & ) const; void setBorderFlags( BorderFlags ); BorderFlags borderFlags() const; double minValue() const; double maxValue() const; double width() const; void setMinValue( double ); void setMaxValue( double ); bool contains( double value ) const; bool intersects( const QwtInterval & ) const; QwtInterval intersect( const QwtInterval & ) const; QwtInterval unite( const QwtInterval & ) const; QwtInterval operator|( const QwtInterval & ) const; QwtInterval operator&( const QwtInterval & ) const; QwtInterval &operator|=( const QwtInterval & ); QwtInterval &operator&=( const QwtInterval & ); QwtInterval extend( double value ) const; QwtInterval operator|( double ) const; QwtInterval &operator|=( double ); bool isValid() const; bool isNull() const; void invalidate(); QwtInterval symmetrize( double value ) const; private: double d_minValue; double d_maxValue; BorderFlags d_borderFlags; }; Q_DECLARE_TYPEINFO(QwtInterval, Q_MOVABLE_TYPE); /*! \brief Default Constructor Creates an invalid interval [0.0, -1.0] \sa setInterval(), isValid() */ inline QwtInterval::QwtInterval(): d_minValue( 0.0 ), d_maxValue( -1.0 ), d_borderFlags( IncludeBorders ) { } /*! Constructor Build an interval with from min/max values \param minValue Minimum value \param maxValue Maximum value \param borderFlags Include/Exclude borders */ inline QwtInterval::QwtInterval( double minValue, double maxValue, BorderFlags borderFlags ): d_minValue( minValue ), d_maxValue( maxValue ), d_borderFlags( borderFlags ) { } /*! Assign the limits of the interval \param minValue Minimum value \param maxValue Maximum value \param borderFlags Include/Exclude borders */ inline void QwtInterval::setInterval( double minValue, double maxValue, BorderFlags borderFlags ) { d_minValue = minValue; d_maxValue = maxValue; d_borderFlags = borderFlags; } /*! Change the border flags \param borderFlags Or'd BorderMode flags \sa borderFlags() */ inline void QwtInterval::setBorderFlags( BorderFlags borderFlags ) { d_borderFlags = borderFlags; } /*! \return Border flags \sa setBorderFlags() */ inline QwtInterval::BorderFlags QwtInterval::borderFlags() const { return d_borderFlags; } /*! Assign the lower limit of the interval \param minValue Minimum value */ inline void QwtInterval::setMinValue( double minValue ) { d_minValue = minValue; } /*! Assign the upper limit of the interval \param maxValue Maximum value */ inline void QwtInterval::setMaxValue( double maxValue ) { d_maxValue = maxValue; } //! \return Lower limit of the interval inline double QwtInterval::minValue() const { return d_minValue; } //! \return Upper limit of the interval inline double QwtInterval::maxValue() const { return d_maxValue; } /*! Return the width of an interval The width of invalid intervals is 0.0, otherwise the result is maxValue() - minValue(). \sa isValid() */ inline double QwtInterval::width() const { return isValid() ? ( d_maxValue - d_minValue ) : 0.0; } /*! Intersection of two intervals \sa intersect() */ inline QwtInterval QwtInterval::operator&( const QwtInterval &interval ) const { return intersect( interval ); } /*! Union of two intervals \sa unite() */ inline QwtInterval QwtInterval::operator|( const QwtInterval &interval ) const { return unite( interval ); } //! Compare two intervals inline bool QwtInterval::operator==( const QwtInterval &other ) const { return ( d_minValue == other.d_minValue ) && ( d_maxValue == other.d_maxValue ) && ( d_borderFlags == other.d_borderFlags ); } //! Compare two intervals inline bool QwtInterval::operator!=( const QwtInterval &other ) const { return ( !( *this == other ) ); } /*! Extend an interval \param value Value \return Extended interval \sa extend() */ inline QwtInterval QwtInterval::operator|( double value ) const { return extend( value ); } //! \return true, if isValid() && (minValue() >= maxValue()) inline bool QwtInterval::isNull() const { return isValid() && d_minValue >= d_maxValue; } /*! A interval is valid when minValue() <= maxValue(). In case of QwtInterval::ExcludeBorders it is true when minValue() < maxValue() */ inline bool QwtInterval::isValid() const { if ( ( d_borderFlags & ExcludeBorders ) == 0 ) return d_minValue <= d_maxValue; else return d_minValue < d_maxValue; } /*! Invalidate the interval The limits are set to interval [0.0, -1.0] \sa isValid() */ inline void QwtInterval::invalidate() { d_minValue = 0.0; d_maxValue = -1.0; } Q_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS( QwtInterval::BorderFlags ) #ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG_STREAM QWT_EXPORT QDebug operator<<( QDebug, const QwtInterval & ); #endif #endif