Todo's sorted by priority: BNS ========================= (1) Check transformation from earth-centered-earth-fixed to radial-tangential-normal frame in bnsutils.cpp. Should follow Gerhards paper 012-2009-SC104-528. (2) Zero Clock Corrections Loukis wishes to have one stream (for combination purposes) which provides the original clocks from the BE (no corrections). We also may need such a stream as soon as we start with the absolute clocks. Reason: At some point in time we may want to compare our clocks with the IGS clocks. If we have "BE clocks" (2nd order relativistic effect taken out) we could add our absolute clocks and end up with clocks we can compare with IGS clocks. I remember that we once implemented a hard-coded option for that in bns.cpp for Gerhard Wuebbena. I have added the solution for Gerhard as comment lines to bns.cpp, see lines 385 ff. To send zero clock corrections (BE clocks) I have added options "beClocks1" and "beClocks2" (for Broadcast Clocks) to BNS. Shall we discuss this on the phone if you are not convinced? BNC & BNS & RTNet ========================= (1) Update to new version of clock_orbit_rtcm.c done in BNC and BNS. However, both run in "OLD" mode, see DEFINES += OLD in and Main issue: Introduction of new messages for URA and high-rate clocks. BNC ========================= (1) If "Requested data not found." is received in addition to "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found" when mounpoint is unavailable, this is not understood as a NetworkError in bncnetqueryv2. (2) NMEA "Auto" (send NMEA streams from rover to caster) not yet implemented. (3) "Append files" options allways appends. (4) Pure UDP protocol not yet implemented. (5) GW: Keep an eye on