Changeset 7864 in ntrip for trunk/BNC/src

Apr 12, 2016, 10:32:18 AM (9 years ago)

minor changes regarding skl file names

2 edited


  • trunk/BNC/src/bncrinex.cpp

    r7863 r7864  
    324324  QString sklExt = settings.value("rnxSkel").toString();
    325325  if (!sklExt.isEmpty()) {
     326    if (sklExt.indexOf("skl",0, Qt::CaseSensitive) != -1)  {
     327      ID4 = ID4.toLower();
     328    } else if (sklExt.indexOf("SKL",0, Qt::CaseSensitive) != -1) {
     329      ID4 = ID4.toUpper();
     330    }
    326331    _sklName = path + ID4 + distStr + "." + sklExt;
    327     if (sklExt.indexOf("skl",0, Qt::CaseSensitive) != -1)  {
    328       _sklName = _sklName.toLower();
    329     } else {
    330       _sklName = _sklName.toUpper();
    331     }
    332332  }
  • trunk/BNC/src/bncwindow.cpp

    r7860 r7864  
    12491249  _rnxIntrComboBox->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Select the length of the RINEX Observation file.</p>"));
    12501250  _rnxSamplSpinBox->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Select the RINEX Observation sampling interval in seconds.</p><p>A value of zero '0' tells BNC to store all received epochs into RINEX Observation files.</p>"));
    1251   _rnxSkelLineEdit->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>BNC allows using personal RINEX skeleton files that contain the RINEX header records you would like to include. You can derive a skeleton file from information given in an up to date sitelog.</p><p>A file in the RINEX Observations 'Directory' with a 'Skeleton extension' suffix is interpreted by BNC as a personal RINEX header skeleton file for the corresponding stream.</p>"));
     1251  _rnxSkelLineEdit->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>BNC allows using personal RINEX skeleton files that contain the RINEX header records you would like to include. You can derive a skeleton file from information given in an up to date sitelog.</p><p>A file in the RINEX Observations 'Directory' with a 'Skeleton extension' skl or SKL is interpreted by BNC as a personal RINEX header skeleton file for the corresponding stream. In case of 'SKL'/'skl' the 4-char ID forming the base name has to be written in upper/lower cases. </p>"));
    12521252  _rnxFileCheckBox->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Tick check box 'Skeleton mandatory' in case you want that RINEX files are only produced if skeleton files are available for BNC. If no skeleton file is available for a particular source then no RINEX Observation file will be produced from the affected stream.</p><p>Note that a skeleton file contains RINEX header information such as receiver and antenna types. In case of stream conversion to RINEX Version 3, a skeleton file should also contain information on potentially available observation types. A missing skeleton file will therefore enforce BNC to only save a default set of RINEX 3 observation types.</p>"));
    12531253  _rnxScrpLineEdit->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Whenever a RINEX Observation file is finally saved, you may want to compress, copy or upload it immediately, for example via FTP. BNC allows you to execute a script/batch file to carry out such operation.</p><p>Specify the full path of a script or batch file. BNC will pass the full RINEX Observation file path to the script as command line parameter (%1 on Windows systems, $1 on Unix/Linux/Mac systems).</p>"));
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